Do you think being left-handed is a lifestyle choice?

Stacerita said:
This is exactly what right handers are afriad of....recruitment. I knew you lefties had a secret agenda.

It's a well known fact that lefthanders have a special agenda. Just look through history. Everyone knows about the Elders of Leftness.
SunFloridaDisney said:
Maybe someone should organize Lefty-Day at WDW??[/url]
Anyone ever been to the parks on any of the 364 righty days a year? I'm okay with it, but my great-uncle is uncomfortable with righties, and he's thinking about waiting until the one lefty day a year. The righties always flaunt their handedness, with their wedding rings on their non-dominant ring fingers, their low-cut outfits that accentuate their dominant hands, their unapologetic swagger, the way they walk around with other righties and their righty kids, the occasional t-shirt with a slogan, the way they hold hands and every now and then give each other a peck. And those righty teens sometimes even make out in public!!! Also, is it extra crowded on the 364 (365 on leap years) righty days? TIA!
Of course you heard the story about the two left handed cowboys! They tried to hide it from their wives, but the story eventually came out when they were seen together writing left handed!

Well, I can only say I'm proud to be a Lefty (at least I was until I heard that Tom Cruise is, too - of well, we all have our crosses, or :crazy2: crazies, to bear in this life)! Even though I get a lot of flack from the right handed half of the partnership because if you say "shake" to the dog, he raises the LEFT paw! :rolleyes1 Yippee, I'm raising him...correctly! And don't forget, all you oppressed left-handers, L stands also for liberal, lovable and lucky! :thumbsup2
Elfstar said:
Well, I can only say I'm proud to be a Lefty (at least I was until I heard that Tom Cruise is, too - of well, we all have our crosses, or :crazy2: crazies, to bear in this life)!

I've heard that Tom Cruise tries to hide the fact that he's a lefty. Sometimes the most virulent anti-lefties are just trying to take the focus off themselves by pointing their right index fingers at everyone else. But pawdar never fails to identify them.

Lefties will know they've won the battle when newspaper articles stop appearing about the causes of left-handedness and start appearing about the causes of leftyphobia.
Ok, both my parents are Hungarian, and were born there, growing up during Communist rule. I am left handed and my mom used to tell me how lucky I was to not be growing up under Communist rule because I would not be allowed to write using my left hand. She told me stories how there was only one boy in her class who was left handed and how the teacher would not let him use it for anything. Oh and if he did he would get, not a ruler but some metal tool to his hand with the intention of breaking it so he couldn't use it. She told me this happened 2-3 times a year. Also, she told me he was the best artist that she had ever seen, but of course he couldn't do it.
Elfstar said:
Even though I get a lot of flack from the right handed half of the partnership because if you say "shake" to the dog, he raises the LEFT paw! :rolleyes1 Yippee, I'm raising him...correctly!

This is just wrong! Call the SPCA - passing this abomination on to a poor defenseless animal ... How could you?

Put your hands together (that would be your RIGHT hand next to your left hand, NOT your left hand next to your right hand) and pray to God for forgiveness.
I too have to admit, although a righty, I have a lefty father and two...count em...two lefty kids.

The abuse they will have to endure is horrible...maybe I should start knuckle-rapping now :teacher:
I was married to a left-hander. Of course, I didn't know it when I married him. He kept it well hidden, in a closet, if I recall correctly.. Then, 10 years and 3 kids later it all came out. He admitted his left-handednes and all the deceit. We ultimately divorced.

Believe me, I put up with a lot. .his caffeine addiction, his polyester leisure suits, his morbid facination with baseball. . it was a very hard time in my life and I really tried to make it work. I finally gave him an ultimatum-give up the left-handed lifestyle or I'm taking the kids and leaving. . well, he bought me a suitcase and a bus pass. Just shows how depraved he'd become, doesn't it?
Ok -so I write with my left - but I play all sports with my right, so I guess you can call me am -BI-dextrious . But I truly feel I am all left in my heart and was forced by society to become BI because I was not given access to right handed equipment (THERE ARE NO LEFT HANDED FIELD HOCKEY STICKS!) But don't tell my right-handed husband that I'm truly left in my heart because he thought he was getting really lucky to marry a BI girl.

I lived in shame for so many years because my handwriting slanted to the left. Don't even get me started on how hard it is to write in a 3-ring binder with your left hand. I tried to go right - but when my husband isn't looking, I try on lefty golf gloves at the sporting goods store and putt with the left handed putter just see what it feels like. It feels more natural. (My dirty little secret)
I would love a a left-handed pride day at WDW. We could all wear t-shirts that say 'lefties are in their right minds' to identify us. I don't know if my husband would be comfortable exposing our children to this though - you know, it could get disturbing with all of the characters publicly signing autographs with their left hands.
OH OH OH! and since this lefty-friendly thread is getting so long - maybe we should start a 'Left Handed and ambidextrious at Disney" board. We lefties do have specific concerns that we would like to talk about. :rotfl:
A newly published scientific study shows that brains of lesbians react more like straight men than like straight women, specifically when reacting to hormones (we could have told them that!). Obviously this is another study that gives more weight to the belief that homosexuality is based on physical aspects and not learned behavior (but I still believe that being left-handed is a choice!!). Here's a link to the complete article on CNN:

Science is a wonderful thing ... and it can also be humorous, this section caught my eye:

"Each of the three groups of subjects included 12 healthy, unmedicated, right-handed and HIV-negative individuals."

I'm sorry that you left-handed folks weren't good enough for the study ... discrimination is a terrible thing!
Saxton said:
A newly published scientific study shows that brains of lesbians react more like straight men than like straight women, specifically when reacting to hormones (we could have told them that!). Obviously this is another study that gives more weight to the belief that homosexuality is based on physical aspects and not learned behavior (but I still believe that being left-handed is a choice!!). Here's a link to the complete article on CNN:

Science is a wonderful thing ... and it can also be humorous, this section caught my eye:

"Each of the three groups of subjects included 12 healthy, unmedicated, right-handed and HIV-negative individuals."

I'm sorry that you left-handed folks weren't good enough for the study ... discrimination is a terrible thing!

Good article, Sue, thank you for posting it. As a biologist and a lesbian, I thoroughly enjoyed it!


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