An Alphabetical Stroll Through Bali and Australia- I is for: It's Been a Long Day; Travel from KI to Tasmania (10/16)

Goodness you know how to fill a trip from the airport to your hotel :rotfl: :thumbsup2
What a great start to your stay in Bali. Clearly your research on drivers was on point as it sounds like Dewa really gave you a grand tour
. I always learn something new reading your reports and that is a great thing. I’d never heard of “cat poop coffee” but I have now 😂
The volcano photos are awesome. That thing is huge!
Most of that was unplanned, but was SO great that my guide added it on. He was just such a wonderful driver!

LOL! And now ya know! I can find all kinds of trouble! ;)

I never thought I'd actually fly over a volcano without paying an exorbitant cost for a heli.

I am so impressed with everything you managed to get done on the way to Ubud in your sleep-deprived state!
It was definitely a FULL DAY! Exhausting but so super interesting! And it doesn't end with the drive. I toddled off and spent hours with monkeys, and took in a leisurely lunch and dinner.
I am squarely in Category #3 also, so I feel your pain.
I used to love flying, but it's so uncomfortable now, it's hard. My arthritis makes it hard.
On my last trip to Bali (way back in 2002!), I made friends with a young man named 'Putu', who became my unofficial tour guide. Apparently that is the name for first-born son. He warned me never to call out 'Putu' as half the people in Bali would respond, but to use his preferred name, 'Arta'. We wrote each other for a while, but unfortunately lost contact over the years.
It's so easy to make friends there!! I struck up conversations with so many folks both locals and expats. I think people are just more apt to slow down and find time to chat.
This. Is quintessential Bali. I can't smell incense burning without being transported back there.
Definitely intoxicating!
Indonesian food is one of my favourites! Can't wait to read about what you tried and your thoughts on it all.
Coming up soon!!!
And OMG those monkeys... I can definitely see where the term 'cheeky monkey' came from! I've seen them steal water bottles, cameras, sunnies, handbags... And when Arta took me and had to go to the bathroom, he made the mistake of leaving me in charge of the bag of ingredients he had prepared for offerings, which of course promptly got stolen 😳 Looking forward to reading about what ridiculous escapades you had to endure 😂
I don't think the antics I saw can compare to this! Yikes!! They can be downright nasty though!
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That was good planning to be able to walk to the airport. But I would be a little frightened if it was me.
Nah, I felt very safe there. The neighborhood was a better one, and there were guards along the way. :)
I always take Dramamine when I fly, so I almost always fall asleep.
I wonder if a combo of that and 800mg of ibuprofen would do the trick.
My sister loved the island of Bali. I always pictured it to be a tropical paradise. The arid mountain areas are a surprise.
Oh it definitely is that! LUSH rainforest and steep mountain areas. I think the top of that volcano looks arid, but it gets just as much rain. It's just so newly erupted that no plants can (have) grow(n) there yet. :)
My sister purchased some of this fabric and gave me some pieces. It is a beautiful fabric. :)
The fact that it's hand printed and dyed makes it more special.
This sounds like a gimmick to make a profit over what would normally be a loss of product.
Maybe? Who knows.
I wouldn't expect it to be exceptional. You could probably achieve similar results by soaking the beans in an acidic wash.
Could be true for sure. Without an insider's eyes on the actual process and authenticity there's no real knowing.
Always easier to get up when starting an adventure vs ending one. ::yes::
A travel truth bomb!
Still not sure what this is. Is it a bus terminal?
It's an elevated walkway going over the massively busy road from Newport to the Terminal. Escalators and the whole bit. But I think the entrance area also does serve as a bus stop too.
Walk from… this runway to the terminal? Or hotel to runway?
The hotel to the terminal. Up and over the "highway" and straight into the departures area of Terminal 3.
I too am on the “no sleeping on planes” category.
It's so hard and... the older you get...
Lobster thermidor, no doubt.
Dang it!!! I always miss out on that.
Had no idea. How did you know that?
I've read the books and watched the movie! Mt. Doom is a thing!!
I think we should use this in everything.
“I parked in the garage and decarred”
“I coasted the last few feet and debiked”
“I did a kick-flip and deskateboarded”
That's the idea!!
That’s great! Nice of him to add that on.
It sure was!!!
Cool! More goes into it than I thought.
Each one is unique and designed by a few men in each family. I will post tons of photos of them soon.
Glad you were able to do that. But not really my thing.
Was really intersting actually. The showroom had tons of things like shirts, sarongs, scarves, ties, bags....
I’d be interested in that. ::yes::
Love botanical gardens!
Considering there’d have to be far more cats… I wouldn’t be surprised if they let them out, putting them in their cages for display when tourists come through.

