I Wonder if Disney Will Get Mad if We Disassemble the Furniture. Sept/Oct 2024 TR! (Updated 10/20!)

Your Contemporary check-in experience has ME frazzled! Hope it’s smooth sailing from here on. Also glad your mom made it safe and sound. 😊

The previous day I had gotten a call from Disney to confirm the details for the Minnie Van, and they told me where they would be meeting my mom, to which I replied that I knew exactly where that was since I was just there. This led to some confusion since they were like “wait, you’re already at the airport?!?” but I clarified that I flew in early, but the Minnie Van was for my mom flying in the next day.
This is an example of "too much information". I tend to get in trouble like that, too. :)
It was still breakfast time at that point, so one of the CMs up there showed me around the lounge and pointed out all the food offerings before letting me loose to grab breakfast!
Perfect timing! :)
I'm loving the blue roses, and can't wait to get more to fill my yard!
I love the roses, too. I haven't seen anyone with them around here.
I had fun catching up this morning on a break from storm clean-up. What a great find with that hidden Mickey in the Boardwalk panels. How cool!!! 10pm is far too late for loud music. I'm sure there are plenty of families trying to get little ones to bed before that. I wonder if they purposely put single night stays and/or all adult parties in those rooms. I'm SO happy to hear that your stomach didn't bother you!!! Fun start at F&W. I agree with you that they seem to have reduced the number of tables. Very annoying. You are really selling me on club life ... self-pour POG-mosas sound delightful and right up my alley, haha. Your Halloween decor is amazing! The blue roses look amazing!!!!
Hi! Jumping in from your last TR! This is the first time in years I haven’t made it to F&W so I am living vicariously through you and your mom! Can’t wait to read more!
:welcome:, thanks for hopping over to this TR!
Your Contemporary check-in experience has ME frazzled! Hope it’s smooth sailing from here on. Also glad your mom made it safe and sound. 😊
Yeah, it was definitely a bit frustrating! Although one small snag at the beginning of the trip isn't too bad!
This is an example of "too much information". I tend to get in trouble like that, too. :)
Haha, exactly! I should have just kept my mouth shut!
Perfect timing! :)
I'm so glad we were able to get breakfast at the lounge this morning, of all the meals at club level, we like breakfast the most!
I love the roses, too. I haven't seen anyone with them around here.
Thanks! The remind me so much of the Haunted Mansion, I thought they would go perfectly with the HM headstone. I can't wait to add to it every year!
I had fun catching up this morning on a break from storm clean-up. What a great find with that hidden Mickey in the Boardwalk panels. How cool!!! 10pm is far too late for loud music. I'm sure there are plenty of families trying to get little ones to bed before that. I wonder if they purposely put single night stays and/or all adult parties in those rooms. I'm SO happy to hear that your stomach didn't bother you!!! Fun start at F&W. I agree with you that they seem to have reduced the number of tables. Very annoying. You are really selling me on club life ... self-pour POG-mosas sound delightful and right up my alley, haha. Your Halloween decor is amazing! The blue roses look amazing!!!!
Hopefully the clean-up is going well, I'm so happy you made it through without major damage and have power!

Yeah, I wasn't sure if it was a real hidden Mickey, but I do think they are!

The music was definitely annoying, at first I was surprised it kept going past 9, but I feel like Disney has a 10pm cutoff for loud stuff. Like whenever I've seen a party at the BC beach or at the boardwalk area in front of the YC they seem to shut everything down right at 10, so I guess that is what they decided is reasonable?

I'm thrilled my stomach held up for the trip! I was so worried beforehand, which probably actually made my stomach worse!

Club level is so nice, I just wish it wasn't so annoyingly expensive! And the discounts for those rooms haven't been great, only 10-15%. We tried to use the bounceback to upgrade some of our upcoming trips to club, but sadly of the three trips we could get the bounceback for, none had club level availability. Oh well, at least we'll be in Disney, and we actually saved a ton with the bounceback offers on those trips!

I'm loving the Halloween decorations, I can't wait to add to it each year. The roses came out looking so good, perfect for my HM theme!

Day 2, Part 2: I Doubt It’s Going to Rain Today…

We last left off enjoying breakfast at the club lounge.

