Cass, Rob & Kira - WDW April 2023 - "Can't you just find my him?"


DIS Veteran
DIS Lifetime Sponsor
Aug 18, 1999
Howdy folks! :wave2:

Welcome to my latest trip report!


We just got back from a week at the World and I am ready to share to it all with you. If you've read my trippies before, welcome back, I hope you enjoy our latest journey. :goodvibes

If you haven't read any of my previous trip reports, go ahead and check them out. Links are posted in my signature below but if you're new or not registered, you won't see my signature, so I posted some links to them down below for you. ;)

It's been a WHILE since we've done a family trip to Walt Disney World with all three of us, so this trip was long overdue and really great because it had been so long since my daughter Kira had done all of the parks that everything was new to her. She remembered only what she had seen in our vacation videos, so it was great reliving it all with her, for the first time, again.


Enjoy! :)

:cool: 2005 Live WDW & DCL
:cool: 2009 WDW & DCL
:cool: 2011 DCL Second sailing of the Dream
:cool: 2013 October WDW & DCL Fantasy
:cool: 2015 Disneyland
2016 Christmas on the Wonder
:cool: 2017 Universal & DCL 10-Night Southern Caribbean Fantasy
2017 Christmas on the Wonder
:cool: 2018 Summer WDW & Universal
2018 Christmas on the Wonder
:cool:2019 Disneyland
:cool:2019 Universal Orlando
2019 Christmas on the Wonder
:cool: 2020 Galaxy's Edge
2021 Christmas on the Wonder
:cool: 2022 UO & DCL Fantasy
:cool: 2022 Alaska Wonder July Cruise
:cool: 2022 Alaska Wonder September Cruise
April 1st, 2023 Part 1 - The journey

Let's start this one off the night before, when I dropped off our two puppies at my brother's house.

Yup, you read that right....TWO puppies! :dogdance::dogdance:

For my returning readers, you already know our 7-year old rescue, Boo but what you don't know is that we rescued another dog in December last year. We don't know much about her background. She was found on the streets, pregnant and alone, no collar, no chip, no tattoo. The vets estimated her age at just over a year and from our experience with her in the past four months, we think she might have been a stray her whole life.

Anyway, we named this gorgeous girl Luna and she's awesome! A little cray-cray but a fun and loving addition to our home. :love:

So, while Boo knew exactly what we were up to when the suitcases came out and her go-bag was all packed up, Luna was completely oblivious. :rolleyes:

Since I had to get up shortly after 2am on our travel day, Kira and I ended up dropping them off the night before. Kira cried when we said good-bye. :sad1: Luna is her dog (she's the main reason we got a second dog) and they had bonded quite quickly so it was tough for her. I reminded her that this was a short trip (purposely, for many reasons) and that she would see her again soon.

Luna Schmuna on the left and the Booberry on the right. :goodvibes


We were in bed by 8:30pm that night, after having time-shifted for a few days in order to prepare for the time zone difference. I find it a little easier, now that I am older, to slowly shift to the EST zone a few days before the trip than doing it ON the trip, so we all do it together.

We were all up at shortly after 2am to get ready and pack up the last-minute stuff. Kira had been on a Eggo waffle kick lately, so she had her fix before we left the house at 4am.

Although my phone is an iPhone 14 Pro, and most of the time the photos are great, sometimes, they end up with this weird fuzziness to them. :confused3


Rob dropped us off at the airport by 4:30am and then headed off to park our car for the week.


Kira and I checked us in, tagged and dropped our checked bags and then reunited with Rob before heading to security. This was the first time in forever that Rob travelled without his laptop, so it made going through security a breeze!

We wouldn't be eating again until Toronto, which was 6 hours away so we stopped at Chili's for breakfast. There's not many choices in this terminal so we always end up at Chili's.


The breakfast offerings weren't plenty but I got the bacon and eggs and Rob chose the waffles. They did have my delicious egg rolls back in stock finally but our server said that since they are short staffed, they could only offer the breakfast menu this morning. Ding dang, I have no luck with my SW egg rolls. :rotfl:



Mine was pretty good but Rob said his waffles were more like a dessert and were too sweet to eat. Thankfully Kira had already eaten at home because she wouldn't have cared for these waffles either. Lesson learned, next time he will order what I ordered. ::yes::

I shared some of mine with him and then he went to Timmy's for coffee and snacks, which lasted him until our dinner in Toronto.

