Anyone Watching Regis?


Aug 7, 2000
I just caught part of this...Is he saying something about maybe needing eye surgery? Did anyone hear what he said?
My DD who is home sick for day 7 says he did mention if his eye troubles (he has been seeing double since last week) he may need eye surgery to fix it.
When is Regis on? I thought it was war coverage on channel 7 at 9am?
I have not got Regis for many days. I guess our local station is sticking with ABC news. ?? Can anyone catch us up about Regis. Is Kelly back? Not sure when we will get the show again.
In the NY Area Regis was on in the 10 to 11 AM slot today. He said the doctors said to give his eye problem 4 to 6 weeks to correct itself. It it doesn't get better he will need surgery. The View came on live after Regis with news coverages in between.
Thanks Disneychrista! Im curious as to what it is because the part I heard(or thought I heard) sounded just like a problem my father is having. I didnt hear about the double vision though.

Lynn, yes, I had the war coverage on then at 11:00, Regis popped on.

BBB, Kelly isnt back yet.
Kelly isn't scheduled to be back until May.

How do you know when you DD is home sick too much, you know what is going on on Day Time TV.


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