Wouldn’t be surprised if they never let them out too.
I wish I actually knew the REAL story of how the cat management happened.
How could you not?
Not my cup of tea.

har har ;)
Meh. It would be lost on a non-coffee drinker like me. All yours.
Mmmm, but there was cocoa too!!!
I have never heard of cat poop coffee :rotfl:
Looks like a wonderful trip so far. I am reading along!
Excited to hear more!
Hi there Caroline!! Glad you popped in!! I think about you so often!

Poop coffee is def something that is a bit "out there". LOL!! And most folks turn their nose up. Admittedly it is... odd.
Glad you're here!
It's an elevated walkway going over the massively busy road from Newport to the Terminal. Escalators and the whole bit. But I think the entrance area also does serve as a bus stop too.
It's so hard and... the older you get...
I’ve always been that way. Except when I was really young I guess.
Dang it!!! I always miss out on that.
Was really intersting actually. The showroom had tons of things like shirts, sarongs, scarves, ties, bags....
Ummm… sarongs. Sure. That’s me. :rolleyes:

wish I actually knew the REAL story of how the cat management happened.
Maybe we don’t want to know.
Mmmm, but there was cocoa too!!!
But what about all those other cups???
I used to love flying, but it's so uncomfortable now, it's hard. My arthritis makes it hard.
Ugh, I can't imagine how uncomfortable that would be for long haul flying. I need to fly quite a lot for work (and from Perth, any flights are a minimum of 3.5 hours), so you'd think I'd be getting better, but I think I'm getting worse! For me it's a combo of anxiety, travel sickness, restless legs and ear pain during take-off and landing.

It's so easy to make friends there!! I struck up conversations with so many folks both locals and expats. I think people are just more apt to slow down and find time to chat.
2 of my 3 trips were actually study tours when I was learning Indonesian at school and uni, so the idea was to try to talk to as many locals as possible! My first trip was in 1994 and little girls with blonde curly hair were still very much a novelty, so I was very popular - I literally had women fighting over who would get to braid my hair lol! It was such a pivotal few years for Bali... by 2002, blonde hair was no longer a novelty.

Hi All,

Please excuse the lazy writing on this chapter. Yesterday I had my first OSCE which is a very stressful proctored “patient encounter” in which I am videoed taking a detailed patient history, doing a virtual physical exam, making a diagnosis which has to be accurate, ordering all the labs and imaging I would need, prescribing the correct medications if indicated, giving accurate patient information and education, and making a follow-up appointment. That part went well for me, but I then had to spend almost 6+ hours doing the required write up. I had to find, insert, and cite, using APA, evidence-based research for everything I ordered, said, diagnosed, etc… it was tedious, nerve-racking and stressful. I’m tired and very glad to have tomorrow off as well. I spent the day cleaning, cooking up a a tasty batch of shredded beef enchiladas, doing laundry, and storm watching. We had a REALLY strong cell move through earlier today that blew all of our back deck furniture over and now we’re expecting super bad/dangerous weather around 9:00. We’re all a bit on edge since Bowling Green was hit so hard a couple of years ago. All that to say, I admittedly rushed this update a bit. Hopefully these cute, fluffy faces will make up for that.

