Cass, Rob & Kira - Disneyland May 2019 - "Sniff...snifff. I think I smell Wi-Fi!!!"


DIS Veteran
DIS Lifetime Sponsor
Aug 18, 1999

Howdy, folks :wave2:

We just returned from an amazing 8 nights at the Disneyland Resort and I am here now to share it with you. :cool1:

If you have read my previous trippies, welcome back, you know what you're in for :goodvibes

If you haven't, then you should know that I take a lot of photos, I use more than my fair share of smileys, and most importantly, I have strong opinions and I'm not afraid to share them :laughing:

So, grab a drink, strap yourselves in, I hope you enjoy the ride :drive:


Check out my other trip reports

:cool: 2011 DCL Second sailing of the Dream
:cool: 2013 October WDW & DCL Fantasy
:cool: 2015 Disneyland
2016 Christmas on the Wonder
:cool: 2017 Universal & DCL 10-Night Southern Caribbean Fantasy
2017 Christmas on the Wonder
:cool: 2018 Summer WDW & Universal
2018 Christmas on the Wonder
:cool:2019 Disneyland
:cool:2019 Universal Orlando
2019 Christmas on the Wonder
:cool: 2020 Galaxy's Edge
2021 Christmas on the Wonder
:cool: 2022 UO & DCL Fantasy
🇨🇦 2022 Alaska Wonder Cruise

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Chapter Links :flower:

Saturday, May 11th, 2019
Part 1- From YYC to LAX
Part 2 - Disneyland Hotel, Shopping & White Water Snacks
Part 3 - More shopping, resting and groceries
Part 4 - Naples, pool time and a nice view

Sunday, May 12th, 2019
Part 1 - Early Entry at DCA on Mother's Day
Part 2 - Yeah Mom, thuper babies!
Part 3 - Mountains, Pirates and Whips, oh my!
Part 4 - Dinner on the Bayou
Part 5 - And two shows!

Monday, May 13th, 2019
Part 1 - Another Early DCA morning
Part 2 - Rides and Carnation Cafe then more whips!
Part 3 - A party and a baby.

Tuesday, May 14th, 2019
Part 1 - Pretty Castle & some great rides
Part 2 - BBQ & other stuff
Part 3 - Coasters and good food but zero Wi-Fi
Part 4 - Mickey's Mix Magic

Wednesday, May 15th, 2019
Part 1 - Our last early entry
Part 2 - Rides and buns!
Part 3 - Up front and in Color

Thursday, May 16th, 2019
Part 1 - Rainy, beautiful Gibson Girl morning.
Part 2 - Rides and more food!
Part 3 - Well that hit the spot and just the right spot!
Part 4 - No more stuffies!

Friday, May 17th, 2019
Part 1 - DLH breakfast and exploring
Part 2 - DLH wandering
Part 3 - Burgers and shakes and pools, oh my!

Saturday, May 18th, 2019
Part 1 - A Grand morning, indeed!
Part 2 - Resort Mode, do not enter!
Part 3 - Pool time and one last farewell

Sunday, May 19th, 2019
Part 1 - Wrecking, whips and buying stuff
Part 2 - And that's a wrap!

Vacation Videos

Peace, I'm out! 8-)
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May 11th - Part 1

As usual, we hung up our Disney countdown calendar 35 sleeps before we left. :goodvibes

My daughter Kira put on the last sticker before leaving for school the day before...


You will notice a lot of similar photos from my previous reports...I'm very sentimental and enjoy taking similar photos on our trips so I can see how different my kiddo looks in them over the years, as well as watch hubby's greys grow :p

Yup, I'm a sap. :rotfl2:

My family was none too happy with me when I told them that our flight departed at 6am. Both Rob and Kira were like "We have to leave for the airport at 6?" and I was like..."Umm, no, that is when the flight leaves, we have to leave by 3am." :rolleyes1

If you're doing the math then you have probably figured out that I was up before 2am :teacher: o_O

In order to be able to do this, we time-shifted a little a few days before we left. We got up a little earlier every day and went to bed earlier in order to adjust. This totally worked out since Anaheim is 1-hour earlier than us and I had to be up early anyway on the Friday to check us in for our flight. We actually adapted quite well and were ready to go by 3:05am. :flower:

Since we are all night owls, this was a huge accomplishment! Even more miraculous was that we were all in great moods, even our soon-to-be teenager :P

How can anyone be grumpy when you're going to Disney??!!! :woohoo: :laughing:

I had dropped off our Boo at her Uncle's the night before so she's safe and sound with her Uncle and doggy-cousin, Piper. :dogdance:


About thirty minutes later, we had arrived at the Calgary Airport. One of the many reasons I prefer an early flight? No traffic! :banana:

We fly Westjet as often as we possibly can because I LOATHE Air Canada but they had the best flight options for this trip. I wasn't thrilled but it was only a 3.5 hour flight and I crossed my fingers and hoped for the best.


