BIRTHDAY-ANNIVERSARY-HONEYMOON-GRADUATION-ETC Celebrations by Cast Members: 1) It is a matter of the CM's personal initiative. . . . depends upon how much they like you as a guest . . . it always helps to wear a Happy Birthday button . . . depends if they feel like doing anything special today . . . depends upon the phase of the moon 2) CM's can do a lot, or they can do nothing at all as they have immense control . . . they are under no obligation to give goodies or even acknowledge special day . . . they can go way overboard, give lots of gifts . . . they have A LOT of leeway for what they will or will not do for you . . . they can see the event if listed on the ADR or hotel ressie and you hope for the best 3) Some of the things a CM can do for free are . . . table with Mickey confetti . . . your name/celebration on menu at TS locations (except BOG) . . . best table location . . . special personalized menu . . . character-autographed birthday cards . . . balloons . . . balloon animals . . . wine or champagne or Shirley Temples . . . room towel animals . . . appetizers or desserts . . . cakes . . . cupcake with candle (almost always available for the asking) . . . place mats autographed by characters . . . free appy or free dessert . . . ride an attraction with a character . . . personalization items for the Magic Bands 5) Some other items CM's can give for free . . . room full of balloons and/or flowers . . . fruit basket or wine basket in hotel room . . . individual fast passes or booklets of several fast passes . . . food and snack items (candy, popcorn, sundries) . . . room upgrades . . . attraction rides with characters 6) If you really want something special, buy it yourself. . . . eatery: carry presents in and keep/hide them in a paper bag . . . eatery: carry a cake in, but, WDW won't prepare, store, or serve it . . . eatery: order non-decorated cake at the eatery podium check-in . . . eatery: order decorated cake from the WDW Cake Hotline . . . room: order special in-room celebration decorarting by Disney . . . room: order strawberries and cream, if resort has room service . . . room: decorate the room yourself 7) If there are multiple celebrations for people during a trip . . . do not do separate celebration locations or tables . . . one person may get an enthusiastic CM and get goodies . . . one person may get a lazy CM and get nothing 8) Hundreds, or thousands, celebrate everyday at WDW. 9) It is too much time/money for CM's to attend or recognize all. NOTE: I have personally given out freebies such as major room upgrades, fruit baskets, wine & cheese baskets, fast passes. It all depends upon how you act toward us and the mood we are in at that time.