1:00AM alarms are not very fun in any context, but this was less-not-fun because I WAS HEADED TO BALI!
Always easier to get up when starting an adventure vs ending one.
My destination was the "Manila Runway"
Still not sure what this is. Is it a bus terminal?
I was happy that I could save a little cash on my outbound flight though and it wasn’t a bad walk at all.
Walk from… this runway to the terminal? Or hotel to runway?
There are three types of people in this world: Those who can sleep on an airplane, those who cannot, and those who cannot even when there is an Ambien onboard.
I too am on the “no sleeping on planes” category.
if there were snacks, I either, A) Don’t recall what they were or B) I didn’t take photos. Probably both.
Lobster thermidor, no doubt.
What I did take photos of, however, was Agung Volcano as we approached Denpasar Airport- massive. Huge!
I can totally see how Tolkien was inspired to use one as the climatic centerpiece of the Trilogy.
Had no idea. How did you know that?
I think we should use this in everything.
“I parked in the garage and decarred”
“I coasted the last few feet and debiked”
“I did a kick-flip and deskateboarded”
I was instantly nearly suffocated as I got my first foretaste of what was to be. Cue the misery...
However… you’re in Bali!
I soon learned that about one in four males is named “Dewa” as their naming system is based off of birth order.
It turned out to be more than a simple “drive up to Ubud”; Dewa made it an incredible adventure that included stops I didn’t know I wanted to make. LOL!
That’s great! Nice of him to add that on.
My first impressions of Bali were that it is an unbelievably beautiful island rich with culture and filled to the brim with exotic art.
Sounds amazing.
One of the first things that caught my eye were the plethora of “penjor” standing tall as far as the eye could see. Each one was as unique as the appointed craftsman who would construct the symbol of Galungan- the month-long Hindu holiday being celebrated 2 days from my arrival. These, I gathered, were akin to our own Christmas trees and I couldn’t help but be absolutely enamored with them during my stay in Bali!
That’s really interesting. I’d never heard of those.
A penjor being constructed
Cool! More goes into it than I thought.
This is what they looked like done and upright
Impressive and pretty.
Dewa took a very specific route in order to make sure I drove through each district of specialty art
You sure picked the right driver!
Balinese batik is actually affordable, so I bought several pieces to give for Christmas, as well as a nice bigger piece for myself.
Glad you were able to do that. But not really my thing.
Indonesia is, of course, famous for its coffee and specifically, Kopi Luwak Coffee. Yep, cat crap coffee.
I did know this. And I’m not a coffee drinker!
How many opportunities will I get to actually try the most expensive coffee on the planet?
At least one!
It was fun to see so many tropical ingredients all in one place and what the actual plants look like
I’d be interested in that.
While I definitely have mixed feelings about it, there were 3 or 4 civets, the cats that eat and digest the coffee beans used in Kopi Luwak (*** see more info below...), it was interesting to see them. I was told they aren’t caged all the time, but I doubt that for sure.
Considering there’d have to be far more cats… I wouldn’t be surprised if they let them out, putting them in their cages for display when tourists come through.
Wouldn’t be surprised if they never let them out too.
After the garden tour, I was seated at a long table and was asked if I wanted tea, coffee, both and if I wanted the Luwak addition. Yes, yes and yes. I mean, for $20 +$15 (for the luwak) heck yes!!!
How could you not?
The flavor is smoother due to the chemical changes that happen as the cats digest the beans making it less acidic. It also happens, it was explained to me, that Kopi Luwak has less caffeine content and a higher protein content than regular, less pooped out, coffee.
Huh. So that’s what happens. Interesting.
13 samples of an outstanding selection of teas, coffees and cocoas.
Not my cup of tea.
Lastly, my Kopi Luwak was served. I was told NOT to stir or swirl it as the sediment was already settling
Really! I’m pretty surprised by that
Honest opinion? It wasn't mind-blowing. Don’t get me wrong, aside from drip machine coffee, there aren’t many coffees I’ve hated. But if I had to pay $100 for a cup of coffee here? No. It’s not that good.
And yet… I can’t help but wonder what you might think if it was brewed differently.
All in all, I wasn’t rushed, and it was simply a lovely hour from start to finish.
That sounds really nice.
Behold, the most expensive coffee in the world!
Meh. It would be lost on a non-coffee drinker like me. All yours.

I’ll go into a lot more detail in my next chapter, but in a nutshell, this was an absolutely PERFECT hotel, and I can’t wait to show you more!
Would Indonesian food be all my little ol’ heart desired? Would there be ridiculous monkey business to be found? Stick around for all the fun and games!