I won't give in till I reach the end... and then I'll start again (comments welcome)


Chasing the rDream
Jul 15, 2020
Hi everyone!

I was waiting for PW2022 to be confirmed and me officially starting my training cycle to start this journal so, here goes!

My name is Anne, I'm 38 and I'm from the Great White North (Canada). I started running 5 years ago after the birth of DD6 and a year of "Mommy and me" training groups. I wanted something more than pushing a stroller and waving my arms. I started off with a few 5ks, then challenged myself to my first 10k in June 2019, finally moving up to my first (virtual) HM in May 2020. I've run a few virtuals since then, but have yet to do a real half-marathon race with actual other racers...

Like others, running has been great for my physical and mental health, but learning that I won't ever be the best at this isn't always easy for the overachiever that I am :) I've learned to run at my own pace and enjoy my own personal achievements. My favorite running buddy is my big brother who can run a 10k in under 40 minutes. I need to re-learn every few weeks that I won't ever be able to run at his pace, and that's OK. I've done so much in the last five years. I went from struggling to run 20 continuous minutes, to easily running 5-6 times a week and enjoying it tremendously. I also love to go trail running with my ultra-marathon running Big Brother whenever we can find time together.

My personal running goals : #allthemedals at Princess Weekend, run at least one 10k under 60 minutes, run my first marathon
Who knows when I'll reach them!

I've started training again this week after taking a whole week off, base building with slow easy runs. DopeyBadger introduced me to McMillan's core workout, which I'm aiming to do 3 times a week. I've also been an avid yoga person for 9 years but with COVID I've had to switch to remote yoga which is not fun, so I only do it once a week now.

In 3-4 weeks I'll start actively introducing speed work. I'm registered for all 3 races, including running the Fairytale Challenge to benefit the Dragon Master foundation.

See you at the starting line!
Loooove the title of your journal… love that song. Can’t wait for Princess!
(thanks shellott-hill for the training plan inspiration :D)

Week 1 of 21
We are 141 days from the starting line for Princess 2022!

Basically tried to do only easy runs, keeping my HR under 140 (MAF). Did not always succeed at that eep

  • Running Distance = 20.82 miles
  • Running Time = 4:24:52
  • 2.8 miles, 36:25
  • Avg HR = 132 bpm
  • McMillan Core Level 1
  • 2.75 miles, 35:33
  • Avg HR = 136 bpm
  • 2.58 miles, 33:00
  • Avg HR = 139 bpm
  • McMillan Core Level 1
  • 2.02 miles, 25:01
  • Did short intervals of 6 x 1 min zone 5 run, 1 min zone 1 walk
  • Avg HR = 143 bpm
  • 2.89 miles, 37:00
  • Avg HR = 144 bpm
  • McMillan Core Level 1
  • 7.79 miles, 1:37:53
  • Avg HR = 148 bpm
  • Felt good, listened to my body and just ran at a pace I was comfortable with but gah! my vo2max went down again. Somebody'll need to explain to me how do I keep that darn number from going down.
  • Rest day!
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My Garmin vo2max fluctuates a lot. I find it's typically higher after a hard run and lower after easy runs. If you're only running easy runs, that could be why the number is lower. I wouldn't let that deter you from your current training though. I'm sure it will tick back up when the time is right.
Week 1 of 21
We are 129 days from the starting line for Princess 2022!

  • Running Distance = 16.66 miles
  • Running Time = 3:40:31
Per DopeyBadger's recommendation, I've cut down a bit on my mileage/time, to build up for February, doing only easy runs.

  • 2.75 miles, 36:03
  • Avg HR = 140 bpm
  • McMillan Core Level 1
  • 2.33 miles, 29:59
  • Avg HR = 133 bpm
  • 2.50 miles, 31:28
  • Avg HR = 142 bpm
  • McMillan Core Level 2, woo!
  • Rest day
  • 2.41 miles, 33:00
  • Avg HR = 137 bpm
  • McMillan Core Level 2
  • Was supposed to long run day, but it was pouring all day
  • 6.67 miles, 1:30:00
  • Avg HR = 149

So excited to start my personalized DB training plan tomorrow :) So many new things to try out!
Week 2 of 21
We are 122 days from the starting line for Princess 2022!

  • Running Distance = 16.22 miles
  • Running Time = 3:13
My lowest mileage week in a long time!

