An Alphabetical Stroll Through Bali and Australia- W is for: Wet, Very, VERY Wet! Waaaaahhh! (3/2)

Wow, that treehouse looks amazing! You did a great job of finding unusual places way beyond the usual touristy areas, it seems!

I find it amusing you commented on the Kentucky Derby. I actually ended up watching this year, which is unusual for me. Backstory - DMIL passed away in December, and one of her favorite places was Las Vegas, and she loved the Kentucky Derby. DFIL arranged to have her ashes scattered at a cemetery in Las Vegas this past Monday, and also reserved a couple tables at a sportsbook on Saturday so family could get together to watch the race. I actually did bet on the horse that came in second! (Like $5, so not like I would've made much even if he'd won, lol). That's the most travel I've done recently, other than a short business trip to Texarkana of all places.
The treehouse was definitely fun and adventurous, but man what a pain for those of us with TTBS (Teeny-tiny bladder syndrome). LOL!

You actually watched it?!! And what a story! I think it's neat you've found meaning and memory in it. :hug: I thought that prize money was actually awarded to both 1st and 2nd with a lower payout going to 2nd of course. Maybe I am completely wrong too, though, as I know very little about horse wagering. ? But wow, Sierra Leone's odds were crazy and what a payout it'd have been!! Something like 49:1 at race time. WOWZA!!
I'm not able to tune in live for your event, but wanted to just shout out big CONGRATULATIONS to you!!!! You've worked SO hard on this journey. You have so much to be proud of!!!

I wasn’t able to watch but wanted to say congratulations and well done after all the hard work and effort you’ve put in. 👏🎉
It's all okay!! In the end, the live link never worked and I don't think anyone got video of it afterall. Poop. I was asked at the last minute to give a little speech as the student representative and was so honored! I'd been trying for almost 2 years to get a White Coat Ceremony in place for us with no luck, so when I was invited and found out they'd actually organized one, I was thrilled! But the Clinical Intensives were equally, if not more, valuable! We did tons of practice "office visits" with professional patients (who do this for a living at all the univerisities and medical schools) in which we had to gather a history, do an appropriate physical, make a correct diagnosis, form an accurate appropriate plan of care including ordering the right labs and imaging, prescribe the right meds, provide good and thorough education about the diagnosis and plan of care, etc... I feel sooooo much more confident in my skills after going through all of the scenarios. We did practice interpreting labs, and got to practice on LIVE human beings for both a female and male exam. Yes, we did pap smears and prostate exams on real people. I never in my wildest hopes thought I'd get that level of experience before I started my practice. So, I'm beyond happy I spent the money to come to Salt Lake for the week to get this invaluable experience!!!

Here's is a quick snapshot at the Ceremony, but there should be some more professional looking head shots/portraits coming out soon. :)

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Sounds like such a wonderful adventure, and that pool 😍 I always love a good outdoor shower when in Asia, although I can only do 'room temperature' not 'freezing' 😉

I am thrilled you are here!! I love to "meet" new people and make friends! It's even more amazing you're an Aussie. Having your perspective will be amazing. I totally know we can only see things through our own, most of the time, biased lenses, so it will be GREAT to get more understanding from yours! Big cities just aren't my thing. I mean to spend the majority of time in for a vacation. I'm sure EVERY city has super fun and interesting things to see, but I definitely prefer nature and the quiet side of life more. Don't get me wrong! I LOVED the cities in Italy, London, etc... but love my time in the countryside even more. :)

I have heard such wonderful things about Perth and maybe someday I'll get to go there. If so, I'mma hit you up! ;) As for Aussies in Bali, I think there may have been more from your country than any other I ran into. Lots!! I imagine it's akin to our Hawaii for a tropical vacay.
I am so not a big city person either! People have always been surprised when I've been to the US and chosen to fly straight past New York City to stay in a little cabin in the Thousand Islands region as part of a road trip around Lake Ontario. Or when I've passed straight through LAX and bypassed San Francisco for a road trip around Oregon. Got lots of 'what made you choose here' type questions 😂

Absolutely hit me up whenever you decide to visit Perth! We have some really lovely places to explore. And quokkas.

