August 2024 first trip with a kiddo … Down in Port Orleans! UPDATED 6/19

Soarin’ – but only if the standby line is decently short*

My five-year-old daughter is VERY excited to ride Soarin’. If you can manage to grab (1) Remy and (2) Frozen as your first two LL, you shouldn’t have a problem getting Soarin’ as your third. It’s such a nice, relaxing ride!

I’m not sure how Disney is planning to set up this attraction on Genie+.

Given how they’ve handled other recent “new” rides (and also with the expected high demand), I’d be shocked if Tiana’s wasn’t a ILL attraction with a virtual queue. I think they’ll pull the ILL from 7DMT and perhaps pull the VQ from TRON - Tiana will be FAR more popular than both, especially in the short-term.

I’d aim to enter the virtual queue first and then purchase a ILL to give you a chance to ride twice. The queue will disappear very fast (perhaps in seconds like RotR used to) so you’d need to prioritize the virtual queue first. Then purchase your ILL for that attraction, followed by booking your first Genie+ selection.

I’m waffling back and forth about Tron. DD7 is tall for her age, but this momma still worries it’s too big of a ride for her.

Given my commentary above about TRON probably being pulled off VQ, why don’t you try out BTMRR and also have her look at TRON and see what she thinks? You could always purchase ILL just in case and then get a refund if she balks and says no.

The Haunted Mansion

I adore the Haunted Mansion! It was the only ride I told my older daughter she had to ride (it’s slow-moving, and she can close her eyes if she’s nervous). She’s watched the YouTube video a ton and is more excited about it - most of all for the hatbox ghost. She is VERY excited to see the hatbox ghost - thank you, Disney, for adding a bonus to HM that excites my five-year-old!

I’d continue watching YouTube - it’s made a world of difference in my daughter’s comfort and enthusiasm for multiple attractions.
I hope we’ll get to see some of the parade and fireworks, but somewhere out of the way. DD7 doesn't like the loud booms of the fireworks and I'm not a fan of crowds being too close to my personal bubble.
For the parade, watch in in Frontierland. Still a lot of people but much less then the front/hub of the park. When we went last year to watch our kids and their marching band march in MK we watched right outside of I think it was Liberty Tree Tavern or the County Bears. There is a short rock wall that we sat on but no one was allowed in front of us and the wall kept people from being on top of us. Here a picture of where we were for reference. It is not the best picture but I hope it helps.Parade 1.jpg
Given how they’ve handled other recent “new” rides (and also with the expected high demand), I’d be shocked if Tiana’s wasn’t a ILL attraction with a virtual queue. I think they’ll pull the ILL from 7DMT and perhaps pull the VQ from TRON - Tiana will be FAR more popular than both, especially in the short-term.

I’d aim to enter the virtual queue first and then purchase a ILL to give you a chance to ride twice. The queue will disappear very fast (perhaps in seconds like RotR used to) so you’d need to prioritize the virtual queue first. Then purchase your ILL for that attraction, followed by booking your first Genie+ selection.
So this was kind of what I was thinking / afraid they would do. My number 1 priority is getting on this attraction, so if that means a VQ, I'll try for that. VQ or not, I will absolutely purchase ILL because to me it's going to be worth it. There will always be a special place in my heart for Splash, but I'm really looking forward to the re-theming. I have no doubt it will be a VERY in-demand ride.

I’d continue watching YouTube - it’s made a world of difference in my daughter’s comfort and enthusiasm for multiple attractions.
I will, thanks! :) She seems to do better when she knows what to expect. I think it's the unknown that makes her anxious. YouTube ride videos have been helpful for sure.

For the parade, watch in in Frontierland.
I love this idea! That sounds like a great location for the parade, thank you!
For the parade, watch in in Frontierland.

I would second this! I love seeing the parade from Frontierland/Liberty Square and I agree it's MUCH less crowded and easier to find a good spot with less waiting. As a bonus, it's easier to get snacks to enjoy before and during the parade - there's often a popcorn and/or ice cream cart in that area.
It's already the middle of April and I was hoping for an announcement about Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween Party dates and the date tickets go on sale already. I'm crossing my fingers the announcement will be sometime this week!! I will be glad to have that piece nailed down. If they change it from the historical dates (Tuesdays and Fridays), I'll have to change my plans around.

