I think the end of the world is near...


<font color=deeppink>Damn you, you wretched clown!
Jul 29, 2000
There is no heated debate on making spanking illegal? This just doesn't seem right. You people are slipping. popcorn::
Probably because people remembered just how much they liked to be spanked. :banana:
There is no heated debate on making spanking illegal? This just doesn't seem right. You people are slipping. popcorn::

There's a debate about it on another board I post on. Quite interesting to say the least. popcorn::
I'll pull up a chair for this one popcorn::
I cant worry about spanking, I have to worry about how to tell my child they cant talk about having god in their heart in school. Just got that call this morning.
Ok, since nobody else will take the bait ;)

I don't think it should be made illegal. I think parents with little imagination need some way to control their children, and the threat of physical violence may be all those poor, misguided souls have to fall back on. :teeth:

(Oh, and my 6yo has never had a hand laid on her in anger, and I've been told that she's about the best behaved kid of her age that you're ever likely to meet. She certainly gets in trouble, but there are better - and MUCH more effective - ways of correcting bad behavior than physical pain.)
I don't think it should be made illegal. I think parents with little imagination need some way to control their children, and the threat of physical violence may be all those poor, misguided souls have to fall back on. :teeth:

This probably should not have made me laugh, but it did. :teeth:
MosMom! You best behave! Go pick a switch and wait behind the shed, you need a whuppin'!
That was me pretty much every day when I was young... did I mention I despise spanking? :sad2: Of course, usually I deserved it. :rotfl:

I most likely will not spank my kids. My butt used to be permanently red or black and blue, and when it wasn't then my legs were full of raised welts from the flyswatter. Who knew that a blasted flyswatter could be so painful? :confused3 Anyway, I don't want my kids to go through that. Though my sister swore she would never spank her kids and what does she do? She spanks them! :lmao:
I cant worry about spanking, I have to worry about how to tell my child they cant talk about having god in their heart in school. Just got that call this morning.

Oh, I got one like that to last year! The teachers was teaching my then 6 year old that we came from Monkey's and she raised her hand and said "mommy told me that I came from God!" My dd came home from school and told me that her teacher told her that she was wrong and that all people evolved from Monkey's. That night her teacher called me to talk about what happened in school and I said that my daughter was correct and I am not going to sway her from what we believe even if it would only be in the class room. She took her test on it the following week and was given a zero. I fought it with the school and she was given an exception from that test. If they are goingt o teach my daughter that she came from a momnkey then they also need to teach the other ways!

When pray was in school and spanking was allowed, kids were not taking guns to school to kill classmates! I think there is a line between spanking and abuse. It you wack your toddler accross the face it is abuse, if you tap their bottm then it is not abuse. Maybe that is why the childrne of the world are doing things that most thought unheard of when they were children!

Lets see, the murder rate among kids is UP, kids selling or using drugs is UP, Jails are filled with children, children are rapeing other children, kids feel they have to carry guns for protection, the number of gangs accross the US is way up, and they want to take the ability of the parents to spank their children away. I think they should charge the paretnas of children that are breaking the law or hurting/killing others with neglect for not spanking them when they were bad! Maybe if we were still able to put fear into our children then they would not act this way!

I am not saying spank your child for the sheer pain and joy of it because that i consider neglect. But there are times when a child needs to be spanked on the tail end or a toddler needs there hand smacked. With that said, I DO NOT regularly spank my children. Time out works well for us but there are times when another punishment is warrented and as the parent it is my job to decided the punishment of my child not some stupid law!

just my 2 ccents! Sure I will be bashed for this one but every one has a different opinion and this is just mine!

I forgot to add that if i spank my child it is on the tail end and not hard enough to leave a welt or a bruise just hard enough to let them know that i mean business! It is with my hand and NOT a switch or belt or anything else!
I cant worry about spanking, I have to worry about how to tell my child they cant talk about having god in their heart in school. Just got that call this morning.
You have got to be kidding?
This would make a fascinating new topic.
How can anyone tell a kid they can't say that!
I just searched "spanking smilie" on Google. Came up with some realllly interesting websites but eventually found it. ;)
Ok, since nobody else will take the bait ;)

I don't think it should be made illegal. I think parents with little imagination need some way to control their children, and the threat of physical violence may be all those poor, misguided souls have to fall back on. :teeth:

(Oh, and my 6yo has never had a hand laid on her in anger, and I've been told that she's about the best behaved kid of her age that you're ever likely to meet. She certainly gets in trouble, but there are better - and MUCH more effective - ways of correcting bad behavior than physical pain.)

I've been told the same about my (now grown) children, & my children were spanked when they misbehaved. Little did I know I was unimaginative, poor, & misguided. I guess my parents & grandparents were too. I'll have to let them know. Elitist attitude at it's best!
yes, they are trying to push a law in CA that would make spanking a misdemeanur (sp?). Is that in other States too or just CA? It will never happen! There are already tons of child abuse laws in place. And honestly, there is a big difference between a swat on the hand or butt, and beating a child! I don't spank my kids, but I was spanked when I was a child (although not very often, I was a good little girl, and the times I did get it, I deserved it! :rotfl: ) and I turned out ok...I think... :confused:
Yeah, I'll take that spanking now Rick. Meet ya behind the shed in 5.
Ok, since nobody else will take the bait ;)

I don't think it should be made illegal. I think parents with little imagination need some way to control their children, and the threat of physical violence may be all those poor, misguided souls have to fall back on. :teeth:

Nope. Not taking that bait either. :rolleyes1
My parents never spanked me, and I think I grew up very well. My paretn would come up with a punishment that fit th crime and really taught me something. My cousin was spanked. When he was little he did something bad at my house and my mother had to reprimand him. She asked him he knew why he shouldn't do it again and he said "because I will get spanked if I do it again". He made mistakes over and over. Now he is 17, in a correctional facility, and still really doesnt have a sense of right or wrong.

As a psychology major and conitive/developmental research assistant I have seen the differences. In my opinion children raised without being spanked but instead recieve creative punishments end up a bit more well rounded. They understand things better at younger ages.

I know this is not true in every case, but from what I've seen and from research done by my professor and research sponser (very smart woman, just recieved a 15 million dollar grant for her first year of research with promise for more after that byt the National Science Foundation) it seems to be the case. If I ever have children I will NEVER spank them.

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