K is for: Kickin’ It with the Capuchin Monkeys

Dewa dropped me off at my hotel right about 11:00; not bad timing considering all I’d seen and done up to then and had only landed at 7:00. 4 hours can buy you a lot in Bali! But Ladies and Gentlemen, I was just getting started! My room at the Abipraya was not ready which was fine; I would have only dumped my bags, thrown some water on my face, and raced off anyway. I was absolutely STARVED since I hadn’t eaten anything since 3:00PM or so the day before, and it was all pure-de-sugar so was long burned off by 11:00. Time for lunch!!

Let’s go!!

I tried very hard to find the name of the warung (little restaurant) that I stopped at but can’t pin it down; just know… there are hundreds of them, each as lovely as the next. Most have gorgeous plumeria and other potted flowering plants to give splashes of color with beautiful carved entries and other décor adding an exotic touch to every meal.

I arrived on the early side of lunch so had the pick of all the tables. Naturally, I chose one that overlooked the small rice field. I can’t describe how happy this made my heart. Was I dripping with sweat in embarrassing places? You betcha! But I was still content because I was about to pork out on a fresh mango smoothie and a gigantic plate of bahmi goreng with spicy chicken satay. Was it as hot and spicy as I was? (No, not that kind of hot. Near heat stroke hot.) Most definitely. It was then that I realized that I was not going to cool off, day or night, for several days to come. So be it.

(I absolutely did not even finish half of what I ordered. All for $4.68 USD)

Chew, chew, chew… don’t mind me… focus your attention on the lovely view replete with stunning water lilies and tropical trees in the distance. Soak it up; I sure did!

(My lunch time view!)

With a full tummy, I gathered my camera and bag and started walking towards the Sacred Monkey Forest.

This is hands-down the #1 tourist attraction in Ubud and it’s easy to see why. It costs about $5 for as long as you’d like to spend for the day, and I do think one could easily wander the trails for hours. In addition to the hundreds of monkeys, there are many, many sculptures which make perfect backdrops for these adorable, but incredibly silly creatures.

Mommy monkeys tried to maintain control of their rambunctious little ones. Some were busy noshing in the goodies that the park staff supplies- sweet potatoes, dragon fruit, and other tasty tidbits.

As I strolled along giggling at the teenagers showing off in the trees, I took time to admire the peaceful solitude; for as busy as this park is, it’s so huge that it’s easy to find yourself alone with plenty of room to capture all the photos of monkeys you’d ever want. It was easy to see that some of the monkeys were more introverted while others were more sociable hanging around in larger groups.

There were several temple-style buildings as well which the monkeys seemed to enjoy hanging out in, maybe just to find shade, maybe just because there were unsuspecting tourists with goodies to pickpocket.

Eventually, the afternoon clouds began to pile up in the sky and thunder started to roll off in the distance and I thought it would be prudent to start heading back. The good news is that I’d seen what I’d wanted to and was satisfied with the photos I thought I’d gotten. The bad news is that I hadn’t taken any water with me, I was extremely overheated, and I didn’t have an umbrella with me. The worse news is that I’d completely forgotten how far it was back to my hotel. Could it get worse? Yep.

I’d also let my phone get WAY too low and then got a bit turned around. My sticky skin was only saved by fact that I’d just happened to grab a business card from the hotel that I could show a store owner who could point me in the right direction. Approximately 5 pounds lighter than when I’d started out, I arrived back at the Abipraya Hotel, more than anxious to peel the soaking wet clothes off and dive into the pool. Since it was nearly 3:00 by then my room was ready and I was incredibly grateful! I’ll save the details of my cushy, actually mind-blowing room for another chapter, so for now, I’ll just say that I indeed got my bags into my new space, threw on my suit and headed out for an afternoon of soaking and lounging. This is the essence of a tropical vacation in Bali.
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Sounds like a very stressful day (currently, not your trip report!). Great job getting through it all and I hope the next storm isn't too bad!

