Crowds in first wek of October!


<font color=6699CC>I can't believe I read this WHO
Jun 8, 2000
Ok... so I haven't even gotten to my next Dis vacation (The Fun-Filled Family Honeymoon!) and I am already planning the next vacation!

Me (33) Disney nut and addict. Not seeking help.. but thanks!
DD (7) Disabled but a brillant smile!
DN (12) It wil be his first trip and he's my big helper!

Looking at Oct 1- 8, 2004

What should I expect with crowds and weather?
Low crowds (relatively speaking ... there's always a line somewhere!) and perfect weather. Still hurricane season, so you'll have some rain. but mostly warm evenings, not-too-hot days, manageable humidity. One of the best times to go.

We are going Oct. 3-8. I picked Oct. because of the boards they have been so helpful. I keep reading Oct. is cooler and drier than Sept. and warmer than Nov. A moderater replied to one of my post and told me the 1st week of Oct. would be the best week in Oct. The 2nd week will have the Columbus Day Weekend crowds and the week after is some type of school holiday.
We picked the first week of Oct also 1-8 because of all the great advice here
so i'm hoping for good weather manageable crowds and no hurricane
You can add Mrs. Uncleromulus and me to the crowd--we're going that very first week also.
Always manageable crowds and good weather in October...
Uh Oh. We are going the week after Columbus Day. What school holiday is the third week in October????
The third week in Oct. we get 2 days off for teacher workshops, in Minnesota. Maybe some other states too? We'll be down next year over this time!
Oh No! We just book Oct 17-25 at OKW. I'm trying to talk my grandparents into coming with us for their first trip with their GGD. I would really be upset if it was packed. I know that Jersey has off the first week in Nov. Does anyone know what other states have off the 3rd week in Oct?
That 3rd weekend in Oct is usually the golf tournament. From reading past threads-- it only slightly affects the park crowds. However, there are a lot of people around the deluxe resorts and they can get hectic.

I am waiting to see what discounts come out- but if the right one is offered I'm hoping for a first week of Oct. trip as well. I'd really like to go around Columbus Day to have DS miss as little school as possible. However, our last trip was during massive crowds and I'd like this one to be a little quieter.
According to their website Orlando area schools have Oct. 14th and the 15th off. We are from Montana and we have the 21st and 22nd off. Not sure about other areas.
In 2002, we were at WDW from Oct. 5-12. It was perfect! The weather was hot, but we were told it was an unusual stretch of hot weather. It rained once, for about 10 minutes, that's it. There were very few lines. Most rides, even Rock N Roller Coaster, were walk-ons or less than 15 min. waits. I will definitely go in October again. Have a great trip!
In Minnesota we have the third week off for MEA (Minnesota Education Association) We have 5 days off. Is it busy at WDW during this time?


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