I may have 12 extra points. What are my options?


Nov 12, 1999
Due to a change of plans I may (if my wait list comes through) have 12 extra points from our June (2002) trip. We have an August use year and I borrowed ~75 points from August 2002 to make this reservation. What are my options? Do people rent out that few of points? Thanks for any opinions.
If you are still using any current points besides the borrowed points, you can use the 75 borrowed and bank the current points from the wait list reservation.

If there are no current points involved with the reservation, you can still see if another member needs 12 points which could be transferred. 12 points could also be used to reserve 1 night in a studio for someone.

Good Luck!
Doc's ideas are good. But better yet, you can transfer them into my account by calling Membership services. That will save you the headache of having to do all that figuring! ;) ;) ;)

ohiominnie :p
To clarify the situation a bit further- it depends on when your waitlist comes through...First banking deadlines- you have until the end of May to bank any Aug 2001 points as Doc suggested you could do if you are using at least 12pt from 2001.
Since you are going in June you will have to do any banking before the end of May. Otherwise you will have cancelled the point use too late...If your waitlist comes in with less than 31 days before your visit those points go into a holding account that cannot be banked and can only be used for a reservation made for a stay before they expire on July 31...
make it simple transfer those points to me, i would thank you very much. don't let them go to waste. :smooth:
PKS44 - thanks for the clarification. I am using ~ 60 points from our August 2001 use year. We are wait listed for a standard view studio for a Friday and Saturday night. So I guess as long as I know by 5/31/02 if I have extra points I can bank them to August 2002.
So I guess as long as I know by 5/31/02 if I have extra points I can bank them to August 2002.

This is true ONLY IF you find out more than 30 days before your reservation. Since June only has 30 days and you do not specify when in June you are going I don't think you could really wait until 5/31/02...that will be too close to your trip- the points will be frozen in a holding account that expires at the end of July...I believe this is correct...

Dear Dznynut,

My wife and I are planning a vacation for this July, but are 12 points shy of completing our plans. Would you be interested in renting those 12 points out at a reasonable cost? Please let me know. Thank you.


How about banking your 12 points and then borrow from next year if the wait list comes through.:smooth:
Originally posted by Mrs. Snowgod
How about banking your 12 points and then borrow from next year if the wait list comes through.:smooth:

It sounds like he has 12 extra points only IF the waitlist comes through. In other words, he's booked right now in a preferred view which costs 12 points more than the standard view. So if he wants to be sure of a place to stay, he can't do any banking until he knows the waitlist worked.

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