"If I Was Any Better, I'd Be Twins!" - A Diabolical, Divalicious September '24 Solo Trip *FINISHED! 02/28*

Wrapping it Up at Universal + Sanaa
As I was heading back to Hollywood Boulevard, I popped my head back into DreamWorks Land to see if Shrek, Donkey, & Fiona were meeting – they were actually just wrapping things up, so I kept it moving.

I got to Hollywood Boulevard to find my spot for the parade and Beetlejuice was meeting guests, so I decided to say hi to him while I was waiting.


I stood on the sidewalk just a few feet away from the gate where the parade kicks off and set up camp for the Mega Movie Parade.

I mentioned on my PTR that this Parade was really the deciding factor on my great “To-Visit-Universal-or-To-Not-Visit-Universal” debate. I don’t really usually pay attention to parades or stage shows, but for some reason, I just fell in love with this one! Mega Movie Parade debuted in July and features a lot of classic Universal & Dreamworks films – Ghostbusters, Jaws, Trolls, Minions, Back to the Future, and Kung-Fu Panda. All of the floats and characters were executed in really fun, exciting ways that compelled me to see it in person. No shade to Disney, but Walt Disney World has really been lacking this type of creativity in their shows and (lack of) parades lately.

This parade was so. much. fun!!!




I’m really glad I made it a priority to watch Mega Movie Parade while I was at Universal. It was cool in the videos I saw, but what makes this parade so much fun is how so many of the characters walking the route go out of their way to interact with everyone and make them feel like they’re part of the movie. For example: Chief Body from Jaws and I had a conversation about how bad the shark situation in Amity is. It was one of the highlights of my day! The Ghostbusters unit had similar characters and even the dancers from other units were hyping everyone up and getting them excited for the floats ahead. If you love Ghostbusters or Jaws, you definitely can’t miss this one – like, when will you ever get to talk to Janine Melnitz or Chief Brody ever again?

The only thing that I noticed was that, like seemingly everything else at Universal today, things were missing/modified from Mega Movie Parade. The entire Trolls unit was MIA, a Minion was missing from their unit, and the Mayor from Jaws was missing, too. It wasn’t heartbreaking, and I guess I can’t really complain because 45% of Festival of Fantasy has been missing since 2020. It’s just one of those things you’ll notice when you visit the parks during HHN season because, again, HHN moves TM resources around in ways that impact park operations during the day.

I was pretty tapped out after the Parade. I did the “big things” I wanted to accomplish today and it was now 3 o’clock, so I figured I should probably get going before the HHN crowds started mixing with the day crowds.

I was really hungry at this point, but I didn’t really want to deal with the crowds at the restaurants in the park, so I decided I’d eat somewhere at CityWalk. I popped into the Studios Store at the front of the park to get some keychains for the family, but I didn’t really see anything else that compelled me, so I left pretty quickly. I was very hungry at this point, and I wanted something quick, so I headed up the CityWalk stairs and got a burger from the BK Whopper Bar. No pictures. Imagine, if you will… a Whopper. That was what I had. It was your standard Whopper.

I had to walk past VooDoo Donuts again on my walk to Hard Rock Hotel where I’d catch an Uber, so I decided at the last second to make a “yolo” moment and buy a few more donuts to bring back to the hotel room. There was a cereal donut, a peanut butter/oreo donut, and I forget what that long guy at the bottom was – it said “RIP” and I think it had some type of boston creme filling. I didn't eat all of them, but they were just fun to have in the hotel room to sneak in a few bites late at night/the next day while I was spending more time at the hotel.


Catching a Lyft from Hard Rock Hotel was a tip I picked up from another DIS user (thanks, @Lynne G !) It did require a little bit of walking, which proved to be challenging with arms full of Universal merchandise bags and a flimsy box of donuts that kept trying to open up, but maybe ~15 minutes later I made it to the front of the hotel and called the Lyft. So easy. 5 minutes later I was on the way back to DAKL, and about half an hour later I was finally home sweet home.

When I got back to DAKL, I decided to head to the pool for a little while. Swam around in the big pool. Relaxed in the hot tub. Dried off while watching the flamingos. Same old, same old. I loved this pool area.

I had a late seating at Sanaa that night, so I had plenty of time to relax, shower and get ready. I took the shuttle from Jambo to Kidani village, the details are fuzzy but I probably got there closer to 7:40 for my 7:55 reservation. I checked in on my phone and spent a few minutes watching the animals of the Kidani savannah.



I got brought to my table and the restaurant was very, very busy tonight. I was seated in the middle of the crowded dining room and nearly immediately my waitress took my drink order. I love a mango lassi moment, so that’s what I ordered tonight. Very lovely Mango flavor, but didn’t have the interesting spices from the mango lassi I drank at Food & Wine Festival that week.


Being that I was dining at Sanaa tonight, I wanted to try the bread service. This is a big dish and made for two people (or, honestly, 3-4), so I was a little worried about ordering it for just myself, but my waitress recommended it almost as soon as I sat down, so that put me at ease. The signature bread service here is a collection of naans and other flatbreads, paired with an array of different chutneys and sauces to try with them.


