An Alphabetical Stroll Through Bali and Australia- W is for: Wet, Very, VERY Wet! Waaaaahhh! (3/2)

Well how's that for an exciting announcement!?!
RIGHT?! As I mentioned to someone else, I'm just too busy right now to tackle another TR or PTR, so I'm going to save this one for a big, giant surprise. ;)
I hope day 1 (and 2 today!) at your new job went smoothly and that you're finding your bearings. I'm hoping it is a great fit for you and that you love your new "home."
And now I'm nearing the end of Week 1 already! It's going so fast! So far everyone's been so welcoming and friendly.
Unfortunate that you weren't able to capture your own photographs, but they certainly do provide a generous amount of information and images to make up for it at least!
It was more than generous for sure and I am grateful to have such a fun memory bundle to have when I want to review the visit there.
I am currently trying to survive this week of the 100th day of school, Valentine's Day, Parent-Teacher conferences AND an impending snowstorm tomorrow. Yippee!! Rob and I are headed to Wisconsin for the long weekend for some R and R while Jimmy hangs at home with Grandma and Grandpa. Can't wait to just lounge around and eat and drink gluttonously!!
OH my!! And tomorrow's the day! Lots going on in your world, some fun, some just... ugh.

How was the weekend? Did you have a super fun time?
I hope the first day at the new gig went well! And looking forward to hearing more about the Africa trip!
This whole week has been really good and it's hard to believe I'm already ending Week 1 tomorrow!

I'm going to save it all for a big, fat surprise for you all, but know it's coming..... ;)
I will post one I got my of brand new grandbaby Ada Rose. :)
Aw definitely post a photo of your new grandbaby. What a beautiful name she has 🥰
Will you do anything there aside from getting some baby snuggles?
Lots of walking :rotfl:
Mostly while pushing a pram containing baby Lucy. Poor wee dote has been a bit unsettled since round 1 of her vaccinations last week so there’s been lots of walks in the fresh air to help both baby and new mummy.
We also visited my other niece’s and her partner’s apartment for the first time. It’s beautiful with views of the River Clyde.
Today 8 of us are heading for afternoon tea at a locally owned and run place so I’m really looking forward to that and hoping the weather cooperates so we can walk through the Botanical Gardens afterwards.
Happy to hear you are working with a welcoming crew and wishing you continued good luck ☘️
OH my!! And tomorrow's the day! Lots going on in your world, some fun, some just... ugh.

How was the weekend? Did you have a super fun time?
We ended up getting an early dismissal from school on Wednesday due to the incoming "snowstorm" that ended up only dropping 2.5" of snow, LOL. But I'm not complaining!! I survived 100 Day, Valentine's Day, AND parent-teacher conferences just wrapped up here, so now I'm counting down til 3:30 when Rob gets out of school and we can hit the road! The weekend should be fabulous!
U is for: Umber Cliffs and Unusually Nice Waterholes

After a fairly decent night’s sleep, I was up at 6:50AM. I enjoyed a wonderful cup of coffee on the back patio as I listened to all of the unusual birds so very unfamiliar to me. It was so peaceful and nice.

And then it wasn’t.

The host couple started arguing amongst themselves, not outright yelling, but close to it, and it made things very awkward and uncomfortable. (Have I hit enough ‘U’s to justify the chapter title yet?) Anara finally woke up and told me she could hear some things from our bedroom while I was outside, and she was kind of weirded out too. We ate quietly in that unpleasant atmosphere, and I confess it was a very nice breakfast. She cooked eggs and bacon, fried toast, and a tomato slice, but there was also some cereal and milk and muffins available.

We were on the road by 8:00 and after filling up the car we’d plugged in our route and started the tour. Here is the day’s route for you to follow:

Our first stop for bush pottying and a stretch was the Neil Hargrove Lookout. It offered a really nice panoramic view and evidence of other “users” was abundant. UGH, pack it out, People! Here was another of the emergency cell phone stations. I appreciated the efforts made to keep folks safe while they are out in these VERY remote places.

Back on the road, we enjoyed the interesting scenery as we drove to our next destination. The metamorphic features of the McDonnel Range we a nice change from the ubiquitous limestone we have around my neck of the woods. In fact, we especially enjoyed the Ochre Pits we visited next.

