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<font size=5 color=red><center>TO THE DIS !!!</center></font>
If I remember correctly most of the AX discounts are used with your resort ID for discounts at DD and boat rentals !!!
Also, AX offers some packages which include disney dollars, but you're paying for that!
Also, when you check in and use your AX to pay for at least two nights lodging at any WDW resort,
you'll be given a AX white glove treatment booklet and fanny pac!
In that booklet it'll give a run down on these discounts....
Dinner show discounts...15-20%
Merchandise at select stores....10-15%
Boat rental.....10%
Does anyone remember any others????
<img width="130" SRC="http://www.homestead.com/lunas_realm/files/angle.gif"><img width="120" SRC="http://members.tripod.com/~mdh44/hapvday2.gif">
<font face="Comic Sans MS"><font size=4><marquee direction="right" align="middle" behavior="alternate">Co-Captain/Chrtr Mbr of Swan/Dolphin Resort Cheerleading Team!</marquee><font color=red>15th Adventure-July/Aug 2001-16 Days at Dolphin & Animal Kingdom Lodge!!!
</font><font size=4>16th Adventure-Nov/Dec 2001-6 Days at Swan for DIS Convention !!!