Australia’s Red Center is certainly a place that is worth visiting at least once in a lifetime.
<makes mental note...>
The far NW corner of Cairns, Fitzroy Island, and the Daintree National Park and Rainforest.
Do you mean you went NW of Cairns to the Daintree Ntl Park... or did you mean you went to the
NE corner of Australia? Fitzroy Island is due East of Cairns, too.
It basically took the entire day to get from Alice Springs to Cairns, certainly not an ideal itinerary, but at times that's necessary given the options for travel logistics.
I'm not surprised in the least. I would've been a bit surprised if you could've done it in
less time.
I had booked the rental car one day less than I should have and was anxious to return it when the rental company opened. Recall, I did try to return it the day before, but no one was there to help me out. When we got to the airport at 8:15, I simply parked it in their lot and that was that. I tossed the key on the counter at their kiosk and never heard another word.
Problem solved!
Unfortunately, this meant we had over 4 hours to kill until our flight.
Meh... That's not that bad. I'd
much rather be 4 hours early than only get there with under an hour before flight time.
This is really becoming a thing. I see this quite a bit.
I also enjoyed sitting for a bit in the outdoor, shaded area as well.
So... no flies at the airport??
you should be able to be able to make out the literature that describes the meaning of these pieces.
Interesting and I did read.

Very detailed, although I'm not sure if I'd want one for my own.
So, this airstrip is so small and rural that our flight used the runway itself as a taxiway, made a U-turn, and simply did a run-up and took off. It was very cool. (**Geek moment over)
I've worked at 4 different airports and on
all of them (depending on wind direction) you have to taxi on the runway, turn around and take off. There are turnaround areas on the runway just for that purpose. Here's the start of runway 08 in Brandon, MB. Note there are
two turnaround areas as the runway was extended at one point.
In Churchill, you have to trundle almost 9,000 ft down the runway if you want/need to take off RWY 15.
The row behind me was empty and I moved there so both Anara and I could have whole rows and windows to ourselves.
There was a lot of evidence of upheaval as well as long-standing erosion.
Interesting photos. A lot going on there.
One striking feature was this enormous saltpan lake
Great shot. Looks like a shot from a
National Geographic special.
We were also served a surprisingly good lunch of a decently-sized piece of pizza. What made it so shocking was that it was egg-free, nut-free, soy-free and vegetarian.
...until they dumped gross black olives all over it. Blech.
we grabbed a banh mi sammie which was only so-so.
Too bad. A good banh mi sandwich is soooo good.
Again, the flight was fine and AGAIN we skirted past the gate agent with NO harassment or requirement to check our stuff.
A word on the Melbourne airport: And this is mostly hearsay, so take it with only a tourists’-view grain of salt... My impression was that it was really not very well laid out with long walks to gates and bad signage.
I'll take it with a grain of salt, then. Unless of course your story is corroborated...
It was literally 5 seats tucked off in a weird corner. Like… what?
I guess they don't get a lot of passengers?
We sat with another couple until we were called, and they told us that locals hate this airport too.
Whelp! There's your corroboration!
(An ominous sight... foreshadowing much...?)
dun, dun, dunnnnnnnnn...
checked into our dive hostel at 10:30PM. Oh my goodness… this place takes "young-20’s rave joint" to new levels
Uh, oh...
There were swarms of kids all dressed up and ready to start their clubbing for the night.
Lovely. I'll pass. Do they have a spot to pitch a small pup tent, by any chance?
I had failed to add Anara to the reservation that I had made for myself prior to her joining the trip.
"Sorry Anara. You're out on the streets! Good luck."
These are enormous bunkhouses with hundreds of skeevy, well-used beds
You're not exactly selling this...
Of course, we had to make our own beds again
Please tell me with clean sheets.
and then took turns showering. You could almost feel the athlete’s foot seeping into your body.
Okay... now you're just getting gross.
I'm way,
way past that. I will gladly pay for a hotel room. Doesn't have to be fancy. But if I've got $125 in my pocket and I have to choose between a $100 room and $25 meal or a gross $25 "room" (complete with athletes foot) and a $100 meal... there's simply no doubt which option
I'm choosing! I applaud your sense of adventure, but that's not for me.
Oh, to be young again… Party til 4:30AM and leave for a snorkeling trip at 9:00.
Ah yes. Youth. I
almost remember that.