August Challenge??


<font color=red>I was smart enough to marry a DH w
Jul 29, 2004
Ok, I'm a couple of days late with this! Blame it on pre-registration at school! Who's up for the August challenge? :flower:

Everybody ready?? Let's go! :cheer2:

:wave: :Pinkbounc :maleficen :Pinkbounc :wave:
Congratulations, pattyt! I guess that makes you first for the month! :sunny:

onedisneylover, it's just the number of pages you get done in the month of August--I am not creative enough to think up anything else! :rotfl:

Keep scrappin', everybody! :cool1:
I'm in. Although I'll never get much done.....I think I spend more time looking and talking about it!! :confused3 However, I have done 2 pages this month so far. :)
I don't usually participate in the monthly challenge, but I've completed nine pages so far this month. Maybe it will keep me going if I see my number here :)!
I will try again, maybe I will accomplish something. It's so hard to scrap in the summer. :crazy:
Thanks for joining in, knovak, judithm, and dreams91! :cheer2:

JudithM--I'm like you, posting my count keeps me motivated! :flower:

knovak--I wish you lots of time to scrap! :wizard:

dreams91--If I actually scrapped during the amount of time I spend discussing it or buying stuff for it, I'd never be behind again! :rotfl2: You are tied with pattyt right now for 2 pages! :cool1: By the way, your wedding picture is gorgeous!

Anyone else want to join this wild & crazy bunch?? :teeth:
Welcome, Queenie!

I hope everybody has a great weekend with lots of time for scrappin'! :goodvibes
it appears as though I might be working ont his one layout for the rest of the month -
I hate when i get 'stuck' on part of a layout....
might have to move on and add this one to the unfisnished box grrrrrrr :goodvibes
Judith - it definately is a motivator - the guilt of KNOWING that you bought all this stuff you have all these pictures - and you look and you have 2 pages done in 13 days kinda gives you a good kick in the butt :rotfl2:
happy scrapping all
pattyT said:
Judith - it definately is a motivator - the guilt of KNOWING that you bought all this stuff you have all these pictures

Patty, put the "stuck" layout to the side & move on! I know I have done it :)! I need to get motivated again today - I was just thinking about all the sb "stuff" I have & need to use!
I'm in. I won't be able to scrap until after I get invites fro SIL baby shower out, which can't start until Sunday. What was I thinking?

ET: PAtty - Too funny!! The quesiton is will he eat it again??? :rotfl2:
Just done another layout, easily one of my best if not THE best one I've ever made! I'm very happy. I doubt I'll get much done this weekend as I'm going to a "Bad Taste Bear" picnic tomorrow, should provide some erm... interesting pictures!
6 pages done - YIPEE! I actually made the board this month! I think it was the pixie dust!!! :goodvibes
Hey Stitch......i see you're from E. TN. I'm from a small town north of Nashville. PM me and tell me where you're from. I have friends in Maryville.

I'm playing this month. I have a new project. I'm taking all my pictures from cruises, and destinations I've been on and other friends have been on and making an album to help in my travel sales. Have 6 pages started but not haven't put the final touches on them yet so can't count them. With school starting next week and DD having soccer practice twice a day, this may be all I get done but at least it's a start!!

Have a SUPER day!!
Karen aka TN Traveler
THe August Challenge is going great! You all are getting so much done! I wish I could say the same--I have yet to get a single page done! This is birthday party weekend for us--one for my friend's son and one for my mom. Maybe after this settles down I'll get some done! :sunny: You all are definitely inspiring me!

knovak--6 pages is great! And you thought you wouldn't get any done! I'm glad the pixie dust helped!

Welcome, cobbler, wtpclc, fantastic dis family, and tn traveler! :Pinkbounc

pattyt--My husband would probably eat peanut butter & pepperoni! :rotfl2:

judithm--I'm glad to know someone else has to put aside the "stuck" layouts and move on!

queenie--congratulations on the great layout. . .when can we see it?? :teeth:

Ok, this reply turned out really long! I hope everyone keeps up the great scrapping progress we have going on! Maybe I'll get a page done, too! :cheer2:

tntraveler--I forgot to mention, and I don't know how to PM! :rolleyes: We live in Maryville, too! It's great to have another TN buddy here!

Have a terrific and productive rest of the weekend! :cool1:

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