The thing to remember is that with no FP in play, Standby is almost constantly moving; in COVID times, I've never stood in one spot in line more than a minute or two, other than when I hit a cleaning cycle waiting for HM, and I was outdoors for that. So even in what seem like pretty confined indoor spots, you're moving through, not standing in place.
That was our experience EXCEPT for in AK at FOP. We stood still waiting a loooooooot in the long outside lines. Sometimes it would pick up and move briskly but we were sitting down even for periods of time during our 90-minute wait (never. again.)
Thanks to all who are posting their experiences. I‘ve been reading that there are lines to get into the Mexico pyramid in EPCOT. So does this mean if you have an ADR at San Angel Inn, you need to factor in waiting in line before your reservation?

Was there last week and a cast member told a family near us that they had to wait in that same line even with reservations.
Thanks to all who are posting their experiences. I‘ve been reading that there are lines to get into the Mexico pyramid in EPCOT. So does this mean if you have an ADR at San Angel Inn, you need to factor in waiting in line before your reservation?
We ate there last night (amazing- I got the tostada and soup, highly recommend!) and they had a separate line for us around the back of the pyramid. We got there exactly at our reservation time. A cast member that was telling people where to go and told us to find another cast member around the corner. From there a CM walked us in to the host eat station. It was a bit wild inside with people, so I worried about social distancing. We waited a bit for a table but ultimately had the best seat overlooking the ride! Such a great night!
Was there last w2eek and a cast member told a family near us that they had to wait in that same line even with reservations.

I went to San Angels yesterday and what you do is about 15 minutes before your reservation you go to the green umbrella in front to the right of the Mexican Pavilion and you tell them you have a reservation and show them the reservation and another employee will come up from the side and bring you up the right side of the Pavilion into the Mexico Pavilion pass the line.
We have had pretty good luck with early morning crowds. Sunday (22nd) we did MK. On bus from Kidani village a little after 8. In by 8:30 or so. We rode, Pirates (walk on) and then BTMRR (posted 15, but was 10). By the time we got out, Splash was open/running with 30 minute wait listed though it was more like 20. So by the time the park had been officially open by 30 minutes, we had done 3 rides.

Monday was HS. We got BG 12. Got to park on 2nd bus at about 8:20.By the time we got done with temp checks, security and walked over, there already was a 60 minute wait for SDD. So we went to GE. We walked on the falcon ride. When we got off, our BG was called. No lines at RotR.(It was awesome). Went to Star Tours with a 10 minute wait. So by the time the park had been officially open for 45 mins, we had done all 3 Star Wars rides.

today was Epcot. We got there at 10:25 and by the time we got to TT, it showed 70 minutes but we got in line anyway. It was about 40. We then went to Soarin and it too listed 70 minutes and it was closer to 40 - but there was a 15-20 minute line to even enter the Land. (Later, after lunch. Mission Space showed 35 but we were on in 10 fir the green side - orange listed at 45)
so I'm going to Epcot twice in the last week. I went yesterday which was Tuesday November 24th and I went last Tuesday November 17th. Both times I got there after about noon when the park opens at 11. I have an annual pass so I have free parking but we were in creation 40 and creation 42 both times so we were pretty close to the front. Now yesterday the 24th was a lot busier and way more crowded. The times and lines were pretty crazy yesterday the 24th. But we had decided we wanted to do World Showcase during the day because we wanted to see it during the day because on the 17th we did not get over to World Showcase until nighttime. We got to do all the fun things in the world showcase before coming over and doing future world. I definitely suggest coming later because at night after like 6 yesterday we could do everything with maybe a 10-minute way other than test track and Frozen which were at like 40 minutes to 60 Minute wait and we're probably less than what was posted. But during the day the lines were insane and they were everywhere. There was a line to get into the land that was pretty crazy and there was even a 50 minute wait for journey to imagination during the day. After about 6 p.m. it was 5 to 10 minutes. They are doing the changeover for the holiday festival so a lot of the booths are closed with the new signage for the holiday festival. Here is my biggest complaint about yesterday it was extremely hard to figure out where the lines were for things. Or for instance we went into the China Pavilion to watch the video and when we came out in order to go into the store there was a line that kind of jet it off to the left. Well people that were exiting the show instead of going into the line like they're supposed to do they were trying to walk directly in to the shop or just stand there but not the end of the actual line. There wasn't really any signage directing people on what to do and the person that was calling directing people on what to do and the person that was calling people into the shop was inside the shop they weren't outside directing people. I wish they had a sign out that said something along the lines if you're waiting to get into the whatever the name is of the shop weight in this line and had an arrow pointing to where you're actually supposed to wait. I also kind of wish they may be color coded the lines on the ground. This way they can say if you're standing on I don't know a green wait here line then that line is for Frozen or stand on the pink ones to stand on the pink ones to get into the land Pavilion or like the Seas which is close to the land Pavilion if it had a different color than the because a lot of people we're getting very congested in that area and had no idea what to do. My advice is to go later in the day.
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Took it easy today, crowds have picked up for the holiday, but we had a great day anyway.

