how hot is HOT?


Apr 22, 2012
I have read that summer at DL is so HOT, but I when I look at temperatures, I see 80's. I also read that evenings can be cool.
Which would be a lovely mild summer day here where we live in Texas. Last couple summers most days were in the 100's.

We are going to DL in 6 weeks, in early June, is weather typically 80's at that time, and does it still cool down in the evenings?
I have read that summer at DL is so HOT, but I when I look at temperatures, I see 80's. I also read that evenings can be cool.
Which would be a lovely mild summer day here where we live in Texas. Last couple summers most days were in the 100's.
Temperatures can be tricky. If you are from a cooler area, the 80s can seem hot. But when you're coming from the lower region with higher temps, it is cool. The interesting thing, coming from Northern CA, it is usually 10 degrees cooler than here. So, even I prefer it. But friends from Washington usually complain about the heat.
Being from Texas, you will find it very pleasant. I live in Vegas (and grew up in Louisiana), so 80's in the summer at DL are heavenly! The high isn't usually reached until mid-afternoon. So days that are in the 80's, are really only that hot from about 2-5. We're always a bit chilled in the mornings and evenings.
I live in Tucson AZ and we've already had 98+ temps in early April. So going to DLR when its 80 it will be nice!
I have read that summer at DL is so HOT, but I when I look at temperatures, I see 80's. I also read that evenings can be cool.
Which would be a lovely mild summer day here where we live in Texas. Last couple summers most days were in the 100's.

We are going to DL in 6 weeks, in early June, is weather typically 80's at that time, and does it still cool down in the evenings?

I lived in OKC for 7 years which has similar weather as TX. CA 100 degrees is not the same as TX 100 degrees. The humidity is not there in CA. In the summer, we usually wear shorts to DL with a sweatshirt over a top in the morning, tie the sweatshirt around our waist during the day and then put the sweatshirt back on in the evening.
I'm an OC native and I think it can get pretty hot here (I'm a winter person). There definitely is humidity in the OC compared to the deserts. I like to explain it this way: if you're a summer person and enjoy the sun and heat then SoCal summer can't be beat, but if you're a winter person then it'll be uncomfortable, but bearable. Of course there are exceptions to this since it's not uncommon for the heat to reach like 98-100 degrees which would be absolutely unbearable, humid or not humid.
Even when it's 100 degrees SoCal heat is nowhere near as bad as in TX. To put things into perspective lots of people also complain about the cold when it hits 40 degrees.
I was there one time at the end of April and a couple of days were around 100. Later in the week the high was 70. I was there last August and it was 80's all week. So it can really vary. It's not like Florida where it's pretty much guaranteed to be hot in the summer.
I have read that summer at DL is so HOT, but I when I look at temperatures, I see 80's. I also read that evenings can be cool.
Which would be a lovely mild summer day here where we live in Texas. Last couple summers most days were in the 100's.

We are going to DL in 6 weeks, in early June, is weather typically 80's at that time, and does it still cool down in the evenings?
Others put it well when they said that each person's definition of "hot" varies.

For me personally, with high temps in the low 80's and night temps (which do cool down) in the 60's, with little humidity and almost no rain ever in the summer, that is as close to ideal weather as one can get.

With that said, if you are outside mid-day and it is 85 out and you are in the sun (standing in line for something) that can feel uncomfortable. We try to get back to the hotel during mid-day to cool off and rest.

It is also worth knowing some good places to go at the parks during mid-day heat. I like the Tiki Room and Eo at DL and Animation Studios and ITTBAB at DCA. Always short lines.

POTC is a long ride (16 minutes) and the lines are usually not bad - it is a nice ride to do when it is warm out. So is HM. And of course you always have Splash Mtn and GRR to get wet and cool off.
I am used to the hot weather temps too. We love DLR in the summer. When it hits high 80's and you are in the direct sun for hours it can seem hot! :faint: The trick is to find places to cool down ( as Hydroguy suggested) drink plenty of cold water ( we bring bottled water in an ice-packed cooler with us) and take breaks in the middle of the day. We swear by MistyMates. We can fit them right in our pockets, while we stand in lines we mist ourselves and it feels like Heaven :rotfl2:! People in line always ask me to mist them! :goodvibes If you go prepared you will really enjoy your trip! Also, the summer nights at DLR are SOOO nice! It's my favorite time to be in the parks. You may want to bring a light sweater for any young ones, but typically we don't need one! Enjoy!
I live in Tucson AZ and we've already had 98+ temps in early April. So going to DLR when its 80 it will be nice!

