Can you use multiple Disney gift cards at a Disney hotel?


DIS Veteran
May 6, 2019
If you buy multiple $500 Disney gift cards at Safeway or something, can you use them all on a single hotel reservation at a Disney resort (Disneyland) hotel?

I know online it only let's you apply one, but at check in could you have them use three or four if you have like a $1500+ stay?
Yes you can. You can't add them at check-in but just before check out. I usually go to the front desk the night before we leave.
Yes you can. You can't add them at check-in but just before check out. I usually go to the front desk the night before we leave.

Do you happen to know if you can apply one card online when purchasing park tickets?
The max is $1000.00. You can have up to 5 or 6 cards on that site.
Do not leave your cards registered on the website once you have combined/transferred them. People have had their accounts hacked and lost all the funds. Once I transfer funds to my preferred Disney gift card(s), I remove all cards from the site.
Not sure it’ll worth transferring in my position, they’re $500 cards. I’ll use one for tickets (which will run me ~$555) and then the other four while I’m at the DLH or GC. I’ll swing by on night at like 10pm and have them apply the four to my bill.
If your staying at a Disneyland hotel and want to pay off your entire stay prior to your trip with your gift cards you can do so by calling the hotel and they will take the payment from the gift card. I buy gift cards from Target with the 5% off and then call and pay off the hotel with them and have used multiple gift cards. I show up and its all done and I only owe the parking fee.
If your staying at a Disneyland hotel and want to pay off your entire stay prior to your trip with your gift cards you can do so by calling the hotel and they will take the payment from the gift card. I buy gift cards from Target with the 5% off and then call and pay off the hotel with them and have used multiple gift cards. I show up and its all done and I only owe the parking fee.
Pro tip! That's awesome to hear. I'll probably watch and wait to apply any gift cards until I see if there is a fall/winter promo (I'll be there late October, occasionally it overlaps a winter promo) but I might do that a few days before my trip.

Safeway had 4x loyalty points this past weekend on gift cards and I have a credit card that earns 4x points at grocery stores. I bought almost $3k in Delta and Disney gift cards (not Disney+, lol). That should add up to around $120 in discounts on groceries next weekend and 12k points on my Amex, that should push me over enough where I can snag a night at the Westin for free.

My arrival night or departure night is usually at the Westin since it's a bit cheaper than Disney (often $349 before taxes) and with my Amex I can get guaranteed 4pm check out. That is amazing on departure day where I've got a SNA flight at 5:30pm or arrival since I'll fly into SNA Friday night and drive up to Universal for Halloween Horror Nights on Saturday. Do a little Disney Saturday morning, check out of the hotel around 2pm, trek up to Universal and check in around 4pm, hit HHN by 6pm. It's become a well oiled machine, lol
This made me :rotfl2:
Well I remember seeing an article not too long ago where someone bought their vacation in Disney+ gift cards and then was very very shocked when they showed up and couldn't use them. If I recall I think Disney was able to transfer balances to Disney gift cards, but I'm sure it was a very stressful time for a bit...
Well I remember seeing an article not too long ago where someone bought their vacation in Disney+ gift cards and then was very very shocked when they showed up and couldn't use them. If I recall I think Disney was able to transfer balances to Disney gift cards, but I'm sure it was a very stressful time for a bit...
Yes, that is why I was laughing. I think they were purchased at either Sams or Costco.
Yes you can. You can't add them at check-in but just before check out. I usually go to the front desk the night before we leave.
When we stayed at GCH in November 2023, I was able to use gift cards at check in. They were bought in Canada so they used the exchange rate that day and applied them all to the hotel room. There were a lot and the cast member was very friendly and patient putting them through. He didn’t say it was only available at check out but I wouldn’t be surprised at all to hear different people have been told different things! 😊 I hadn’t consolidated them on to a smaller number of cards because I’d heard of people losing them that way (as mentioned on an earlier post).
When we stayed at GCH in November 2023, I was able to use gift cards at check in. They were bought in Canada so they used the exchange rate that day and applied them all to the hotel room. There were a lot and the cast member was very friendly and patient putting them through. He didn’t say it was only available at check out but I wouldn’t be surprised at all to hear different people have been told different things! 😊 I hadn’t consolidated them on to a smaller number of cards because I’d heard of people losing them that way (as mentioned on an earlier post).
This is so great to hear. They must have changed their policy and I never asked again after the first time. I much prefer doing it this way. Thank you!


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