driving to hoop dee doo revue


Earning My Ears
Sep 8, 2004
I read a post somewhere that driving to the hdd was a nightmare, not alot of road signs etc... Has anyone had any success driving to the hdd? We will be at the BCV and what time will we need to leave to be at the 5:00 show? Where can I get a good map on how to get there? Why is it so difficult to drive there? Thanks!
You can not drive to HDD. You can drive to the campground (Ft.W) parking lot and catch a bus. You must take a bus or boat to HDD (or trail's end). There use to be a bus that left from TTC to HDD, but not sure if it still runs. (Chip/Dale could answer that).
If you drive, you need to park in the lot at FW and then take an internal FW bus to the Settlement trading post. From there it is a short walk. I would allow a minimum of 45 minutes travel time.
The bus to the TTC is still running per Tyler's info.

But it is easy to drive to FW. At checkin, ask for the map if it isn't offered. That will help you get your bearings.

The fastest way to drive from BCV is to head for the MK. As you approach the parking booths, go to ones on the far right (but not to the farthest right one as that is reserved for Tyler and his fellow bus drivers). Ask the CM or just look straight ahead. There is a single lane road with a blue stripe that goes straight as the rest of the MK traffic swoops left. Follow that road for a short distance and then there is a right turn lane with signs for Fort Wilderness. Head right on that road and FW will be on the left in a 1/2 mile or so. The first entrance is for folks staying there as I recall but the next one is for parking for the Outpost parking.

From there, walk toward the buildings and watch for signs for the bus stop.

I read that post too and for some reason, it sounded like they sat in their car after they got to the Outpost. You will need to get out and walk to find the bus. It isn't really busy so you can't wait for crowds to follow. The bus will get you there in maybe 15 minutes.

I think I would allow an hour even though you probably won't need that much time. But if it is crowded by MK parking or if you've just missed a bus.... Being late for Hoop dee Doo would be a shame. Once you get to the Settlement, you can wander around a bit.
When planning your drive to Hoop De Doo, remember that there can be a lot of traffic at the guard booth at certain times in the afternoon.

Once you park, you walk up to the covered bus stop (not the check-in building). The "Ft Wilderness" bus will then pick you up and take you to the back of the campground, where the show is.

If you take a bus to Ft Wilderness from TTC, it will drop you off at the above mentioned bus stop (front of Ft Wilderness). If you take a boat, you walk from the marina to the HoopDeDoo (Back of Ft Wilderness).

Read the post that gave instructions from the MK gate. It is right on target. Bear RIGHT.

We frequently stay at Ft Wilderness and never once have we had a hard time finding it. Hope they don't move it before we get there on Thursday!
LOL, risy! :rotfl: :rotfl:

Also, although as risy said traffic can back in for folks checking into FW, if you don't turn in there but go just a little further there is another entrance that I tried to explain. It leads to a parking lot for the Outpost only. I can't remember what the sign says but just don't turn into the checkin entrance...go just a little bit more.
BCV23 said:
LOL, risy! :rotfl: :rotfl:

Also, although as risy said traffic can back in for folks checking into FW, if you don't turn in there but go just a little further there is another entrance that I tried to explain. It leads to a parking lot for the Outpost only. I can't remember what the sign says but just don't turn into the checkin entrance...go just a little bit more.

I think the sign said something like "Pioneer Hall entrance/parking."
It should be noted that getting there, and getting back will be two different routes.

To get there, just follow the signs to the Magic Kingdom. When you get to the MK Toll Plaza, stay right after you pass through. The road will fork, and then fork again. Stay far right on both turns. About a mile or two down the road, you will see the entrance to Fort Wilderness. KEEP GOING. There will be a SECOND entrance on the left. That is the one you want. Park there.

Currently, the Outpost bus stop is under construction, so there is a temporary bus stop set up in a closed section of the parking lot. Just look for the white tent, and you'll see the buses. You'll want to board any bus marked "SETTLEMENT" -- doesn't matter what the color is. Internal buses run every 10 minutes, and it'll take 5 minutes to get to the Settlement Depot, location of Pioneer Hall.

To get back to your car, board any bus marked "OUTPOST" -- once again, doesn't matter the color. Buses run from the Settlement Depot on the :10 minute mark.

Once back to the car, you'll want to take a LEFT out of the parking lot onto the main road. You'll pass a golf course on the left. At the traffic light, take a RIGHT onto Bonnet Creek. Continue past Port Orleans Riverside, French Quarter, and then Old Key West. At the end of the road, take a RIGHT onto Buena Vista Drive. You'll go past Caribbean Beach, and you'll soon see the Boardwalk.
If I were leaving the Outpost parking lot at any time other than close to MK closing, I would choose a different route than Tyler to return to BCV. I'd take a right out of the Outpost parking lot, a right at the next intersection (only way you can go), a left at the next light and drive in front of the TTC and Polynesian. Left at the next intersection past the Polynesian and follow the signs for Epcot resorts.

I hate Buena Vista Drive and this minimizes the time spent on it. But close to MK closing, there are lots of buses and taxis going the route I prefer so then I would take Tyler's route.
The route you suggest would work, but would be much much longer. It only minimizes time on BVD by about a half mile or so.
Tyler, do you mean in miles or minutes? It actually seems shorter to me in both but I'll bow to the expert. :worship:

I will still take my route however because what I hate about LBV Drive is all the lights and crazy drivers!

But if you think the other route is better, why wouldn't you use it to HDDR as well?
You very well could use it... timewise TO the hoop would be the same, but it's easier signage wise to go via the toll plaza.

The getting back becomes longer because you can't make a right onto World Drive... instead, you have to loop around the parking lot, and down Seven Seas. Seven Seas will slow you down enormously. Also, in my experience with the intersections, making a right is much easier and quicker than all lefts, because you can make that right on red after stop, as long as the intersection is clear.
Not to sound like an idiot but does Buena vista drive take me back to the Beach Club Villas? You said I would see the Boardwalk and just want to be sure you know I need to get back to the Beach Club. Thanks for all your help!!
I was assuming that once you saw your resort area you'd be able to get back to the Beach Club. At any rate, at either the Boardwalk or the Swan, you can turn onto Epcot Resort Blvd to get to the Beach Club.
When we stayed at the BCV we took a bus to
MK, then took a boat FW, and walked about 300
yards to Pioneer Hall. For the return trip, just reverse
the route. It went fine for us. Good Luck.
Indeed, that way is an easy way. Also, after the shows, there will be buses at the Settlement that will take guests back to thier resorts without a transfer.
ALostBoy said:
When we stayed at the BCV we took a bus to
MK, then took a boat FW, and walked about 300
yards to Pioneer Hall. For the return trip, just reverse
the route. It went fine for us. Good Luck.
yup .... thats what we did. And we had our evening planned for MK...so it was perfect


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