  • 4k, 30:48
  • Running by pace instead of by HR, what a relief!
  • McMillan Core Level 2
  • 6k, 46:41
  • Hard to rein myself in to only a 7:45/km // 12min/mile pace
  • 4k, 30:52

  • McMillan Core Level 2
  • Yoga, my prof had us working alot on our back (downward dog, locust, bridge poses) which was a nice compliment to McMillan's core workout. The core workout is nice and short, but so far from complete...
  • 4k, 29:07
  • Target pace was 7:15/k
  • McMillan Core Level 2
  • 8k, 56:18
  • Temp was 38F when I started. BIG difference from the hotter temps we've had. Fall is finally officially among us and I'm all for it! :yay:
  • Target pace was 7:03/k, but my actual pace was all over the place. Really struggled with keeping my pace constant: it's faster than my slow pace was on my HM Matt Fitz plan, but slower than my faster runs. I had to slow down a few times to not finish my 1k splits too fast. Was that the right approach?
  • I'm currently in a Starbucks in Antwerpen, on my first business trip in 19 months. We'll see how it goes training
Hope everyone's training is going well! It's cooled down a lot which is quite a difference.
Target pace was 7:03/k, but my actual pace was all over the place. Really struggled with keeping my pace constant: it's faster than my slow pace was on my HM Matt Fitz plan, but slower than my faster runs. I had to slow down a few times to not finish my 1k splits too fast. Was that the right approach?

How much variation are we talking about? It's important to realize it typically takes a few weeks to get used to new paces. So I wouldn't worry too much just quite yet. In addition, as discussed earlier, any changes in grade/elevation will impact pace and that's perfectly appropriate.
Week 3 of 21
We are 116 days from the starting line for Princess 2022!

  • Running Distance = 20.45 miles
  • Running Time = 3:59
Great running weather. I was in Amsterdam and the temps were around 10C/50F all week. Plus, you can get any flatter than the Netherlands for running :rotfl2:

  • 3.8 miles, 44:11
  • McMillan Core Level 2
  • R Pace run of 4.38 miles, 52:25
  • Had to cut down one interval of (100m R + 1 min WU + 100m R + 1 min WU + 200m R + 2 min WU) due to lack of time. Those 11-hour workdays aren't easy.
    Hitting those 100m intervals in exactly the time prescribed is tough, even when I used DopeyBadger's advice to use a measured strip of road.
    Good thing is that it didn't feel hard at all, was that the point? The 200m a bit more, but I didn't feel exhausted after them as I usually do with short interval runs.
  • 2.71 miles, 33:44
  • Skipped by core training by lack of time again
  • Rest day
  • 3.11 miles, 35:46
  • McMillan Core Level 2
  • CV run of 6.45 miles, 1:13:06
  • Those 8 CV intervals of 3 minutes were hard. Thought I couldn't stay in the +/- of 3 seconds prescribed by Coach Billy but turns out I didn't fare so badly. 3min@5:50/k ended up with:
    5:43, 5:47, 5:46, 5:49, 5:43, 5:47, 5:53, 5:51 with an average cadence of 181, 182, 185, 167, 186, 184, 183, 181
  • Rest day

I just love following DopeyBadger's plan so far. I can't thank you enough. Some of these runs are really different from what I've done in the past 4 years. really fun to mix it up. And of course, it's all working towards my Fairytale Challenge :flower1:

Happy Halloween everyone!
Week 4 of 21
We are 109 days from the starting line for Princess 2022!

  • Running Distance = 15.97 miles
  • Running Time = 3:27
Compared to my recent training load, this week felt super easy. Also had great running weather again. Being a Northern girl I really prefer running in these colder temps

I've already exceeded my total annual mileage of 2020. On track to reach those 1000 miles in 2021.

  • 3.12 miles, 35:48
  • McMillan Core Level 3. Darn that's a pretty big step up from level 2...
  • R Pace run of 4.408 miles, 51:16
  • 2.54 miles, 31:23
  • Skipped my core training from lack of time again. having a hard time not skipping my S&C on those Wednesdays! Any advice everyone?
  • Yoga
  • 2.49 miles, 29:11
  • McMillan Core Level 3
  • Was initiailly planned as a 5-mile easy long run. Since we were at our cabin, I went to run my regular trail. People were a bit taken aback to see me running in a tank top in ~40 degree weather. Had a great time, I love trail runs.
  • 3.42 miles, 1:00 with a total of 700 ft ascent -- stuck to the prescribed duration vs prescribed mileage.
  • Rest day

Seeing all the reports and posts about W&D has me so pumped for Princess Weekend. I've spent almost all afternoon looking up costumes on Etsy. I can't wait!!!