I wrote in my notes that this was “excellent,” but I don’t have a ton of notes about it. The breads were definitely all warm and fresh, the garlic naan (I believe this was on top) was definitely a favorite of mine. None of the sauces really “wow”ed me and I forgot what most of them were as soon as my waitress walked away from the table, but I remember having a tamarind one that I quite enjoyed. I tried little bits and pieces of everything which was the most fun part – seeing what the best combinations could be.

For my main entree, the Potjie Inspired dinner. You choose a meat-based entree from “The Journey” and a plant-based side from “the Harvest.” I had the Butter Chicken and Chickpea Wat.


The Butter Chicken was outstanding. Yes, it was very flavorful and flagrant, but the chicken was also moist and succulent – it’s so hard to find Butter Chicken that isn’t super dry where I live! The Chickpea Wat was just okay. Not really sure how to describe this one. It was sweet, it was bright… I had no expectations for this, I wasn’t really sure what to order so my waitress recommended this one. I had a spoonful or two and said “Yup, this is enough.”

I was full and it had been a big day, so I promptly caught the shuttle back to Jambo House and went to bed early-ish at 9:00 or 9:30.

I will say, interestingly enough: Sanaa seemed to be the most awkward experience for me as a solo diner this week. I was really worried it would be Boma, like I said upthread, because the concept of going up to the buffet line and bringing a full plate back to my table alone made me feel self-conscious. In reality, Boma was such a large restaurant and there was so much going on that it was hard to notice just one table in the crowd. Here at Sanaa, the dining room is pretty small and the restaurant is quieter, so while nobody was actually looking at me, I definitely didn’t looooooove having that huge bread service plate plus another huge plate with my dinner entree on this tiny table in the middle of a room all by myself. It might sound like a weird thing to be self-conscious about, but it just felt like it was easier to attract attention here than it was at Jiko or Boma.

This is also not really a dining experience you can enjoy at the bar. They have a small lounge and bar seating, but they only serve the bread service, samosas, and a salad option, so if you want the butter chicken or any other item from the menu at Sanaa, this is really not for you. Overall, I’d go back to Sanaa, but probably not by myself.

Re: Universal Studios. I had a very fun time at the park, just got a little blindsided by how things were run that day. I thought I felt confident because I had experience touring Studios before COVID and I had a gameplan of what I wanted to do, but clearly, a little more research was needed on my part. It just never dawned on me that HHN could have an impact on how Universal operates during the daytime.

Highlights of the day were definitely the Blues Brothers show, Mega Movie Parade, meeting Poppy & Branch, the Minions Cafe, and shopping around Diagon Alley. I got to do basically everything I really, really wanted to do, so it was a win!

If I don’t get to visit Universal Studios in March, the next time I visit will be after Epic Universe has opened. After Epic opens (well after Epic opens, actually), I really want to do a dedicated trip to Universal and stay on property just to see what it would be like.

Coming up next… my last day and another not-so-scary!

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:hug::hug::hug:s all around!!! Sending good vibes for everybody -- DH grandmother, DD's replacement therapy, and all of you to continue staying healthy. Norovirus is insane in NJ right now... I know so many coworkers who got it over New Years.

Nooo not cortisone! My cousin just had to get a shot in her foot and couldn't walk for days, I know it's a toughie. Hopefully you'll be feeling back to your usual self soon! I needed to figure out something to do at home and ended up buying a cheap rebounder from Amazon, which is getting delivered today. I'm so excited for it! I loved my trampoline when I was young, so I'm excited to have a low-impact and FUN form of exercise at home that I can sneak a couple of minutes in when I'm WFH. I'll let you know how I like it!
I am not a fan of them. The first day I was in a lot of pain but since it has been much better. I get to go to Jazzercise this weekend and I am excited. I need to start slow though as there is still some dull pain and I don't want to over do it because the next step is PT and I hate PT. The rebounder sounds fun. Let me know how it goes.
Here at Sanaa, the dining room is pretty small and the restaurant is quieter, so while nobody was actually looking at me, I definitely didn’t looooooove having that huge bread service plate plus another huge plate with my dinner entree on this tiny table in the middle of a room all by myself. It might sound like a weird thing to be self-conscious about, but it just felt like it was easier to attract attention here than it was at Jiko or Boma.
I am the same way. I do not go to a restaurant by myself. I feel like everyone will be watching me.
Hi Kait! I’m catching up around here (and finally started my May TR!) and loved reading about all your adventures! I finished reading about your May trip and am so glad you had a wonderful trip. Your birthday dinner at Shula’s sounded amazing and I’m glad that trip brought back the Disney magic for you.

As for this trip… what fun you had! I also loved Elevationist’s reports and admired her solo touring. I’ve never done a completely solo trip but came close when I traveled with my mom in 2016 - I did most of the parks by myself but she joined me for dinner and a few park meals. It was like the best of both worlds!