I am including some of the informational signage we saw because I found if incredibly fascinating. Not just the amazing colors but the huge cultural significance of this place and the historic use of the ochre by Aboriginal folks for thousands of years. Once again, it is protected and for the most part I think the requests for respect are followed. Regardless, the colors are absolutely stunning and made for some wonderful photo ops.

It wasn’t long before we arrived at our first of 2 waterhole stops. I’d read that you can swim in both in relative safety. However, this signage made us wary and cautious nonetheless.

The Ormiston Gorge Waterhole was nice but low and in order to get to the other area that was reportedly better to swim in required a bit of a swim from where these photos were taken. We did however see some fish swimming lazily amongst the lake weeds.

I also spotted a gorgeous pair of Zebra Finch flitting about and yet another of the Long-nosed Dragons, which I now know are fast and terrifying.

That was the furthest west we were willing to go; at that point we turned around and aimed for 2 more stops on the way back to Alice Springs. Another permanent waterhole along the McDonnells is the Ellery Creek Big Hole.

This was quite a bit fuller and more inviting for a dip. There was another family there enjoying a day out and we found a place along the shore a bit away from them to plop down our stuff and settle in for a lazy afternoon rest.

Here, I was especially cautious of any slithering critters! The terrain was quite rocky and steep, and I certainly didn’t want ANY surprises!

Turns out, the only nuisance was, you guessed it, the Bush Flies. Yep, we had our hats on, even here. I took a picture of my legs just to give you an idea of just how bothersome they were!

Anara chose to just lounge with her eyes closed, but I went in for the most refreshing dip! The other family was so friendly and the mom of the married couple and their little girl was actually a nurse visiting them from (I think) Boston. We chatted for a bit and after a half an hour or so I got out and was almost instantly dry.

By then it was 1:45 and we had one more stop we wanted to make- The Stanley Chasm. Apparently, this offers a wonderful hike but also has a small cafeteria that we had hoped to have a late lunch. It was not to be. The road and “attraction” were closed and there were several cars we’d passed before the gate who’d been thwarted in their pursuit as well. Rather disappointed, we made the U-turn of shame as well and made for “home”- as awkward as it was now.

We arrived at 3:30 and laid down for a little bit before heading out to a second dinner at the Korean place we loved so much the night before. But not before an important errand. While at the B&B I took the opportunity to check into our flight and made the awful discovery that I had once again mis-booked the car for a return today! I drove all the way back to the airport to see if I could talk to someone, but the airport was a complete dead zone. There was literally NO one around to ask anything; the rental car agency counters were completely deserted. I tried to email the company, but it was a weekend, and I was certain there’d be no reply. Whatever the consequences would be would have to wait until we returned it the next day…..
After a fairly decent night’s sleep, I was up at 6:50AM.
Is that.... good??
I listened to all of the unusual birds so very unfamiliar to me.
Hunh! I never thought of that. Of course the sounds would be different.
It was so peaceful and nice.

And then it wasn’t.
Uh, oh...
(Have I hit enough ‘U’s to justify the chapter title yet?)
U would think so.
Anara finally woke up and told me she could hear some things from our bedroom while I was outside, and she was kind of weirded out too.
Does not make for a pleasant morning. Very uncomfortable.
Here is the day’s route for you to follow:
Watched the video...
All I could think was "Stay left!"

Our first stop for bush pottying
evidence of other “users” was abundant. UGH, pack it out, People!
Here was another of the emergency cell phone stations.
I've had occasion to use one. Glad it was there when I needed one.
So how do you use that to call? I don't see a phone anywhere?
In fact, we especially enjoyed the Ochre Pits we visited next.
Glad it wasn't... the pits.
Looks like a marble rye (a bit), especially in the foreground.
Wow! Look at those colours!
I’d read that you can swim in both in relative safety. However, this signage made us wary and cautious nonetheless.
No kidding! :scared:
The Ormiston Gorge Waterhole was nice but low and in order to get to the other area that was reportedly better to swim in required a bit of a swim from where these photos were taken.
I'm assuming that you did not go swimming there, then?
and yet another of the Long-nosed Dragons, which I now know are fast and terrifying.
Looks really pretty.
Except... not being a local, I'm not going in until someone else does, first.
Turns out, the only nuisance was, you guessed it, the Bush Flies. Yep, we had our hats on, even here.
Ugh. Just no escaping those. :(
Anara chose to just lounge with her eyes closed, but I went in for the most refreshing dip!
Ah! So you did! Good for you. Bet that felt great.