Rob dropped us off and then dropped our car off at Park2Go while Kira and I took care of our luggage.


Normally we have all of this done and are ready at the Security area before Rob gets back but they wouldn't let us print our luggage tags until 4am so we waited a bit.


I also knew that we would be waiting a little at security since USA Customs & Immigration did not open until 4:30am. Thankfully, they opened up security just after we got in line so we could get through that first and then be there on the other side when Customs opened. This was the one time that our Nexus cards actually gave us an advantage here in Calgary. They do have a separate line for it but only right at the beginning so it only is good if there is a long security line, which there was by now.

Nexus is the Canadian version of Global Entry and it gives us the equivalent of TSA Pre-Check for all major airports in both Canada and the USA, just not our stupid home airport, which is totally dumb so we still have to take off shoes and jackets and take laptops out of our bags here. :rolleyes2

They let the Nexus members in first so we were the third party to go through security. :thumbsup2

We all made it with no extra screening, yahoooo! :cheer2:

We used the Nexus machines and got through Customs super easy and super fast. :thumbsup2

And now we were officially in the United States! Man, travelling makes you so hungry, we were all starving by now. :rotfl:


We always eat at Wolfgang Puck's The Kitchen because we love it! Well, we found out this trip that Kira didn't love it. She claims it's not great but she's eaten everything without complaint before, so...:confused::confused::confused:


Oh and that tongue! :p That's her "thing" apparently and you will see it a lot :rolleyes2


My delicious usual...




And Kira said she didn't want French Toast or a bagel, which she usually gets. Instead she asked for the fruit bowl. I asked her if she was sure because it probably wouldn't be full of fruits that she likes. She asked the server if it had strawberries in it and she said yes, so Kira was happy with that.

We all kind of laughed when it had A strawberry, cut into 6 pieces :scared: :rotfl2:


She ate the strawberry and some of the pineapple and nothing else. She wasn't too happy.

As soon as I was done, I headed over to Starbucks and got her a bagel and a chocolate croissant while Rob paid our bill. While I was in line, Rob came over and shouted "Ooooh, get me one too!" because he has an obsession for chocolate croissants and has now passed that love onto his daughter. Sadly they didn't have a regular bagel, only some weird sprouted grain one so she didn't like that either but was happy with the croissant. :rolleyes:

I didn't think I would ever meet someone who is pickier about their food than me but my daughter totally qualifies :P


Oh and Kira's pants are NOT jammies :lmao:

We bought them in the pants section but because of the print and cut, they are often mistaken for jammie pants. She wanted to wear them because they are soft and sooo comfortable.

Like jammie pants. :scratchin

So, they're kinda like jammie pants but don't tell her that. :rolleyes1 :laughing:

They were still eating when they called to board our zone. :eek:

This was the weirdest boarding experience. Normally there are tons of people around the gate, crowding it. Normally they pre-board kids so half the plane is full before we even can scan our boarding passes.

Yeah, this was the opposite! They didn't pre-board, no one standing around anywhere!


And we had a long walk to get to our plane! Weird!


We got into our seats and hosed down our little area with Lysol Wipes. I have a compromised immune system so I have to be very careful in public areas and those planes are nasty so we always come prepared. ::yes::

Kira took our family selfie and then we were off...


We were seated one row behind first class, which had ONE person in it. :cool:

Rob wasn't happy because he didn't have his own screen! :laughing: I put mine on the flight map and he watched a movie on his iPad with Kira.


The pilot announced that there was a small amount of frost from being parked there overnight so we had to head over and get hosed down.


Goodbye Calgary!


And up we went :cloud9:


We left a little late but we made up for it in the air. We were due to arrive in Los Angeles at 8:40am so I laughed when this screen put us into LAX at 3pm :p

Umm, we had better not be getting there at 3pm! :rotfl2:


Flight went by rather quickly. Air Canada doesn't even serve a snack anymore, just drinks! :sad2:

Really Air Canada...not even a dang bag of pretzels??? :rolleyes2:charac2::p

That's okay because with my braces, I don't like to eat on the plane anyway.

