Bridal shower question..signing the card


DIS Veteran
Aug 19, 2011
Silly question but if you are a woman who is attending a bridal shower for someone that your family (spouse/kids) knows well and/or is related to how do you sign the card with the gift?

Does only the attendee sign or should the names of all family members be included?

I generally do all of us even though I am the attendee but I am off to a shower (family by marriage) in a bit and was wondering if that is normal or if it was normal for just the person attending the shower to put their name only on the card.
I just put my own name if I am the only invitee.
For bridal shower, I would sign only my name. For card with wedding gift, I would sign family.
Have done several showers recently and have one in a couple of weeks. I sign it just from me. Wedding gift is from DH and me.
I sign the card if I'm the only one invited. For an event where more than one of us is invited but only one can attend, everyone who was invited signs the card. I never include the name of someone who wasn't invited. If we want to give a gift as a family, then we send something later that won't be confused with a shower gift.

Personally, I don't think it's good for people who weren't invited to be included on the card. But that's because I've seen people get mad in the past that someone (usually a child) wasn't invited and they sign that person's name to the card as a way to indicate that they think the person should have been invited. It probably wouldn't have occurred to me if I hadn't seen so many people boasting about that before, but now all I can think when I see extra names on the card is that the people are trying to send the recipient a message that they "forgot" to invite someone.
Depends on the type of shower....if it's women only, I sign my name and my dds'. If it's family or Jack-and-Jill, I sign everyone's....

I was taught that was the proper etiquette in our region....:confused3
I sign the names of whomever was invited, whether they attended with me or not.
Silly question but if you are a woman who is attending a bridal shower for someone that your family (spouse/kids) knows well and/or is related to how do you sign the card with the gift?

Does only the attendee sign or should the names of all family members be included?

I generally do all of us even though I am the attendee but I am off to a shower (family by marriage) in a bit and was wondering if that is normal or if it was normal for just the person attending the shower to put their name only on the card.

For the shower, I'd sign only my name (and if my DD were invited with me, I'd sign her name as well).
So this time around I signed only my name and when reading the card prior to opening the gift she said this is from (insert my name) and (insert my spouses name).

I hadn't heard of anyone including others who were not invited as a way to cause trouble..never my intent..I generally signed all our names because even if I was the attendee it was in theory from all of us. :confused3


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