As we were sitting there at Chili's, we got a notification that our flight from Toronto to Orlando would be delayed. It had already been delayed once about a week before we left, something about scheduled maintenance to our plane. So, originally, our layover in Toronto was three hours, the first delay made it four hours and this recent delay would make it four and a half hours.

For those of you who don't already know, the Toronto airport SUUUUUUCKS! :sad2: It's known for it's delays and lost baggage and just plain general airport suckiness. Like most other Canadians, we try to avoid it when possible but sadly, as this was a Spring Break trip and the prices were crazy, it was unavoidable.

It was time to board our flight and they were actually enforcing the whole don't stand in line until your boarding zone is called, which was a nice change! We were zone 3 and there were people in the line ahead of us in zone 4 and 5! They were actually told to leave the line and come back when their zone was called.

We settled in, took our traditional seat pic, lysol'd everything and as soon as we got to our cruising altitude, Kira and I proceeded to pass out on Rob. :lmao:





We landed in Toronto and headed up to security and US Customs. This is yet another reason I hate connecting in Toronto, you have to go through security again! And they are always a lot more thorough than anywhere else. Rob and Kira sailed through but for some reason, they needed to swab my ipad. Oh well, it was still the smoothest and quickest YYZ security for us ever.

Customs was also a breeze with our Nexus cards. There was a massive regular line but for Nexus members, you stop at a machine, it takes your pic and spits out a piece of paper, then you proceed past that massive line and basically get the next customs agent. Best $50 I have ever spent! Well, since I've renewed it once already, best $100 I've ever spent. :banana:

We made our way to our traditional YYZ stop, Wahlburgers. It was packed but there just happened to be one table left and it was "our" table. And if you're a Wahlburgers TV show fan, you have to say that last line like they do in the show. :p

The full menu was back but we always get the same thing, burgers for Rob and I and chicken strips for Kira.


Kira was missing her dog so much that she kept showing me Luna photos every few seconds. :teeth:


The service was terrible but the food was delicious!



Before we left on this trip, I had made the decision to TRY to vlog this trip instead of writing a trip report. There were a couple of comments on my Alaska YT videos about how they don't like the music that I use on my vacation videos and that they would prefer a vlog type series like all of the YouTubers do these days. :rolleyes2

At first I just brushed them off and thought, well, if you don't like my videos, then don't freaking watch them! I don't have a monetized account, I have a whole 245 subscribers, :laughing: I make the videos for me and my family, to relive them as Kira gets older. I don't make them for other people. I make them for myself.

Then, as the trip got closer, I thought maybe it would be nice to vlog them, then I could share real-time reviews of what we see and eat and have more of Kira's voice featured on the videos instead of just my footage set to music.

Okay, so that was the goal!

It started out alright I guess but by the time we got to Toronto, I realized I was NOT a vlogger! :rolleyes1:rotfl2:

I don't like to be on camera, I don't like talking, I don't like the sound of my voice and neither Rob or Kira were interested in narrating/commenting while I filmed. So that was quickly shot down. :rotfl:

So stay tuned, after this report is done, for vacation videos. :teeth:

We made our way to our gate and found a seat close enough that we could hear the announcements for our flight. Toronto doesn't have a lot of regular seats near the gates, they are all tables with the ipads on them to order food and drinks, so we stayed at the table until boarding began.

There was one more delay, I can't recall the reason but we were in those chairs for quite some time! I told Rob that the next time we have to do a layover in Toronto, I will make it a later flight and spend the night there and then fly out to MCO in the morning. I am getting too old for this 💩 :laughing:


Kira got comfy for the looooong wait. :upsidedow

Finally, we boarded! This was a cool plane, it had lights that changed colors, it was very pretty! The seats were 2 x 4 x 2 and Kira chose to be in the aisle seat in that middle section. She lucked out and had nobody next to her.


We were originally supposed to land at MCO at 8pm, and although we definitely made up some time in the air from YYZ to MCO, we didn't land until just after 10pm.

All was good though when we saw that all three checked bags made it! :cool1:

We headed to the garage, picked out a Malibu for the week and headed for Disney!



I had received our room assignment when I landed but I was really hoping for a ground floor room. It was the only request I put in but when I checked upon arrival, they said they were fully booked. Oh well, off we went to find 8504!



I was tired, didn't take the best pics :rolleyes2






We were all exhausted. We sanitized the best we could and unpacked and then passed out around 12:30am. :faint:

Stay tuned for a brunch and some late hours.

