Disney's YACHT & BEACH CLUB RESORTS Information & Questions

No sure that is your only option. I think that @2xcited2sleep was mentioning the limited YC Marketplace at Ale & Compass.

It should have 1 Pint Half n Half for $2.99 and Dannon Yogurt Light & Fit Strawberry, Blueberry, and Dannon Oikos Vanilla all in 5.3 oz size for $3.19 each.

There is no oikos vanilla or strawberry, the Marketplace only carries the blueberry and I checked with the MAC yesterday and they don't have any individual yogurts and used to carry only the strawberry. Are you seeing the vanilla and strawberry on a menu listing?

There is the pint of half n half plus the french vanilla coffeemate liquid creamer small container (which is a new offering since the closure).
It was just the way I was treated (or rather not treated in the case of many CM who chose to act like I wasn't standing right in front of them trying to ask a question). I was solo and had several bags since I decided to take some snacks and water with me, room wasn't ready so I wanted (and kinda really needed) some help getting my bags sorted and to bells services. One CM, who was just standing there looking angry with a luggage cart completely ignored me, I was right in front of him unloading my car and I said "Sir? Where exactly can I go to get a cart and get this stuff to bells services until my room is ready?" and he just looked directly at me and then looked away. I look around and there are no other guests, and there are two men in suits standing at a counter outside just chatting. I kinda walked towards them and was like "I'm sorry, is it possible to get someone to help me with my bags please?" and they both just looked up at me and then went back to chatting with each other. I went back and finished unloading the car and started walking in their direction again with my bags and they're finally like "Oh! do you need help?!" -_- Good grief.

I also got a horrible room, kid next door had a whistle and a dad that liked to yell at him for using it. The walls at YC are so thin, it was really not a relaxing time. I asked to be moved and they told me they didn't have any other rooms in my category and they just couldn't move me to another category. Ok, thanks. I also had a problem with my bands not working with my door, and the app only worked 1 out of every 5 times. I had deactivated all but the three bands I took with me, when I went to the desk (and finally got someone to acknowledge me) they told me I had too many bands and maybe think about trimming down and deactivating all of them. I was like "I only have 3 active right now, and only 1 works some of the time" the guy looks at me and is like "well I'm sorry about that" and just hands me back the band he had been looking at, told me to have a nice day and then didn't even fix the issue. Most of the power outlets didn't work in my room, USB or standard plugs, pretty much just the ones in the dresser worked which was really inconvenient at night with my pone. My fridge also kept smelling like something was burning, and there was a constant puddle of water in the bottom of it that I was constantly having to dry up. I was sent a welcome email by management with a survey to let them know about my stay, and they responded to that saying they would get it all fixed. Well they did get the fridge fixed by the afternoon before I left, but the outlets never were. I tried using the chat feature on the app for assistance and it wouldn't work either, so I kept having to deal with the dude at the front desk who was not a delight to deal with. Finding food at night was an issue with Ale & Compass full and the lounge spilling out in to the lobby couches, it was raining so lots of people just hanging around drinking in the lobby, and the marketplace had a whole two things on the menu at dinner (both of which I couldn't eat), and refrigerator case was pretty much empty of any real food at that point aside from one lonely dessert and a couple of sandwhiches that looked like they had been there for a while. Ordered room service and it took forever to get to my room, and it was cold and not very good at that point. Then yesterday morning they just were having issues with breakfast and the mobile order, I ended up breaking down in tears because it just kept getting worse and worse. Then the mickey waffles weren't even good, eggs weren't cooked all the way, it was rough. They have a lot of kinks to work out there. I understand they just opened back up, and things are rough right now, but that doesn't excuse how some of the CMs treated me while I was there. I saw how they treated other guests and I was just like "what about me?". I'm always friendly, I know they have a hard job, but I just keep wondering what it is about me that makes them not treat me as well (being ignored or talked down to is really not good). I don't want special treatment, I just want the same treatment as other guests.

overall just one thing after another, each thing not bad on its own but combined with all the other little things that happened made for a rough time especially since I was alone and had to deal with it all myself. At least the beds are comfy and I could walk to HS and Epcot, those were the saving graces of the stay (parks were a lot of fun though, at least I had that too), but I've never wanted to check out of a place so fast in my life.
Please be sure to write to guest services and let them know everything you posted above. They need to make this right for you. Plus, if there are some training issues, or other problems that need to be looked into, they need to have folks tell them.