Fellow Tucsonan here! xXtowerOFterrorXx is right, we've already reached the century mark this year. We went last August. We still used sweatshirts some in the evenings, the days did get warm, but it was great being able to get drenched on GRR and not mind a bit!

Disneyland doesn't get near as hot as Texas in the summer, and feels so much better than WDW then as well.
We're going to DLR at a similar time to the OP. I am still having trouble figuring out how to pack.

For WDW in June, we pack nothing but shorts and t-shirts. NEVER even considered needing jeans or sweatshirts.

For DLR in June, I'm thinking we may need the whole gamut, from shorts, to capris, to jeans and sweatshirts. This really throws a wrench in being able to pack light. :worried:

Still not sure what to do....
Unless there happens to be a heatwave it will not be hot. In fact, bring pants and jackets for the evenings. We have been to DL several times in late May early June and the weather was fine. I am from SF Bay Area so am used to cool mornings and evenings. I think you will find the weather much more enjoyable than in Texas. Remember take clothes for the cool evenings, it could be in the 50's. Our family from the south never listen and always have to buy sweatshirts.
We're going to DLR at a similar time to the OP. I am still having trouble figuring out how to pack.

For WDW in June, we pack nothing but shorts and t-shirts. NEVER even considered needing jeans or sweatshirts.

For DLR in June, I'm thinking we may need the whole gamut, from shorts, to capris, to jeans and sweatshirts. This really throws a wrench in being able to pack light. :worried:

Still not sure what to do....
Pack exactly like you said. Layering clothing is the best way to handle California weather. Start the day with warmer clothes then rent a locker to hold what you don't need throughout the day and you will need it again once the sun goes down. You can go in and out of the lockers as often as you want. It is dangerous to try and pack to light when coming to California because our weather varies so much.
I grew up near Disneyland then moved to the Dallas area part-time at 15 (divorced parents).

California hot is soooo much nicer than Texas hot in my opinion.

Layer and you should be fine. Honestly, you might feel more comfy in jeans/pants some mornings and evenings, but you can generally get by with just a sweater or something on top of a summery outfit.
Surely it doesn't get as humid in CA as it does in FL, right?

For those who know both, early September in CA is like which season in FL?
Let me chime in with the other Arizonans (except I'm not from Tucson--we've already hit 105 here this month ::yes::) and say that California weather rocks! The first time I went to the beach, I thought no one would be swimming because the weather was in the 80's. No one swims here until the high 90's.


We don't stand outside for hours in the sun in AZ, unless we are next to water or we are teenagers, so I feel surprisingly hot at DL after "forgetting" to put on my sunblock and standing in full sun in the IASW line, for instance.
Surely it doesn't get as humid in CA as it does in FL, right?

For those who know both, early September in CA is like which season in FL?

You can't compare. CA's climate is nothing like FL's. Coastal CA has a Mediterranean climate. Think Italy or Southern France. Very dry during the summer, cool and wetter during the winter.
We are from Oklahoma. A few years ago we were at DL in July. We heard all the locals complaining about how horribly miserably hot it was. We were laughing because we thought it was perfect weather. We weren't hot at all. It is not humid in CA at all like it is in OK or TX. You will be fine. We've been in early June the last couple of years. It can be a little cool in the mornings and evenings, and warm in the afternoons. I usually just wear capris or shorts and a short sleeved shirt anyway. I rarely bother with a sweatshirt or jacket, although if you get cold really easily, you might want one. Now, if you are going to the coast at all, that is a different story. With "June Gloom"- cloudy in the mornings and evenings- it can get really chilly in the mornings and evenings near the coast in June. We usually do wear sweatshirts or jackets in those areas in June.


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