Happy running all!
Seeing all the reports and posts about W&D has me so pumped for Princess Weekend. I've spent almost all afternoon looking up costumes on Etsy. I can't wait!!!

Happy running all!

Haha! Same, but for MW and I’m rapidly running out of time to order, and every time I think I’ve decided they don’t have my size in stock.
Week 5 of 21
We are 101 days from the starting line for Princess 2022!

  • Running Distance = 20.42 miles
  • Running Time = 3:59
Highlight of my week was the new running group I joined. I always hesitated to take the jump but I do not regret it one bit.

  • EB run of 5.25k : 3.27 miles, 37:56
  • McMillan Core Level 3
  • R Pace run of 4.49 miles, 53:48
  • EA run of 4k : ended being 5.2k in 41:10
  • I had a good excuse to exceed my prescribed mileage. I've joined a running group in my area. A group of about 40 runners of all skill levels who break up into smaller groups of 5-6 runners. It was so fun to not run by myself. And if I'm totally honest, it was nice to see that I'm actually in pretty good shape. I always compare myself to faster runners and I get frustrated about not getting faster, even though I've been training hard for 2+ years.
  • My vo2max actually went up to 42, running group for the win!
  • Skipping my core training on Wednesdays has become a habit
  • 45 minutes of Yoga + catch-up of yesterday's skipped McMillan Core Level 3
  • EB run of 5.25k : 2.49 miles, 29:11
  • ... and my vo2max went back down to 41 again. It will not move from there, even tho my runs feel easy.
  • McMillan Core Level 3
  • CV pace run : 6.33 miles in 1h10
  • Went out with my Endorphin Speeds compared to my regular heavier running shoes. It really makes a difference.
  • 6 CV pace intervals of 4 minutes. Didn't always stay in the +/- of 3 seconds. My watch just isn't precise enough. 4min@5:50/k ended up with:
    5:47, 5:42, 5:42, 5:49, 5:54, 5:52 with an average cadence of 183, 176, 186, 184, 180, 180
  • Finished with 4 30-second R pace intervals
  • Rest day

Happy running all!
Week 6 of 21
We are 95 days from the starting line for Princess 2022!

  • Running Distance = 20.28 miles
  • Running Time = 3h57
  • S&C time = 41 minutes
Two highlights this week : The hail that pelted me halfway through my easy run on Friday. Ppl probably thought I was insane to be running out in that weather haha! And my vo2max has finally gone up to 42 and stayed there, which was my fitness level all through 2020. Is it the colder weather or is it just the training?

I am feeling great, and no twitches or pains anywhere. I think doing that core work is really helping out, even tho I have so much trouble motivating myself to do it after my runs.

  • EB5.25k : 3.27 miles, 37:56 (same exact time and distance as last week!)
  • McMillan Core Level 3
  • R Pace run of 5.69 miles, 1:06:15
  • EA4k : 3.27 miles in 41:40 with my new running group
  • Continued habit of skipping my Wednesday core training. 2 days/week is good enough isn't it? :)
  • 1 hour of Yoga
  • EB4k : 2.49 miles, 28:58
  • McMillan Core Level 3
  • LR8.75k : 5.56 miles in 1:02:49
  • Rest day

Happy running all!
Week 7 of 21
We are 89 days from the starting line for Princess 2022!

  • Running Distance = 21.87 miles
  • Running Time = 4h15
  • S&C time = 24 minutes
Two highlights this week :

Kiddos got their first vaccine dose on Thursday. One shot closer to Princess Weekend and our trip (insert dancing emoji here)

Winter has come to Canada. It's been under freezing temps all week, with snow that stays on the ground. My running routes are now icey, which means I've had to take my Ghost GTX out of storage. That goretex makes those shoes hea-vy.

  • EB6k : 3.73 miles, 43:38
  • Progressed to McMillan Core Stage 2 Level 1. It's actually easier than Stage 1 Level 3, not as many long-holding planks and sit-ups.
  • R Pace run of 5.23 miles, 1:02:20
  • EA4k : 3.11 miles in 37:45 with my new running group. I was put in a more advanced group that has a faster pace. Will need to watch that, per Coach Billy's warning to not overtrain on easy days.
  • Continued habit of skipping my Wednesday core training. I just can't do it coming back to my house at 7:30 pm after my group run.
  • Rest day
  • EB6k : 3.29 miles, 39:23
  • I just had to cut this run short. With my two kids and my 45-hour/week job, I do all my runs at 5 am. This Friday morning, I just could not pick up the pace and my heart rate was in zone 4 for most of the run, so I listened to my body and stopped.
  • McMillan Core Stage 2 Level 1
  • CV Pace of 6.5 miles ending with 4x100m R-Pace intervals, in 1:11:50
  • Another hard run, and my vo2max went down to 41 again to prove it. Ice + freezing temps + hilly roads make for a difficult CV Pace run.
  • Rest day.