Got to AK 730 and went right to FoP line said 105 minutes. I didn’t love that me and DD2 had to wait on most of line to get rider swap. But whatever, after getting rider swap we went on search of a donut, with none insight we walked all the way to Asia where we found one, then DH and DD6 meet us at about 90 minutes after we originally got online. Then we had breakfast at yak and yeti, surprisingly this was really good. Then we split up again and did riders swap for FoP wile DH and DD2 did triceratop spin twice.

Then we headed out for a pool break and nap. We headed to Disney Springs for dinner, and to be honest I was worried we wouldn’t find parking, or it would all be full. I was also a bit worried about mask compliance. But we had no issues with parking and felt mask compliance was pretty decent, not as great as the parks but pretty good.

As we were leaving the crowds we’re growing, but it wasn’t horrible. Overall a pretty good day, ready for the crowds and busy day tomorrow!
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spent 2 hours at MK yesterday from 12:30 to 2:30, I was streaming, noo plans to go on rides just live stream how the park looked on a sold out day (all the tiers were unavailable)
I cannot stress enough the importance of:
Real expectations. Know that the queues will look long and spill out of areas where you never seen queues before. Know that it will feel crowded because there are no shows or M&G to swallow large groups of people up
Rope Drop and staying until closing, the 1st best and second best time to visit and tour
Master Mobile Order. First of all try and eat at off times, early/late lunch, early dinner. In the morning pick your eating time frame and restaurant and place order and then when it's your time just hit "I'm here" you'll be far ahead from those that place orders right at the moment. Yesterday I walked past Pecos Bill, again prime lunchtime and it was awful, so many people just hanging out waiting for their orders

All in all I knew it would feel crowded being that it was all sold out but aside from a few choke points the walkways remained manageable, Adventureland's relaxation station had a queue to go in but Tomorrowland was wide open, remember people tend to start on the right of MK and make their way around.

Pick 3 rides that are priority, do those at rope drop and the rest will be icing on the cake, don't overplan

What I experienced yesterday is what I'm expecting for Christmas and New Years week so it's definitely less people but still feels a bit crowded so keep that in mind
spent 2 hours at MK yesterday from 12:30 to 2:30, I was streaming, noo plans to go on rides just live stream how the park looked on a sold out day (all the tiers were unavailable)
I cannot stress enough the importance of:
Real expectations. Know that the queues will look long and spill out of areas where you never seen queues before. Know that it will feel crowded because there are no shows or M&G to swallow large groups of people up
Rope Drop and staying until closing, the 1st best and second best time to visit and tour
Master Mobile Order. First of all try and eat at off times, early/late lunch, early dinner. In the morning pick your eating time frame and restaurant and place order and then when it's your time just hit "I'm here" you'll be far ahead from those that place orders right at the moment. Yesterday I walked past Pecos Bill, again prime lunchtime and it was awful, so many people just hanging out waiting for their orders

All in all I knew it would feel crowded being that it was all sold out but aside from a few choke points the walkways remained manageable, Adventureland's relaxation station had a queue to go in but Tomorrowland was wide open, remember people tend to start on the right of MK and make their way around.