Before we knew it, we were making our descent into a slightly smoggy LA.



We flew over LA Stadium, the future home of the Rams and Chargers (I had to Google that! ;))


And then landed safely at LAX. Rob was giddy like a school boy when we spotted not one, but TWO A 380's! :lmao:He's a big flight enthusiast and I just like seeing big planes that we normally don't see so we also fan-girled at four 747's! :woohoo:


Since first class was basically empty, we were the second ones off the plane! That does not happen every day :goodvibes


We normally fly Westjet and land in Terminal 2 so this time we are landing in Terminal 6 and getting a glimpse at those famous long tunnels.


We made it to our luggage carousel in great time and waited (prayed!) for our luggage to come down.


Originally we were going to take an Uber, just for the experience really, because I hadn't Ubered in California before but a couple of weeks before we left, Rob got into contact with a friend of a friend who drove a private shuttle here in LA and we booked him for the same price as an Uber XL, which we would need. He found us just as our luggage was coming down (yay!!) and we made our way to Anaheim.

We made good time and pulled up to this glorious hotel less than an hour after we got our luggage. :woohoo:



While Rob dealt with the payment, Kira and I headed in to check-in.






My kiddo even took a pic of me doing the checking in. :laughing:


Smooth check-in and our room was even ready!!!


Love it!!!

By the time we were done, Rob was just coming in so we went straight up to the fifth floor to check out our room. :hyper:
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May 11th, Part 2

We were on the fifth floor, which made zero sense but okay :teeth:


I just LOVE these rooms! :love:






Of course, we just had to turn on the headboard and listen to the music and watch the fireworks :rolleyes1


I've been in a few different rooms here and this type is my favourite. It has a separate little vanity area in front of the closet and it works so well for getting ready in the morning. 🤩






We checked out our view, it was about the same view as the last time the three of us stayed here together in 2015.


Standard view but I love it!


The coolest thing was that you could see Black Spire, Galaxy's Edge! :worship:

We are very excited about this as all three of us are huge Star Wars fans but we planned this trip so that we could enjoy the parks one last time before the craziness that this new land will bring. We will be back to enjoy it, but it won't be for awhile. Actually, we will probably visit Walt Disney World's version first but we will return here for sure once the initial chaos is over. :rolleyes:


We unpacked a little and then headed off to explore.



This sign had a super bright light across the path to light it up. It was so bright that when I accidentally looked into it this first time, it practically blinded me :p I made sure to avoid looking into it during the rest of our time here :rotfl2:


Under the hat we go.....


Rob is always the last through security. After 8 days, we had this down to a science. I would go through first, just because, well, I like to be first :laughing: then Kira would follow because she likes to be first if she doesn't have to talk to anyone, otherwise, she likes to follow me :rotfl2: and then Rob would go last because he always has the most crap and also likes to chat with total strangers. He's one of those people who voluntarily offer strangers his life story and then are best friends after 5 minutes. :rotfl:

This drives me nuts! I want to get through as fast as I can, make no friends and stay in my little introverted shell. :lmao:

Kira's like me and she often exclaims "Mom! Dad's doing it again!" 😂

I also like to keep this order because I am the photographer and videographer so I like to get a few seconds ahead of them so I can capture certain shots. :p

I am the planner, trip reporter, photographer AND videographer. I like to lead and I always have a plan and my family know this and count on me for it. ☺

I have two speeds...slow and "Disney." I don't know why I turn into a crazy sprinter at Disney but I do and slow people drive me crazy :rotfl:

I would love to go to Disney often enough to feel like I don't have to make the most of every second I'm there but that's not the case and we're all okay with it. We always manage to do a lot and my uber planning comes in VERY handy. :thumbsup2

Oh look, Rob's still at security :rolleyes1 :rotfl2:


It was even warm enough for him to take off his hoodie :rotfl:

We are total opposites in many ways, which I think is one of the reasons we are still happily married after 20+ years :goodvibes

I always run hot and he always runs cold. I turn the thermostat down and he turns it up.

When packing for this trip, he was asking me what t-shirts he should bring and I'm like "Does it really even matter? No one is ever going to see them anyway!"

Well, I guess he was actually warm enough to just be in a t-shirt here. Don't get used to it though, I don't think you ever see his t-shirt again 🤭

I packed shorts and tees, nothing else! I wear capris on the flights because sometimes they blast the air conditioning but otherwise, I didn't pack pants and I only packed one hoodie, which I wore twice maybe.