Random thought with the cold temperatures : why don't running shirts/coats/etc. have running watch holes? Who actually uses those thumb holes? I'd much prefer being able to see my watch without having to hike my coat up to my elbow... Just waiting for someone to invent that, if anyone's reading ;)

Happy running all!
I use the thumb-holes! And yes can second seeing Oiselle shirts with a watch-hole but they are too rich for my blood
Week 8 of 21
We are 81 days from the starting line for Princess 2022!

  • Running Distance = 21.87 miles
  • Running Time = 4h11
  • S&C time = 1h22
No real highlights this week, apart from feeling really tired. My legs feel heavy and I have trouble getting out of bed to go running.

  • EB6k : 3.79 miles, 44:37
  • McMillan Core Stage 2 Level 1
  • R Pace run of 5.22 miles, 1:03:34
  • I ran during a really light snow fall, almost movie-like. It was beautiful. :cloud9:I love winter running. I was careful during my speed intervals but road wasn't slippery at all.
  • EA4k : 2.48 miles in 37:45
  • 1h of yoga
  • EB5k : 3.05 miles, 35:40
  • McMillan Core Stage 2 Level 1
  • Chose to move my long run to Sunday to go running with my running group
  • LR10k: 6.34, 1:16:00
  • After years of logging miles by myself, I am really enjoying running with a group, even if the pace isn't the prescribed speed on my plan.
  • Perfect weather of about 20F with a bright sun. For winter running, you can't get any better.
They're forecasting 10mm of ice rain tomorrow in Montreal. Hope it doesn't mess up the running conditions by leaving the roads super icy!

Happy running all!
Ooo forgot to add. I got my running tank in the mail that I ordered on Etsy. I know I am 0% original bounding as Tiana for the 10k, but I'm super-psyched for the look so far.

I'm thinking of ordering the green Asics Magic Speed just to complete the look lol (I'm a bit of a running shoe nut)


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Week 9 of 21
We are ...

  • Running Distance = 24.57 miles
  • Running Time = 4h52
  • S&C time = 1h29
I ran more than my training plan but I felt good. Weather was really crazy, especially Saturday where we had wind gusts up to 60-75 mph. I saw a guy running on Saturday morning in shorts. I run in almost all conditions, but some people are more intense than I lol

  • EB6k : 3.86 miles, 44:41
  • McMillan Core Stage 2 Level 2
  • Blind Progression run of 5.95 miles, 1:07:56
  • We didn't have the 10 mm of freezing rain they predicted, but roads were still icy. I went out anyway and was able to find mostly dry roads, only walking on the really icy patches. Finished 1k away from the house, so ran really slowly to get home.
  • EA4k : 3.11 miles in 42:28 with my running group
  • 1h of yoga
  • EB6k : 3.67 miles, 43:30
  • McMillan Core Stage 2 Level 2
  • Chose to move my long run to Sunday to go running with my running group. The weather was insane, with freezing rain then intense wind gusts. Temps were above freezing after lunch however, so most of the ice melted away and now the streets are on asphalt.
  • LR8k: 7.99 miles, 1:33:21
  • 8 kilometers became 8 miles...
  • I ran 4k more than my long run said. First 8k with my running group was super slow. A few runners had issues with the weather and the longish distance, so we ran much slower, even walking/stopping for bits. I'm one of the most advanced women (surprisingly) in the group, so I chose to walk with those who had difficulty. As @DopeyBadger said on another post, one long run won't make or break my training. Still, a few of the more advanced runners decided to run further afterwards so we went out for 30 minutes more. I've found my people 😍
  • 0° with a bright sun. Great weather.
I get why @DopeyBadger is so kind to make training plans for all of us. It felt really good to help out my fellow runners on Sunday. I wish I had had people to help me in the first few years when I thought that an 8k run was going to be the death of me. I started out having trouble running 20 minutes continuously to running half-marathons, and aiming for my first marathon in 2022. Therein lies the beauty of running. It doesn't matter how fast you are, the personal accomplishments each of us can achieve are amazing.

Happy running all!

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