I lost the last real good sheet I had done, but it had served its purpose.
My file was broken up like this:
Sheet 1 - Schedule (Park Hours, show times, fast pass & food reservations)
Sheet 2 - every penny we spent from driveway to driveway
Standard chronological order, but my columns listed the Date, Item, Total Amount, AP Discount, DVC Discount, TiW discount, Disney Visa Discount, Other Discount and finally paid amount.
This meant, I would have a lines that said:
Friday 4/28, Parking, Total Cost $20, AP Discount $20, Total Paid $0
Friday 4/28, Hampton Inn, Total cost $125, 20% Discount $25, Total Paid $100
Friday 4/28, Wendy's, Total Cost $26, $3 coupon, Total Paid $23
This way, at the end of the trip, I could tell you not only what I spent, but where and how much I saved. Several years ago, with some of the perks that came with the annual passes, by the end of the year, I could almost justify their entire cost...