Contract Addendum Help

Kylie kaiser

Earning My Ears
Oct 9, 2016
I just received an email asking me to sign an addendum to what I thought was already a closed contract on a resale Boulder Ridge.The deed was recorded already as well. However, this addendum is asking me to agree to a contract close date after check out on 7/29/22. Does this mean the sellers added an unplanned vacation at last minute using this contract?

I also reviewed the original purchase contract that I signed which said our official close date was to be no later than 6/29/22. I personally do not agree to this later date since that is now adding an entire extra month we did not expect. Does anyone know what our options are? Does the seller have to agree to the original terms if we do not accept their addendum?
*Not sure If I am allowed to mention the broker or not.
I just received an email asking me to sign an addendum to what I thought was already a closed contract on a resale Boulder Ridge.The deed was recorded already as well. However, this addendum is asking me to agree to a contract close date after check out on 7/29/22. Does this mean the sellers added an unplanned vacation at last minute using this contract?

I also reviewed the original purchase contract that I signed which said our official close date was to be no later than 6/29/22. I personally do not agree to this later date since that is now adding an entire extra month we did not expect. Does anyone know what our options are? Does the seller have to agree to the original terms if we do not accept their addendum?
*Not sure If I am allowed to mention the broker or not.
Have you seen this thread?
This sounds like what happened to me. Check with the broker why this adendum has been sent and why this wasn’t originally disclosed. If you were planning on using the points for an upcoming reservation make that known. If your broker isn’t being helpful try to go up to a higher person at the company. Make it known that this wasn’t in the original sales agreement. Good luck I know this can be frustrating. . . I know it happened to me.
I thought your resale BRV contract & the points were loaded into your membership at the end of June? Did you get the points you’d agreed to?
If true, if it were me I’d email back (not sure if it came from the broker or the title company) and say no, I am not interested in renegotiating the terms of the contract & thus will not sign anything.
I’m wondering if the broker/agent tried the same stunt as the agent did w/ JGINPL‘s contract, but this time DVC didn’t delay loading the points.
My points were loaded by the end of June. I don’t know who OPs broker is but I agree I would say I do not agree to this. If funds have been paid to the seller the deed has been recorded, I would want my contract loaded. When it happened to me broker didn’t even try to make me sign anything saying it was a delayed closing. You may want to verify all the points that you should be getting too because if they hadn’t disclosed this trip I hope they aren’t using your points.
I thought your resale BRV contract & the points were loaded into your membership at the end of June? Did you get the points you’d agreed to?
If true, if it were me I’d email back (not sure if it came from the broker or the title company) and say no, I am not interested in renegotiating the terms of the contract & thus will not sign anything.
I’m wondering if the broker/agent tried the same stunt as the agent did w/ JGINPL‘s contract, but this time DVC didn’t delay loading the points.
I have two resales! The first one closed perfectly fine no issues already have an October trip booked and this was a different Broker. This is the second resale and it is a nightmare clearly and after reading the thread it is the same broker they had. :(
This sounds like what happened to me. Check with the broker why this adendum has been sent and why this wasn’t originally disclosed. If you were planning on using the points for an upcoming reservation make that known. If your broker isn’t being helpful try to go up to a higher person at the company. Make it known that this wasn’t in the original sales agreement. Good luck I know this can be frustrating. . . I know it happened to me.
Thank you- I just read your thread and got more frustraed with each post. This is ridiculous and I am truly hoping this does not play out for an entire month since we do want to book a vacation for January ASAP. I've already emailed the broker asking where this Addendum came from and what our options are since we do not accept. The worst part is I was already looking to get rid of this resale contract before we even "closed" supposedly since it's given me a headache since the beginning with multiple delays from the seller just to sign their parts and now this.
Ugh, sorry this is happening OP! This all but confirms that I'll never get a contract form them, no matter how tempting the listing may be. Is your contract showing up already and points loaded yet? I'd escalate immediately up the chain similar to what JGINPL did. I'd even reference that you're aware this isn't the first time they've dealt with this.
I have two resales! The first one closed perfectly fine no issues already have an October trip booked and this was a different Broker. This is the second resale and it is a nightmare clearly and after reading the thread it is the same broker they had. :(
Ouch, this broker/agent really needs to be reported to the Florida AG.
Thank you- I just read your thread and got more frustraed with each post. This is ridiculous and I am truly hoping this does not play out for an entire month since we do want to book a vacation for January ASAP. I've already emailed the broker asking where this Addendum came from and what our options are since we do not accept. The worst part is I was already looking to get rid of this resale contract before we even "closed" supposedly since it's given me a headache since the beginning with multiple delays from the seller just to sign their parts and now this.
My guess is those multiple delays by the seller were because they knew they had that one last trip scheduled. They ran that clock as long as they could w/out breaching the contract & thus allowing you to cancel, then they ‘closed’ w/ the trip on the books & intend to play it out just like before.
Literally what I said as I read it. Just NOPE. Don't even ask - Why would I agree to wait another month when we are already weeks past the originally close date.
If you are weeks past the original close date, cancel the contract and get a refund. We had to do this once when the seller would not send in the closing documents.
Wonder if this broker is getting some push back with Disney if this is turning into a practice of sending documents for transfer when there are reservations still on the books. That is why they are wanting an addendum signed.
Ugh, sorry this is happening OP! This all but confirms that I'll never get a contract form them, no matter how tempting the listing may be. Is your contract showing up already and points loaded yet? I'd escalate immediately up the chain similar to what JGINPL did. I'd even reference that you're aware this isn't the first time they've dealt with this.
Nope, that was the problem we "closed" and Deed was recorded weeks ago but the contract still has not been loaded nor has the points. We were just notified yesterday that now the Sellers want this delayed closing after their check out date. I am even more confused what points they might be using for this new unplanned trip since we were supposed to be getting all of the 2022 points available and paid the dues to do so.
I sent OP the name of the person I dealt with that finally resolved the issue. I wish the OP luck, it isn’t fun. I would like to know what the broker says are the options if you do not sign the addendum
Thank you! Just saw your message will respond now. Just stinks we have to have this in common to what was supposed to be a happy time owning a piece of the magic.
If you are weeks past the original close date, cancel the contract and get a refund. We had to do this once when the seller would not send in the closing documents.
Yes, I wish we could but the deed has already been recorded so I don't think we can? But personally, I would love to just so the Sellers and Broker know what they did was not okay.

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