Chances of drawing an inside straight?


DIS Veteran<br><font color=red>Life Member - "excl
Aug 27, 2004
I have the first three nights of my vacation and the last three nights. I have one night waitlisted in the middle. The catch: It is Thanksgiving night!! I plan on staying on the waitlist but, should I be optimistic? or pessimistic?
TammyAlphabet said:
I have the first three nights of my vacation and the last three nights. I have one night waitlisted in the middle. The catch: It is Thanksgiving night!! I plan on staying on the waitlist but, should I be optimistic? or pessimistic?

I don't know what the odds are for getting Thanksgiving at this point. But of course they're increased if you're waitlisted for all the DVC resorts, not just the one you want most. So just to clarify things so those who may be more "in the know" can answer you, where exactly are you waitlisted and for what size accomodations?

I've only been once during Thanksgiving but I remember it was slow. Should be a good chance but I'd have a backup if I were you. You could take a ressie at one of the close off-site resorts and cancel if your wait-list comes through for you. :)
I am waitlisted for a BWV std. view, the same room type that I have for the first three nights and the last three nights. Should I get on the waitlist for any resort? I know the answer is yes but, do I really want to move twice in the same trip? Also, is it really going to be that hard to get at this point? Just a kinda newbie pondering out loud. I am looking for more experienced opinions.

Should I reserve a room at say, the all stars or something just to make sure I have a place to lay my head?
Probably not a bad idea! Here's some info:

Cancellation Policy

* In order to receive a full refund of your deposit, notification of cancellation must be received at least 6 days prior to your arrival date. To cancel or modify an existing reservation, call (407) 939-7429†. The cancellation and refund policy is subject to change.
Be sure you are waitlisted for BWV Preferred view studio also. They are easier to get than st. view. At least then you would be in the same resort and moving stuff would be a little easier.
If you are still waitlisted one week out, call the resort. If you are still waitlisted at check-in, ask then. We once got our request at check-in.
I agree with jekjones. Be sure to waitlist for a BWV preferred studio, as there are more of those units and it will improve your chances.

I had this exact scenario at BWV once. We had a st. 2BR for the first 3 nights and the last 3 nights, but had to waitlist for the middle night. Unfortunately that night was NYE. I had called exactly on the 11-month window for that date but couldn't get through until about 9:20 AM as I recall. By then the standards were gone and I had to take a preferred for that night. The waitlist never came through in those 11 long months, even right until the last minute at the check-in desk. :guilty: So we moved twice in the middle of our stay. Major bummer, but at least we were moving within the same resort.

That was NYE, though, which is probably about the hardest night to book. I think your chances are pretty decent for Thanksgiving. ::yes::

I'll cross my fingers for you. Best wishes! :wave2:
We had this EXACT same situation last year, except it was for a one bedroom at OKW. We had the nights at the start of our trip and the nights at the end of our trip, but we were missing Thanksgiving night. We waitlisted for the one bedroom at OKW for Thanksgiving night, and then waitlisted for the full week at every other WDW DVC resort. About 2 months before our trip we got BWV preferred view for the full week, so we cancelled our OKW reservation. It worked for us, so hopefully it will work for you.
Thanks everyone! I called today and got on the waitlist for every resort for a studio. Surely, something will come through! I thought about getting another room at the swan or the dolphin, due to the lower price and proximity just in case it doesn't come through. But i really appreciate the pixie dust too. :love2:
Did you check to see if the night you need is available for cash? Then at least maybe you wouldn't have to move.

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