Help! What is a Dole Whip!?


DIS Veteran
Apr 1, 2004
Sorry, I posted the question in a thread and no one answered it, so I feel the need to shout a little louder. Everyone keeps saying how amazing these things are...and I feel like the only dope on the planet who has no clue what a Dole Whip is!
It's a pineapple flavored soft serve ice cream. It's been a while since I have had one but they are good.
You can get them at Aloha Isle, in Adventureland at the Magic Kingdom, if you ever want to try one! YUM!! Just had one last week... :D
I introduced my husband to a dole whip this past trip and he fell in love with it! You can get just the soft serve or you can get a dole whip float with pineapple juice.

I have a photo of it on my Epson online album called WDW food...just click on link below then click on WDW FOOD then it's the 24th photo I believe :)
It is a nice treat. I haven't had the float, but the soft serve is very good. It's not as rich as a chocolate sundae or shake, but it sure "hits the spot" in Adventureland:earsboy:


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