DH wants to get "back into" camping--convince me try to it at WDW


DIS Veteran
Aug 18, 1999
Back when my son was younger and DH & I were first married we did the camping thing on several occasions. After a very memorable trip to Hershey, PA where we had to flee to a hotel to avoid the HUUUUUUUGGGGGGEEEEE flies at the campground we had selected we kinda got out of camping (gave away all of our equipment, etc.) That was 8 - 9 years ago.

DH comes homes last weekend with a two room tent.


Okay---trying not be prissy about the whole thing, I immediately thought--WDW!!!!!!!

A few questions about tenting it at WDW:

What is a good month to go--not HOT?
Can we put two tents up on one site? (We have an "outhouse" tent)
How are the BUGS?????

We probably would not eat (read this as cook) at the site except to snack.
FW is one of the most peaceful and beautiful spots on earth. You should add some other items, like an air matress for example before going. But, as a previous camper, i am sure you knew that already.
as for bugs, my stays at FW were mostly in December. One time in January, New Years Day to be exact. I can honestly say that bugs were not a problem at all! Your question may best be answered by what time of year you go.
In any event, go with your instincts. Your first thought was "WDW" It was a great thought. You won'tregret it it.

1975 - off site
1983 - FW
1985 - FW
1987 - FW
1989 - FW
1991 - FW
1994 - WL
1995 - WL
1997 - WL
1/1999 - FW
5/1999 - WL
12/27/99 Contemporary
12/30/99- MAGIC
3/00 - PO
10/01 - AKL
Get your self a nice screen tent too, to pitch over the picnic table area. It will keep out the mosquitos and bees, as well as the rain! It makes things much more comfortable!

You will have a wonderful time camping at FW! You will feel so spoiled, that you'll forget your camping! LOL! You won't be sorry..... :D

- Rhonda :-)
Camping Board Co-Moderator
I pretty certain you'll find that Fort Wilderness is considered a world class campground with good reason. So don't be afraid of camping there. Sure there's a chance of insects but Disney does a great job of spraying that keeps the little pests away for the most part. If you use a tent that's screened you prolly won't have any problems. If you want to see a Fort Wilderness trip from a tenter's perspective click on the link in my signature below.

Andrew Lubow
Email A_AndyL@hotmail.com
http://communities.msn.com/MyWaltDisneyWorldTrip My Adventures at Fort Wilderness
"Live every day as if it were your last. Some day you'll be right!" Benny Hill
You will love FW. Our favorite time of the year is October-November. Great weather (80's daytime, 60's night) Low crowd levels. As for bugs we have never had any problem. We have taken a screen tent on prior trips, but no longer do because we really didn't need it. Fort Wilderness gets the highest rating a campground can get from trailer life. We rate all campgrounds against FW and unfortunately we haven't found anything yet that comes close. :eek:


{Dreams Do Come True at Walts Place}

You will love camping at Fort Wilderness. We look forward to it every year. Bring citronella candles. I keep a big one in a pail near the door and it deters the bugs from entering. Or put it on our picnic table when we are eating. We just light it at dusk and blow it out when we are in for the night. Also the bathrooms are VERY clean.
We know someone who bought a lightweight tent all the way from the UK to camp at FW, then did it again 2 years later.Do I need to say more? We hope to try it next year. ;) :cool: :)


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