But... did the flies still buzz around your head when you were in the water, or did they stay onshore?
I got out and was almost instantly dry.
Whoa. Now that's arid!
Apparently, this offers a wonderful hike but also has a small cafeteria that we had hoped to have a late lunch. It was not to be. The road and “attraction” were closed and there were several cars we’d passed before the gate who’d been thwarted in their pursuit as well.
Well, shoot. :(
I had once again mis-booked the car for a return today!
Not again!

That's it. I'm going to demand that Australia be put on the same date as us!
I tried to email the company, but it was a weekend, and I was certain there’d be no reply. Whatever the consequences would be would have to wait until we returned it the next day…..
<The next day>
"I tried to return the car yesterday as per my contract and there was no one here! I demand a full refund! I had to keep the car for another day and change all my plans!"

We made it home from our big adventure. Lucky I still have 2 weeks left before getting back to work, which I'm sure will be a combination of unpacking, catching up on washing (laundry, for avoidance of doubt!) and life admin, no doubt a bit of this :scared1: when we go through our travel budget, catching up with friends and family, knocking out a few medical appointments, dance training and dog walking. Plus trying to knock out as much of a TR as I can before life takes over again!

I've been enjoying reading about your time in the red centre even though I haven't been commenting much.

Sounds like the new job is going well, and you have a super exciting trip to Africa coming up!
The Umber Cliffs and Ochre pit look fascinating. I bet they looked better in person. The heat and sunlight can wash out some of the color. We once saw the Badlands after a rare rainstorm. The colors really stood out when they were wet.

Turns out, the only nuisance was, you guessed it, the Bush Flies. Yep, we had our hats on, even here. I took a picture of my legs just to give you an idea of just how bothersome they were!
I think you found the best way to escape the flies was to go into the water. :)
By then it was 1:45 and we had one more stop we wanted to make- The Stanley Chasm. Apparently, this offers a wonderful hike but also has a small cafeteria that we had hoped to have a late lunch. It was not to be. The road and “attraction” were closed and there were several cars we’d passed before the gate who’d been thwarted in their pursuit as well.

That would have been very aggravating, especially if you were counting on the cafeteria for food and drinks.
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UGH, pack it out, People!
My Boy Scout would be very ticked off by that!! Leave No Trace!

I’d read that you can swim in both in relative safety. However, this signage made us wary and cautious nonetheless.
Oh the snake signs would definitely be enough for me to skip that swim!! I'm glad you were able to enjoy a dip at the other place you stopped! The pictures are simply stunning!

Whatever the consequences would be would have to wait until we returned it the next day…..
Gulp! I hope no foreshadowing and everything worked out smoothly!!
V is for: Vacation Transitions! On to Cairns and Fitzroy Island!

"Part" 5/6 for this trip came to a close. Australia’s Red Center is certainly a place that is worth visiting at least once in a lifetime. The landscape is some of the most unique on Earth, there were certainly some amazing animals, and some incredibly interesting things to see and do. I’m glad we took the opportunity to visit this wonderful area and came away with many more memories made.

But, now it was time to move on to see yet another biome of this wondrous country- The far NE corner of Cairns, Fitzroy Island, and the Daintree National Park and Rainforest. In this chapter, I’ll just briefly share the day of travel. It basically took the entire day to get from Alice Springs to Cairns, certainly not an ideal itinerary, but at times that's necessary given the options for travel logistics.

I hadn’t slept well at all and our day started unnecessarily early, mostly due to my own incompetence. It was an honest mistake, and, in the end, there was no consequence. By 6:00 I was up and had one last bath and a nice long cup of coffee. By 7:30 we were out the door far earlier than we really needed to be; I had booked the rental car one day less than I should have and was anxious to return it when the rental company opened. Recall, I did try to return it the day before, but no one was there to help me out. When we got to the airport at 8:15, I simply parked it in their lot and that was that. I tossed the key on the counter at their kiosk and never heard another word. Unfortunately, this meant we had over 4 hours to kill until our flight.