I tried very hard to find the name of the warung (little restaurant) that I stopped at but can’t pin it down; just know… there are hundreds of them, each as lovely as the next. Most have gorgeous plumeria and other flowering plants to give splashes of color with beautiful carved entries and other décor adding an exotic touch to every meal.
Looks like a lovely place for lunch with a gorgeous view. Love all the elaborate carvings on buildings over there.

But I was still content because I was about to pork out on a fresh mango smoothie and a gigantic plate of bahmi goreng with spicy chicken satay.
Looks delish!

The bad news is that I hadn’t taken any water with me, I was extremely overheated, and I didn’t have an umbrella with me. The worse news is that I’d completely forgotten how far it was back to my hotel. Could it get worse? Yep.
Yikes, glad to hear this ended well!

Such great photos of the monkeys too, and I'm glad to hear you didn't have to endure any trouble from them.
Lunch looks and sounds scrumptious and at those prices what’s not to love! The restaurant itself is beautiful and the views take it next level. It looks so calm and relaxing. What a great first meal.
You got some great photos of the monkeys in the forest. I like that you captured their personalities too.
Glad you made it back to the hotel in one piece and were able to cool off in the pool. I’m sure you were a wee bit anxious when you realized your phone was out. Thank goodness you thought to bring the card so you could be pointed in the right direction. I’m betting that dip in the pool felt heavenly :goodvibes
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Yesterday I had my first OSCE which is a very stressful proctored “patient encounter” in which I am videoed taking a detailed patient history, doing a virtual physical exam, making a diagnosis which has to be accurate, ordering all the labs and imaging I would need, prescribing the correct medications if indicated, giving accurate patient information and education, and making a follow-up appointment.
This sounds very stressful. You deserve some rest after this. :)
I chose one that overlooked the small rice field. I can’t describe how happy this made my heart.
This is a lovely view, and very restful.
In addition to the hundreds of monkeys, there are many, many sculptures which make perfect backdrops for these adorable, but incredibly silly creatures.
The sculptures are very "unique".
Sounds like a very stressful day (currently, not your trip report!). Great job getting through it all and I hope the next storm isn't too bad!
It definitely was. And I learned last night my paper was returned not passed. So I spent ANOTHER 2 hours on it this morning... my day "off". Ridiculous. We sheltered last night at our local hospital, our go-to place when the COWS go off. The front with nado potential passed over quickly so were home in only an hour or so.
Looks like a lovely place for lunch with a gorgeous view. Love all the elaborate carvings on buildings over there.
I love that there are literally hundreds of places just like this you can pop into and each is equally as lovely as the next.
Yikes, glad to hear this ended well!

Such great photos of the monkeys too, and I'm glad to hear you didn't have to endure any trouble from them.
I was a little nervous when I felt turned around, but everyone is so friendly and help wasn't too far away. Felt like the days anyone over 30 experienced every single day before cell phones. I remember having to actually memorize maps and directions to go anywhere out of town. ;)
Lunch looks and sounds scrumptious and at those prices what’s not to love! The restaurant itself is beautiful and the views take it next level. It looks so calm and relaxing. What a great first meal.
You got some great photos of the monkeys in the forest. I like that you captured their personalities too.
Glad you made it back to the hotel in one piece and were able to cool off in the pool. I’m sure you were a wee bit anxious when you realized your phone was out. Thank goodness you thought to bring the card so you could be pointed in the right direction. I’m betting that do in the pool felt heavenly :goodvibes
I love S. Asia for the quality of accommodations and food for the price. Plus everyone is so friendly!