Also, I read about 1900 Park Fare re-opening last week and I looked at the menu. The gluten free options look better than CRT, so now I'm thinking can we fit in both on our trip??


Day 4: Third full park day – Wednesday

Ok. This is the point where I broke down. There’s just so much to do and so little time to do it in for us. I want to do it all but I know realistically, we can’t. So how do I choose what to do and what to miss?!

Here’s my thinking so far:

The day before will be a LONG one. Rope drop Magic Kingdom AND the Halloween Party all in one day. We are going to be tired. And a tired DD7 is a cranky DD7. I want a more relaxed morning this day. Since we only have 4 park days, I don’t really want a full rest day, but I don’t want to push DD7 more than she can handle.

From what I can see (which isn’t much this far in advance of our trip) the summer hours at the parks are about 9a – 9p (some stay open til 10, and AK closes about 7 that time of year) with early entry about 30 minutes before. I didn’t want to spend money on Park Hopper tickets, so whichever park we go to in the morning, we’ll have to go back that afternoon/evening as well. OR we could always just go to Disney Springs for some shopping and food in the late afternoon - evening hours. I was thinking there’s more at Hollywood Studios for DD7 to do than Animal Kingdom or EPCOT. Especially since we're planning to do EPCOT on Monday afternoon.

Hollywood Studios day it is! No rope drop. But I do plan to get Genie+ for today and possibly some ILL for Star Wars: Rise of the Resistance. DD7 isn’t into Star Wars, that’s momma’s thing. She’ll complain and tell me she’s bored, but I think she’ll like the ride anyway. I’m undecided about Millennium Falcon: Smugglers Run. It definitely isn’t a must-do. We’ll see what the wait times are for this throughout the day.

I’m hoping to do Start Tours, Mickey and Minnie’s Runaway Railway (I miss The Great Movie ride!!), The Muppets 3D (for DD7, she loves the Muppets!) and because no trip to Disney is complete without a Tower of Terror ride, I’m making sure we do that one as well! ToT is one of my top 5 rides in Disney. I’ve loved it since it first opened when I was a kid.


Oh! I forgot about Toy Story Land. I’ll have to try to get a LL (first thing in the morning after RotR) for Slinky Dog Dash, because there is no way either of us are patient enough to wait in a long line. All of Toy Story Land is new to me. It wasn’t there 10 years ago during my last visit.

Both DD7 and I are not at all interested in Rock n Roller Coaster, so that's a pass for us this trip. She doesn't like that it's in the dark and as I’ve gotten older, my tolerance for rides that go upside down has drastically declined.

So, quick summary: no early entry/rope drop. A few rides in the morning, maybe grab some lunch or a snack, head back to the hotel for a swim break or rest, then back to the park for a few hours until 8-ish. I’m hoping to be back to the hotel room and in bed by 9. Tomorrow is our last full/park day. I was planning to leave this one up to DD7. But I might need a backup plan just in case.

Can’t forget my list (for those of you enjoy them as much as I do!) of attractions we’ve narrowed down:

  • Star Wars: Rise of the Resistance
  • Slinky Dog Dash
  • Tower of Terror
  • MMRR
  • Star Tours
  • Muppet*Vision 3-D
  • Toy Story Mania!
This seems like a reasonable list to get through in one day, right?

More older Disney pics for fun:
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With ILL for Rise and G+ that’s a very reasonable list if you make your first selection at 7 am.

Mother daughter trips are so much fun and special. You guys will have a great time!
With Genie + this is very doable. When we went over Easter last year (very high crowds) we were able to stack LL's to the afternoon (went on our arrival day and one other afternoon). I was able to stack them back to back. We didn't do ToT as that ride is not for me at all and I think RR was closed but I wouldn't ride that anyways. We were able to ride MMRR, Slinky, Toy Story Mania, Alien Saucers, Muppets and we split Star Wars between the two days. First night rode Millennium Falcon as a single rider (I used the chicken out line as I get sick on these rides). The second night we paid for the Rise LL.