(not my photo)

Bali is probably more akin to Mexico. The cheapest place for all the young Aussies go to get drunk and party with a tropical beach overlay. Probably less so if you stay out of Kuta though! Fiji is probably more akin to Hawaii for us.
Your tropical treehouse reminds me of Hawaii. I loved the smell of plumeria near the condo we were in. And for some reason, an outdoor shower is a really nice experience. :)

Here's is a quick snapshot at the Ceremony, but there should be some more professional looking head shots/portraits coming out soon.
Congratulations. You look great in your white coat. :)
I am so not a big city person either! People have always been surprised when I've been to the US and chosen to fly straight past New York City to stay in a little cabin in the Thousand Islands region as part of a road trip around Lake Ontario. Or when I've passed straight through LAX and bypassed San Francisco for a road trip around Oregon. Got lots of 'what made you choose here' type questions 😂
I love this! Oregon is definitely an incredibly beautiful state even if things are a bit too weird for my taste there.
Absolutely hit me up whenever you decide to visit Perth! We have some really lovely places to explore. And quokkas.


Bali is probably more akin to Mexico. The cheapest place for all the young Aussies go to get drunk and party with a tropical beach overlay. Probably less so if you stay out of Kuta though! Fiji is probably more akin to Hawaii for us.
That makes more sense! Love having your perspective here. And yes, I can see where Bali would be the party place, but I went up to Uber where it wasn’t that way at all. Maybe the place where you stay makes a difference?
Your tropical treehouse reminds me of Hawaii. I loved the smell of plumeria near the condo we were in. And for some reason, an outdoor shower is a really nice experience. :)

Congratulations. You look great in your white coat. :)
All in all, I think I had a really nice time there at the treehouse. It was incredibly relaxing and forced me to take a pause in the trip for 24 hours.

Thanks! It’s been a lot of hard work to get there. I think some people took it Mistakenly for graduation. I have a long way to go to get to that point, but it is a meaningful milestone in this journey.
The treehouse was definitely fun and adventurous, but man what a pain for those of us with TTBS (Teeny-tiny bladder syndrome). LOL!

You actually watched it?!! And what a story! I think it's neat you've found meaning and memory in it. :hug: I thought that prize money was actually awarded to both 1st and 2nd with a lower payout going to 2nd of course. Maybe I am completely wrong too, though, as I know very little about horse wagering. ? But wow, Sierra Leone's odds were crazy and what a payout it'd have been!! Something like 49:1 at race time. WOWZA!!
Yeah, the climb up and down in the middle of the night would definitely make me think twice about actually sleeping in a treehouse, I have to admit. Is it one of those things that sounds cooler in theory than in the doing, perhaps?

As for the Derby, dh placed all of our bets (while I made sure no one stole our table!), so I'm not exactly sure how all of it works. I know there are a ton of different ways you can bet, but he placed all of ours so that we only got something if our horse won. One of the bets he placed for our son actually won earlier in the day - just about enough to cover the bets we all made. I was just happy I had worn an appropriate hat, lol.

