How many points per resort, 2025?


DIS Veteran
Apr 18, 2024
Has anyone published how many total points each resort now has recently? I am so curious, but the latest info I found was from prepandemic times.

Does anyone know if a comparison article about this that is updated exists? I just think it could be enlightening to look at and compare with point charts, pricing, and dues, potentially.
I have not seen one but declared points don't change unless more inventory is added. So, if those are pre-pandemic, then only VGF and PVB would have more than that...the total points allocated for RIV are reported in the monthly sales (I believe).

They mystery is CFW because of the way the trust works....the activate inventory and tell us how many points it will cost. My understanding of the way the documents are written is that they can declare units at different point structures because its RTU and not leashold.
We still don’t know how many RIV or PVB will ultimately have, do we?

Because it’s a leasehold condo and it’s sold as deeded to units. it had to be figured from the start when creating point charts.

It’s a bit different for CFW,,,because of the way it can add component sites and rearrange.

But, the total points for RIV is in the chart. Just remember, lock offs are counted only as 2 bedrooms…the lock off premium is not considered in the total.

And the total points that can be sold is based on a year with the fewest number of Friday and Saturdays.

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