My strategy was to get Slinky first and then MMRR and then play it by ear from there. Once I got the LL's I would modify them until I got the time I wanted in the afternoon.
With ILL for Rise and G+ that’s a very reasonable list if you make your first selection at 7 am.

Mother daughter trips are so much fun and special. You guys will have a great time!
Awesome! I'm hoping by this day I'll have plenty of practice with Genie+ and LL selections :laughing:.

DD7 is my mini me...... sometimes we're besties and sometimes we're frenemies. Depends on her level of sass (which she 100% gets from me :rotfl:). I don't have a lot of pics of the two of us, so I went ahead and bought the memory maker in hopes of getting plenty of shots of me and DD7. I'm really looking forward to having those memories captured.

With Genie + this is very doable. When we went over Easter last year (very high crowds) we were able to stack LL's to the afternoon (went on our arrival day and one other afternoon). I was able to stack them back to back. We didn't do ToT as that ride is not for me at all and I think RR was closed but I wouldn't ride that anyways. We were able to ride MMRR, Slinky, Toy Story Mania, Alien Saucers, Muppets and we split Star Wars between the two days. First night rode Millennium Falcon as a single rider (I used the chicken out line as I get sick on these rides). The second night we paid for the Rise LL.

My strategy was to get Slinky first and then MMRR and then play it by ear from there. Once I got the LL's I would modify them until I got the time I wanted in the afternoon.
This makes me feel less anxious and more confident in my plans!

We only have the one day dedicated to Hollywood Studios, so I'm hoping I get some luck with stacking the LL's. Wednesday's are also statistically lower crowd days at HS, according to a few blogs, so I'm hoping that will help us get most of our list crossed off too 🤞
Ok, so no MNSSHP dates yet!! UGH. How disappointing. I was so hopeful. But it's gotta be soon, right? Right?!


I want to take you on a side quest to talk about food!
(Plus I'm still a little stuck on what to do for our last park day)

Along with everything else, I’m worried about eating in Disney. DD7 is a picky eater. She loves carbs, and I can get her to eat a decent amount of fruits and veggies. But a food adventurist, she is NOT. I love trying new things, but I’m picky for a different reason.

A little bit about me…. I have a gluten free diet. I also try to eat as much dairy free as I can too, but it’s really the gluten that I watch out for. I don’t have a true allergy, there are no life-threatening or dire consequences if I consume it. However, when I eat gluten, I feel like absolute crud and vacation is the last place I need my belly to be irritated and unhappy.

Mostly because of the picky kiddo, I’m not planning to have a lot of table service meals. Especially not with the price tag that comes with it for most of the food to be thrown away in favor of soft pretzels and ice cream (the two things DD7 is most looking forward to). BUT. I have been looking into Character Dining and I really want to book at least one of them. With her being a big fan of princesses, that was my # 1 choice.

The only question left was…. Akershus Royal Banquet Hall in EPCOT or Cinderella’s Royal Table in Magic Kingdom. Ugh… more choices?! It came down to two different factors: which princesses were going to be there and what would DD7 eat? A little bit of research later I found that both restaurants have a majority of princesses in common: Snow White, Aurora, Ariel and Jasmine. Cinderella, of course, is at CRT while Belle is at Akershus.

Now. If it was solely up to me, I would choose Akershus just for a chance to see Belle (she’s one of my favorite’s). BUT, it’s not solely up to me. Also, in all my research I read that the lineup of princesses can change daily, so maybe, just maybe, Belle could end up at CRT. (A girl can dream, can’t she?!)

The menu has a lot to do with the final choice, really. Between the two, CRT had a much more palatable food choices for DD7 and the GF (gluten free) options seemed better there too. Especially the desserts, lol.

BUT, just when I thought I had the final choice all planned out Disney goes and announces that 1900 Park Fare has reopened at Grand Floridian! The menu looks pretty good for both DD7 and me AND
Tiana IN HER NEW BAYOU ADVENTURE OUTFIT (!!!!!) will be visiting guests! Oh my goodness I love all the choices but also it threw a wrench into the plan I already had a hard time deciding on.

I was doing some poking around and it seems like all the time slots from now until at least the middle of June are full. This worries me that I may not be able to get an ADR for 1900 PF.

