Another Saratoga question


DIS Veteran
Jan 10, 2004
Ok, I think we have decided to request Congress Park building. Is there a building that is near the quiet pool as well as a bus stop, and has DTD views??
Thanks to all that can help :flower: .
Yes, Congress park is near a bus stop and has a DTD view and a quiet pool on the DTD side.
The map I received when we purchased at SSR shows the two buildings by the pool to be room numbers 1501 to 1836 and 2101 to 2346.
I would never advise anyone to ask for a specific room and at Congress Park, none of the 4 buildings are that far from the pool or bus stop.

By requesting a specific building or room, if it is not available you might not even get Congress Park. I would therefore just request Congress Park.

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