I ADORE the Animal Kingdom Lodge - it was the first resort I booked for my own trips (a trip with my sister back in 2012) and won my heart. I still think it’s my #1 (although our stay at the Poly was pretty fantastic). I always intend to visit that resort on each trip but it often gets the axe due to its far distance or other hiccups. It’s such a lovely resort, though, and I’m glad you loved it! Also, A+ to that CM for giving you such a wonderful room!

You did such a nice job balancing favorite attractions, character experiences, downtime, and good meals. I have zero qualms about dining solo and think it’s even easier in Disney World. I love that you took such good advantage of AKL’s excellent restaurants! I’ve tried and loved them all!

Your day at Universal sounded frustrating. I wouldn’t have known that they have different opening procedures with HHN - I am a rope drop person at parks and would’ve lost my mind. I’m glad you still enjoyed your day even with the craziness at the beginning of the day. Also, it’s nice that the rideshare driver dropped you off at the “wrong” place - it’s a haul to get from the parking to the parks!

Your first MNNSHP sounded nice, though. I love the Minnie sipper and chuckled at the turkey leg. I can’t wait to hear how your second party went!
I am not a fan of them. The first day I was in a lot of pain but since it has been much better. I get to go to Jazzercise this weekend and I am excited. I need to start slow though as there is still some dull pain and I don't want to over do it because the next step is PT and I hate PT. The rebounder sounds fun. Let me know how it goes.

Love, love, love the rebounder! It's fun to just jump around for 2-3 minutes at a time, I usually play a song and jump around to the length of it and then go back upstairs. I'll do this a few times a day when I'm WFH, it keeps me active and gives me a good mental reset in the middle of my work day. Have also picked up some small (5 lb) weights and started following along on workout videos on Youtube -- happy to have something keeping me active while it's too cold outside to walk!

I am the same way. I do not go to a restaurant by myself. I feel like everyone will be watching me.

I was the same until I started traveling by myself! At one point it became a necessity -- it was one of those fears you just kind of have to work through with exposure. It's so funny because whenever I go out to eat with my family, I never notice what the other diners in the room are doing (unless I'm scoping out their meals to see if they're enjoying what they're eating!) -- but when I'm alone, it feels like people are looking at me! It's just one of those weird experiences that takes time to adjust to.

Hi Kait! I’m catching up around here (and finally started my May TR!) and loved reading about all your adventures! I finished reading about your May trip and am so glad you had a wonderful trip. Your birthday dinner at Shula’s sounded amazing and I’m glad that trip brought back the Disney magic for you.

As for this trip… what fun you had! I also loved Elevationist’s reports and admired her solo touring. I’ve never done a completely solo trip but came close when I traveled with my mom in 2016 - I did most of the parks by myself but she joined me for dinner and a few park meals. It was like the best of both worlds!

JENNY! It is so great to see you! Thanks for popping in!!! May and September were two absolutely remarkable trips. May certainly "felt" like that old Disney magic I remember when we first started vacationing in 2014. As for September - you couldn't be more right. Elevationist was such a queen when it came to touring the parks by herself. That perfect "blend" of time with your mother and time alone sounds like 2016 was a great trip!!! I see the TR is linked in your bio, I'll check it out soon!

I ADORE the Animal Kingdom Lodge - it was the first resort I booked for my own trips (a trip with my sister back in 2012) and won my heart. I still think it’s my #1 (although our stay at the Poly was pretty fantastic). I always intend to visit that resort on each trip but it often gets the axe due to its far distance or other hiccups. It’s such a lovely resort, though, and I’m glad you loved it! Also, A+ to that CM for giving you such a wonderful room!

You did such a nice job balancing favorite attractions, character experiences, downtime, and good meals. I have zero qualms about dining solo and think it’s even easier in Disney World. I love that you took such good advantage of AKL’s excellent restaurants! I’ve tried and loved them all!

YES. DAKL was FABULOUS. I was blown away by everything -- the food, the CMs, the atmosphere. Riviera is still the tops for me but DAKL is a close #2, Poly has been lacking since post-COVID for me but still probably #3, she is really great!

I really, really loved Jiko and Boma. Both fabulous, would return to both for sure.

Your day at Universal sounded frustrating. I wouldn’t have known that they have different opening procedures with HHN - I am a rope drop person at parks and would’ve lost my mind. I’m glad you still enjoyed your day even with the craziness at the beginning of the day. Also, it’s nice that the rideshare driver dropped you off at the “wrong” place - it’s a haul to get from the parking to the parks!

It was definitely not how I expected my day at US to go! Took a little bit of pivoting to get around it but I guess that's just like every day at the Parks -- nothing ever actually goes 100% to plan, y'know? I'll take a theme park day that goes 70% according to plan over a day at the office that goes 100% according to plan every time :laughing: And yes... the rideshare confusion was DEFINITELY a blessing on my behalf!

Your first MNNSHP sounded nice, though. I love the Minnie sipper and chuckled at the turkey leg. I can’t wait to hear how your second party went!

EEEEEP we're almost at the story of the second party! Just one quick update on my morning at DAKL and then we're partying again!
The Best Decision I Ever Made In My Life

After a week straight of rope dropping (including rope dropping Newark Airport), it was really nice to sleep in for a little bit. Like… really nice.