What do you guys think? Any recommendations? I definitely want to do one character dining. Either an early dinner (3:45-ish) on Tuesday – hopefully before MNSSHP (if dates ever get released! Seriously, Disney, please hurry up!!) – or a late lunch (around 2 ish) on Thursday – our last park day.

I have until June 19th to hammer out the final choices. That’s a decent bit of time to mull over it some more – but
I would love your input / suggestions / recommendations, etc!

I love to plan, but when I make a plan and it gets derailed my anxiety ramps up. So, I’m trying to be more go-with-the-flow when it comes to dining, with a low number of ADRs. I feel like we’ll be doing a lot more snacking than eating full on meals anyway. And for Disney I’m ok with that! I have a whole list of places and snack choices to try while we’re there.
What’s your favorite snack in Disney?

I’m most excited to try some GF beignets, offered at POFQ! There’s also a gluten free bakery in Disney Springs I’m looking forward to visiting; Erin McKenna's Bakery NYC. They have cookies, muffins, bagels, cinnamon rolls (!!) and all kinds of other treats and I want to try one of everything, lol. I’ve read on SO. MANY. TRIP REPORTS about Gideon’s cookies… and they look delish, but according to their website they don’t seem to have any gluten free selections, which is a bummer :(
I have a very picky eater too. DD lives (still at 16 almost 17) on mac and cheese, buttered noodles and chicken nuggets. We were always able to find something for her to eat. Sometimes it was just modifying a spaghetti dish to be no sauce and with butter only. She also only likes ranch on chicken nuggets and one of the places went next door to get this for her. You should be able to find food for your DD pretty easily.

As far as gluten free, I don't have much experience. My mom does have celiac but the one trip we were going to have to Disney was Aug of 2020 and it was canceled. We really need to reschedule this this trip. There is a Facebook page that I followed "Gluten Free Disney!" and "Gluten Free Disney Parks & Sea". They helped a lot in finding food my mom would be able to eat. I also know they talk a lot about eating gluten and dairy free as a lot of celiac 's have a sensitivity to dairy too.

As far as which of the 3 restaurants to go too, I would say any would be fine. We have eaten at Akershus twice. We liked them and (we used to do the free dining) was only 1 credit instead of the 2 at CRT. We did eat once at 1900 Park Fare years ago and the food was nothing special then but I really wanted to see the step sisters, Step Mother, and Prince Charming. I don't think you can go wrong with any of them and I would pick on who you want to see.

Or as another option (if it something you can do), instead of CRT could you do 1900 Park Fare and Akershus? The characters are different at the 2 except for Cinderella, who seems to be at a lot of meals. If only doing one, I would almost say 1900 Park Fare as those characters are ones you may not be able to see in the parks (I think, It has been a year since I have been to Disney and several since the kids were little).
BUT, just when I thought I had the final choice all planned out Disney goes and announces that 1900 Park Fare has reopened at Grand Floridian! The menu looks pretty good for both DD7 and me AND Tiana IN HER NEW BAYOU ADVENTURE OUTFIT (!!!!!) will be visiting guests! Oh my goodness I love all the choices but also it threw a wrench into the plan I already had a hard time deciding on.

I was doing some poking around and it seems like all the time slots from now until at least the middle of June are full. This worries me that I may not be able to get an ADR for 1900 PF.
I just booked 1900 Park Fare for some clients who are traveling in June. I was trying to time up their BBB, but couldn't get a morning time and since you have to pay for CRT at the time of booking, I didn't want to book that and then have to change it or wait for the refund, etc. I was able to book 1900 PF pretty easily though. There were a lot of times available. I have to preface it that my clients are staying off site and so they were at a disadvantage for booking already.
OK, still no MNSSHP update, still! I've been obsessively checking the Disney Parks Blog website. I did see the announcement for the Food and Wine Festival dates and was a little bummed that we'll miss it by a couple weeks. I was hoping to try a few food booths. I've never been to Disney that time of year. Oh well! Now I'm even more looking forward to the Halloween party dates.

