How many days are you intending to stay??


Has a heart bigger then all of
Aug 18, 1999
I have no clue if I will be able to go. It all depends on work for me, but what are all you guys doing?? How long are you guys staying? How many days on each side???
I am planning on at least a week, but you know when it is up, I will think it was not enough.. darn..
I am not sure...I was thinking the entire month!:eek: LOL...I really want to spend Christmas with my parents, so I might spend the first week at Disney for the Convention and then spend the next three weeks at my parents!! :) I think that is a good plan!! :)
My original plan is to stay from 12-1 to 12-12. However, I'm trying to use DVC points and get into the Boardwalk Villas. It's not my home resort, so I have to wait until May to call. I've been told it will be extremely difficult for me to get in at that time. I'm also trying to get into the new Beach Club Villas, which is my preference. So, depending on where I stay and how many points I have to use, my dates may change a little on both sides.
Glo, all I can say is you HAVE to be there!!!! It won't be the same without you. :(
Marsha, no matter how long we stay, it's NEVER long enough! :)
Beanie, I like that month idea. I could go for that, easily. :D
I am leaning towards 7 days. However, I am like Barb in that I am using DVC points. My current plan is to book this coming week at my home resort (OKW) and see if I can move to either Boardwalk or Beachclub later. You know I don't think I have ever spent that long at Disney!
I'm not sure, even though I have airline reservations using frequent-flier miles. Right now I plan to arrive on Sat. Nov. 30th and spend 1 night at my mom's. I'll be at WDW on Dec. 1st and go home on Sunday night - Dec. 8th. Depending on where my DD goes to college in the fall and whether or not she'll be home for Thanksgiving - I COULD arrive in FL as early as Thanksgiving Day to spend the holiday with my mom. In that case, I'd arrive at WDW on 11/30.
Plans right now call for me to arrive late (11:00pm) on November 28th and leave early on December 10th, which would be a whopping 2 weeks or so. I'm justifying this because I won't be down in Florida all year, as compared with the 5 or so times I was down last year. I'm going to have a find a killer hotel rate, however (shoulda bought into DVC grumble, grumble). Another possibility is driving my brother's RV down (it's huge) and making a ressie at Fort Wilderness. But at this point, it's too early to tell.
I have not begun to act on my plans yet, but I am thinking I will arrive on the 12/3 and come back on the 9th or 10th. Depends on what kind of room rate I can get.
My plans are still uncertain at this point - not sure where I'll be work-wise come DIS CON - but, if I can make it (I hope I can!), I'll be there for 6 days. I'll arrive the day prior to DIS CON (Dec. 3) and leave the day after (Dec. 8). Keep your fingers crossed!
We are coming down Nov 24 and staying until Dec 14. This way we can celebrate my birthday, attend the DIS CON, and celebrate our anniversary. I am bringing my husband this time and I want some time with him and some time to rest up before the convention and some time after to recuperate. OK who said that?

I just want to go to WDW and live there. :D
If I do come up, it'll be for Friday to Sunday probably. I usually have school on Tuesdays and Thursdays. So get your scavenger hunting out of the way before I arrive! :)
we are going to spend 15 nights at wdw! we are already booked at the YC concierge from Nov 23 - Dec 8th!!! cant wait for the DIS CON!!!!!!!!! :) :) :)

Laura :):) :)
<font face="comic sans ms"> Okay. My tentative plan is to be there from Dec 2-15. I don't know if that's going to work out or not, but that's what I would like to do. It would get me home about 1 week before Christmas. :D </font>
So far, my plans go like that:

12/1 - arrival
12/7 - Lv for Port Canaveral and 7 day Magic cruise -- yep, I am going to leave one day before the fun is over.
12/14 - come back to WDW. If everything works out, I will be meeting my mom and my 3 kids.
12/21- Goes to HRH or PBH, I still don't know which, for 2 more nights at Universal.
12/23 - We all leave
12/24 - We arrive in Rio in time for an apoteotic Christmas dinner.

There are still some loose ends in these plans. For one thing, I still have to convince my mom to go...:eek:

STay tuned for new developments...:D :D
I hope to be able to stay for a week, Tues. the 3rd to Tues. the 10th. I will probably stay at a Moderate again, maybe Coronado Springs this time. The exchange rate is just too painful for a deluxe, and getting worse........ouch!

Livia, another cruise? That's wonderful! :)
I will most likely arrive on Thurs. Dec. 5 and stay till Sunday Dec. 8th. That is what I am shooting for right NOW! Let me know when I can plan on sending $$Money$$ for the registration and all! Thanks!:D
As it stands now, I should arrive on December 2 and leave the 14th. I'll be staying at the Beach Club for the convention and possibly moving to the CSR (depending on how great a deal I get on the rooms.)

Looks like me and the DD's will be arriving late on 12/3 and leaving in the afternoon on 12/8.
My plans are to arrive in Orlando on November 29 and leave on December 19 (arriving back home on December 20)!
:bounce: :bounce:


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