Yeah! Another Cass, Rob and Kira TR!

Did you like All Star Music? The family suites there look nice. My girls are both in college and we stayed in a family suite at AOA last trip and loved having two bathrooms … I’ve been thinking about ASMusic for our next trip.
Yay another trip report. Love the videos so glad your still doing it this way.

Speaking of Toronto airport….we went to Las Vegas Monday to Thursday last week. Couldn’t get a direct flight back so had to go Las Vegas to Winnipeg with 3 hour lay over. When we got off the Winnipeg -Toronto leg early everyone was happy but then it went all wrong. Got off the plane followed people to baggage, only doors open at the gate….turned out it was the U.S side of the airport. Never saw so many people freak out and yell at us to go back to our gate. We already went down 2 long hallways. Instead of just opening the right doors so we could carry on they made us stay at the gate for 35 minutes. People were yelling just open the doors and were told they( airport people) were going to call the police if people didn’t settle down. It was crazy. Oh and the crew on our plane got to go out the door because they didn’t cross over thru the sliding door. Oh and no one was at those U.S gates we went by. At the end they just opened the right doors. Got to baggage they took everything off the belt no one knew where their luggage was. We were lucky we just had our backpacks.

I’m going to have to try that with the time zone thing. The 3 hours difference kicked my butt this trip. Must be getting old.

Love the new puppy!

Can‘t wait to hear more.
I am here! So excited to read all about your trip!
Those long layovers suck! And of course it is too short to do anything, but too long to just sit, so it's boring.
I am pretty sure AS Music does not read requests. LOL
Yay!!! I'm in :)
Luna is adorable :love:

Ugh I really hate YYZ with a passion. We had to connect through there both ways when we went to the Dominican in 2021. Nightmare. Anyway, you're landed and you're there, can't wait for the next installment!
I'm here too!:wave: Lovely to see all your beautiful faces in the pictures :-) Glad to made it there with not too much delay (considering how travel has been in the past year) and having all your luggage is definitely a major plus!! Can't wait to hear all about you trip. And about the vlog vs videos, you are totally right, they are yours and make them however your love family loves them. I always enjoy them!
April 2nd, 2023 - Part 1

We slept in a little today, just recovering a bit from the long day before. Once we were all showered and ready to go, we were off for brunch.

If you've read any of our Florida trip reports before, then you already know where we were headed. :rolleyes:

This time, since we were at the south end of Disney property, we decided to hit up a new location (for us) in Davenport.

We passed by the very cool and very large "hidden" Mickey. :earsboy:


And then made our way to the Champion's Gate Keke's.


It was prime time brunch hours on a weekend, so we knew we were in for a wait. We put our names in and then waited on one of the many outside benches they have. It was about 45 minutes before our text came through that our table was ready.


Rob and Kira were crazy hungry and Rob was very excited. This might be his favourite breakfast place to eat, ever! He loves it more than his precious Waffle Houses! This is also Kira's facial expression every time he pulls out his phone and says "Kira". :rotfl2:


Thankfully, she is a lot more compliant when I whip out my phone and say "Kira". :rotfl:


Rob got his Florida Waffle, which he dreams about. :cloud9:


Kira got a plain waffle, no pic sadly, and I got my usual, ham and eggs, yum! 🤤


Once we filled our bellies, we headed for Target for some provisions.


We stopped at the one on the 192, not too far from All Stars. There was quite a bit of Disney merch in there.




While I grabbed the necessities, Kira went to look for clothes. We normally get her clothes at Target and Kohl's on our December Texas trips but we didn't go last year so I told her to pick out a few things that she liked. Rob stayed in the car and watched a livestream on YT of Mass.

The honey mustard is to take home because we don't have Ken's up in Canada. And although I can now get the Excedrine Migraine in Canada, sometimes it's hard to find so I always just grab a bottle when I am down here. It's the only thing that works on my headaches.


We also grabbed some water and Diet Coke for us, and some other pop and water for some friends of ours that were joining us on Thursday. :thumbsup2


I also loaded up on my tank tops. I love the plain Target tank tops, I wear them at home every day because Rob and Kira like it warm in the house and I overheat at anything over 17ºC (62F) so even when it's -35C outside, I am in a tank top and shorts in the house. :p

The last few times I've been to Target, they didn't have my tank tops so I loaded up on them, only $6 USD. :goodvibes

Kira managed to find a few things for herself and then we headed back to the hotel to drop everything off. The fridges are small but hold more than you think. ::yes::


Then we were off to Disney Springs. My plan was to head over to Gideon's and get on the waitlist to get some cookies. I've only tried two kinds and Rob and Kira have never been there but we were running behind schedule and had to skip Gideon's.