Or as another option (if it something you can do), instead of CRT could you do 1900 Park Fare and Akershus? The characters are different at the 2 except for Cinderella, who seems to be at a lot of meals. If only doing one, I would almost say 1900 Park Fare as those characters are ones you may not be able to see in the parks (I think, It has been a year since I have been to Disney and several since the kids were little).

I think this is a very good option! I will have to move some things around in my plans, but I think I might try for an early dinner at Akershus on our EPCOT afternoon/evening. It's currently planned as our first park day, so that should be a fun way to wind down her first ever day in Disney!

I just booked 1900 Park Fare for some clients who are traveling in June. I was trying to time up their BBB, but couldn't get a morning time and since you have to pay for CRT at the time of booking, I didn't want to book that and then have to change it or wait for the refund, etc. I was able to book 1900 PF pretty easily though. There were a lot of times available. I have to preface it that my clients are staying off site and so they were at a disadvantage for booking already.

I'm glad you found a reservation for your clients! It makes me hopeful that I won't have too much trouble getting one for 1900 PF. I think I might add this one on our trip, but I'm not sure where in the plans I want to fit it in. Good thing I still have plenty of time :)

MNSSHP dates have been announced!!! And I guessed correctly (based on my research and historical party dates) about the party date so everything matches up with the plans I made! :cool1: I am ecstatic! AND I only have to wait 2 DAYS until tickets go on sale!!! I already set my alarms to be up and ready.

This was the second to last piece I needed to have a fully planned trip. After this I only have to wait until mid-June to do my ADR's.

I'll be back to update after the tickets are (hopefully) secured! AHHHH!!! It's all coming together and I'm so excited!!!!!
I secured our MNSSHP tickets this morning!!

One more reservation to cross off my list! One less thing to worry about. Man, it seemed like it took forever for Disney to release ANYTHING about the Halloween party and then all of a sudden ALL the info was released AND only two days before tickets went on sale! I was obsessively checking Disney Parks Blog every day for any little info about the party dates. They released info about the Food and Wine Festival in EPCOT... but not a single word about Halloween. Which was sooo annoying. So to see a whole bunch of posts on the their blog about it all at once was exciting!

There are two party dates on the week we'll be in Disney, but the Friday party date is our fly home day, so that was obviously out. The only other date is Tuesday, August 20th and thankfully that was the day I had built the party date into. Not much has to change that day in my already made plan! Whoop whoop!!

Reminder of our plans - Day 3/ Park day 2: Magic Kingdom

Rope drop Magic Kingdom - I do plan to purchase Genie+ for this day and I really hope to get an ILL for Tiana's Bayou Adventure and maybe even a LL for 7DMT.

If I can't get an early 7DMT LL, then I plan to do it first thing. I have a list of must do rides back on my Day 3 post, so I won't repeat all that info here.

We'll do a few rides, have a snack in-between, then an early lunch in the park, and head back to the hotel for a mid-day break for the hottest part of the day. I plan to fit in a pool break or just some in-room AC with tablet time for DD7 and some kindle time for me. We'll take showers and change into our costumes.

I'm planning for an ADR at Cinderella's Royal Table for an early dinner (3:45-4:00) visiting with the princesses and then head to fantasyland to get our party wristbands by 5:30. My main goals for the party are:

trick-or-treating and finding characters in different costumes

halloween mickey.jpg halloween mickey and minnie.jpg

fun Halloween party photo pass pics
halloween photopass.png

a few more rides we may have missed earlier in the day

shopping for special party merch
Haloween party merch.PNG

And seeing what different foods they offer. I'm not putting the snacks higher on the list because I'm not expecting they'll have a good selection of gluten free options.

Disney is also changing the first parade time - moving it up to 8:15pm, which I think is great for the younger guests. Even though the party goes until midnight, we won't be there that long. My DD7 just won't make it. Especially after waking up early for rope drop and the fact that the next day will also be a full park day at Hollywood Studios.

Ok, I think that's all I have for this update! The last thing I really need to do is make ADR's, but I have to wait until June 19th for that. In the meantime, it's back to my spreadsheet and a little more research on which reservations I want to make and roughly what times. There are so many good choices!!
That’s great that your preferred MNNSHP worked out! It’s nice to check another thing off the list.
That’s great that your preferred MNNSHP worked out! It’s nice to check another thing off the list.
Oh man, it really is! Thanks!