It was a really nice afternoon with only one small blip and yes!, that pool was soooo amazing!
That smoothie looks absolutely divine, as I'm imagining how hot you must have been!! How incredible to be so up close to all of those wonderful monkeys. I absolutely find myself lost in time when I'm watching animals, just at the zoo, so I imagine being completely enamored and losing all track of time while you were there! Glad you had a business card to help get you pointed the right way after your wanderings. A dip in the pool sounds like just what the dr ordered!
Please excuse the lazy writing on this chapter.
This is inexcusable!!! :snooty:
I am videoed taking a detailed patient history, doing a virtual physical exam
Um... I know I sure wouldn't like that. I'm surprised your patient okayed it.
I then had to spend almost 6+ hours doing the required write up.
using APA
A Pineapple-based Alcohol. ::yes::
it was tedious, nerve-racking and stressful
We’re all a bit on edge since Bowling Green was hit so hard a couple of years ago.
I remember that. Hopefully there wasn't anything like that this time?
Hopefully these cute, fluffy faces will make up for that.
Dewa dropped me off at my hotel right about 11:00; not bad timing considering all I’d seen and done up to then and had only landed at 7:00. 4 hours can buy you a lot in Bali!
Oh! I was under the impression that it was a full day! Wow! You got tons done in a short amount of time.
Beautiful venue.
Naturally, I chose one that overlooked the small rice field. I can’t describe how happy this made my heart.
Was I dripping with sweat in embarrassing places? You betcha!
I'm torn... is this TMI or not? :laughing:
Was it as hot and spicy as I was? (No, not that kind of hot.
Not that kind? Boring!
Near heat stroke hot.
It was then that I realized that I was not going to cool off, day or night, for several days to come. So be it.
The price you pay for touring the tropics.
Whoa. That looks both really good... and really a lot!
(I absolutely did not even finish half of what I ordered. All for $4.68 USD)
Not surprised you couldn't finish it all. I doubt I could! But the price was certainly right!
I gathered my camera and bag and started walking towards the Sacred Monkey Forest.
Sacré bleu!
Really like this shot!
This is hands-down the #1 tourist attraction in Ubud and it’s easy to see why.
After reading the update, I can certainly see why.
It costs about $5 for as long as you’d like to spend for the day,
Not bad!
I think I met this fella once...
Whelp... she certainly seems happy. Most people don't care to have a monkey on their backs.
This is great! I haven't seen a "speak no evil, see no evil, hear no evil" in a long time. My folks had a bottle cap/can/screw top opener set that was made of those, once.

OMG... I took a silly look on Google... that I knew would be futile... and actually found it! I'm stunned!

You sure got some great shots of the critters. This one is just the first one of several that I stopped and admired.
"I stubbed my toe!"

I can totally relate, dude.
"I can slice and dice".... uh, huh... Sure you can. :rolleyes: ;)
As I strolled along giggling at the teenagers showing off in the trees
It was easy to see that some of the monkeys were more introverted while others were more sociable hanging around in larger groups.
That's interesting. I didn't think they'd have such distinctive personalities. Cool!
Another great shot!
So along with sweet potatoes and dragon fruit... did they also have nuts?

Just curious.

maybe just because there were unsuspecting tourists with goodies to pickpocket.
I've heard of that. I've seen videos of them stealing people's phones.
The good news is that I’d seen what I’d wanted to

But I wanted to comment on your last video...
I was having a trip down memory lane.
I had taken my two year old DD to the zoo and we were watching the monkeys. Two monkeys were running around chasing each other. We were taking turns with a running commentary:
Me: "They're running!"
DD: "They're jumping!"
Me: "They're climbing!"
DD: "They're swinging!"
Then... they began to do what your two amorous monkeys were doing in your video.
Me: "Um..."
DD: "They're married!"
Me: "Let's go see the tigers!"

The lady standing beside us could barely control her laughter.
The bad news is that I hadn’t taken any water with me, I was extremely overheated
Uh, oh...
The worse news is that I’d completely forgotten how far it was back to my hotel. Could it get worse? Yep.
Whoops! I hope it's a small island!
My sticky skin was only saved by fact that I’d just happened to grab a business card from the hotel that I could show a store owner who could point me in the right direction.
Phew! Good thing you had the presence of mind (or the luck) to do that.
I’ll save the details of my cushy, actually mind-blowing room for another chapter,


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