(Taking a page out of my Pacific Northwest Quirky Things to Do Page... the Airport Foot and Carpet Shot)

The Alice Springs airport is TEENSY, but the little restaurant provides a really nice option to pass some time in case you are stuck there like we were. Anara needed some space and didn’t really want to join me in the café so she chose to just use the internet and scroll at the gate. I left my baggage with her and trotted off to find a little snack and cold drink. It was a very comfortable place and I also enjoyed sitting for a bit in the outdoor, shaded area as well. The sun was shining and the birds were singing; honestly, it was just a very pleasant and relaxing way to spend a morning.

I also took a bit of time to admire the art that was displayed in the gate area. I love the couple of paintings I had purchased but wow were these ever intricate and fine. I know the print is a little hard to read but if you zoom in, you should be able to be able to make out the literature that describes the meaning of these pieces.

Finally, it was time to board and once again we prayed that we’d skate past the gate agent without getting dinged for our bags. We did. Again. Unbelievable! Then I got to experience something I’ve never gotten to before. I’m a bit of an aviation nerd and for those of you who don’t know me, I actually got all the way through Basic Flight School and passed me FAA Written Exam. Maybe someday I’ll get the courage (and enough funds) to finish my flight hours and get licensed. So, this airstrip is so small and rural that our flight used the runway itself as a taxiway, made a U-turn, and simply did a run-up and took off. It was very cool. (**Geek moment over)

Flights 7 and 8 of 12 went very smoothly. The row behind me was empty and I moved there so both Anara and I could have whole rows and windows to ourselves. Watching the varied and changing landscape and geology below us helped the time pass quickly. There was a lot of evidence of upheaval as well as long-standing erosion.

One striking feature was this enormous saltpan lake that research tells me is Lake Eyre or Kati Thanda in the local language. It is basically the equivalent of the Dead Sea or the Salton Sea in California. Here is the Wiki article should you be interested in learning more about the lowest point in Australia. I was thrilled to have gotten such a nice view of it from air!

We were also served a surprisingly good lunch of a decently-sized piece of pizza. What made it so shocking was that it was egg-free, nut-free, soy-free and vegetarian. Aside from a having a nicely satisfying lunch, I used the time during our first leg to the Melbourne transfer to catch up on trip notes and surf the free wi-fi for names of birds and lizards that we’d seen.

Our layover in Melbourne was a full 3 hours and we had plenty of time to dawdle a bit. About an hour before our departure time, we grabbed a banh mi sammie which was only so-so. Who knew that on this day the in-flight food would be better than the airport food. We each saved a bit of banh mi for a late-night snack as our arrival was quite late.

Again, the flight was fine and AGAIN we skirted past the gate agent with NO harassment or requirement to check our stuff. I was so happy; those fees, especially with as many flights as we had can really add up fast! As a reminder, here is a list of all the flights I was taking over the entire trip: 12!

Phoenix to LA

LA to Manilla

Manilla to Denpasar, Bali

Denpasar to Adelaide

Adelaide- Hobart, Tasmania

Hobart to Alice Springs

Alice Springs to Melbourne

Melbourne to Cairns

Cairns to Sydney

Sydney to Fiji

Fiji to LA

LA to Phoenix

A word on the Melbourne airport: And this is mostly hearsay, so take it with only a tourists’-view grain of salt... My impression was that it was really not very well laid out with long walks to gates and bad signage. Our gate area itself was the most bizarre piece of work I’ve ever seen in an airport. It was literally 5 seats tucked off in a weird corner. Like… what? We sat with another couple until we were called, and they told us that locals hate this airport too. I can see why.

I don’t remember much about the flight except my notes say that the lady next to me had BO and I read my book during the 3.5-hour trek. :rolleyes2

(An ominous sight... foreshadowing much...?)
We landed without any issues at 10:10 and checked into our dive hostel at 10:30PM. Oh my goodness… this place takes "young-20’s rave joint" to new levels. When we stepped into the lobby at 10:30 I could already tell this was going to be a long night. There were swarms of kids all dressed up and ready to start their clubbing for the night. On one side of the lobby there was a whole area dedicated to arranging day trips to various destinations sort of like a mini travel agent with QRs for information and a small boutique with Hostel gear for sale. I could hear the thumping from the club/bar area across the breezeway.