Now I'm consumed with getting packing lists put together along with shopping lists. I've picked up so many great tips from the DIS-ers as well as mommy vloggers on YouTube from all the videos my daughter and I have been watching. I haven't ever flown with my kiddo or been on a trip like this with her before. It will be an adventure for both of for sure! :laughing:
Just a super quick update...
I've reached DOUBLE DIGITS on my countdown!! Woo Hoo! :cheer2:

Also, this weekend Disney released the
opening date for Tiana's Bayou Adventure!

Tiana opening.jpg

I'm excited to see/hear/read more about this attraction: if Disney will for sure use VQ / ILL, if they are going to have a SB queue at all, etc. I think I'll hold off on watching any ride videos that will be on YouTube, though. I really want to be surprised by this one.

The last time I was in Disney was the first week of June 2014 (my ill-fated honeymoon), and 7DMT had just opened the week before on May 28th, 2014. I don't remember how I was lucky enough to score a fastpass for this, but I did. However. I remember how terrible the whole thing had been. It was so popular and new that they were basically rushing everyone on and off. Even the ride seemed too quick and awfully jerky. I really hope this won't be the same experience, but I'm setting the expectation bar pretty low.

Oh! Also! I purchased a few pieces of clothing to put together to make my "costume" for MNSSHP!! It's not so much as costume as more of a DisneyBound outfit. I decided on Belle, and I'm going to wear her blue and white outfit. I found a cute blue sleeveless skater dress on Amazon and I already have a white crop top to pair it with. A blue bow in my hair and I've got a cute and inexpensive "costume"!

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DD7, on the other hand....

She wanted a Princess Tiana dress. Luckily I found a really pretty one on Disney's website, ON SALE and thought "this will be perfect!". Oh boy was I wrong. It was delivered and DD7 was so excited to have a package in her name from Disney. She loved the dress. In the box. Once it was out of all the packaging and we were ogling all the details.... we noticed allllll the glitter on AND falling off the dress. It was EVERYWHERE. She wanted to try it on and ugh, she was so cute in it. I figured if the dress made her smile like that, I'd suffer through finding glitter everywhere until I'm 80 :rotfl:. She twirled around, did a curtsy and after I told her how adorable she was... she immediately asked to take it off because it was hot and itchy. UH. If she thought it was hot an itchy while trying it on for only a few minutes how the heck would she fare wearing it in AUGUST in FLORIDA?? I pretty much asked her the same question and she looked me straight in the eye and said "I don't want to".

Long story short the dress was returned in favor of a dress we found on Amazon. It's definitely not as detailed, but also definitely not as glittery, but makes her just as happy. I did find a crown to match that was glittery, so compromises were made 🤷‍♀️. I found it on ETSY and the best part is it's and elastic band instead of a plastic headband.

Dress we returned:
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Dress we kept:
Screenshot 2024-05-13 123350.png

I'm keeping the MNSSHP tickets a surprise for DD7. She thinks the dress is just for meeting Tiana (at Princess Fairytale Hall in MK). I hope in my excitement I don't slip up and ruin the surprise!!

That's pretty much it for this update. I hope everyone had a great mother's day weekend!
The evening star is shining bright ….. So make a wish and hold on tight ….. There’s magic in the air tonight …. And anything can happen

Down in New Port Orleans!

Hi there! I have been a LOOOOOOONG time lurker, and I absolutely love and appreciate all the Trip Reports (and pre-trip reports as well!) I’ve been reading to help me plan and just for funsies to get my Disney fix. I was inspired to try my hand at doing my very own pre-trip report. I’m planning this mostly by myself, so some feedback would be helpful but also, I just need to get all this noise out of my head :upsidedow. I am an over-planner, over-worrier, over-thinker about everything. I love to plan and am an Excel nerd, so you bet your butt I have multiple spreadsheets for this trip :laughing:.

I’m going to try to sprinkle in a few pics so you don’t get a wall of text … sorry I can get really wordy!

Ok, so! Introductions, right?!