After mom finished up with breakfast, we ran back downstairs for her to get her Florida clothes from her luggage so she could change.

She got changed quickly, and sunblocked, and soon we were on our next adventure for the day: heading to MK!!

Of course we took a selfie on the way over!

Now, this day there was only like a 15% chance of rain, so when mom asked if we should bring umbrellas, I confidently said absolutely not, it’s not going to rain!

Well, let’s face it, Florida is going to Florida. No matter what the chances are of rain, it could rain.

So of course as we were just getting to MK it started to drizzle. Oops!

Fortunately, the drizzle stopped soon after, so not a big deal.

Once we got to the MK, we headed to guest services to activate my mom’s new AP. There was a bit of a line, but it moved quickly, and soon enough hers was activated!

We then made our way into the park, and first bonus of being an AP, all the lines at the tapstiles were pretty long, except the AP line, so we headed over there and were in the park in no time!

Our first stop this morning was the train station! My mom had been wanting to ride the train for the past few years but we’ve never had time, or the train wasn’t running, so we made a point to ride it first this trip.

We just missed a train when we got there, but the wait for the next one wasn’t too bad.

We decided to ride the full loop around the park.

Once we were back at the Main Street station, we got off and headed onto Main Street.

We decided to pop into the Emporium to see if there was any merch we wanted. I found a puzzle I loved, so I made a mental note to come back for it later. I also found a sweater I liked.

Next we headed across the street to the glass place where I checked out the AP glass I wanted to get, but since we had plans to ride some rides we opted to not purchase yet.

Since we were right by the silhouette place at that point, I decided I really wanted to stop to finally get one of my dog! I had been wanted to get this for years, but either there has always been a crazy line, or the artist had gone on a break, so today when I saw there was only one group ahead of us, I decided now was the time!

It did take a while for the group ahead of us since they had four kids to do the silhouettes of.

As we were waiting, I noticed Paging Mr. Morrow on the other side of the street doing his vlogging, so I pointed him out to my mom since she loves him. She was so excited to see him, so decided to run over to say hi to him. I wish I could have too, but I didn’t want to lose our place in line, and it looked like the artist was almost done with the family in front of us.

My mom said she had a great interaction with Paging Mr. Morrow, he was very nice and chatted with her for a while. I wish I could have gone over and gotten a picture of the two of them!

Once mom came back to the line, the artist was still working on the family ahead of us, but this couple came up and started hovering on the other side of the booth, so I mentioned to my mom that I bet they’d try to cut the line once the artist got done with the group ahead of us.

Sure enough, the second the artist finished the last kid in front of us, that couple stepped up and shoved a picture in front of the artist to do theirs.

Fortunately, the artist was paying attention and told that couple they were cutting the line!

This artist was AMAZING. Not only for paying attention and not letting that couple cut, but she was so much fun! The entire time she was cutting the silhouette she was joking around with us and telling us stories about some wild things that she’s seen during her time working there, and she had been there for like 20 years at that point so she had seen a LOT!

She also did a great silhouette of my dog, I’m SO happy we got it!

Next up: Yeah, It’s Definitely Not Going to Rain Anymore Today.
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What a great souvenir! I've never thought about a silhouette. And yay!!! Mom is there and your adventure is kicking off.
I was at the game! Total heart attack, but so fun. 8 of us flew in from all over.

I did three days at Disneyland then drove up to LA for the game.
No way! I'm so jealous, that sounds like such an amazing trip! I still don't think I've recovered from the stress of that game. :rotfl2:
That is a really nice silhouette. It looks like the long wait was worth it.
Yeah, the artist did such a great job on it, I'm thrilled I finally got one!
I love your slow MK morning. It is nice to be able to do that. :)
It was so nice and relaxing. Originally we had thought to book LLMP/SP this day, but since we were worried my mom may have flight delays we opted to just do a chill day instead. It worked out well, it's nice taking a break from the rides for the most part and just exploring instead.
What a great souvenir! I've never thought about a silhouette. And yay!!! Mom is there and your adventure is kicking off.
It's such a great souvenir, I'm so happy I finally got it! Yeah, the trip doesn't really feel like it has officially started until my mom arrives!