I'm sure you can guess that the crowds were INSANE! :crowded:


We checked out a few stores and got a few things.


Our main goal was to get new Hoka Bondi 8's for all three of us. I have two pairs of the Bondi 7's at home and I wear them all the time, they are the most amazing shoe I have ever worn. I have heel issues and can only walk a few steps while barefoot but I can do the 20-30K steps a day that Disney park hoppers do, with these babies on my feet. Kira and I found a colour we like and were done in just a few minutes. Rob? Not so much. :rotfl2:

He test drove many pairs, different sizes, and then carried on to other shoes and eventually, after what seemed like an eternity, chose the pair that I had told him to get, over an hour earlier. :p


So, in the end, we all got the same shoes, all in size 8. :rotfl:


We carried on to the World of Disney...



Rob got his 50th Anniversary Joffrey's K cup coffee while Kira got some Pooh ears. We then headed to some other shops, in search of Magic Band+'s. We all had our old bands from the last trip and they are just fine but we wanted to peek at the new MB+ just to see what they were like.

We didn't see any that we fell in love with. I figured Rob and Kira would get Tron ones anyway and I was looking for something to love but nothing appealed to me.

Next up was the need....the need for....dole whips! :stitch2:

We stopped off in the Star Wars shop on the way.



It was busy! Very long lines but we were ready and willing to wait.


It was sunny and hot and very beautiful. Rob looked for a table for us while Kira and I went up and grabbed them. It was so busy though, no table became available.


Kira got the regular one and then Rob got the float and then I grabbed the raspberry and what Rob and I like to do is share and mix them up. I did ask if they could do the swirl but she said no. I don't think they were in the same machine but no worries, we mixed as we ate. :earboy2:



Kira took a good pic of hers....glad they put hers in a cup because it was melting pretty fast! I actually grabbed a little cup for mine too.


We devoured them all! :earboy2: Did you really even go to Disney if you didn't have a Dole Whip? :goodvibes

We can actually get them here in Calgary, for much less but it's just not the same. Dole Whip hits differently in Disney, am I right???


Rob was still hungry, good Lord that man is an endless pit! :rotfl:

I jokingly said there's a poutine place on the way out and he took me seriously!! Who the heck eats poutine in this heat?

And what crazy-a$$ Canadian would eat poutine in Florida?


Apparently, Rob would. :rotfl:

It was actually a lot better than I thought it would be. They did pretty good with the gravy, I will give them that but those cheese Just no. :snooty:

The gravy is supposed to melt the curds and the gravy was scorching hot, so it wasn't the fact that the gravy wasn't hot enough. These curds were just...weird. I had two bites, for science, you know. :rolleyes1

My cheese curd-lovin' kid agreed with me. Rob still finished off every bite though. He may or may not have paid for it later. :rolleyes2

Don't eat poutine in 34 degree weather, just don't do it. Maybe only do it in Quebec. ;)


We had things to do, gotta go!!

I tell ya, getting back into the All Stars was never an easy feat. If we didn't find a massive line of cars and buses trying to get in, the key card, magic band swipey thing never worked. We often just used the other line for both of those reasons. Spring Break at the All Stars was a hoppin'!!! :eek:

And Disney, please move your swipey things over a little so the driver doesn't have to hang out of their window like this. :rotfl:


On our way up to the room, Kira spotted a cute squirrel just hanging out. :squirrel: And I double Disney dare you not to yell out SQUIRREL when you see a Disney squirrel! It's unpossible! :upsidedow:p


We had just enough time to switch our shoes and grab our park stuff before we headed out again.


