DVC Dues + upcoming trip question


Will arm wrestle DISshopkeeper for a date with Ron
Jan 1, 2003
We will be staying at our home resort in one week. I'm holding in my hand the check to pay our dues but am not sure if I send it out today/tonite whether it will get there in time.

Does anyone know if they will accept dues payment at the time of check in?
Also will they accept a check from me for the dues at that time (my usual way to pay them) or will it have to be via credit card?

You may want to check with MS for the definitive answer to your questions.

The Member Guidebook suggests that dues are payable by Jan 15 or your first trip for the year- whichever is earlier. So if you aren't sure if it will arrive before your trip, then just take it with you. I'd still call MS for advice, but I'm sure a check will suffice.

Have a great trip! :)
Yes, I have paid by check at check-in (at OKW). They will deliver it to member accounting via internal company mail. Usually, but not always, I have also gotten a receipt from the CM for the check. If not, I've called Accounting after a few days to make sure they received it.

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