"Apples To Apples" - Who plays it and what's it all about?


<font color=green>We'll remember when...<br><font
May 13, 2001
Is this a game for all ages or just kids?
How many are required in order to play?

DD's MIL asked me about it last night (we were discussing some Christmas gift ideas for my adult DD for game night), but I'm clueless about that particular game..

It is SOO much fun! We always play it on game night.

They have a junior version and an adult version. I believe the adult version is for ages 12 and up, although we have played with my godson who is younger. The only thing about kids playing the adult version is that they probably won't know who a lot of people are on the cards.

I haven't played the junior version so I don't know if it is something that adults can enjoy as much as the kids...I am sure someone else can fill you in on it!

(BTW the more people you have playing it the more fun it is!)
My college DSs play it all the time in there dorm!
We love Apples to Apples at our house. DD has the Jr version...so I don't know much about the regular. My Mom just bought the adult version for my 15 yr old neice for Christmas. The whole family always plays it on Thanksgiving and Christmas. Basically, everyone has a group of cards with words or phrases on them and they try to match one with a card turned over from the main pile. I'm sure that makes no sense:rotfl:

Example: I have 7 red cards that say: getting lost, pine cones, dirt, grape jelly, a bakery, the president, and flags. I picked those randomly from our game.

Everyone takes a turn being the "Judge"

The judge turns over a green card. It says ....Miserable.

I would have to pick one of my 7 cards to match Miserable. I tend to pick the least miserable thing from my hand just to start trouble....but most people would choose "getting lost" as a miserable thing. The judge takes everyone's red cards and chooses which is the most Miserable. You can try and convince the judge about your entry. If the judge chooses your card, you get the green card and the person with the most green cards wins.

I hope those are the real rules and not what our family has made up:rotfl:

There's no real end to the game...it can sort of go on forever or until everyone gives up.....We get really loud and silly when we play.
I LOVE Apples to Apples!!

ncmickeyluvr had a good explanation, here's the official ;) rules from wikipedia:

Each player is dealt seven "red apple" cards; on each is printed a noun or noun phrase (such as "Madonna", "Canada", "The Spanish Inquisition", "Michael Jackson", etc.).

The judge (a chosen player) draws a "green apple" card on which is printed an adjective ("scary", "frightening", "patriotic", etc.), and places it face-up on the table for everybody to see. Then each player (except the judge) chooses a card that they think is the best match for the green apple card, and places it face-down. The judge shuffles the red apple cards, reads them (often aloud), and decides which noun is the best match for the adjective. This decision is subjective; the official rules encourage the judge to pick the match that is "most creative, humorous or interesting". Some might think it humorous if "mud" is played for delicious, and might give that player the point.

The player who submitted the chosen red apple card wins the round, and takes the green apple card to signify the win. All players then draw red cards until they have seven again, and the role of "judge" may pass to another person (generally going to the next player in line, though some rules have the round's winner becoming "judge"). Some editions of the game suggest discounting the last red-apple card played, to encourage players to place their cards down more quickly.

Each player is allowed a one-time only "switch-a-roo", which allows the player to discard their entire hand of red cards for a new set of red cards.

The winner is the first player to accumulate a pre-designated number of green apple cards; the more players, the lower the total.

Here's an example of what the cards look like:


So for example, from those cards, the judge would put down the green "DIRTY" card. If those red cards were mine, I'd put down "picking your nose". If the judge decided he liked my answer best, then I'd win that round.

We play it a lot with friends - it's really more fun if you know the people you're playing with really well, because then you can pick funnier cards to match what that person thinks about certain things. For example, DFiance was the judge once last time we played with some friends, and the green card he picked was "Pathetic". I had a "Rosie O'Donnell" red card, and happen to know that he HATES Rosie O'Donnell. :laughing: So I put that one down and won the round - whereas if I was playing with someone I didn't know very well, it could be harder to know what card to pick.