We had a party to attend and we were already late! :ccat:
I'm with Rob with shoes. I have to try several on, walk around and really think it over. My feet just are awful. I still haven't broke my Hoka's in enough to feel safe to wear them all day. I am embarrassed to say I have bigger feet than Rob. LOL. I sometimes buy mens shoes because they are wider and I get a 9 or 10. :crazy2:
We never did get our Dole Whips. Well Claire got one of the Fanta ones in Epcot, but we never made it back to MK, so I lost out.
Yay, another Cass trip report!! We're hoping to do a short Disney trip this fall and looking at the All Stars for our stay. Can you post some of the food court if you go? And the bus lines if you use the buses at all? Thanks!
Thanks for sharing your trip report. I love reading them!
I'm going to need to find the Mickey transmission tower on my next trip! I think it's neat when there are towers themed to an area like the goal post tower near the NFL hall of fame in Canton.
I'm with Rob with shoes. I have to try several on, walk around and really think it over. My feet just are awful. I still haven't broke my Hoka's in enough to feel safe to wear them all day. I am embarrassed to say I have bigger feet than Rob. LOL. I sometimes buy mens shoes because they are wider and I get a 9 or 10. :crazy2:
We never did get our Dole Whips. Well Claire got one of the Fanta ones in Epcot, but we never made it back to MK, so I lost out.
I hear ya, I've worn Reebok's my entire life for a running shoe and this is the first time I've worn a different brand. Later on around day 5 I will have a blister on my little toe and will be back in my Reebok's that I brought. The issue is that all the brands I tried on all felt a little off in area's but the Hoka's felt the least off from everything I tried on.
Shame I missed ya when I bought you two Dole Whips! I had no idea you were leaving us :(
I'm here! Luna is adorable!

Jill in CO

Yay! Jill's in the house! :dogdance:
Yeah! Another Cass, Rob and Kira TR!

Did you like All Star Music? The family suites there look nice. My girls are both in college and we stayed in a family suite at AOA last trip and loved having two bathrooms … I’ve been thinking about ASMusic for our next trip.

It's okay. It was just a place for us to sleep really. I prefer the moderates but I knew we wouldn't be in our room or around the resort much so I just booked the cheapest room. Pop/AoA is better because you have access to the Skyliner. ;)
Yay another trip report. Love the videos so glad your still doing it this way.

Speaking of Toronto airport….we went to Las Vegas Monday to Thursday last week. Couldn’t get a direct flight back so had to go Las Vegas to Winnipeg with 3 hour lay over. When we got off the Winnipeg -Toronto leg early everyone was happy but then it went all wrong. Got off the plane followed people to baggage, only doors open at the gate….turned out it was the U.S side of the airport. Never saw so many people freak out and yell at us to go back to our gate. We already went down 2 long hallways. Instead of just opening the right doors so we could carry on they made us stay at the gate for 35 minutes. People were yelling just open the doors and were told they( airport people) were going to call the police if people didn’t settle down. It was crazy. Oh and the crew on our plane got to go out the door because they didn’t cross over thru the sliding door. Oh and no one was at those U.S gates we went by. At the end they just opened the right doors. Got to baggage they took everything off the belt no one knew where their luggage was. We were lucky we just had our backpacks.

I’m going to have to try that with the time zone thing. The 3 hours difference kicked my butt this trip. Must be getting old.

Love the new puppy!

Can‘t wait to hear more.

Oh. My. Dog. :eek:

That is crazy! I used to work security at the YYC airport and making sure the right door is closed is super important. Just one missed door and a lot of people can get into trouble. Once, I witnessed the same thing here while working, everyone in the entire terminal had to go back through customs and security, it was a MESS!

Three hours is even more than what I have to do! As I get older, I find it harder to adapt so yeah, try to time shift a little next time, it might be a little easier on you. :thumbsup2

I am here! So excited to read all about your trip!
Those long layovers suck! And of course it is too short to do anything, but too long to just sit, so it's boring.
I am pretty sure AS Music does not read requests. LOL

You're right, I don't think they care anymore, they are sold out, that's their priority! :rolleyes2
Yay!! I am excited to read your report.

Glad you're here! :goodvibes

Yay!!! I'm in :)
Luna is adorable :love:

Ugh I really hate YYZ with a passion. We had to connect through there both ways when we went to the Dominican in 2021. Nightmare. Anyway, you're landed and you're there, can't wait for the next installment!

Yeah, YYZ is not a fun place. It's like the Twilight Zone or something. :rotfl2:

I'm here too!:wave: Lovely to see all your beautiful faces in the pictures :-) Glad to made it there with not too much delay (considering how travel has been in the past year) and having all your luggage is definitely a major plus!! Can't wait to hear all about you trip. And about the vlog vs videos, you are totally right, they are yours and make them however your love family loves them. I always enjoy them!

