disposable or reusable swim diapers?


Earning My Ears
Mar 5, 2001
I'm starting to plan and pack for our June trip...and I'm not sure which type of swim diaper to buy? Our baby will be 61/2 months during the trip and will swim daily(hopefully) with us. Thanks!
I've used both and found the disposables much easier and more sanitary because you are more apt to change it more frequently.
When I first read "disposable", I thought Oh No! but, you mean swim diapers ~ Whew! Definitely the disposable! I've used these for DD and they're great. Besides, would you want to be cleaning and changing dirty reuseable ones while on vacation?! Just my opinion.

btw, we're going in June also! Have a Great Time!

I've used both and I agree the disposable are much easier to deal with and I think they probaly work a little better than the reusable ones.
The diaper patrol will get you.....

Actually, they told me some stories about how parents were trying to make re-usables out of disposables. Eeeeeuuuuuwwwww.
I'm in the minority that votes for reusuable. My daughter had an adorable swim suit with a built in diaper and we never had a problem. I'm currently looking for the perfect Flap Happy suit for her since we swim at least one a week at the YMCA. She's only 20 months old but is already quite a little fish!

-- Robin
Thanks for the info, I'd never used swim diapers before so I didn't know...lil' swimmers it is...I guess one pack is enough? Do you still dress baby in swimwear over top of the diaper?
That's up to you. Some people do, but I never bother with putting a swimsuite over a disposable diaper.
I think on vacation it is just easier to use the disposables, you don't have to worry about cleaning between uses. I too agree that putting a suit on over the swim diaper is just personal preference. I would not have, but DH thought it was necessary.


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