And by sleep in, I mean, of course, that I woke up at 8:00, snoozed in bed until 8:30, threw on some random t-shirt and shorts, threw my hair up, and somehow made it to my 8:45 reservation at Boma.


You know I love a Boma breakfast moment.

I was brought to my table quickly, and ordered a DIABOLICAL iced coffee with caramel to start the party. Then it was off to the buffet line for my first plate(s).



Sad plate today ;( I was a little disappointed with the buffet line that day, I can’t lie. I was really looking forward to the goat cheese and chive eggs again, but this morning they had regular scrambled eggs and they were looking a lil soupy. They were also perpetually out of the Lion King waffles that they serve with the classic Mickey waffles. In general, it felt like a lot of “the same” on this day for whatever reason, and Boma is supposed to be one of the more elevated & varied buffet lines on property. Womp womp.

For what it’s worth, everything on the plates that I picked up was still great! Everything was hot and fresh. The ham and Boma mustard is still my absolute favorite breakfast food in Disney, hands down, I dream about it when I’m home. The fried plantains were very good. The bacon and tots were also very good, and… much like my last breakfast at Boma, I ended up taking a bite or two of the Mickey waffle before moving on to better things.

The bowl of oatmeal is not just a bowl of oatmeal, these are the coconut steel-cut oats and they are just fabulous. I don’t even like oatmeal and I love these. Funnily enough, this was the one dish that both of the waiters between my two Boma breakfast experiences personally recommended as they explained the buffet line for me. They’re so light and tropical and tasty – paired with some honey and raisins and a touch of brown sugar, these are a real treat and perfect for fueling yourself for a long day at the Parks.

Of course, I grabbed a second plate just to make sure I could have the bread pudding and these famous sticky buns with the glorious pecan syrup.


This cranberry-orange bread pudding was the same as the one I had a few nights before and once again, I just couldn’t get behind the cranberry-orange version of this that they serve in the fall months. The classic cinnamon-raisin version I had in May was superior. The sticky buns, however, reign supreme as the only sticky buns I will actually eat at Walt Disney World. They’re hot and fresh and delicious, they don’t have that weird artificial taste and consistency that other sticky buns at Disney do. And this warm pecan syrup on top makes them a real 10/10.

So I guess at the end of the day, I was very happy with Boma and I left with a full stomach, it just wasn’t as mind-blowing as my first breakfast was.

I paid my bill and then I went back to my room to start the task of packing everything up. Before I even opened my suitcase, my first priority was to gather up everything I bought at the Parks this week that I wanted to ship home. I grabbed a few bags of clothes and ornaments, which were kept all in their respective bags with their respective receipts, then I went back downstairs and headed to the Zawadi Marketplace. I did just a little more shopping for the house/family, I bought a DAKL ornament, a pumpkin light necklace for my dad, and a plastic Mickey jack-o-lantern that lit up, then I headed over to the check-out counter to make my purchase and ship everything back home to NJ. I definitely recommend waiting until the day before you check-out to ship back everything you collected, it ended up being $34 to ship everything all together at once. They looked over all of the receipts for everything I purchased, had me fill out a quick form, and then took everything away to package it and ship it out to me.

I ended up being really satisfied with the service, everything ended up getting taped up TIGHTLY in multiple Disney plastic bags and then mass wrapped again in a giant plastic bag in one box. Nothing was damaged and it arrived a few days after I returned home.

As I planned to make my way back to the room, I stopped at the jewelry counter one more time. Please forgive me for the awful photo, but I had been eyeing the middle necklace – the Walt Disney World gold nameplate – up all week and I figured it was now or never.


I went to ask one of the CMs how much it was, and after some discovery with a jewelry book and within the case, we discovered that the display necklace was the last one in stock at Zawadi. That felt like a sign, so I bought it out of the case and brought it back up to my room so I could pack up and make a call to the Bounceback hotline. Had a very friendly CM who was able to book the exact package we wanted for our March trip!

I spent more time getting myself packed up, and then decided to go down to the pool for a little bit one last time. I swam for a bit, said goodbye to my favorite flamingo divas, and even ordered a DIABOLICAL cocktail at the Uzima Springs Pool Bar. I got the Safari Mudslide, with Amarula, Vodka, and Kahlua mixed into some soft serve and I’m pretty sure I remember some chocolate syrup in there, too. You could tell it was absolutely DIABOLICAL because no less than 4 people stopped me to tell me it looked good and ask me what was in it on my way back to my room.

I enjoyed my drink, relaxed in the room, then got ready for the party. I have it in my notes that I was on a bus to Magic Kingdom at 3:53 PM.


So… you’re probably wondering what “the best decision I ever made in my life” was, and it was this: not going to the parks before MNSSHP. Should have never gone to MK in the morning before MNSSHP #1. I burned out way too quickly. Even with waking up at 8 and going to the pool instead of taking a nap, staying back at the hotel and having a productive day of packing and booking a bounceback offer in my air-conditioned hotel room was the way to go. And I promise to never, ever go to the parks before a hard-ticket evening event again.

