Anybody *not* planning a trip?


Living vicariously
Oct 6, 2006
We're not annual Disney people. We've been twice in the past 8 years - once for our honeymoon in 2002, and then 5.5 years later in 2007. Now we're coming up on three years since our last trip and I'd really like to go back, but we just can't swing it right now. I've just avoided the Dis because it's too depressing to come on here and see everybody planning and we have no trips in the works at all. It's been four months since I logged on here. So who out there has no trips in the pipeline?
You could plan my trip for me. I am totally not into this trip. I'm excited to go... just not into planning.

I feel empty when we don't have a trip coming up. Sad huh?
No trips in the pipeline here. We have been annual (as a minimum) since 2004. Until i get a job and we can fit it back in the budget, we can't plan a trip. We lucked out by being SoCal residents for a year and did the locals AP while there, so we were able to get our fix in 2009 and 2010 by doing DL several times.

For the time being, we are having major WDW withdrawals. However, I wouldn't say we have any 'depression' about it as some people have had. We realize we are blessed to have had so much WDW and DL in our lives. That's not to say we still aren't praying really hard for things to work out for 2011:worship:.
For a while my family of 3 took a WDW vacation almost every other year. We went last summer and we probably won't be visiting there for another two years so definately nothing is in the works right now. I'm in graduate school year round so I am hoping I can hold out two more years and then go back to WDW when I've finally graduated!

I find that coming to the Dis is a nice Disney fix (and a lot cheaper). It just makes me more excited for when I finally can return to WDW.
We won't be able to go again until 2012 and if I hadn't promised my DD6 back when she was 4 that we would go when she's 8, I don't know when that next trip would have ever happened. Here it is almost 2 years out from when we're going and I'm constantly putting back $20, $50, anything so I'll be able to make good on my promise! I know I'll go back someday, just not exactly sure when that day will be. So, always plan! I know where I want us to eat, and where I don't want us to eat, I'm narrowing down our choice or resorts, I've already priced rental cars because I don't know if I want to fly next trip or just drive! I've decided to drive straight through on the way down but I'm looking for places to stay on the way back...All of this for a trip that's still 22 months from now!!! Plan now and you'll be ready when the time finally comes for that next trip! And it helps kill the time in-between.
I'm not really planning right now. We have a possible trip in October 2011 we are thinking about taking if DS gets a full week fall break. But for now, no active planning is going on :sad2: .
After five trips in the last 10 years, no new trips in the foreseeable future. (I'm having foot issues and am actually having foot surgery in 10 days. Hopefully that will help - my foot pain is the main reason I've had to stop doing WDW, since it's such a walking-intensive vacation.)

But I am still enjoying the DIS! Even though I can't go to WDW myself, it's fun to "talk" to people who love WDW!
No trips here, either. DH and I were hoping to take a trip out to DL for my birthday next spring but a combination of job issues (poor little diminishing savings account!) and a flurry of weddings at right about the same time have torpedoed what was already a pipe dream. If DH gets an unexpectedly good job soon then there's a chance we might keep up our frugal life and take the chance to go out ... but it's not a very likely scenario. And it would still leave us hopping from one coast to another between that and the weddings and that's just NOT a fun time in my book. So, no, no trips in the known future. Hence me living vicariously through this board. :)
No future trips planned for me. I started to hate taking WDW vacations because it was so devastating for me when I had to leave. I had gone yearly as a child, but as I started getting older, then working, I found that I could not go as often, as easily. In 15 years I had taken a whopping 3 trips to WDW (and as many vacations), and found myself not only stressed out from being overworked, but also from the disappointment when my vacation was over and I had to return home.

So I quit my job and moved to Orlando.
I'm the same way. Went to Disney yearly when I was growing up. But so far we've only been able to go about every 5 years w/our kids. It sucks! We were trying to save so we could finally go on a Disney cruise next summer but I had to switch jobs from full time to part time and then 3 weeks after I did that this summer, dh gets laid off. So much for saving. I still come on here all the time but I don't know why I do b/c I get jealous reading about everyone going in a few months or whenever.
Just because you aren't physically visiting WDW, doesn't mean you can't plan! Keep up with all the changes and make lists of things you want to try when you do go on your next trip. That way, you won't be starting from square one with outdated information - you'll be in the know!;)

Also, there are a lot of ways to make a WDW trip affordable. You can stay off property instead of on. You can drive instead of fly. Take a day off the beginning or end of the trip (I prefer a day off the end, to catch up with laundry and stuff on the return). If you spend a lot of time on the DIS, you'll know about any discounts that come up. If you happen to see a good deal you think you might be able to afford, book it. You can always cancel if it doesn't work out. But never go into debt for a vacation.
Although Im not going this year I always seem to be planning ;-)

Next month my sister is going on my points so I love looking up things for her and sometimes think I may be getting on her nerves giving her tips neally every day per email :-))
We are saving to go visit our son who is stationed in Germany at Ramstien AFB, so no trips for us :-(
DH and I have been to WDW twice in the last 11 months, prior to that it was every 18 months or so. Now, there is no trip in sight. That is due to several factors but as our last trip ended I verbalized that it might have been our last.

Following other trips to WDW I have stayed away from the Disboards until It was time to plan the next one, but this time was different. Coming back to this site regularly has helped keep my memories fresh. It feels good that I still have something to contribute. It also keeps me up to date on the latest info, just in case something changes and we are able to go back. (Hope never dies!)

I guess the Disboards help keep WDW 'alive' for me.

We have not Disney trips planned in the foreseeable future. I finished my masters in December of 2008 and planned a week-long, low-crowd trip just before Christmas. It never happened as I did not get a job until last week.

We did get to Florida last winter, but we could not afford Disney park tickets. Instead, we went to Seaworld / Bush Gardens for their $99 / 14-day special.

We did get a bit of Disney. My niece wanted fireworks, so we saw them from the Contemporary. We also went mini golfing at Fantasia and did some shopping.

This year, we did less expensive vacations and had a wider variety of experiences. We are considering a trip out west next summer.

As I am a teacher, it will be very difficult for us to go Disney during a low-crowd period. We may take more trips to Florida, but I am not a fan of crowds and it may be a very long time before we ever go back.

I still enjoy coming to the Dis because Disney is such an interesting place. You can always use some of the tip / techniques for Disney on any type of vacation / travel location.
Nothing for a while here either. I have a six month old and one on the way. I'd have to say our next Disney trip will be when they are 3 & 4. I have a long ways to go!
You could plan my trip for me. I am totally not into this trip. I'm excited to go... just not into planning.

I totally agree! Where was the OP 6 months ago when I needed to start making all of my ADRs? I even started a thread for someone to make my takers! I love going to Disney, but of a family of 5..nobody helps me make the plans and frankly, its a lot of work and decisions. I would LOVE for once, someone just to tell me where I need to be and when! I love surprises. The rest of my family just sits back and enjoys. Im carrying around reservations, choosing clothes, keeping everyone on schedule etc. I need a vacation when I get home from Disney!

With my trip coming up shortly, now Im at the stores every day picking up suncreeen, ponchos, shoes, clothes etc..Where is everyone else? Oh yeah, sleeping :sad2:
As you can see from my signature we are putting off another trip for some years. I can't really say it is in the planning since it is just a thought right now.

DW says we should go back when the kids are done college! My DS is just entering Sr year in high school so the wait is five years. We do have to ay for two in college at the same time so Disney is a real extra.

The positive side is that when we do go back we should be able to splurge for extras and really have a good time.


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