The check-in went ok. Mostly. I had failed to add Anara to the reservation that I had made for myself prior to her joining the trip. At places like this it rarely matters. These are enormous bunkhouses with hundreds of skeevy, well-used beds that are slept in only from 4:30AM til noon. Before you scoff too hard, I paid $23/night instead of $120/night which saved me $100 to spend on more fun stuff like a really nice dinner that you will see in a few chapters coming up. Sometimes it’s okay to prioritize the cash in other places.
I didn't take any photos of Gilligan's Backpackers Hostel on this night so stole some from the web. I did take a couple when we are back there a couple of nights later and will share those then. Meantime, from others:

(Ours was like this, but had 4 sets of bunks)

With some exhausting difficulty we finally found our room amongst the maze of construction walls and detours and started to settle in for the night. Of course, we had to make our own beds again (really not a big deal at all!) and then took turns showering. You could almost feel the athlete’s foot seeping into your body. (Don't worry, we came away a bit sleep-deprived, but free from any diseases.) Our temporary roomies were there hanging out on our balcony with some others and said they were going out in just a bit. Oh, to be young again… Party til 4:30AM and leave for a snorkeling trip at 9:00. We chatted with them a little and they told us all about their day trip into the Daintree they’d taken and how much they loved it. Our own day to adventures would start early the next morning, so we bid them good night and tried to get a little sleep. At least we knew what to expect for our last 2 nights of the trip in a couple of days... :rolleyes:
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It basically took the entire day to get from Alice Springs to Cairns, certainly not an ideal itinerary, but at times that's necessary given the options for travel logistics.
Yep, Australia is a big place with key points of interest that are VERY far away from each other without much in between 😆

When we got to the airport at 8:15, I simply parked it in their lot and that was that. I tossed the key on the counter at their kiosk and never heard another word.
Well at least you got that sorted. Glad it all worked out, even if it did mean an earlier morning than required!

It was a very comfortable place and I also enjoyed sitting for a bit in the outdoor, shaded area as well. The sun was shining and the birds were singing; honestly, it was just a very pleasant and relaxing way to spend a morning.
It actually sounds like a wonderful way to spend a couple of hours, regardless of the circumstances. Love that you had a cider too 😉

I also took a bit of time to admire the art that was displayed in the gate area. I love the couple of paintings I had purchased but wow were these ever intricate and fine.
I have to admit, as an Aussie who has grown up with this stuff, there are very few dot paintings that wow me, particularly as they are normally in earthy colours that I'm not that fond of either. Those ones do look pretty amazing though!

Maybe someday I’ll get the courage (and enough funds) to finish my flight hours and get licensed.
That would be amazing! My ex-husband was a bit of a flight geek too and one year for his birthday I took him for a flying lesson. He loved it!

So, this airstrip is so small and rural that our flight used the runway itself as a taxiway, made a U-turn, and simply did a run-up and took off. It was very cool. (**Geek moment over)
Some of my ex's flight geekiness did rub off on me over our time together... that sounds like something I would have found interesting too lol!

The row behind me was empty and I moved there so both Anara and I could have whole rows and windows to ourselves.
Nice 😊

Watching the varied and changing landscape and geology below us helped the time pass quickly.
Always nice when flying over land if there are clear skies to be able to watch the changes in landscape.

A word on the Melbourne airport: And this is mostly hearsay, so take it with only a tourists’-view grain of salt... My impression was that it was really not very well laid out with long walks to gates and bad signage.
I had just assumed you would be flying through Sydney or maybe Brisbane. Being a Melbourne local for 15 years, I did get used to the airport, and I do like that the international and domestic terminals are a short walk away from each other, unlike other cities where you have to get a bus in between (Perth, Sydney and Brisbane). However, I do agree that it is far from a perfect airport! Most Qantas flights I've been on have had proper gate lounges, but if you're flying out of T4, there are plenty of weird and wacky arrangements there.

(An ominous sight... foreshadowing much...?)
Uh oh...

Oh my goodness… this place takes "young-20’s rave joint" to new levels.
Uh oh again...

