Airfare woes............. :(


I cant load my bobbin!
Nov 25, 2001
Just venting here.....

Why cant I find a great airfare for our September trip.... Oh I should say why cant I find a gret airfare for the times we want to fly!!!

Both AA and United want over 1500 bucks RT for TWO! UGH Spirit Airlines is 266 for two RT and ATA is 250 for 2 RT...

SPirt flies when we want too, but I cant risk being delayed coming home (cant let the kid sitter hanging..... ya know) ATA is cheap too but then we wouldnt arrive until after 5, and we were hoping to get 2 or 3 hours in at IOA before it closes (at 6pm)our first night in town.

OR we could leave home at 530 AM for a 7 am flight which I wouldnt mind but that would mean waking the kids up really really early and taking them to daycare (which we could do, but I feel that would cause even more trauma for our girlys... WAKE UP SO WE CAN LEAVE YOU.... a three year old wouldnt like that)

I suppose we could see if someone could come over early and hang until the girls get up.... but I dont really like that idea either....

UGH WHat to do.... what to do.... what to do....... IF the price for our prefered flight was $200 or $300 more or so I could see going for it.... but over $1200 BUCKS More............... yikes.

ANyone thing there is any chance that the fares will go down? We are traveling from a Wed- Saturday. No Sat night stay.....I wonder if that is the big problem.... hmmmmmmm Maybe I should see what coming home on Sunday would do for us......

Wish me lucK............. and thanks for letting me vent!
What a difference one day makes.... If we came home on Sunday the fare drops (from AA) from 1595 to 363 bucks total!

That is more like it!! 153 bucks pp is way way better.... Now to see if our sitter can do one more night. :teeth:

UGH.......... now I am feeling guilty for leaving the kids for another day..... Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

Off to check that a Thursday departure would do for us! LOL
UGH.......... now I am feeling guilty for leaving the kids for another day..... Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

Ahhhh, don't fee guilty, have a good time, I bet they will. Sometimes a little space is good for all famlies.
ANyone thing there is any chance that the fares will go down? We are traveling from a Wed- Saturday. No Sat night stay.....I wonder if that is the big problem.... hmmmmmmm

That is the problem. Most of the majors require a Saturday night stay to discourage the business travelers from getting the cheap fares.
Sat. stay is indeed necessary most of the time for a decent fare on any of the major airlines.
Originally posted by mykidsmom2000
Re: why dont you take the kids instead of leaving them with sitter?????

Because my husband and I want and need time for ourselves... Maybe for you that isnt needed or wanted.... but for us.... it works. Thanks for the suggestion though.....
Looks like we will be staying an extra night...... Thanks for your imput!
Can I ask where you are flying from that you're finding these prices? Are there any regional airports that might fit your needs better? Or did you purchase the tickets for 363.00?
Originally posted by chris1gill
Can I ask where you are flying from that you're finding these prices? Are there any regional airports that might fit your needs better? Or did you purchase the tickets for 363.00?

We are flying out of Chicago.... I checked Ohare and Midway. I suppose I could look into Gary or Milwalkee but they are really to far for us, for such a short trip.....

And no.... still havent purchased tickets.... still debating.... what to do.... what to do.... what to do.....
What about Southwest Air? We fly with them & honestly they're my favorite airline I put in some September dates (18th-21st) & came up with a price of 270.00 & that's coming back on SATURDAY like you planned.... I'd say this is pretty good...
Thanks for checking things for me Chris... trouble with SWA is the flight times for nonstops..... We cant leave at 730 am, just wont work with getting the kids off and all..... and life is too short to make connections! LOL ATA also has low fares for coming home on Saturday, but those fares have the 7 am take off as well.... :(

I am pleased with the 363 price (which is for both of us RT) via AA.... a hundred bucks more to fly when we want (with the exception of staying a day longer) on with a carrier we love, is worth it.

The big question now is.... do we leave on Thursday instead of Wedensday.... Gotta call the sitter..........
Hmm, you have a couple of things to look into about changing your dates... is your hotel available for the extra Saturday night? Or will you have to move? If you have to move, I'd say leave on Wednesday, because then you'll have three nights without moving (I hate moving)... if you can book that Saturday night I'd leave on thursday...
stay the extra often do you get to do this and you want to make the $$ you spent to get down there worth it, don't you??? if your kids are anything like mine were when they were little, they will be having too much fun leading the babysitter around by the nose to notice one more day!! Pretty soon they will be so involved in school/activities that you will not be able to get away at all. have fun and DO NOT FEEL GUILTY.
Anne....... our kids love their sitter.... in fact they behave better for them than they do for us! It must be the novelty! Hardy har har.

Plus we have kinda worked up to stay away longer.... First time (last month) we went away locally over night (in case we needed to come home) Then, we went away (to Vegas) for two nights... they did great! And were even bummed that the sitter was leaving! Doesnt that make us parents feel good! ROFL.

I think our kids will be fine... it is me that I am worried about! Being away from my babies for so long. BUT I gotta tell ya, that quick trip to Vegas really really recharged me.... I could go to the bathroom BY MYSELF! (you moms know how big of a deal that is!) Plus we were planning on heading back kinda late on Saturday, and now we would be coming home early early on Sunday.... I think we are going for it!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Chris... I did check with BWV and they do have the Saturday night for us.... So we have booked Wednesday at US/IOA then switching to BWV. Switching hotels for us is no biggy, even with the kids. But without them it will be a breaze!

If we left on Thursday that would mean Friday at US/IOA which isnt bad (we want zero crowds) but then our WDW time is on Saturday..... :-( I dont think we will be able to ride all the mountians at MK and Alien Encounter, then bop over to Epcot to ride Test Track and see the 3D movie, and explore all of the WOrld Showcase... in one day.

Thanks everyone for talking this out with me...... I think we are going to do 4 days........ Yippeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!


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