Fax # for ASMu?


DIS Veteran
Apr 26, 2002
I tried to fax in my room request this morning and again this afternoon using 407-939-7222 as printed in the Passporter, but the fax wouldn't go through - the other line just kept ringing and ringing. Do I have the right number? Thanks for the help!

wdwig.com also lists that number. Have you tried calling the resort to ask what's up? The telephone number is 407/939-6000.
I called yesterday. The CM confirmed that I had the correct fax number, and was surprised that it wasn't "answering." She said to try again today, and if I still had problems I could call in my request. I wouldn't really care, but we need a specific type and location for medical reasons.

Phone again. I had the same problem, and called check-in on thursday pm. Fax # has just been changed. I sent a Fax thru this am with no problem. Sorry didn't keep new #.
I did try again yesterday and had the same problem; when I called back she checked the fax, said it was fine and could not understand why I'd been unable to get through, and gave me a second number as a backup. I tried that one (I do have it, but not right now), and it went fine. I'll post it later when I find it.



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