Anyone ride RNrC since it reopened July 1?


Dec 2, 2016
Has anyone rode RNRC since it reopened July 1? Just wondering if you noticed any changes. I love the ride for the thrill, but it gives me a headache after 1 round.
Daughter's family just got back yesterday, they rode it a couple of time on Sunday, said they did not notice any changes.
Reports have been that is is much smoother and a few more signs inside. Was hoping for smoother as the last few times were really rough.
I'm glad to hear this!! I felt like my head was bounced around like crazy last time we rode.
We rode it on July 1. We managed to snag an LL for it before that was shut down. According to the CMs there, about 100 of us were lucky enough to have grabbed the LL before IT shut it down. They said it was going to be standby only for a time until they know it’s running okay. We were allowed through the Lal, and it was a complete walk-on to the recording room. We thought it was smoother, but our ride was silent. No Steven Tyler countdown, no music, very little lighting - so I guess they were right that day in not issuing LLs. It also went down a few times during the day. We told the ride CM at the end, who genuinely seemed sad that our ride wasn’t the full experience. We didn’t say a thing to GD, so I don’t know if anyone managed to get a recovery pass for it.
Ah so standby only is why there’s no genie+ option. Are they still offering single rider line? Or is it a no-go while they work out the kinks?
Bit disappointed it's not on Genie, hopefully before the end of our trip next week! I was wondering if it was just going immediately or if it was excluded.


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