Dog getting ear removed today(update)


<font color=green>Yoshi Lover<br><font color=deepp
Jun 11, 2000
I have seen many sad doggie posts here lately, and I'm sorry to have to add to them. Our 3 year old golden retriever is having most of her ear removed today due to a recurring cancerous tumor. This is a type of cancer that might recur elsewhere, but so far it has just been the ear so that is why we are trying this. She is happy and energetic, even since this all started in Dec. My neighbor last night said I should get a second opinion and possibly put her down. She thinks its putting the dog thru alot to take off her ear. It never occurred to me to put her down at this stage, I just couldn't do that yet, I have seen even 3 legged dogs that seem to live a happy life. So we are trying this, the doctor will cut diagonally and try to save as much ear as possible. But I imagine she'll only have like a 3rd of it left. Poor thing, she's such a sweetie, I'm hoping this is successful.

UPDATE: The vet just called, he said the surgery went ok but she keeps shaking her head-blood everywhere...they tried bandaging her head- that lasted 20 minutes, she got it off-blood everywhere...she is sedated now she will stay there tonite..he said her glands felt good...he is hopeful. I thanked him profusely...and the girls there, I know they've got there work cut out for them right now cleaning up...God bless them. Thanks again for all your kind words.
Your neighbor must not be an animal lover, that's for sure. I would never put a dog down when there's a chance for recovery! Some people just don't get it.

I hope your precious pup comes through her surgery well and has a full recovery. She's lucky to have you. I'm sending prayers and good wishes your way!
I am so sorry. Sending doggie Pixie Dust your way!!!!!!!!
Hope things go well with the surgery and puppy has a fast recovery.
I hope the surgery is easy and successful. Poor puppy. If she isn't in pain, why put her down? I suppose I just love my dog too much to put her down because of losing part of her ear.
Awwww, poor little girl! I hope the surgery is a huge success and the cancer stays away for good!

That was callous of your neighbor to say that to you. Animals, humans included, can lead normal, productive lives without body parts. And -- some people crop their dog's ears and tails for non-medical reasons. I'm not saying that's a good or bad thing, just that it happens.

I hope your dog is up and about and living a full life and undergoing a full complete recovery from both her surgery and her cancer in no time. :)
Please keep with what you are doing!! You are doing the right thing and I will pray that it doesn't occur anywhere else. Your dog can live a long great life without the ear.

I am looking at my cat right now that is missing his front leg. Some insane jerk threw the litter out of the window of a moving car. My kitty ending up breaking his leg, teeth, jar, and they think had a concusion. We got him 2 weeks later and couldn't walk out of the vet without him. He leg ended up locking in a funny position so long story short we had to amputate. I heard a few comments like yours and I just scoffed. He is amazing and does better than my other 4 legged cat, no kidding.

Awww... the poor puppy :( I hope all goes well with the surgery and hopefully this will keep your dog cancer free from now on. Ignore your neighbor. To me, doing this would be a little thing to do in the scheme of things that hopefully will save your dogs life. I just hope all goes well and your dog will be happy & running around again soon :)
I am appalled at your neighbor's suggestion! By all means, remove the ear. It is far safer than trying to prevent the cancer from spreading other ways! I certainly would NOT put her down unless there were no other options.
I hope all goes well. I agree with the others, your neighbor can't be an animal lover. I just had to let go of my dog 2 weeks ago. She was 15 and I did everything I could to help her go on. Once she wouldn't eat any longer and appeared to be in pain, then it was time. You are doing the right thing.
Lots of prayers & pixiedust for you & your pup. We are also going thru a cancer with our pup. An 11 month old rottie who has bone cancer. We went thru this with an older rottie about 10 years ago & have finally decided not to treat this pup.

It is such a hard decision!! I would do anything to keep an animal alive if the quality of life was going to be good. No one should suggest putting an animal down if they have not done it. It was the hardest thing I ever had to do...I am NOT looking forward to doing it again.
Thanks for all your kind responses. I am sitting here anxiously awaiting a call from the vet to see how it went.
You know, my neighbor is a nurse, and a friend of mine, and what she said made me feel bad and start second guessing myself. I know she has had 2 cats put to sleep in the past few years, one was ill, and one started going to the bathroom in inappropriate places. So maybe that is her solution when there is a "problem" with an animal. Maybe as a nurse she sees alot of suffering in the department shes in...I don't know...but thanks to all of you for making me feel better,and I'll keep you posted.
Here's hoping you have a happy healthy, one-eared puppy!

I know a few years ago the vet talked about removing my cat's ear because it was deformed and didn't get enough air circulation. I didn't have it done, because she only has problems when it is hot out. Considering where we live, it is a very short season.

Hi..glad to hear your dog is doing well. Just wanted to let you know a dog that came in our clinic had cancer on her ear,also.

The doctor removed some of the ear. When he got the report back, he had not gotten all of the cancer. So, the dog came back in and more ear was taken off. That dog is the cutest's a Dach. It has one floppy ear and one that has been cut back.
I think it bothered the owner more than the dog that the ear was gone.

It looks great, though. The best part is that they still have their dog.
You made the right choice. Three years old is too early to put it down when something can be done for your pet.

Good luck!

I cannot imagine putting my dog down instead of removing his ear!.

I am hoping surgery goes well for your doggie and she can rest comfortably tonight. And that you can get some rest as well.

Keep us posted.

Seems like your vet should put one of those big funnel looking collars on her. And I dont believe putting her to sleep would be better.....what about all the Boxer owners that have their dogs ears and tail cropped and their dew claws removed?
Hope the recovery goes well....*HUGS*

I'm glad the neighbor is not a vet.
Thanks for the update. Glad to hear that all looked good. I just hope she will have a swift and complete recovery :)


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