And yes, my MIL has now had 3 separate events to commemorate her. The thing she wanted was a big Celebration of Life to be a big party, a few months later. But, her dh wanted to do something right away, so there was a visitation at a funeral home. Then, the big weekend in Vegas later. Most people only went to 1 or 2 of the events, naturally.
That makes more sense! Love having your perspective here. And yes, I can see where Bali would be the party place, but I went up to Uber where it wasn’t that way at all. Maybe the place where you stay makes a difference?
Yeah, definitely more the beach areas that are party central, especially Kuta. Ubud is definitely seen as a more luxurious location, and I believe the east coast is gaining popularity too as more people are looking to get away from the party vibe.
Maybe “vacation” isn’t even quite the right word. I want to see and do as much as possible so a bit of downtime can be hard to get.
Oh, I totally get this!
The cute fruit stand girl told me I was beautiful adding, “You have such a long nose!”.
Maybe that’s something that is aspired to in the Philippines? Who knows. The best comeback I could muster was, “You have a beautiful smile.” Just call me Pinocchio! ;)
Anyway, I looked back at my trip notes, and I had to climb down those steep bamboo (slick as snot) steps not once, not twice, but 4 times during the night.
Consider yourself lucky that you didn't break an ankle on one of those "trips"!
There is nothing quite like sipping coffee with tropical birds singing their morning songs with plumeria and hibiscus blooms nearby waving good morning in the golden light over a volcanic lake.
I'll pass on the coffee... but you do wax poetic!
Pretty. :)
They were molecular biologists from Manila studying the genetic variation of the Talawis and trying to capture a few for genetic sampling. It was fun watching them don their diving gear and paddle around in near the shore after breakfast! Being the nerd I am, I was fascinated.
I'd be fascinated too. :)
(A pano of the lovely black sand beach)
Black sand! Cool! (Have seen it a couple times... still cool.)
Wow! What a great pool!
when you’re “between the 23’s.” If you’ve ever lived in the tropics, you know exactly what I’m talking about.
I had to Google... but know now. ;)
(Who wouldn't want to shower in this little Heavenly space?!)
In all, it was about 2 hours back to Manila with the usual clogged roads that resembled EPCOT on any given Friday night.
So... lots of people after having drunk around the world?
I checked in and went back to the casino to trade back all but about $40 of the $100 I’d exchanged.
"exchanged"... is that a euphemism for "lost at the craps table"?
(It was a pretty nice, but small, room.)
Small is okay. As long as it's clean.
Realizing I only had enough for a few things on the menu
:laughing: Maybe you should've eaten first and then exchanged your money.
This ended up definitely being a culinary highlight of my time in the Philippines! Holy dessertaroni! Here is a little video about “mix-mix” which was mind-blowingly delicious.
If it had coconut (like in the video)... I'll pass.
I hit the sack at 4:30 with the alarm set for 1:00AM
Early! On both ends!
poop in a cup
ummmm.... what???? :scared:
J is for: Java Juice

1:00AM alarms are not very fun in any context, but this was less-not-fun because I WAS HEADED TO BALI! Quickly dressing and tossing the last few items in my bag, I headed for the hotel entrance and on out the door. My destination was the "Manila Runway" which connects the high-end Newport neighborhood with Terminal 3 at the airport.

A side note, if you are arriving or departing into or out of any other terminal, you may as well just take a Grab Rideshare to your destination; otherwise, you will have to take a taxi (or rideshare) to Terminal 3 to use the Runway. For example, I arrived at Terminal 1 when I flew in and had wanted to take the Runway to save money by walking. However, I had to get to Terminal 3 and the only way to do that was to take a Grab. Newport/my hotel was just as far. I was happy that I could save a little cash on my outbound flight though and it wasn’t a bad walk at all.



I arrived about 1:45 for my 3:45 AM flight but unfortunately security and immigration took foreeeeeeeeeeeeeeever. With only about 30 minutes to spare, I passed the time by reading my book. I was hoping that I’d be able to sleep a bit on the flight…There are three types of people in this world: Those who can sleep on an airplane, those who cannot, and those who cannot even when there is an Ambien onboard. :rolleyes:

It may come as a shock to you, but I seem to be squarely in Category #3 so did not sleep at all. Sucks to be me sometimes.

The 4-hour flight was fine; if there were snacks, I either, A) Don’t recall what they were or B) I didn’t take photos. Probably both. What I did take photos of, however, was Agung Volcano as we approached Denpasar Airport- massive. Huge! I can totally see how Tolkien was inspired to use one as the climatic centerpiece of the Trilogy.




When I deplaned at Denpasar Airport (Il Gusti) and the outside air met me I was instantly nearly suffocated as I got my first foretaste of what was to be. Cue the misery...