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That perfect "blend" of time with your mother and time alone sounds like 2016 was a great trip!!! I see the TR is linked in your bio, I'll check it out soon!

It was a great trip! You’re welcome to check out the link… but I’m pretty sure I only finished one day of that trip report. :laughing: My earlier reports have more (2012 is completely done and I made it through 10 days of 2015’s) but I think many of the pictures are screwed up or gone. Thanks, third-party hosting! :sad2:

The bowl of oatmeal is not just a bowl of oatmeal, these are the coconut steel-cut oats and they are just fabulous.

I love oatmeal and that sounds DELICIOUS. I hope that’s still around the next time I get to Boma brunch!

I definitely recommend waiting until the day before you check-out to ship back everything you collected, it ended up being $34 to ship everything all together at once.

That’s really good to know! I don’t tend to buy many souvenirs, but it’s good information in case there’s ever a large thing I just have to bring home.
It was a great trip! You’re welcome to check out the link… but I’m pretty sure I only finished one day of that trip report. :laughing: My earlier reports have more (2012 is completely done and I made it through 10 days of 2015’s) but I think many of the pictures are screwed up or gone. Thanks, third-party hosting! :sad2:

Omg. Don't even get me started on Photo Hosting, I don't even want to think about how many photos from past TRs I've lost over the years because we kept jumping from host-to-host when they kept changing the rules/threatening to charge us for photo hosting!

Right now I'm on Shutterfly, which I like. You don't have to subscribe anything but they ask you to make "any purchase in 8 months, even if it's a small one." I ended up buying my mom a photo book as a Christmas present... will probably buy an ornament or something in a few months next.

I love oatmeal and that sounds DELICIOUS. I hope that’s still around the next time I get to Boma brunch!

It's so good!!

That’s really good to know! I don’t tend to buy many souvenirs, but it’s good information in case there’s ever a large thing I just have to bring home.

As soon as my parents told me they wanted me to bring back the jack-o-lantern I was like, "Okay, I don't think I'm going to have the room in my suitcase for that... let's explore shipping options :laughing:"
We FINALLY Talk About Bruno

I got to Magic Kingdom around 4:25 and there were no lines for the tapstyles or for security! Everything went smoothly and I said hi to Diva DeVille again as I made my way into the Park.


It was sprinkling a little bit, so I decided to do some indoor activities at first. This started with Princess Fairytale Hall, both sides had a wait time of 10 minutes or less, so I met all four princesses. Punzie/Tiana on one side and Cindy/Elena on the other side – no surprises here today. I actually don’t remember, at this point, what any of us spoke about but it’s always a fun time meeting the ladies at the hall!





It was still drizzling afterwards, so I did Philharmagic to kill the time. Despite the # of times I’ve visited the parks since 2021, I’m fairly certain that this was my first time seeing the updated Philhar with Coco.

That ate up several minutes of my time and by that point, I was hungry, so I got in a (very long) line for my current favorite savory snack, the Cheeseburger Spring Rolls from the Adventureland Spring Roll Cart.


I’m shamelessly a bit obsessed with these. They’re not the easiest to eat, as they’re very greasy and heavy, but they’re so delicious and served with that luscious secret sauce – quite literally a McDonalds Big Mac in a spring roll wrapper.

After my egg rolls, I decided I wanted to finish my meal with a sweet treat. There was one sweet treat that I was really desperate to have tonight, and it was the halloween ice cream sandwich from the Plaza Ice Cream Parlor:


Loved this. This was not as big as I thought it was going to be, either, which I loved. I went with chocolate ice cream this time but you can choose any ice cream you’d like. The cookies are your typical, classic, delicious M&M cookies with black food coloring that miraculously didn’t impact the flavor or texture of a cookie. Sidenote, how are M&M cookies so delicious? So chewy and with such a great, molasses-y flavor that even chocolate chip cookies don’t have…

(Readers, I must stop you to let you know that I wrote this update on a Sunday morning, almost two weeks ago, when we were about to get several inches of snow here in NJ. Inspired by how much I missed this M&M cookie, I closed my laptop, grabbed my coat, and ran to Stop N Shop to grab the ingredients I needed to make M&M cookies before the snow started that afternoon. They’re chilling in the fridge so I can bake them after dinner.)

Anyway, this was a 10/10 treat. I just love everything the Plaza Ice Cream parlor makes!

When I was done with my ice cream sammie, I decided it was probably time for me to get in line to meet Bruno and Mirabel if I wanted to meet them tonight. I got to their line shortly after 6, which was starting to wrap up the bridge that connects Mirabel’s garden/Cosmic Ray’s to the Hub. I did not realize that Mirabel and Bruno were already meeting party guests! It looked like they had been meeting guests for a while, since the line was already moving when I got in and the garden looked like it was full of people. The line outside of the garden moved pretty slowly, but I was in the garden area around 6:30 and by 6:45, I was meeting them.


We started with big hugs all around.