I paid $23/night instead of $120/night which saved me $100 to spend on more fun stuff like a really nice dinner that you will see in a few chapters coming up. Sometimes it’s okay to prioritize the cash in other places.
Definitely, it's all about priorities! For me, I'd spend the $100 on a private room and be happy with Macca's for dinner 😆

Oh, to be young again… Party til 4:30AM and leave for a snorkeling trip at 9:00.
People always say that, but I can't remember a time when I would ever have been up for that :rotfl:
Watching the varied and changing landscape and geology below us helped the time pass quickly. There was a lot of evidence of upheaval as well as long-standing erosion.
Your pictures of the landscape from the air prompted me to look up some information on plate tectonics. The long lines of upthrust remind me of the San Andreas fault in California. In fact, an article posted just yesterday says that the continent of Australia is drifting north at 2.8 inches a year. It should hit India in a few million years. :)
As a reminder, here is a list of all the flights I was taking over the entire trip: 12!
That is a lot of traveling. You will have covered a lot of territory by the time you are done. :)
We loved the Daintree rain forest area and Cairns. I am excited to hear about your time here.
I’m sorry but a big no for me with Hostels I couldn’t do it! I’m glad it worked out for you and you saved some money for other things on the trip!
Australia’s Red Center is certainly a place that is worth visiting at least once in a lifetime.
<makes mental note...>
The far NW corner of Cairns, Fitzroy Island, and the Daintree National Park and Rainforest.
Do you mean you went NW of Cairns to the Daintree Ntl Park... or did you mean you went to the NE corner of Australia? Fitzroy Island is due East of Cairns, too.
It basically took the entire day to get from Alice Springs to Cairns, certainly not an ideal itinerary, but at times that's necessary given the options for travel logistics.
I'm not surprised in the least. I would've been a bit surprised if you could've done it in less time.
I had booked the rental car one day less than I should have and was anxious to return it when the rental company opened. Recall, I did try to return it the day before, but no one was there to help me out. When we got to the airport at 8:15, I simply parked it in their lot and that was that. I tossed the key on the counter at their kiosk and never heard another word.
Problem solved! :)
Unfortunately, this meant we had over 4 hours to kill until our flight.
Meh... That's not that bad. I'd much rather be 4 hours early than only get there with under an hour before flight time.
This is really becoming a thing. I see this quite a bit. :)
I also enjoyed sitting for a bit in the outdoor, shaded area as well.
So... no flies at the airport??
you should be able to be able to make out the literature that describes the meaning of these pieces.
Interesting and I did read. :)
Very detailed, although I'm not sure if I'd want one for my own.
So, this airstrip is so small and rural that our flight used the runway itself as a taxiway, made a U-turn, and simply did a run-up and took off. It was very cool. (**Geek moment over)


I've worked at 4 different airports and on all of them (depending on wind direction) you have to taxi on the runway, turn around and take off. There are turnaround areas on the runway just for that purpose. Here's the start of runway 08 in Brandon, MB. Note there are two turnaround areas as the runway was extended at one point.


In Churchill, you have to trundle almost 9,000 ft down the runway if you want/need to take off RWY 15.


The row behind me was empty and I moved there so both Anara and I could have whole rows and windows to ourselves.
Nice. :)
There was a lot of evidence of upheaval as well as long-standing erosion.
Interesting photos. A lot going on there.
One striking feature was this enormous saltpan lake
Great shot. Looks like a shot from a National Geographic special. :)
We were also served a surprisingly good lunch of a decently-sized piece of pizza. What made it so shocking was that it was egg-free, nut-free, soy-free and vegetarian.

...until they dumped gross black olives all over it. Blech.
we grabbed a banh mi sammie which was only so-so.
Too bad. A good banh mi sandwich is soooo good. :)
Again, the flight was fine and AGAIN we skirted past the gate agent with NO harassment or requirement to check our stuff.
A word on the Melbourne airport: And this is mostly hearsay, so take it with only a tourists’-view grain of salt... My impression was that it was really not very well laid out with long walks to gates and bad signage.
I'll take it with a grain of salt, then. Unless of course your story is corroborated...
It was literally 5 seats tucked off in a weird corner. Like… what?
I guess they don't get a lot of passengers? :confused3
We sat with another couple until we were called, and they told us that locals hate this airport too.
Whelp! There's your corroboration! :laughing:
(An ominous sight... foreshadowing much...?)
dun, dun, dunnnnnnnnn...
checked into our dive hostel at 10:30PM. Oh my goodness… this place takes "young-20’s rave joint" to new levels
Uh, oh...
There were swarms of kids all dressed up and ready to start their clubbing for the night.
Lovely. I'll pass. Do they have a spot to pitch a small pup tent, by any chance? :rolleyes:
I had failed to add Anara to the reservation that I had made for myself prior to her joining the trip.
"Sorry Anara. You're out on the streets! Good luck."
These are enormous bunkhouses with hundreds of skeevy, well-used beds
You're not exactly selling this...
Of course, we had to make our own beds again
Please tell me with clean sheets. :scared:
and then took turns showering. You could almost feel the athlete’s foot seeping into your body.
Okay... now you're just getting gross.

