Thanks for starting a new one! What I can't figure out is why Gabi is all over the hospital in her pajamas! Give the girl a robe! And how long does she stay in the hospital for natural childbirth?
I knew the gun Kate gave Sami would eventually be used.
Ugh, why is Abe such a jerk?! It's like he wants Sami to be guilty.
And seriously, what motive are they gonna try and pin to this crime? She just wanted to shoot someone in the hospital? There's no motive if the dirty cop has no weapon. Just silly. I'm not looking forward to months of this storyline![]()
I know and there were so many people in and out of that room after it happened. That it was dumb too that E.J had to tell Abe and Hope to look behind the bed.
This is one long day , Will is moving around pretty good and eating junk food after only 2 days.
Wonder what Kristen's next move is....I still think that a baby is going to come along to be adopted and she will use that to get back with Brady even though he said he didn't want a kids with her.
The look behind the bed thing must be today for me... or else I missed it yesterday. Did they find the weapon there? I was thinking whoever called Stefano and told him the plan didn't work out was the person who made the weapon disappear. Either another member of the Salem PD on his payroll, or maybe that hospital security guard...?
Had to catch up on-line my dvr decide not to record yesterday show because it was the golf open.
Sonny is sure taking to that baby.Will's face was too funny when Sonny wanted to hold the baby first. That baby sure gets around the hospital. I'm sure Gabi and Will would be on different floors. Gabi never seems to be with her.
This new character Marge is going to be interesting I think. She can act at least.
Love JJ is still causes trouble for Jenifer. Thought the whole Parker thing was over rated though since today I noticed said chair to be right beside that shelf with a whole late of stuff Parker could get into. Plus I noticed that Abby went towards Parker's room to use the computer and Jenifer went to Daniel's room to use it. Which one is it.
Still loving Anne. Glad she is back.
So is Rafe back in his room now. Haven't heard what they did with him....
Is Marge the dead cop wife?
So Days won the top Daytime Emmy last night. Good for them.
As well as Chandler Massey (Will) for young actor. I just watched his interview after he won and he said he is thinking of not renewing his contract in Dec.I can't see anyone else playing Will if they recast. He is so good with Freddie. Maybe he will change his mind. He wants to go back to school and get a degree.
I missed seeing him get his award and the win for the show because my DVR cut off and they ran late. But looked them to see who won.
Shoot, I m issed the daytime awards, what channel was it on? YAY for Days it hasn't won in a long long time!!!!
It was only on HLN I think. They have had showbiz shows on all weekend because the pre-awards were done then. They for sound mixing too I believe on Saturday.
Nicole and Caroline were up for one too but lost. I think Nicole last to Heather Thom from B&B.
I don't think many handed in clips because they were not in leading actor/actress and a few more I can't remember. A lot of Young and the Restless noms.
The show was really good today. Still not really sure what Kristen is doing or what is in that black case.Marlena was all over today getting into conversations with everyone about Will , Sami and Brady.
Loved that Justin is taking Sami's case, Adreinne is just steaming....
Brady and Nicole wow for got how much chemistry they have. Liked out they tried to keep a light conversation afterwards. To funny.
Trying to catch up on the show... Why is Gabi saying she doesn't have a place to live, the room in the pub was hers before Nick????