“So. I have a question for you both.” I told them. “I know in the past, we’ve had some policies about being unable to talk about Bruno… can we talk about Bruno now?”

“Yes!” Mirabel confirmed. “What would you like to talk about?”

“Bruno, how are you?” I asked.

I forget where the conversation divulged from there but meeting them was so well worth the wait. They were just so friendly and outgoing and a lot of fun – I really loved this M&G! Mirabel always brings the fun energy, and it’s nice that she has a male character counterpart who does the same – a lot of the princes can sometimes bring the energy of the M&G down (no offense, we love you guys!) but Bruno is different. I hope we can see more of him!




With the party about to start, I decided to see if Space Mountain was getting ready to start running the party overlay. Space was totally down, which I figured might be a queue closure so they could “dump” the day guests out and switch things over. I decided to kill a few minutes by righting the Peoplemover and quickly found out that they were not temporarily closed to get ready for the party – the ride broke down and guests were being e-vaced!

I didn’t get a good photo of the e-vac happening, but we saw CMs getting off the track on that first up-hill incline from launch with all the lazer lights and “pew pew” noises. I actually waved at a CM while his team was helping guests off the vehicle. It was fun.


I debated trying to get this party out in one update, but with the amount of photos I have versus the amount of text I have for this party, I think I am going to break this off here now. Coming up, my last evening in MK with villains, friends, and overcoming my greatest fear of 2024....

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Your second party is off to a great start! Your meet with Mirabelle and Bruno looked super fun and I’m 100% behind your dinner choice. I’m super excited to finally try those cheeseburger egg rolls (just 30 days to go!) as I missed them :eek: last time! That ice cream sandwich looks freaking delicious.

I always love seeing photos of the Space Mountain track!
Your second party is off to a great start! Your meet with Mirabelle and Bruno looked super fun and I’m 100% behind your dinner choice. I’m super excited to finally try those cheeseburger egg rolls (just 30 days to go!) as I missed them :eek: last time! That ice cream sandwich looks freaking delicious.

I always love seeing photos of the Space Mountain track!

We are JUST going to miss each other next month!!! We'll be there the week before you! You're gonna love the cheeseburger egg rolls!
MNSSHP is Brat.

Space Mountain was still down when I got off Peoplemover and I had to move on with my life. I went through the TRON treat trail, which landed me at the circus, and then I went through the circus treat trail at the train station. As I was asking CMs what their bat’s name was, one CM confessed that her bat didn’t have a name and asked me to name it for her. Since this CM was from Philadelpha, I christened her bat as “Gritty,” in honor of the Philly flyer mascot.

I got my candy and went on Dumbo, taking some mid-air selfies because I felt like I didn’t have a lot of photos from this night.


After Dumbo, I noticed that the line to meet Alice & Mad Hatter was short, so I hopped in line. Truth be told, I don’t have any notes on this interaction and don’t quite remember what happened here. I vaguely remember Mad Hatter and I talking about the Cheshire Cat.



Once our tea party was finished, I saw that 7DMT had a 25 minute wait, so of course I took advantage of that.


After 7DMT, I remembered that I wanted to do the PFTH treat trails while I was in the area because I wanted to see Maleficent and the Evil Queen. I went in Maleficent side first, and noticed the Evil Queen was out, so I made a note to go back.


I wrote next in my notes that I did “more treats,” which I believe was one of the trails in Liberty Square, and then I went to see what the wait time at TBA was like. I got to the other side of Frontierland and the TBA wait time was pushing 45 minutes, so I balked. But… I did notice that Big Thunder Mountain Railroad only had a 15 minute wait.

Now… I know anybody who read my May TR will probably yell at me for getting on this ride. Long story short for anyone who didn’t read my last TR: I threw my back out pretty early into our May vacation and it became a massive issue throughout the trip. I theorized that this spasm happened on Thunder, because I noticed it felt a lot jerk-ier than it did in the past, and my back hurt pretty much as soon as I got off of it, where I joked to my family that I “definitely felt 27,” and the rest of the trip was downhill from there.

So I did promise myself (and some of you concerned DISers) that I would abstain from the wildest ride in the wilderness on this vacation. But you know me. I had to make sure that my recent experience was the exception, not the rule, and the only way to do that would be to ride it again.


She’ll still be closed when I visit next month, BUT it’s nice to know that I don’t need to be afraid of her.

After Thunder, I went on PotC, and then did another treat trail before heading back to Fantasyland. Once I was back in FanLand, I went to PFTH again to go through the treat trail on the Evil Queen’s side. We did some banter based off of the album BRAT so if you’re unfamiliar with Charli XCX or “The Apple,” this may not make sense to you, but for the estimated 1% of DISers who know what I’m talking about here, this is how that went:

“My liege,” I cleared my throat. “May I ask you a question?”

“I suppose.” The Evil Queen agreed, an eyebrow raised already.

“Is the apple truly rotten right to the core?” I asked.

“There’s only one way to find out.” She shrugged.

“Thank you. Have a BRAT Halloween.” I nodded before moving on to get my treats.

