Booked package through Funjet


Apr 7, 2011
We booked our entire package through Funjet including park tickets and dining plan. We leave in 2 weeks and have not received anything in the mail, just confirmation numbers through email. I have been reading posts regarding Mickey mail and didn't know if I am supposed to receive this even though we didn't book directly with Disney. We did receive our ME package a while ago, but I know this is something different.
Does anybody know if I am missing something or am I good to go with the email confirmation. (when I called Disney they said they could not look at my reservation until 10 days out)
The "Mickey Mail" or document packet everyone refers to comes from the Walt Disney Travel Company and includes some extra feature vouchers (Planet Hollywood discount, one free round of mini-golf, etc.) as well as souvenier luggage tags. This is only sent when you book your package directly thru Disney.

Funjet is an authorized Disney vacation seller, and you will still get the separate Magical Express packet, but no other package or voucher is sent. Funjet documents are always E-docs and should be printed from your your email. It should say "E-docs" in your email header and on the printout. This is different from your confirmation email from Funjet. Your flight confo #, Disney resort confo #, and ME information should be on the E-docs printout.
You can use the airline confo # to go on the airline web site and print a more detailed flight itinerary if you want.

Enjoy your trip!

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