Kira is kind of in the middle of the two of us but leans more towards Rob's cooler temps.


We were hungry and wanted to eat but they were still serving breakfast and we knew we wanted lunch so we stopped in the stores and perused a little.


Kira was definitely all about the jewelry on this trip. She wanted a new ring and a new necklace but I told her to give it a few days so she can see all of what they have before she decides on something. She was glad she heeded my advice even though she wasn't happy about not spending every cent the second she got it.


We figured out a few trips ago that she does better with a monetary incentive. 🤑

So, she has to earn her spending money. She does chores at home but I refuse to pay her an allowance because I think, as part of our household, she needs to understand that taking care of our house and home is just part of being part of this family. I respect a parents' decision to do whatever works best for them and theirs and for us, this is what works.

She gets rather crabby on vacation so a few years ago, we started rewarding her for good behaviour on our trips instead of just giving her some spending money. This has worked out wonderfully for us and although she still has that "teenager attitude" on occasion, the incentive usually keeps the attitude away, which makes for a better trip for all of us.

This trip, we gave a her $25 USD per day earning potential. We gave her $25 to start, as a freebie, just in case she went all crazy and didn't earn anything LOL and then each night, just before bed, we would talk about the day, and if she earned it, we would fork over the cash for her to spend as she wished.

She had a couple of rules...

#1- Mom has veto rights! DUH!
#2 -Stuffy limit of ONE, must be small-ish to fit in suitcase, otherwise she would spend it all on dang stuffies!!

I also would emphasize about thinking very hard about what she bought. To ask I really going to get use out of this? Is this something I can buy at home? Is it really something I should be buying at Disneyland?

Sounds harsh maybe but I am trying to teach her, not only the value of a dollar, but also the value of a purchase. There's so many things at Disneyland to buy and trust me when I say, I get it...I want to buy it all! But at the same time, we can't have it all so I try to keep it at smart purchases. She found a necklace and a ring she wanted immediately! She could only get one of them since she only had $25 but I finally convinced her to hold off and see what they had at the parks, that maybe she would find something she like even better. She argued. A lot. But eventually she decided to wait and she was glad she did. That story still to come. ;)

I saw so many things I wanted! I am NOT a shopper (that title goes to my husband 🤑 ) but when I'm at Disney, I'm like a kid in a candy store...I want it alllllll 🤪

There were tons of stuff though that I liked but it was just weird. I don't know who designs this stuff but they need to get rid of most of them. 😶

Take this shirt, for huge Stitch lovers, we all loved this shirt. And Rob and I might have bought this if it weren't for those odd dark stripey things across it. And well, maybe also get rid of the orange embroidered "Stitch"


And this....ummm. 😵


My eyes hurt just looking at it.


Kira would buy the entire wall of stuffies if we let her. 🤪


It was finally now lunch time and we were headed for one of my fave...White Water Snacks for my chicken nachos!!! 🥰


Remember what I said about Rob being the shopper? Here's an prime example of that for you...and this sums up a lot about us and our marriage...

I saw this Mickey sipper online months ago. I normally do not purchase stuff like this. I (lovingly) yell at Rob when he buys mugs and popcorn buckets on each trip because I know they will just end up on a shelf in my pantry, never to be used again! Total waste of money in my opinion. 🤔

However, this Mickey just spoke to me. I debated and debated about getting him and putting him in my office. I ended up NOT getting him because I felt it wasn't the best value and I knew he would take up an enormous amount of space in our suitcase. I'm okay with this decision, I don't regret it and I can live without it.

My husband, seeing me take this photo and seeing me debate about it, proclaims, after only seconds..."Just buy it! And get me a mug too!" 😂

HAHAHA! Totally different 🤣


Not only does he get the mug, he also buys his second chocolate croissant of the day...and it's only 11am people 😏


We ordered our food, found a table and waited for our food.


Kira got the kids chicken strips. Ate every single morsel! 🍟


The only thing I had eyes for was my chicken nachos but I knew that they had reimagined them, if you will, and was worried about it. I also wanted to try the burger so Rob and I split the Cali-grilled cheeseburger.

