Epcot or HS on Mother’s Day?


DIS Veteran
Jun 13, 2002
I know I’m planning far in advance, but I have 7 people to plan for instead of my usual 2 people. Anyway I’m excited! Our first day will be Mother’s Day. We are staying at Pop Century until Tuesday that week then on to Wilderness Lodge! We want to go to Epcot and HS while at Pop. Which park for Sunday and Monday would be best crowd wise? I really would like to go to Epcot on Mother’s Day, but thinking most mothers may also want to go there with the flower and garden festival going on. Interested in what others have to say that were there during that time this year.
Looking back at historical calendars, attendance at those 2 parks seems to flip back and forth on Mother's Day but neither is much different from the other. I would recommend going to the park you wish to go to.
Looking back at historical calendars, attendance at those 2 parks seems to flip back and forth on Mother's Day but neither is much different from the other. I would recommend going to the park you wish to go to.
Yeah I did look at touring plans crowd calendar. I know Monday was high last May for Epcot, but someone that was there said it wasn’t high crowds. I’m trying to get more opinions.
We were at WDW this past spring about a month before Mother's Day. The flowers were as showy as I've ever seen. It will be a late Easter in 2025 (4/20/25), a week or two afterwards should be a good time. And late April/early May still has some decent weather before the summer heat.
We went to DHS on Mother's Day over 25 years ago and the crowds were not bad at all. We have been over 25 times and we really liked that first May trip. The weather was relatively nice and the crowds then were not bad at all.


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