I had done a ton of research on visiting Bali and had found a very highly recommended driver named Dewa. I soon learned that about one in four males is named “Dewa” as their naming system is based off of birth order. In one of the videos below, you can hear him telling me about this.

Dewa met me with a nice sign with my name on it and his smile made me feel warmly welcomed and comfortable. I had definitely made a good decision to have personal service during my stay! He helped me with my bags and we got settled into his van for the drive up to Ubud where I chose to base my stay while on Bali. It turned out to be more than a simple “drive up to Ubud”; Dewa made it an incredible adventure that included stops I didn’t know I wanted to make. LOL! He talked non-stop about culture, the upcoming holiday, the people, what we were seeing...

My first impressions of Bali were that it is an unbelievably beautiful island rich with culture and filled to the brim with exotic art. Homes, businesses, and public spaces are adorned with intricately carved stone and woodwork, incense is burning alongside colorful flower offerings everywhere, and friendly smiles greet each other. Perhaps it was that a major holiday, Galungan, was in full swing with everyone focused on celebrating and preparing.


(One of the many, many enormous works of art in a roundabout.)


(Another city gate.)

One of the first things that caught my eye were the plethora of “penjor” standing tall as far as the eye could see. Each one was as unique as the appointed craftsman who would construct the symbol of Galungan- the month-long Hindu holiday being celebrated 2 days from my arrival. These, I gathered, were akin to our own Christmas trees and I couldn’t help but be absolutely enamored with them during my stay in Bali!


(A penjor being constructed)


(This is what they looked like done and upright.)

Dewa took a very specific route in order to make sure I drove through each district of specialty art- an entire few miles each of wood carving, gold and silver-smithing, stone art, and finally batik, where we stopped at a factory where the cloth, both silk and cotton, were being dyed with intricate and exquisite detail. Just like in Turkey at the rug factories (not done by machine, but entirely by hand!) the “tour” starts by watching the process with displays of batik at each step in the process and ends with a showroom for you to purchase. Unlike Turkish rugs, however, Balinese batik is actually affordable, so I bought several pieces to give for Christmas, as well as a nice bigger piece for myself.









Pleased with my nice finds, Dewa headed towards the one stop I had actually planned for our trip to Ubud- a coffee tasting experience! Indonesia is, of course, famous for its coffee and specifically, Kopi Luwak Coffee. Yep, cat crap coffee. When in Rome, so they say. How many opportunities will I get to actually try the most expensive coffee on the planet? Probably not ever (although I would like to head to Bali again) so it was now or never. Would it live up to all the hype?


The plantation tour started with a brief walk through the gardens where they had examples of the many ingredients/herbs/spices commonly added to the coffee and tea drinks served in Bali including cocoa, ginseng, vanilla, etc… It was fun to see so many tropical ingredients all in one place and what the actual plants look like. My guide was very informative and sweet and made my tasting experience really fun. While I definitely have mixed feelings about it, there were 3 or 4 civets, the cats that eat and digest the coffee beans used in Kopi Luwak (*** see more info below...), it was interesting to see them. I was told they aren’t caged all the time, but I doubt that for sure. After the garden tour, I was seated at a long table and was asked if I wanted tea, coffee, both and if I wanted the Luwak addition. Yes, yes and yes. I mean, for $20 +$15 (for the luwak) heck yes!!!


(Coffee tree!)


**** Okay, for those of you who have zero idea what I'm referring to: Kopi Luwak is a coffee made from coffee beans in which a cute little animal called the Civet eat, then digest, the coffee cherry and then, you know... dismiss them out the backside. The beans are then collected, washed, and then roasted and ground as usual. The flavor is smoother due to the chemical changes that happen as the cats digest the beans making it less acidic. It also happens, it was explained to me, that Kopi Luwak has less caffeine content and a higher protein content than regular, less pooped out, coffee. And you can take that to the bank just like the Balinese do.