Pick 3 rides that are priority, do those at rope drop and the rest will be icing on the cake, don't overplan

What I experienced yesterday is what I'm expecting for Christmas and New Years week so it's definitely less people but still feels a bit crowded so keep that in mind

Heading there today, and while not rope dropping this is our general plan, hoping to start to empty a bit around 5/6
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Heading there today, and while not rope dripping this is our general plan, hoping to start to empty a bit around 5/6
It has been starting to empty a bit earlier than that. We've either been arriving before advertised opening or after lunch and for the most part, the evenings have been much more pleasant. We've definitely seen the absolute best standby times for the first hour or two but after that, it's pretty consistent, spread out and constant across the board. We waited 80 minutes for FoP one day this week with an 11:20am arrival BUT we slept in and rather than waking up at 6 something, we gained a few hours to our day in the morning and it only cost us about 40 minutes extra in line so it was a fair trade off.

With no park hopping and so many people arriving early, many many people just can't handle 10-12 hours in a theme park with kids.
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Going home today. Some of our best ideas on this trip:

Use afternoon "break" time to do Disney Springs. Yesterday we rope dropped AK (8am open), left about 11:00 for lunch at DS (it was very manageable crowds), then back to AK around 3:30pm to finish out the night (8pm close). We didn't have to brave DS at night and we didn't have to stay in a crowded park all afternoon. Win win.

Sit down lunch and mobile order dinner. Kept us out of the crowds a bit in the afternoon and provided a much needed sit-down mask break. Plus we never had to sacrifice "end of the night" lines in order to try to make a reservation. That last hour or so is a good time to do rides with a bit (hopefully) lower crowds.

We rented points at BWV for our DHS day. Lots of distressed points right now make it a good value. Especially during the weekdays in standard view. Then we could park and walk over worry free. And we got to experience the skyliner on the way back from the park. Which I'm not sure we would have done otherwise. And we got to stay at the Boardwalk, which was lovely!

This one is kind of silly, but "stand in a line". Anytime there was a line and I wasn't doing anything, I stood in it. While others in my party were getting starbucks, going to the restroom, taking pictures, I stood in line. Cut down on waiting time b/c they could just join me when they were ready. And most lines move fast. I kind of got made fun of b/c I would just stand in random lines, lol. But there was usually something I wanted to do/eat at the front of it! :-)
While others in my party were getting starbucks, going to the restroom, taking pictures, I stood in line. Cut down on waiting time b/c they could just join me when they were ready.

Legit question, because I would gladly do the same for the rest of my family, do people seem to mind if you do this? Stand in line and then have the others come up and join you?
Legit question, because I would gladly do the same for the rest of my family, do people seem to mind if you do this? Stand in line and then have the others come up and join you?
It’s never looked upon happily. I know we normally get upset if we’re in line and the single person, or couple in front of us, all of a sudden turns into a party of 10. But I think it was worse pre-COVID when that larger group would have held you up even more due to the FP+ line. Plus, it was worse when that joining group would have to do the “Excuse Me Sneak” down the queue line to join their party. Much easier at this time when they can just walk up to their party because the line is in a walkway. But overall probably still frowned upon by other guests.
Legit question, because I would gladly do the same for the rest of my family, do people seem to mind if you do this? Stand in line and then have the others come up and join you?
I don't mind if it's a long line, the entire group shows up first and then i see people leave and come back.
I get slightly irritated if one person gets in line and then the rest of the group shows up later
Either instance i don't let it ruin my day
Honestly we might do where one stays in line and the other takes our son who has autism to walk around. We are getting the DAS, but kids can’t wait for too long.
Honestly we might do where one stays in line and the other takes our son who has autism to walk around. We are getting the DAS, but kids can’t wait for too long.
Not what the previous poster meant.

It was specifically suggested as a tip for maximizing her groups park time. Many find this offensive so be prepared for some negative feedback if you choose to do this.
I don't mind if the ride loads one party per vehicle, no harm done. But you have to admit it is rude to line jump... wouldn't we all rather be chilling, shopping, grabbing a bite to eat... rather than waiting in a line? (Of course we excuse the parent who leaves to take a kid to the potty!) Just park your stroller and keep your group together to get in line. That way you offend no one. It is also crazy to be standing in line for the water taxi back to your hotel thinking you just might make this boat.... but 6 people who "know the group" ahead of you jump in line with them instead of the end of the line 20 people back. But funnier still, is when you take your party and jump ahead of them and they ask you what you are doing? Uhm, the same thing you just did? :rolleyes1


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