how much do i need for souveniers?


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Feb 4, 2001
we are going to disney for a week. i know how much i need for the hotel and tickets. i am driving so that takes car of transportation costs. i figure $600 for food for the week. we are staying offsite and get a free breakfast every morning. now i just need a realistic number for souveniers! this is my first trip so please take that into consideration. also i am a total disney-holic (just found the cutest mickey shirt for only $4!!!) and have no disney store within an hour of me. thank you!!


We use to just add in a couple of $100, but now with pin collecting it really adds up fast. We are big collectors of anything different than we can find at home. We try not to use the Disney charge unless we have to. And we usually have to. Sometimes you can find bargains especially at the Disney outlet stores in florida. I would say at least $200 and if you bring home change that's great, but you surely don't want to come home kicking yourself because you didn't get something and now changed your mind. Keep in mind tht if you buy something in WDW (not the outlets) and do change your mind, you can return it to your local Disney store with receipts. (I'm not sure about the Disney outlets--not sure if sales are final, I've never returned anything I bought from there).


<font color=3300ff>PO/Riverside 5/01
Dixie Landing 11/00, 9/00, 8/00, 1/00, 10/99, 10/98, 6/94
All Star Sport 10/01,5/00, 12/99
All Star Music 7/01, 4/01, 4/00, 5/99, 5/97, 5/96, 4/95
All Star Movie 11/00, 4/99
Caribbean Beach 5/96, 11/90, 5/89
Coronado Spring 5/98
Wilderness Lodge 7/99, 11/95
WDW Hotel Village 10/87
Disneyland 5/86
We are going for our first time this Oct-Nov. There are 5 of us going, me, DW, and 3 kids(10, 7 and 4). The kids are in the process of earning Disney Dollars(DD) for chores they do around the house. They will probably earn $150.00 a piece for the trip. The eldest more, the youngest less.

I am sure that they will want to go through the whole wad of cash and I am expecting the 7 and 4 yr old to spend it all. I am willing to bet that my 10 yr old DS will try to save some and save it for something else(we let them know that we will buy back the DD if they don't spend it all). I'm hoping that it will be a good lesson on "high finance" for the two older kids.

I am not expecting to spend a lot on souvineers for me or the Mrs. However, she has proven me wrong before :D

We also have the luxury of having two Disney Stores within 30 minutes of our house.


First time to WDW Oct-Nov 2001
Do you want the amount I tell my DH, or the amount we really spend? :D

Seriously, my 2 DD's save up during the year, receiving Disney Dollars for holidays and also saving from chores or jobs.

I really got into pin collecting last year, so that added to my expense, and we always come home with new t-shirts or sweatshirts Christmas ornaments, and different other things.

Even though there are three Disney Stores within a 20 minute drive of me, the merchandise is totally different. WDW merchandise is only available there, with different themes/designs for each park. If you aren't planning on going back soon, bring extra so you can buy what you want.

Whenever it stops raining here, I'm going to start getting my things ready for a garage sale.
Between that and saving coins all year, it adds up. ;)

Offsite - 1974,1975
Contemporary - 1982,1983
Port Orleans - 1993,1994
Wilderness Lodge - 1995
Yacht Club - 1996,1997,1998,1999,2000,7/2001

Unfortunately, that's what it comes down to. Every time we go to WDW, we tell ourselves that we've already seen it, done it and got the t-shirt. Unfortunately, there's always a new t-shirt, a new pin, or a new spinny light-up thing to hold during the parade. I can only suggest making a budget within your means and trying VERY hard to stick to it. Good luck!
There is enough to buy to consume at least 100% of whatever budget you set up. If you have a car I'd try the Disney outlet stores. It sounds like you want to buy a lot, this is a good way.
We never spend a lot of money on them. My favorite ones (under $10 too) are:

Bracelet from EPCOT made of leather with my daughters name embossed on it. YOu get to pick the character on the snap you close it with too.

Necklace for my daughter of a silver colored metal (DON'T get gold COLORED- it wears off immediately) with a minnie mouse hanging on it made of crystal.

Son and daughter- those light-up thingies that spin around with characters on them.

Whole family- refillable mugs

Minnie/Mickey hats (may be over $10)
In 1999 DH and I went to WDW and we spent about $800 on souvinEARS (no discounts) :D
In 2000 it was DH, DS, and I, we probably spent $1500 (and that was after DH's 20% Cast Member Discount).
In 2001 I am terrified to go back. He made Assistant Manager and now gets 35% off. planning on taking $2000.
Now to help you understand, we buy everything from pins to collectible artwork. And the Decor in our home is totally Disney. :D


May 11-17 1994
Sept 7-15 1999
Sept 2-16
*****Sept 7-17 2001****
The disney dollars are definately the way to go if you have kids. Just set the amount before you leave and let them know that once it's's gone! My DD(7y.o. last visit)did very well with this. My 15y.o. came home with money to spare(we didn't do dis. dollars with him but he earned his own money for spending.) We will do the same thing again on our next trip. As for me, I spent probably $250-$300 and was able to get some ornaments etc. It all depends on what you want to buy. :cool:

'75 off-site
'84 D.D.
'89 off-site
'96 CBR
'97 off-site
'99 Poly
next rip 8/01 at Beach Club
i am sorry i didnt really give alot of information. it is just me and my son going and i will be with my sister and her daughter. my son is extremely spoiled! (gotta stop that one of these days! :D ) anyway thank you for the advice!


When we go to Disney, the treat IS DISNEY! We literally spend $0.00 on souveniers. This is a family of two parents and four kids!! I do have a nice collection of cancelled Disney Hopper Passes, though! And some great photos. Am I the only tightwad here?
We have told the kids on several trips that they could get one thing a day for up to $10. Otherwise, the moaning was too much to take. The marketing at Disney is overwhelming for adults and plain impossible for kids to handle without some rules. As for the adults, we get a few things but take into account if you are flying, everything you buy you have to take home (along with everything you brought in the first place).
That's a tough question to ask someone else. This would be like me asking all of you how much money I should bring for beer. You don't know if I drink one a week or one an hour, lol.
We just aren't 'souvenier people'. On last years week long trip, I bought my wife a T-shirt, my son got one of those leather name bracelets at AK, I got 2 VERY inexpensive coffee mugs at AK, and I don't remember my daughter getting anything.
Bob NC you're a hoot! I have to confess that I'm one of those one-an-hour souvenier gals.

My feeling about souveniers is that I've spent so much money and travelled so far to get to WDW that I shouldn't hold back purchasing park exclusive items because who knows when I'll be back again. I guess if I lived closer or went more often that would be different.
We have always stressed that being together as a family in a magical place is the best part of a WDW vacation. Our first trip (1989), and we truly believed our only trip, was a huge financial investment for us. We discussed with the kids(7 & 3 1/2)that they could each buy a t-shirt and 1 stuffed animal. They were fine knowing this ahead of time. We are financially better off today because of Dad's hard work and Mom returning to work part-time now that the kids are in high school that we are planning our 7th trip to WDW. We still stress vacation is family time not time to shop(college tuition payments) our DD 15 & 19 love WDW.


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