Day 2, Part 3: Yeah, It’s Definitely Not Going to Rain Anymore Today.

After getting Dug’s silhouette done, we were into our DAS return time for 7DMT, so we headed that way.

We had just gotten into the covered portion of the queue when I looked back outside and saw the skies had opened up and it was absolutely pouring! So much for a 15% chance of rain! :rotfl2:

It was just rain, no lightning, so the ride was still running, until of course it broke down.

We had just gotten to the LL/standby merge point, so decided to wait it out, especially since it was pouring out and we were indoors.

It wasn’t down for too long, maybe 15 minutes, and soon the line was moving again.

We got our row assignment and were waiting for our train to pull in when I looked out the tunnel and saw an actual waterfall. Seriously, it looked like we were on the Jungle Cruise and were seeing the backside of water.

I pointed it out to my mom, and her response was simply, “we should have brought umbrellas.”


Yup, I agree with that statement.

Moments later our train pulled in and we hopped in.

This was a very very wet ride, but SO much fun. We were laughing so hard the entire time, it was raining so hard it was just ridiculous!

At the end of the ride where the train stops and waits to enter the unload area, right next to the house where Snow White is dancing, we seemed to have gotten stuck. We just sat there in the pouring rain for so long. So long that the people ahead of us decided to open their umbrella!

Shortly after they did that, a CM came on the intercom and told them to put it down. HA!

We sat out there for a bit longer until we finally moved into the station and out of the rain!

Once off the ride we rushed to find cover since it was still pouring, although at that point we were already soaked so I guess it didn’t really matter! We ended up under a GET umbrella nearby and hung out there for a few minutes for the rain to slow down. It wasn’t too long, only about 5 minutes before the skies started to clear and the rain slowed to hardly a drizzle.

As we made our way back out into the drizzle, my mom randomly goes “don’t worry it’s a cow.”

Um, what?

I just looked at her not really sure what to say.

Finally she clarified, apparently years ago she was worried about her leather purse getting wet and I had commented that it’s just a cow, and cows live outside, so it would be fine. (not to mention my leather boots get way more wet and have never had a problem!). So she remembered that and I guess as a way of reassuring herself (and I guess me) that her purse was fine in the rain, she brought up again that it’s just a cow. :rotfl:

We decided to head to Tomorrowland next, and ended up on the Peoplemover!

I love when we happen to be on the Peoplemover when the Space Mountain lights come on!

During the ride, you know that announcement “paging Mr. Morrow, Mr. Tom Morrow”? Well, my mom apparently never registered hearing that before and thought they were actually trying to contact Paging Mr. Morrow from Youtube! HA!!!!! :rotfl2:

Also, while we were riding I got the room ready text, so once we got off the Peoplemover we decided to head out and check out our room!

On the way out we saw a photopass photographer with no line, so of course stopped for some pictures!

Next up: Our New Room!
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This was a very very wet ride, but SO much fun. We were laughing so hard the entire time, it was raining so hard it was just ridiculous!
That's such a great photo - so unique! And it does look like SO much fun.
Finally she clarified, apparently years ago she was worried about her leather purse getting wet and I had commented that it’s just a cow, and cows live outside, so it would be fine. (not to mention my leather boots get way more wet and have never had a problem!). So she remembered that and I guess as a way of reassuring herself (and I guess me) that her purse was fine in the rain, she brought up again that it’s just a cow. :rotfl:
Your mom is awesome - I do that all the time! I have like the whole conversation in my head and then just say the last little bit aloud and my husband reacts the same way you do :D
We had just gotten into the covered portion of the queue when I looked back outside and saw the skies had opened up and it was absolutely pouring! So much for a 15% chance of rain! :rotfl2:
Florida has the most undependable weather forecasts! We also got caught at MK without umbrellas or ponchos when it wasn't supposed to rain.
On the way out we saw a photopass photographer with no line, so of course stopped for some pictures!
You can see how wet you got in this picture. I can see why you wanted to go back to the resort to check out your room. :)
In for the rest of your adventures!

I didn’t get to make it to F&W this year myself, so I’m glad to see you enjoying it! At least this year I’ll get to enjoy Festival of the Holidays for the first time.


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