We often would split meals just so we could sample different things. This totally worked out for us. 🤗



So, the nachos were good but cold. I think because of the flatter presentation, they don't retain their heat very well because even my first bite was luke-warm. I like hot food so I wasn't super crazy about them. The burger, however, was divine!! 😍 🤤

It was the total opposite of my! So hot, I almost burned my mouth! The fries were delicious too! We pretty much devoured everything but the nachos. Oh man, I meant to go back and do this again but we ran out of time and never got back. 😢

Making a quick pit stop, I snapped a photo of my kiddo in her natural syndrome 📱

My automatic parental response to this is a big eye roll. Having said that, 90% of the time she's in this pose, she is reading fan-fiction so while, ideally I would love for her to not be on her phone so much, I can't complain too much. 😌

And while I try to encourage her to be more in the moment and enjoy her environment, I think back to when I was 12 and think what would I do if I had an iPhone at that age? I don't think my parents would have ever seen my face 😁

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Whooooo hoooo! Another Cass trippie!!

So, wait....Rob had NO security issues at the airport? He always does! :)

Kira got one strawberry? Whahahahaha. Pace yourself kiddo!

Why was the 5th floor weird to you? I must've missed something. Nothing new there, eh?

Um, any and all unwanted popcorn buckets or mugs can definitely be sent this way, dear. All my mugs went missing somehow and one can never have enough Disney stuff anyway.

Rob is definitely one of the friendliest guys we ever met. My hubby is rather shy except when he gets on a plane. For some reason, he can carry on an entire conversation with a complete stranger but is otherwise quiet. Well, I should say as long as he can talk basketball to someone, they’re golden.

And Chuck and I agree with Rob. You should’ve bought yourself that Mickey sipper.
Following along!

Last weekend I was at Disneyland and saw your Facebook updates so was wondering if you were still visiting! I should have reached out, but maybe another time!
I've never commented before but truly enjoy your trip reports...will look forward to reading this Disneyland adventure
May 11th, Part 3

We wandered through the beautiful Grand Californian before heading back to Downtown Disney to check out more stuff. :thumbsup2






The new Mickey needs to eat a few cheeseburgers methinks LOL!



They finally have a t-shirt with just Timon on it but it was ORANGE!! 🤮 Orange is my least favourite colour AND it totally clashes with Timon!! Why couldn't they have it in grey or black or blue or just about any colour BUT freaking orange???!!! 🤬 😭


I didn't get anything. I don't think I bought anything until the last day except a purple shirt that I spotted on day 4 that I just had to have 🙃

Kira did get something though...just like my purple shirt, she just knew she had to have it. It was a Captain America Pop figure. She's recently obsessed with Captain America. Not sure if she's obsessed with the character or with Chris Evans. 😏 Can't fault her either way though :P8-)


Coming out of the World of Disney store, we were inundated with bubbles. 🙄


I am a huge Haunted Mansion fan so when I first saw these, I was like "Oh. My. Dog. I am totally getting this for Boo!" but then upon further inspection, I didn't love it. It was more of a blue than a purple and the white was not bright enough. I passed on this but I eventually did get her a new collar and leash but not this one. Stay tuned for that photo 😉


Kira freaked out when she saw all of the different Pops here 😜


Her Mom was freaking out over all the trees! I am a huge tree lover and the trees here in California are insanely gorgeous!!! :worship:


The new rules have been in place for almost two weeks now and we didn't see anyone with issues. We didn't see any wagons but we did see three people smoking in the parks over the course of our week. Way less than I thought we would see. ::yes::


Back to the hotel we went! Kira almost did the splits here accidentally :lmao:


And back to the Fantasy Tower 🥰






But not before my husband can feed his addiction. 🤪

While Kira and I enjoy Dole Whips, hubby enjoys them a little bit more :rolleyes1 I won't tell you how many we ended up having over the course of this trip, I will let you count them all :rotfl2:

Keep in mind that Rob partook in every single one whereas Kira and I partook in most of them but not all of them :laughing:

We had so many it was almost comical and "The trip full of Whips" was an alternate title of this trip report 🤣


Here's #1 🍦

We devoured it in less than a minute 😂


We then perused the Fantasia Shop and I came across something I have had my eye on since 2014, this Disneyland sign. 😍

I seriously thought about it back in 2014 but decided against it. Then in 2015, on Kira's first trip to Disneyland, I was eye-balling it even more. 🤩 I still didn't get it. Then I went back last year for a work thing and I almost bought it. 😏

It's usually kind of hidden in the back or a low shelf but here it was...all laid out and front, row, center for me. 🤔

Rob knew I had been thinking about it and well, it was Mother's Day tomorrow and I had told him not to get me anything because being in Disneyland was the best gift ever! Well, he doesn't like not getting me something so we debated about it. I stood it up and realized how tall it was! This was NOT going to fit into our suitcases!