K, 37 years old, avid Disney fan and planner extraordinaire.
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Favorite ride: Splash Mountain, Tower of Terror
Favorite Movie: The Little Mermaid, Beauty and the Beast
New experience most excited for: Tiana’s Bayou Adventure, Guardians of the Galaxy: CR, RotR

DD: 7 years old, never been to Disney, but so excited to go!
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Favorite movie: The Princess and the Frog
Character most excited to meet: Tiana
Ride most excited to try: Tiana’s Bayou Adventure (seeing the pattern yet?)

That’s it. It’s just the two of us. To be fair, it’s almost always the two of us. Despite my username (thanks DIS boards for not letting us change usernames from when we were young and dumb about picking names that will stick with us for decades!!) I am no longer a Mrs. and the last time I was in Disney was TEN YEARS AGO, for an ill-fated honeymoon. It was NOT the best trip I’d been on, but that’s a story for another time (spoiler: his family joined us for our honeymoon 😒).

I grew up going to Disney for almost annual vacations since I was 6 years old until I was almost 20. We stayed off property for the first trip, learned from our mistakes and stayed on property the rest of our vacays. Mostly at Pop Century, All Stars, and a random stay at CBR. My honeymoon was a not-so-enjoyable stay at BWV in 2014. That was the last time I vacationed at Disney and I’m so excited to see how much has changed!

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This is me and my twin when we were younger at some of the All Star's hotels. Sorry for the crappy quality… it’s a picture of a picture!:crazy2:


Sunday August 18th – Friday August 23rd, 2024: 5 nights with a 4-day, 1 park with water park option ticket.

My kiddo is 7 and in school September through June. I did NOT want to go in holiday crowds, so summer it is! We’re lucky enough that her school district doesn’t start until after Labor Day, in September. We’re hoping to vacation with hopefully lower crowds since a lot of schools go back mid-late August.


Port Orleans Riverside, in a river view Royal Room. DD7's love of Tiana / The Princess and the Frog is why I chose this resort and specifically this room type. I can’t wait to see her face when we first get into the room. I’ve kept this a secret from her and I’m so excited to see if she loves it!

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I've never stayed here, but this resort has always been on my bucket list. I grabbed some screenshots from the Disney website.


A very delayed birthday trip for DD7. My mom has a tradition she started with my twin sister’s firstborn, that when a grandchild turns 5, they are gifted a trip to Disney. That’s around the age when we started going as kids and my mom wanted to continue that with her grandkids. We had a big family trip planned for my nephews 5th birthday trip ….. in April 2020, but we all know what happened. Womp womp. We have never actually rescheduled the big family trip for a few reasons. We didn’t like all the changes made during the pandemic and have been trying to wait them out thinking things would hopefully go back to the way they used to be (DME, FP+, etc..) but no dice. My parents have also had various health issues and surgeries, so they aren’t ready to do a Disney trip. If they do decide to ever go back it will be just to hang by the pools or Disney Springs. They just can’t get around like they used to. My sister has 4 kids and money is tight, so they can’t come with us either this year. We’ve done a quick summer vacation with my sister’s family to Hershey Park two summers ago and it was a LOT. I’m used to only one kiddo. I don’t know how she manages to do it with four!!

This is a long awaited, not quite once-in-a-lifetime, but hopefully a really fun and memorable trip for me and my daughter.

This trip will be filled with a LOT of firsts for both me and DD7. My DD7 has never been but has been begging to go for the last two years. And as I've mentioned I haven't been in TEN years :eek:. It’s finally time!

Ok, I think that’s a LOT of info out of the way. Up next: actual plans! Or just more head noise - TBD

(I hope I'm doing this right so far)
I'm joining in! We stayed in a royal room last year and LOVED it! I know this will be special!
Hooray for double digits! It’s so exciting to hit countdown milestones when you’ve been waiting and planning for so long!

YAY for Tiana’s! I thought of you when I saw the opening date - I’m thrilled you’ll get a chance to ride your favorite attraction!

Super cute dresses! I think those will work very well for MNNSHP. I think you made the right call switching out the Tiana dress - those poofy princess dresses are beautiful but they’re not super soft and comfy.


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