Thanks for being here, always with kind words and comments. :flower:

Yup, exactly, I gotta be me! They can always mute the videos. :rotfl2:



I'm with Rob with shoes. I have to try several on, walk around and really think it over. My feet just are awful. I still haven't broke my Hoka's in enough to feel safe to wear them all day. I am embarrassed to say I have bigger feet than Rob. LOL. I sometimes buy mens shoes because they are wider and I get a 9 or 10. :crazy2:
We never did get our Dole Whips. Well Claire got one of the Fanta ones in Epcot, but we never made it back to MK, so I lost out.

Yeah, I get it. But it was crowded and I was hot and my back was hurting so I was getting a little impatient but I understood because he's only ever worn one brand of shoe before.

I'm sorry you didn't get your dole whip! We had some for you....literally. :rotfl2:

Yay, another Cass trip report!! We're hoping to do a short Disney trip this fall and looking at the All Stars for our stay. Can you post some of the food court if you go? And the bus lines if you use the buses at all? Thanks!

I have a few food court pics that I took on the following day, I will post them, not many though. And I always rent a car, I just can't do the buses. I need strong A/C blowing on me as soon as possible and cold drinks. :rolleyes:

Thanks for sharing your trip report. I love reading them!
I'm going to need to find the Mickey transmission tower on my next trip! I think it's neat when there are towers themed to an area like the goal post tower near the NFL hall of fame in Canton.

It is really cool! :cool1:

Here you go:!4d-81.5741636!16s/g/1pxq2n3yd?hl=en


Yay, you're joining in again! :cool1:

I hear ya, I've worn Reebok's my entire life for a running shoe and this is the first time I've worn a different brand. Later on around day 5 I will have a blister on my little toe and will be back in my Reebok's that I brought. The issue is that all the brands I tried on all felt a little off in area's but the Hoka's felt the least off from everything I tried on.
Shame I missed ya when I bought you two Dole Whips! I had no idea you were leaving us :(

I think with the amount of walking we did, you would have gotten a blister in any shoes. :scared:
April 2nd, 2023 Part 2

Off to Hollywood Studios we went! :cool1:

I bought tickets for the After Hours event, which is from 9:30pm - 12:30am but you can enter the park as early as 7pm and it was just after that now.

Rob takes photos of where we park, sometimes it's hard to remember after a long day. :p


I checked wait times on the way to the park, they were pretty long. :scared:


The sun was setting as we got to the entrance, the sky looked gorgeous! :love:


I normally hate selfies but I know I will cherish them as I get older and look back at the photos of the three of us. Time flies, people. I still can't believe my kid is 16! 😯


We found the After Hours entrance, grabbed our wrist bands and then headed into the park.

This is the first time I have ever applied for the DAS pass for Disney. I've probably qualified for it for the past 27 years but I never thought I really needed it before. I've always made good use of Fast Pass, or early entry and eventually Genie+ and ILL but knowing how busy it was and how hot it was going to be and how long the VQ lines were, as well as my current health situation, I decided to apply for it. I did it at 30 days, online and although it took about 5-6 hours to get the whole thing done, it was worth it for me. I won't talk much about it here as it's a touchy subject with many. I will only bring it up when I am explaining how it pertains to our day and itinerary. If you want to know more about it, please go ahead and do your research and just know that for people who need it, it is a lifesaver. And for me, on this trip, it really was. I don't think I could have done this trip without it,

Just to be clear, it doesn't help you skip the lines, it just lets the DAS user wait that same amount of time, somewhere other than the actual physical line. So, as you can see above, the line for Slinky Dog Dash was 140 minutes. Once we got scanned into the park, I was able to choose a DAS for SDD. I still had to wait the 140 minutes before we could ride it but I was able to go sit in the air conditioning, while waiting and then when it was our time to ride, we went through the Lightning Lane, which also had a line.

The park was very busy and it was still 31ºC but the skies were just so pretty.




We passed by the new restaurant in Toy Story Land. I have no desire to eat here, I'm not a big BBQ food fan, especially at that price and the atmosphere is just not my thing. My friends did it later in the week and said the A/C was amazing though. :p



Our first and primary goal was Galaxy's Edge! This would be Kira's first time seeing it and I was so excited for her! We missed the opening of the Disneyland version by two weeks and since she hasn't been to WDW since 2018, this was her first chance at seeing it.

I LOVE this tree on the way into SWGE! 😍


Kira was amazed. She had a permanent grin on her face the whole time. ::yes::



I showed her the hidden Millenium Falcon that is on the Millenium Falcon. :p



We took some photos, took in the beauty of the land and then went for some food!


