BBB dress question

daisy 'n donald

Jun 28, 2010
We are going again at the end of August, and have a BBB appointment for our last day at the parks. We have done BBB the last 2 years, and as my dd1 is 11, this might be the last time we can do it if we don't go next year. Anyway, dd1 is 11 and dd2 is 9. They both wear like a 16/18 in kids clothes. I'm still not exactly sure what size in women's clothes. Last year we had a hard time finding dresses that would work for them as we found they ran a little small and they didn't have much over the size 14 in stock. I believe their dresses from last year still fit, so we will probably bring those. I am trying to find any of those cute soft dresses that I see, but none of those seem to be any larger than a 14 as well. Does anyone know anywhere that sells either larger girl's dresses or smaller women's?
This time we booked a lunch at Cinderella Castle for after.


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