Then I saw Space Mountain was back up and running with a 10 minute wait, so I finally got to do Space for the evening. It was just as fun as it was during my first MNSSHP!


When I got off Space, I did something really crazy and ran to Tiana’s Bayou Adventure. The wait time posted was down to 10 minutes, so I figured this would be one fun, final push for the evening before going home. So I ran over to the literal opposite end of the park and got soaked on TBA and it was my last ride of the trip.


I did one final treat trail for good measure at the exit of TBA, then headed towards the front of the Park. I took a detour through the Emporium and saw two t-shirts I liked, so I picked those up and that was the end of my time at the Parks for 2024.

Here it is: the one final, fleeting look back at Main Street for September 2024.


What a trip it was. My first real solo vacation, traveling all around Walt Disney World and heading to Universal! I didn’t want it to end… but all good things must come to an end. So with all of these warm memories in my heart, I turned and walked to the bus stop, where I caught a bus to DAKL for my last night of sleep overlooking the zebras and giraffes.

The flight home/conclusion is coming up next!

Click here to finish the TR!
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Bummer that we’ll just miss each other! It’s funny that we keep traveling within a week of one another. :laughing:

What a great end to your party night! All three mountains (hooray for BTMRR getting cleared!) and 7DMT is an excellent way to wrap up your Disney travels for 2024. I’m so glad you enjoyed a better party experience on your second night!
Diva, please don’t ever stop your trip reports! They’re so much fun, it’s like I’m right there with you!
Bummer that we’ll just miss each other! It’s funny that we keep traveling within a week of one another. :laughing:

What a great end to your party night! All three mountains (hooray for BTMRR getting cleared!) and 7DMT is an excellent way to wrap up your Disney travels for 2024. I’m so glad you enjoyed a better party experience on your second night!

It was such a great party!! So funny, you're right -- even though TBA isn't called a "mountain" anymore, I technically did all three "mountains" in a day for the first time since pre-covid! Didn't even think of that!

Diva, please don’t ever stop your trip reports! They’re so much fun, it’s like I’m right there with you!

I agree. I look forward to reading them whenever there is an update.

You guys are the absolute sweetest! Thank you so much for all the comments. I love getting to share my stories with you and it means the world to me that you read them.
Flying Home/Conclusion

Is there anything worse than waking up at 7:00 AM to catch a Mears back to the airport?

Survey says “no,” but here we are.

Woke up at 7:00 AM on Saturday, pickup for me was at 8:40 and I was all packed so I had a little bit of time to get a quick breakfast at The Mara.

I got dressed and ran down to The Mara and got my usual “sad last day breakfast”, which is a Mickey Waffle Platter. This one came topped with whipped cream and berries and bacon on the side. It was sad, just like this morning. Cold waffles, soggy bacon… whomp whomp. I ate it quickly and took the remainder of my iced coffee with me.


As I meandered back to my room for the last time, I figured I’d take some “goodbye photos” of the resort and the animals.




It’s always sad to be leaving Disney, but this time it felt extra sad! I had such a wonderful time and really enjoyed being able to decompress and be on my own for a few days. At 8:30, I had gotten a text with a link to track my Mears driver, so I figured it was time for me to grab my bags and head to the Mears stop at the front of the resort. I said goodbye to the animals and to my room, then I said goodbye to the beautiful lobby as I walked outside and to the Mears pick-up spot.

I sat at the pick-up spot for a few minutes and instead of a bus, a van pulled up. I knew this would be a possibility so I was prepared for it, but I definitely would have preferred a bus. The van ended up being full between the guests from the last pick-up spot, myself, and another family from DAKL. It took us about 45 minutes to get to MCO. My terminal ended up being the first stop, so I grabbed my bags, thanked/tipped my driver, and hauled my things to the check-in desk.

Checking in/departing at MCO… definitely not as fun as arriving at MCO. The terminal was a bit confusing, I wasn’t sure where to head to check-in at first and ended up having to lug my bags (which were HEAVY) pretty far. I was really concerned my suitcase would be overweight, but it ended up being fine.

I guess the check-in attendant saw me looking a little flustered when I approached her, so she very kindly was like, “Don’t worry, you can breathe now!”

The line for security was insane. I think I spent 45-50 minutes there, and by the time I made it through security, I had about an hour until boarding.

I was still hungry after my lackluster breakfast and hadn’t had a good Cinnabon in a hot second, so I got a cinnamon bun and sat at a table for a few minutes.


This is maybe the single joy of flying home… getting to your gate early enough to enjoy a Cinnabon in a quiet moment of peace.

I still had a few minutes before I needed to be at my gate afterward, so I walked around the Universal Studios store. I liked the upstairs area with the Wizarding World of Harry Potter stuff, but I didn’t see anything I wanted to buy.

Eventually, it was finally time for me to get to my gate. We boarded at 11:30 and took off at 12:00. It wasn’t an unpleasant flight, even though it was full. Only 2.5 hours long, watched the Devil Wears Prada, had some graham crackers.