We talked about getting it shipped home but usually that costs way too much so I nixed that idea right away. Let's just stew on it a bit, I knew I would just forget about it and not get it and be okay with that.


I was so focused on that Disneyland sign, I didn't even notice the other amazing one!! I totally would have wanted that one too! :earboy2:

We wandered a bit, love this map!


Then back to the room! Love the room keys!


The new rules update that we were given when we checked in...


The 2am wake-up call was hitting Rob hard so he napped while Kira read and I checked emails and FB.


I had ordered groceries from Vons and they were due soon. I love that you can track your driver in the app, how cool :thumbsup2



Rob and Kira ran down to get them. They got there just as David was handing them off to Bell Services.


Those little Sargento snack things are awesome! We don't have them here in Canada, or at least not that I have seen and I thought they were individual packs but they are packs of 3!! It's okay, they were delicious and I ended up bringing them home with me and I am now devouring them before going back on Keto tomorrow. :lmao:


Our fridge was the perfect size and it all fit perfectly ::yes::


We rested up a bit before heading back to Downtown Disney for our dinner reservation. 😎 🍕
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Hi Cass! I'm ready to see "my" DLR through your eyes! Kira has grown up so much in the past year and she is absolutely beautiful!
Woohooo! I knew it would start soon. I actually came yesterday to see if you started but it was down for the update.

I can't wait to see all you did and all the things that we probably missed out doing. hahaha

I have been trying to post this all day. hope it finally goes through
we did see three people smoking in the parks over the course of our week.

I am hearing at WDW lots of people are smoking in the bathrooms now and someone reported it to a CM and the CM basically said they know it's happening but can't tell who is doing it in which stall and they are reporting it to higher ups....I knew this would happen. I wonder if Disney will change the rule or not eventually?
Ahhhhh, I think i see why you thought the 5th floor location was weird. That’s what I get for reading your trippie from my phone, outside in the sunlight. Lol!
(my 1st post didn't actually post so here goes again!)
So happy I caught this trippie at the beginning! California and Disneyland are definitely on my to-do list. I am from eastern Canada so a little further for us but I will get there one day!
All these pics show me this beautiful young lady with long hair that pretty much looks like a teenager! wow! She has been growing up quick! She's beautiful :)
I agree with you about the room, I really like it... looks nice!
I'll be following along, can't wait!
Yayy...another Cass trip report! We were in Disney World while you were in! My husband is also the one who talks to everyone and makes friends everywhere. Can definitely be annoying, lol. Can't wait to read along!
Yippee - looking forward to reading all about your trip. That Disneyland Hotel looks great, would love to stay there next time. Hungry for a dole whip - my fav!!
Trying again, my first response didn't post!!
So excited to see your TR, had fun following you on FB and all the fabulous photos!!
Looks like day one was off to a great start!!!
Following along! We consider Disneyland our home park since we live on the west coast and it’s gonna be fun to see it through your report!
Yay! Another report! I love DL Hotel but I’m too cheap to stay there....looks like the trip is off to a great start!

Jill in CO
Following along popcorn:: Sounds like a FANTASTIC way to spend mother's day!!!! We were jetting off to Cancun for the dd's destination wedding ( which was an awesome trip ) on Mother's day. I couldn't think of a better way to be spending Mother's day than getting on a plane heading to warm sand, water, palm trees and lots of yummy drinks!!!!

I'm like you...we love West Jet as well. I used to always have to take Air Canada when I travelled for business, and always encountered problems. For the destination wedding, our dd had picked Air Transat for the carrier for our group booking. NEVER AGAIN will we fly with them. We had OLD OLD OLD planes that didn't even have any wifi...and had screen in the bulk heads that showed one movie ( that didn't even friggin work for all three movies that they tried to show ) at a time, and where our headphone clicked into the arm rest, if the connection wasn't just right it was just static in your ear! And don't even get me started on the RUDE, and incompetent cabin crew. I feel sorry for the travel agent that took care of everything, we had nothing but problems with some bookings and planes with them. Like I said...NEVER AGAIN will I travel with them.

I can't wait to hear more about your trip!!! I had actually done a search not long ago, wondering if you have ventured somewhere again. I'm living vicariously through trip trip report. Crossing my fingers, toes and anything else, that maybe we can do a Disney/Universal Trip late this year early next year. I would love to reward our potter head son who is graduating this year with a trip for his graduation present. But for now, I will just have to live through my favorite trip report people posts to read.

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