Here's the email I have always used to write to them after each of my trips... I always send a note commenting on the good and the not so good, and each time, I have received a phone call from them and have always felt like they really did care that I had a good trip, and/or thanking me for reporting good CMs and service.

WDW Guest Services <wdw.guest.communications@disneyworld.com>
We were able to apply the Annual Passholder's discount of 40% to our Yacht Club reservation and save an additional 10% over the bounceback discount we already had. Our dates are Oct 25 - 30, 2020. We are looking forward to our upcoming trip. :) We plan to spend a lot of time at SAB and the resort.

Thank you so much! Seeing your post saved us almost 1400 with an upgrade to water view. Appreciate your sharing your savings. We are there Oct 26-Nov 2. Hope to have a chance to say hi!
Please be sure to write to guest services and let them know everything you posted above. They need to make this right for you. Plus, if there are some training issues, or other problems that need to be looked into, they need to have folks tell them.

Here's the email I have always used to write to them after each of my trips... I always send a note commenting on the good and the not so good, and each time, I have received a phone call from them and have always felt like they really did care that I had a good trip, and/or thanking me for reporting good CMs and service.

WDW Guest Services <wdw.guest.communications@disneyworld.com>
Thanks, I've already sent them an email while I was still at the resort (sadly before my breakfast incident yesterday). They sent back an email asking when the best time to call me was, what days this week and all that so we can discuss what happened. Hopefully something will come of it, I'm very curious how they'll handle it since they can't throw free FP at me to make it right. I was going to rebook with a discount at Riviera so we could try it out, looking at buying in to DVC and wanted to try it, but all the rooms sold out too fast. I did book another room at a better discount than our BB, "upgraded" to a water view from garden view. I'm willing to give them another try if they can make some changes, but they better actually make changes rather than just make empty promises.

I do know that a few of the issues were not the hotels fault, WDW was having some major IT issues over the weekend, but how they handled them with me is definitely their fault.
I just got back from my long weekend stay at YC, and to say it was bad would be an understatement. Really considering moving my Thanksgiving week reservation from there to Riviera if I can convince DH (he wants to be able to walk to Epcot & HS, and BCV and BWV are not available). I'm also trying to sell him on Riviera as a DVC home but he's not buying that either, wants to get BCV or BWV resale and I'm hoping this could convince him, just need to convince him that moving to Riviera is worth it even if we can't walk to the parks. *sigh* I really wanted this to be a good trip, but the resort portion fell flat.

I am so sorry to hear about the issues with your stay. Thank you for letting us know and for passing along your experiences to guest services and management. Please continue to let us know whether Disney resolves the situation to your satisfaction. One of the cornerstones of Disney's philosophy is excellent guest service, so to have you returning from your stay feeling you were ignored and not taken care of is not acceptable.

The saga continues...

Dee, please add us to the BOG list for Dec 11-15, BCV 1 bdrm

Our Sept trip is cancelled due to the border closure extension, and I’m not feeling good about October, and November is still iffy, but December has my hopes up. Our original Dec trip was WL, for the holiday decor, then it got moved to Poly because WL is closed, and now Poly is closed too. They offered GF, but blech. Not our style at all. And, with the new AP discount there‘s no sense hanging onto that price protected booking anyway, so back home we come, getting the 1 bdrm villa for about the same price as we would have paid on the original WL booking since it was rack rate.

We need to just stop trying to stay elsewhere, we always end up at YC/BC/BCV, floating around the lazy river at SAB by the time the trip finally arrives.
I also had a problem with my bands not working with my door, and the app only worked 1 out of every 5 times. I had deactivated all but the three bands I took with me, when I went to the desk (and finally got someone to acknowledge me) they told me I had too many bands and maybe think about trimming down and deactivating all of them. I was like "I only have 3 active right now, and only 1 works some of the time" the guy looks at me and is like "well I'm sorry about that" and just hands me back the band he had been looking at, told me to have a nice day and then didn't even fix the issue.

I'm sorry things didn't go well for you. I just want to comment on this one issue. Whenever you have a Magic Band problem, the front desk CM most likely will give you that line about having too many magic bands activated. I don't know if they honestly believe it or if it's just what they were told to say. I watched the Wilderness Lodge front desk CMs tell that to people, so it's definitely not limited to YC/BC. I think it's an easy thing for them to say, and it throws the blame at the guest rather than at Disney technology where it belongs.

If I recall correctly, they are going to stop giving out free Magic Bands with stays at Disney hotels, so I assume over time that line will no longer work. I wonder what they will say then. Probably blame whatever brand of phone the person tried unsuccessfully to use to open their door.