We landed in NJ early at 2:30 and headed promptly to the baggage claim. After grabbing my suitcase, I sadly caught an Uber and 20 minutes later, I was home.

Finally, I did a little bit of unpacking and ordered some Domino’s while I started this TR… and that’s where this adventure ends.

What an adventure it was! I had so much fun on my solo trip. I got to meet a lot of really fun guests and cast members, ate a couple good meals, and just had a great time at DAKL and around the parks. It is a lot of fun charting your own course at the Parks, and here are my favorite tips for people who have never toured solo before:

  • Bar seating is great, but table seating can be just as comfortable solo! I know a lot of people love sitting at the bar and enjoying a meal where restaurants allow it – and the Cooking Place at Jiko was certainly a wonderful experience that I recommend to anyone! This time around, I found that true table-seating was a mixed bag. Sanaa was not very pleasant with a crowded dining room and a small table that was quickly filled with big plates. However, I had great experiences at Boma where I was seated at tables away from the action and the dining room was more leisurely! So YMWV for each restaurant, but if something piques your interest, book a table for one and don’t think twice about it!
  • Always do more research than you think you need. Okay… so in my case, this was about touring Universal Studios, which isn’t something everyone on this board particularly cares to do. But I can definitely see this applying to first-time solo travelers at Walt Disney World, too! There are a lot of variables that go into every single day at the Park, and you’re likely not going to be able to follow your itinerary perfectly – make sure you know every transportation option available to you from your resort, every type of weather related-delay that can occur at the park, and what rides or areas of the park don’t open until later in the day. Knowledge is power! Being able to pivot quickly is power!
  • Loved doing two Halloween parties instead of one. Of course, this is not financially feasible for a lot of families. After all, these parties come at a similar price point (or higher!) than a full day at some parks during certain times of the year. But if you’re a halloween fiend and Not-So-Scary is the #1 event for you and your family, it may be worth sacrificing another park day to do a second party. August/September/October weather is totally unpredictable at Walt Disney World and you’re likely to see at least a little bit of rain during your party. Having two will aid you in your quest to get everything done (though it’s still not a guarantee!) It also gives you a second chance to have a “first priority” – think about all of those souvenirs to buy, snacks to try, and characters to meet that people tell you “you have to get in line for that first!” In my case, I was able to grab my Minnie Sipper on N1 and meet Mirabel/Bruno on N2 as efficiently as possible. And lastly, it gives you a chance to learn and build off of your first party so you can better prioritize what you need to do during N2 to get everything you want done.
  • Don’t go to the park on the day of your Halloween Party. On this trip, I made my #1 vacation mistake of all time, which was visiting Magic Kingdom in the morning and doing Not-So-Scary that evening. Absolutely horrible idea. I had everything planned out perfectly and that plan was executed perfectly – I’m not normally a “plan-everything-out-to-the-minute” kind of girl, but I wanted to make sure I was being as efficient as possible this morning so I could nap and shower before the party. I hit all my marks re: timing, attractions, characters, LL selections perfectly, had the exact amount of time I had budgeted back at the hotel… and burned out almost immediately when I got back to the party that night. Epic fail. Was tired and grouchy for hours and it was tough to enjoy everything. Compare that to my second party – I slept in, had breakfast at the hotel, swam, and just had a nice day in the AC. I couldn’t have been happier that night! I had all the energy I needed to last the whole night and was in a pleasant mood all night long.

And those are the biggest tips I can share with you from this trip!

Well, here we are again. For some reason, I always end up finishing a TR right on the heels of my next trip. A week from now, I'll probably be sitting at home with mom, our nails freshly painted and Roxie all boarded up at “the doggy hotel.” Dad will be packing our suitcases in the trunk, and then heading upstairs to try and sleep before the big drive. And that night, I’ll be enjoying one of my most cherished moments of the year. That quiet hour where I have a Polynesian Lobby candle lit and I’m watching Full House Meets the Mouse… ugh, I have chills just thinking about it already. It’ll be a great trip (it always is), but there was something special about September 2024 that I’ll never forget. Maybe it was the Cast Members, maybe it was the view from my room, maybe it was the newfound love I have for the animals of Disney, maybe it was all the time I had to myself, or maybe it was just the DIABOLICAL lattes I drank along the way that kept me going.

Either way… it was the most divalicious vacation ever, and I hope you found this trip report just as divalicious! Thank you so much for reading along and I’ll see you soon for the March 2025 TR!

Travel days home (especially when that’s all you’re doing) are the worst part of vacation. I’m glad yours went smoothly (other than almost an hour for security - girl, get TSA Precheck!) and had a nice end to your trip.

I love all your pointers for solo travelers! I agree 100% with booking dining even if you’re solo - don’t miss out on the fun restaurants just because you’re by yourself! You really took advantage of everything that AKL has to offer and I’m glad you loved your time there.

Good luck getting packed and ready this week and have a GREAT time on your trip! Warm up those Flower and Garden food booths for me. :goodvibes

I look forward to your trip report once you’re back!
Have fun on your March trip!! I have really enjoyed reading your TR for your solo trip. 😁

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