HH Weather


Earning My Ears
Apr 9, 2001
OK since we joined DVC in April I have been so excited about going to HH. Our original thoughts were go in May, 2002 as we have a WDW trip planned for 9/29-10/5/2001 Well some things have come up and I am thinking now of doing a May 2002 WDW trip again and going to HH in October. Is there a big difference in weather? I have friends that go to HH every May and just LOVE it (non DVC members).

It makes sense to do it this way for a few reasons:
1. We just found our our airfare for our WDW trip in Sept. has gone down so we have vouchers that expire in 1 year
2. We could buy AP's on this WDW trip and use in May. If we went in Oct they would have expired by about 1 week.

Thanks for any suggestions and info!!

We have been to HH in early May and in late October. The weather was warmer in May than October. There is a better chance of rain in October than May. October is still in the latter part of hurricane season. The evenings were what we noticed to be more cool in October. Please note that I said cool not cold by any means. It was more windy in October. Your idea about get multiple usage out of APs at WDW is always a great idea. Good luck in your planning. HH is our home resort and we love the place.


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