Someone once posted that they had personally spoken to the Beach Club GM, who told them that the Beach Club had set their system so that only one Magic Band per person would work. People doubted the truthfulness of the post, partly because it's the same GM for Beach Club and Yacht Club, so why would they have that policy for only one of those resorts? And partly because if it were true, it probably would have been more common knowledge.

Maybe some day you will be able to try BWV. Some people like the Boardwalk better than YC/BC/BCV.
@Sarahslay - For whatever it’s worth (probably not much), we have historically had pretty terrible experiences with our MagicBands at Yacht Club, more so than any other resort. We also have many MBs and are used to a MB snafu or two on any given resort visit (and the obligatory “you have too many MBs” comments from CMs), but they are usually one and done issues.

Nearly every trip to YC brings “whack-a-mole” MB issues... every day and every scan brings a new adventure. Issues will migrate around between the four of us on any given day. It’s so maddening that it has become our family’s running joke... a game if you will... to see who will have the issues that day. We quietly put up with it because with otherwise love YC and none of the experiences have been “that bad” - but it does get annoying after awhile, especially when it keeps happening.

Not that I know how any of it really works, but I’m convinced there is “something” different with YC’s MB database that causes our troubles.
For those who have trouble with MBs unlocking doors, will the front desk give you key cards if you ask for them? I know it old technology and we are all used to using our MBs or phones now to unlock the door, but it might be worth it to just get the cards so you have them.... IF they will make them up for you...
I am so sorry you had all those issues at the YC. I have been extremely lucky that all the times I have stayed at the BC/YC, any issue I have had was quickly resolved. It makes me so sad that we seem to be living in a time where Customer Service does not mean much. You should not have been ignored, treated with respect, and if one person could not solve an issue, they should have found someone who could. I won’t definitely let Disney management know how you were treated, especially where finances are at a premium right now. Not acceptable.
I am so sorry you had all those issues at the YC. I have been extremely lucky that all the times I have stayed at the BC/YC, any issue I have had was quickly resolved. It makes me so sad that we seem to be living in a time where Customer Service does not mean much. You should not have been ignored, treated with respect, and if one person could not solve an issue, they should have found someone who could. I would definitely let Disney management know how you were treated, especially where finances are at a premium right now. Not acceptable.
For those who have trouble with MBs unlocking doors, will the front desk give you key cards if you ask for them? I know it old technology and we are all used to using our MBs or phones now to unlock the door, but it might be worth it to just get the cards so you have them.... IF they will make them up for you...

When I had trouble at BCV, the CM at the front desk said that if I was having trouble with one method of unlocking the door, I would have trouble with all methods of unlocking the door.

I'm not saying that this is accurate, just that it was what I was told.
finally staying at Yacht Club this coming Thanksgiving week. Never stayed before...any recommendation for good rooms in the garden/woods view category? Thanks much for any pointers/advice. :tilt:
@Sarahslay - For whatever it’s worth (probably not much), we have historically had pretty terrible experiences with our MagicBands at Yacht Club, more so than any other resort. We also have many MBs and are used to a MB snafu or two on any given resort visit (and the obligatory “you have too many MBs” comments from CMs), but they are usually one and done issues.

Nearly every trip to YC brings “whack-a-mole” MB issues... every day and every scan brings a new adventure. Issues will migrate around between the four of us on any given day. It’s so maddening that it has become our family’s running joke... a game if you will... to see who will have the issues that day. We quietly put up with it because with otherwise love YC and none of the experiences have been “that bad” - but it does get annoying after awhile, especially when it keeps happening.

Not that I know how any of it really works, but I’m convinced there is “something” different with YC’s MB database that causes our troubles.

I completely agree with the YC seemingly having magic band issues in general, interesting I’m not the only one to think that the problems I’ve experienced somehow lie with the resort and not the band itself per say.
I have had several split stays YC/Poly, YC/WL.. there’ve almost always been multiple issues on the YC half of the split, with the same bands.

Doors that won’t open, inability to charge purchases, dining plan account fails, and so on..

It’s the worst when you’ve booked a standard room which inevitably ends up almost in the BC and have to hike back to the front desk time and again to resolve things.
Is it true that the Beach Club will be closed indefinitely as reported?
Yes, the Beach Club remains closed with no announced opening date.

The following is from Disney:

"While reopening dates were previously shared for Disney’s Beach Club Resort and Disney’s BoardWalk Inn, these Disney Resort hotels will remain closed until further notice, as the reopening timeline continues to be reevaluated."


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