(cat poo coffee)



In 10 minutes, I was served this tray of beauty- 13 samples of an outstanding selection of teas, coffees and cocoas. As with all tastings like this, some were better than others, but I can’t say I disliked any. My particular favorites were the Ginseng Coffee (which I ended up buying a little of), the mocha (richer and more flavorful than any I’ve ever tried Stateside), the coconut coffee, and lemongrass tea. Such amazing variety and intense flavors!


Lastly, my Kopi Luwak was served. I was told NOT to stir or swirl it as the sediment was already settling; if I did, I’d be drinking fine grounds, and certainly didn’t want that! I was given the option of having sugar added (duh) and it was just perfect. Honest opinion? It wasn't mind-blowing. Don’t get me wrong, aside from drip machine coffee, there aren’t many coffees I’ve hated. But if I had to pay $100 for a cup of coffee here? No. It’s not that good. All in all, I wasn’t rushed, and it was simply a lovely hour from start to finish. It’s definitely a fun thing to add on to any Bali itinerary.


(Behold, the most expensive coffee in the world!)


( :lmao: )


By 11:35, Dewa had me delivered to my hotel that I’d be at for the next 4 nights. I’ll go into a lot more detail in my next chapter, but in a nutshell, this was an absolutely PERFECT hotel, and I can’t wait to show you more! Settled and checked-in I headed for lunch and the Sacred Monkey Forest. Would Indonesian food be all my little ol’ heart desired? Would there be ridiculous monkey business to be found? Stick around for all the fun and games!

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Goodness you know how to fill a trip from the airport to your hotel :rotfl: :thumbsup2
What a great start to your stay in Bali. Clearly your research on drivers was on point as it sounds like Dewa really gave you a grand tour
. I always learn something new reading your reports and that is a great thing. I’d never heard of “cat poop coffee” but I have now 😂
The volcano photos are awesome. That thing is huge!
I am so impressed with everything you managed to get done on the way to Ubud in your sleep-deprived state!

There are three types of people in this world: Those who can sleep on an airplane, those who cannot, and those who cannot even when there is an Ambien onboard. :rolleyes:

It may come as a shock to you, but I seem to be squarely in Category #3 so did not sleep at all. Sucks to be me sometimes.
I am squarely in Category #3 also, so I feel your pain.

I soon learned that about one in four males is named “Dewa” as their naming system is based off of birth order. In one of the videos below, you can hear him telling me about this.
On my last trip to Bali (way back in 2002!), I made friends with a young man named 'Putu', who became my unofficial tour guide. Apparently that is the name for first-born son. He warned me never to call out 'Putu' as half the people in Bali would respond, but to use his preferred name, 'Arta'. We wrote each other for a while, but unfortunately lost contact over the years.

incense is burning alongside colorful flower offerings everywhere
This. Is quintessential Bali. I can't smell incense burning without being transported back there.

Would Indonesian food be all my little ol’ heart desired? Would there be ridiculous monkey business to be found? Stick around for all the fun and games!
Indonesian food is one of my favourites! Can't wait to read about what you tried and your thoughts on it all.