I wanted her to try a ronto wrap, I wasn't sure if she would like it or not so we got two of them to share.


Close-up so you can see all of the yumminess! :teeth:

I will say that it wasn't as good as the last time I had it but still very good and Kira liked it. Splitting two of them between the three of us was just perfect, Kira doesn't eat a whole lot at one time, she's more of a snacker and I don't eat much in the heat and humidity because it makes me feel ill.


We had a look around the shops and all of the little nooks and crannies.





We spotted a Photopass without lines, so we popped in and got some photos taken. They took a few poses, this was the best one.


I normally don't pay for Photopass but it's been so long since we've been here together and I knew my friends were coming down in a few days so they could use it also.

If you do get photopass, keep checking your account because the photo and the video below just popped up in my account a few days ago! :thumbsup2


It was now time for our ride on Slinky Dog!


We made Rob ride on his own because he's the only extrovert in the family. He often came off of rides with a broad range of knowledge of the person he sat with. :lmao:

He would come off rides like "Bob from New Jersey is a lab tech and he loves football!" :laughing:

Kira and I, two major introverts, would just laugh and thank Heavens for the token extrovert in our fam. :rotfl2::rotfl:

He wasn't even on the ride yet and made best friends with this fun lady who was in on the selfie fun with us. :p


We did not get our photopass photos from our first Slinky Dog ride that night. I have submitted the forms twice for missing photos and still haven't received it. Many of our ride photos were missing actually. I have submitted about 7 forms so far and we have only gotten one of our Guardians of the Galaxy photos and our Expedition Everest photo added to our account. I feel like if I'm going to pay $169 USD for photopass, I want to actually get ALL of our ride photos, not just some of them. :rolleyes2 Our friends are also missing a whole bunch of ride photos too!

Once we were done with SDD, we got a DAS for Smuggler's Run. I think at that point it was a 40 minute wait so we killed time in some stores and then headed over when it was time to ride.

Kira and Rob were the pilots and they both had a blast. :teeth:

Sadly, the cool Hondo Ohnaka animatronic was not working tonight, it was covered in a cloth and we watched a video of him instead.


When we got in line for Smuggler's Run, the party had officially started. We were excited to be able to ride all of the major rides with little to no wait times but that totally didn't happen.

In fact, if it wasn't for my DAS, we might have gotten to ride maybe 3 or 4 rides during the entire After Hours event.

Mickey and Minnie's Runaway Railway was another ride Kira had never done and Rob had never done it either so we were super excited for that one but it was actually closed the entire night. It never opened.

During that first 45 minutes of the event, Rise of the Resistance was also closed down and since DHS doesn't have that many rides, it made the rest of the wait times much longer. It also didn't help that Rock N Roller Coaster was down for refurbishment.




And from everything I had read about the after hours parties, I didn't think the DAS was even available. Thank the lord it was because all of the rides were 30-60 minutes wait. We ended up getting a DAS for SDD and then went in search of some water, popcorn and Mickey Ice cream bars and sandwiches, which were included in the price of the After Hours ticket.

Since we were waiting for SDD and hoping that Rise would open, we stayed in Toy Story Land and the lines for the free stuff were really long!



We finally made it to the front and grabbed some snacks. The water was nice and cold, I downed a whole bottle in a few seconds. We walked back to Galaxy's Edge, found a place to cop a squat and enjoy our ice creams. Kira also got some popcorn but didn't eat it until a couple of days later.

We only made one more stop for drinks that night and the line was almost as long and the water was just sitting out on the table and it was warm. :crazy2: Thankfully I carry a thermos with me and keep it filled with ice water so I didn't really need the free drinks.

It was time for our second round on Slinky. :banana:


This time we rode in the back and we did get our ride photo. :thumbsup2


Ooops, I blocked my kid. That's okay, she gets me back later in the week. :rotfl2:



Stay tuned to find out....Will or won't Kira ride The Twilight Zone Tower of Terror? :scared1:
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Yay for Keke's breakfast!! :love:

Who doesn't love a good Target run, right? Every trip in the states man, doesn't matter where we are lol I didn't know about these $6 tank tops though, need to look out for those next time.

Thank you for explaining what the DAS pass is, of course I've heard of it but didn't really understand how it worked. I'm so glad it came in useful for your trip!! Gosh, that after hours party was BUSY :oops:

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