Fantasmic questions


DIS Veteran
Aug 20, 2003
1. If we go to the second show of the night at 10:30, where is a good place to wait for the 9:00 crowd to leave? And then where should we go once we can move? Anyone have a good strategy for seeing the second show?

2. What should we do with our stroller? It sounds like it is wall to wall people around ROA during Fantasmic. Is there room to bring our double stroller with us so the kids can have a place to sit? I also don't want to lose it.

3. Is it at all possible to see the fireworks from the hub and then get a spot for the 10:30 show? This would be in July.

Thanks for your help! :)
there is an easy way to get great seats at the River Belle Terrace for the 2nd show! And these are free seats!!! Do a search for my posts, and you will find a description of how to do it. I would tell you now, but the hospital I work at just called, and I have to go scan an emergency patient!! Have a great trip!!
ok I read yours scan mom now heres what I do...prior to the 50th fireworks, I would wait until the show was almost over...and stand in the back where people would leave from and as they were leaving I would manuever my way up to the front and where I wanted to sit, now I have to stay there for an hour or whatever but I love that show and would wait all day if I had to for it...but now due to the fireworks being shown after the first fantasmic, they tell you to stay seated...once the fireworks are over, everybody gets up and cms make anybody thats sitting there move so they can clean up ...they rope off the area right in front of the stage or whatever you want to call it...towards the left of it actually and you can stand there and wait till they clean..when they are done the tell you no running and blah blah blah and then the drop the rope and you can stake out yer claim maties... pirate: arrgh
You can bring your stroller into the seating area, but it must be folded down during the show.
Thanks everyone for your advice!!

So does anyone think it is possible to see the fireworks in the hub and then get a decent spot for the 10:30 show?


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