And OMG those monkeys... I can definitely see where the term 'cheeky monkey' came from! I've seen them steal water bottles, cameras, sunnies, handbags... And when Arta took me and had to go to the bathroom, he made the mistake of leaving me in charge of the bag of ingredients he had prepared for offerings, which of course promptly got stolen 😳 Looking forward to reading about what ridiculous escapades you had to endure 😂
I arrived about 1:45 for my 3:45 AM flight
That was good planning to be able to walk to the airport. But I would be a little frightened if it was me.
There are three types of people in this world: Those who can sleep on an airplane,
I always take Dramamine when I fly, so I almost always fall asleep.
What I did take photos of, however, was Agung Volcano as we approached Denpasar Airport- massive.
My sister loved the island of Bali. I always pictured it to be a tropical paradise. The arid mountain areas are a surprise.
My first impressions of Bali were that it is an unbelievably beautiful island rich with culture and filled to the brim with exotic art.
It sounds lovely.
Balinese batik is actually affordable, so I bought several pieces to give for Christmas, as well as a nice bigger piece for myself.
My sister purchased some of this fabric and gave me some pieces. It is a beautiful fabric. :)
cat crap coffee.
This sounds like a gimmick to make a profit over what would normally be a loss of product.
But if I had to pay $100 for a cup of coffee here? No. It’s not that good.
I wouldn't expect it to be exceptional. You could probably achieve similar results by soaking the beans in an acidic wash.
1:00AM alarms are not very fun in any context, but this was less-not-fun because I WAS HEADED TO BALI!
Always easier to get up when starting an adventure vs ending one. ::yes::
My destination was the "Manila Runway"
Still not sure what this is. Is it a bus terminal?
I was happy that I could save a little cash on my outbound flight though and it wasn’t a bad walk at all.
Walk from… this runway to the terminal? Or hotel to runway?
There are three types of people in this world: Those who can sleep on an airplane, those who cannot, and those who cannot even when there is an Ambien onboard. :rolleyes:
I too am on the “no sleeping on planes” category.
if there were snacks, I either, A) Don’t recall what they were or B) I didn’t take photos. Probably both.
Lobster thermidor, no doubt.
What I did take photos of, however, was Agung Volcano as we approached Denpasar Airport- massive. Huge!
I can totally see how Tolkien was inspired to use one as the climatic centerpiece of the Trilogy.
Had no idea. How did you know that?
When I deplaned
I think we should use this in everything.
“I parked in the garage and decarred”
“I coasted the last few feet and debiked”
“I did a kick-flip and deskateboarded”
I was instantly nearly suffocated as I got my first foretaste of what was to be. Cue the misery...
However… you’re in Bali!
I soon learned that about one in four males is named “Dewa” as their naming system is based off of birth order.
It turned out to be more than a simple “drive up to Ubud”; Dewa made it an incredible adventure that included stops I didn’t know I wanted to make. LOL!
That’s great! Nice of him to add that on.
My first impressions of Bali were that it is an unbelievably beautiful island rich with culture and filled to the brim with exotic art.
Sounds amazing.
One of the first things that caught my eye were the plethora of “penjor” standing tall as far as the eye could see. Each one was as unique as the appointed craftsman who would construct the symbol of Galungan- the month-long Hindu holiday being celebrated 2 days from my arrival. These, I gathered, were akin to our own Christmas trees and I couldn’t help but be absolutely enamored with them during my stay in Bali!
That’s really interesting. I’d never heard of those.
A penjor being constructed
Cool! More goes into it than I thought.
This is what they looked like done and upright
Impressive and pretty.
Dewa took a very specific route in order to make sure I drove through each district of specialty art
You sure picked the right driver! :)
Balinese batik is actually affordable, so I bought several pieces to give for Christmas, as well as a nice bigger piece for myself.
Glad you were able to do that. But not really my thing.
Indonesia is, of course, famous for its coffee and specifically, Kopi Luwak Coffee. Yep, cat crap coffee.
I did know this. And I’m not a coffee drinker!
How many opportunities will I get to actually try the most expensive coffee on the planet?
At least one!
It was fun to see so many tropical ingredients all in one place and what the actual plants look like
I’d be interested in that. ::yes::
While I definitely have mixed feelings about it, there were 3 or 4 civets, the cats that eat and digest the coffee beans used in Kopi Luwak (*** see more info below...), it was interesting to see them. I was told they aren’t caged all the time, but I doubt that for sure.
Considering there’d have to be far more cats… I wouldn’t be surprised if they let them out, putting them in their cages for display when tourists come through.

Wouldn’t be surprised if they never let them out too.
After the garden tour, I was seated at a long table and was asked if I wanted tea, coffee, both and if I wanted the Luwak addition. Yes, yes and yes. I mean, for $20 +$15 (for the luwak) heck yes!!!
How could you not?
The flavor is smoother due to the chemical changes that happen as the cats digest the beans making it less acidic. It also happens, it was explained to me, that Kopi Luwak has less caffeine content and a higher protein content than regular, less pooped out, coffee.
Huh. So that’s what happens. Interesting.
13 samples of an outstanding selection of teas, coffees and cocoas.
Not my cup of tea.