Hopefully that makes sense and didn't make it more confusing. :flower3:
Thanks everyone - for the links; explanations; photos of the cards; etc.. That does sound like fun!!! Some nights it would just be the 4 of us - other nights 5 (if DGD's best friend is here) - or possibly as many as 7 if DD's IL's came over.. :)

DGD and her friend are both 11, so I'm assuming the adult version would be fine - right?

I'm going to tell DD's MIL this is a definite "Yes!"..:thumbsup2

ETA: I think I remember seeing "refill" cards or something for this game on Amazon.com.. What is the object of that?
Fun game! Enjoyed by college students and families.

I agree with the age 12 and up because a lot of the names will not be recognized by younger kids.

I hardly ever win because those I am playing with do not recognize the brilliance of my responses. :laughing:
Thanks everyone - for the links; explanations; photos of the cards; etc.. That does sound like fun!!! Some nights it would just be the 4 of us - other nights 5 (if DGD's best friend is here) - or possibly as many as 7 if DD's IL's came over.. :)

DGD and her friend are both 11, so I'm assuming the adult version would be fine - right?

I'm going to tell DD's MIL this is a definite "Yes!"..:thumbsup2

ETA: I think I remember seeing "refill" cards or something for this game on Amazon.com.. What is the object of that?

The adult version will be fine-like others have said she might not know some of the people but just let her pick another card if she doesn't know who or what it is. The kids version will be too "easy" for her and boring.
We love Apples to Apples and it works fine for 3 generations playing together when my parents visit.

We have the junior version and we like it. The words are OK enough to use for all ages and overall I don't think they are much easier than the adult cards. Whether or not you have an easy match depends upon the words on your cards and the matching word. The adult version has some cultural references that kids or teens might not know, but as previously stated picking another card would work OK.

The game is fun!
I just bought this game for a xmas present because it was recommended here on the DIS a couple weeks ago. It looks like alot of fun. Kids are finally old enough to play games dh and I like too. :thumbsup2
I love it!

You have an adjective and with the cards you're dealt, you get to decide which of them best describes that adjective. The person who flips the adjective card over chooses which of them is the best (doesn't necessarily mean its 100% true/correct), and if your card is chosen you get the take the card. You have to get so many of the green cards (adjectives) to win the game.

Its definitely a hoot! :)
We also love this! We have both versions, but actually prefer the Jr version!
I think there are expansion packs to the game, with more cards, if that's what you mean. But the party pack, or expansion pack, I can't remember the name, has about 1000 cards, so repeats will be few in many games.

Enjoy, this game is really fun! I'd love to see a Disney edition.
Fun game! Enjoyed by college students and families.

I agree with the age 12 and up because a lot of the names will not be recognized by younger kids.

I hardly ever win because those I am playing with do not recognize the brilliance of my responses. :laughing:

Yes, you really do need to know who you are playing the game with for this one-does the person judging take everything literally or do they think outside the box, etc. The outside of the box thinkers are a lot more fun to play this game with :thumbsup2.

Another good out of the box thinker game is ImagineIF.

I'm going to tell DD's MIL this is a definite "Yes!"..:thumbsup2

ETA: I think I remember seeing "refill" cards or something for this game on Amazon.com.. What is the object of that?

We got DD the refill cards for a Christmas present. It is basically more cards, expanding the options of the green and the red cards. If you play the game a lot, it puts more variety in it - instead of getting repetitive. Or - if you play the game with a lot of people - i.e. 12, then you won't have to "reshuffle" the cards in the middle of a game.

Now - we play with 3 people in our house. To make it a little more interesting, we "allow the dog to play a card too". So - if DD is the judge for 1 round, DH and I toss down our selections to match the card. Then, we toss in a random card "from the dog" as well. The dog, needless to say, will occasionally win a game.
Very fun. Our family plays it every year when we all get together. Everyone can play. :)


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