I'm way, way past that. I will gladly pay for a hotel room. Doesn't have to be fancy. But if I've got $125 in my pocket and I have to choose between a $100 room and $25 meal or a gross $25 "room" (complete with athletes foot) and a $100 meal... there's simply no doubt which option I'm choosing! I applaud your sense of adventure, but that's not for me.
Oh, to be young again… Party til 4:30AM and leave for a snorkeling trip at 9:00.
Ah yes. Youth. I almost remember that. :laughing:
We were also served a surprisingly good lunch of a decently-sized piece of pizza. What made it so shocking was that it was egg-free, nut-free, soy-free and vegetarian.
My ds has been making homemade pizzas for a while, so this is actually not shocking to me at all. I don't think he includes any of those ingredients besides toppings like pepperoni or sausage! Possibly there could be egg in the crust, but I don't think so. Vegan would be more challenging since you would need vegan cheese - and not including soy in the vegan cheese. We aren't vegan, so I'm not sure what those options would be.

I stayed in my fair share of hostels when I was much younger, but I don't remember any being that much of a party atmosphere! Not sure if I would be up for one nowadays...
Just got all caught up, as I was on my own warm-weather get-away 😉
Great news about another trip for you and glad to hear work is going well!
Yep, Australia is a big place with key points of interest that are VERY far away from each other without much in between 😆
It's like... "Hey! I'm flying into Vegas; can you pick me up?" "Oh sure, it'll only take about 3 days for me to drive over there from Chicago." :rolleyes:
Well at least you got that sorted. Glad it all worked out, even if it did mean an earlier morning than required!
Yep, it all worked out in the end. And even if I'd been charged for the extra day, I wasn't worried. I just didn't want to be arrested for grand theft!
It actually sounds like a wonderful way to spend a couple of hours, regardless of the circumstances. Love that you had a cider too 😉
It kinda was! No rushing around or hiking or touring, just sitting with my feet up and a cold one.
I have to admit, as an Aussie who has grown up with this stuff, there are very few dot paintings that wow me, particularly as they are normally in earthy colours that I'm not that fond of either. Those ones do look pretty amazing though!
The intricacy of these especially impressed me. They must have taken a really long time to create.
That would be amazing! My ex-husband was a bit of a flight geek too and one year for his birthday I took him for a flying lesson. He loved it!
Have you ever considered it...?
Some of my ex's flight geekiness did rub off on me over our time together... that sounds like something I would have found interesting too lol!
Certainly not something I've ever gotten the chance to do before; there's kind of an appealing charm about tiny airstrips. :goodvibes
Always nice when flying over land if there are clear skies to be able to watch the changes in landscape.
For SURE! I LOVED flying over the huge volcano coming into Bali, and seeing how Aus changed from straight up desert to lush rain forest.
I had just assumed you would be flying through Sydney or maybe Brisbane. Being a Melbourne local for 15 years, I did get used to the airport, and I do like that the international and domestic terminals are a short walk away from each other, unlike other cities where you have to get a bus in between (Perth, Sydney and Brisbane). However, I do agree that it is far from a perfect airport! Most Qantas flights I've been on have had proper gate lounges, but if you're flying out of T4, there are plenty of weird and wacky arrangements there.
I was happy there were quite a few restaurant/snack options for us but oy, that walk!
Definitely, it's all about priorities! For me, I'd spend the $100 on a private room and be happy with Macca's for dinner 😆
Oh we did that on occasion this trip too! If it had been just me, I think there'd be less of this but her budget was a lot less than mine, and I really wanted her to be able to go.
People always say that, but I can't remember a time when I would ever have been up for that :rotfl:
LOL!! Me neither tbh. I was a fuddy duddy long before my time.

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