Lastly, my Kopi Luwak was served. I was told NOT to stir or swirl it as the sediment was already settling
Really! I’m pretty surprised by that
Honest opinion? It wasn't mind-blowing. Don’t get me wrong, aside from drip machine coffee, there aren’t many coffees I’ve hated. But if I had to pay $100 for a cup of coffee here? No. It’s not that good.
And yet… I can’t help but wonder what you might think if it was brewed differently.
All in all, I wasn’t rushed, and it was simply a lovely hour from start to finish.
That sounds really nice. :)
Behold, the most expensive coffee in the world!
Meh. It would be lost on a non-coffee drinker like me. All yours.

I’ll go into a lot more detail in my next chapter, but in a nutshell, this was an absolutely PERFECT hotel, and I can’t wait to show you more!
Would Indonesian food be all my little ol’ heart desired? Would there be ridiculous monkey business to be found? Stick around for all the fun and games!
Yeah, the climb up and down in the middle of the night would definitely make me think twice about actually sleeping in a treehouse, I have to admit. Is it one of those things that sounds cooler in theory than in the doing, perhaps?
Yeah, kinda. ;) I think having a honey bucket might have been a good idea- with the understanding that the guests take care of it themselves.
As for the Derby, dh placed all of our bets (while I made sure no one stole our table!), so I'm not exactly sure how all of it works. I know there are a ton of different ways you can bet, but he placed all of ours so that we only got something if our horse won. One of the bets he placed for our son actually won earlier in the day - just about enough to cover the bets we all made. I was just happy I had worn an appropriate hat, lol.
Table sentry is a VERY important role! Never underestimate the value of a table. ;)

And hats.

Really, it's all about the hats.
And yes, my MIL has now had 3 separate events to commemorate her. The thing she wanted was a big Celebration of Life to be a big party, a few months later. But, her dh wanted to do something right away, so there was a visitation at a funeral home. Then, the big weekend in Vegas later. Most people only went to 1 or 2 of the events, naturally.
What a wonderful way to remember and honor. :) Life is busy, but I think it's great that folks enjoyed a time to celebrate her!
Yeah, definitely more the beach areas that are party central, especially Kuta. Ubud is definitely seen as a more luxurious location, and I believe the east coast is gaining popularity too as more people are looking to get away from the party vibe.
I'd steered clear of Kuta for SURE! Definitely NOT my scene at all. Ubud for the most part was pretty quiet with no loud bar scene to spoil the peaceful vibe. I'm not sure how much the holiday played into it. If I go back I hear the north coast is especially wild and lovely.
Oh, I totally get this!
I've spent far too much money to just sleep and lay on a beach. I can spend nothing and sleep or 1/10 the money and go to Florida.
Look! It's me!
Consider yourself lucky that you didn't break an ankle on one of those "trips"!

Yep, a med for incontinence.
Black sand! Cool! (Have seen it a couple times... still cool.)
Wow! What a great pool!
Like a little oasis all to myself!
"exchanged"... is that a euphemism for "lost at the craps table"?
Ha, no. I would LOVE to learn crap though. You never know when I'll be at a casino and have a spare $50.
:laughing: Maybe you should've eaten first and then exchanged your money.
Nah, wanted to get that over with and then be done with going out after I'd eaten so I could get as much sleep as I could before the 1:00AM wakey.
ummmm.... what???? :scared:
... and now you know. ;)
I've spent far too much money to just sleep and lay on a beach. I can spend nothing and sleep or 1/10 the money and go to Florida.
Yep, a med for incontinence.
Thanks for the clarification.
Like a little oasis all to myself!
Ha, no. I would LOVE to learn crap though. You never know when I'll be at a casino and have a spare $50.
I have no idea how to play craps. There’s dice. And 7 and 11 are important. That’s all I know. And I’m not even positive about the 11.

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