After 9 months we WILL back,again : 16 NIGHTS of gluttony, PRE TRIP INTRO : PLETHORA O' PICS (soon) 8/31/24-9/16/24

UK Fish window
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It's a much every trip so ya, we got it again....We adore the fishy for it's so
I wrote another song about the fish for ya'll

Fishy, fishy You're so dear
On my plate, yet so near
To my mouth you will go
In my stomach you digest so slow

While you await your exit later... please enjoy these tasty tater..."

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The only reason we ate at T-Rex was for our grandson who loves dinosaurs so of course we had to take him here.
Me and the wife do not like the food here so we only got an appetizer and split it
so we don't look like complete weirdo cretins.

As you expect all of the stuff on the platter is high school cafeteria grade perhaps even prison chow hall.
No we would not eat here again, even if he asked us. One and done.
This restaurant is extinct to us now...Can't get the Jurassic Park music out of my head.
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We had never had dinner here, only breakfast which we thought was mediocre.
But we were meeting our friends Todd & Michelle (from Traveling around Disney)
for dinner so we were excited to see them again and finally try this for dinner.
Every trip we always have a meal with them and this trip it was twice. So twice the fun!

They decided to get the pizza as an appetizer and share it with us
which is very nice, they really are wonderful people. The pizza was very good, we each had a slice.

The rolls were excellent with the marinated garlic.

Me and the wife split the steak and the short rib and both of them were surprisingly scrumptious.
Didn't have any expectations and I'm glad they were exceeded every which way.
We will for sure be back for dinner again.
TOPOLINO'S (sort of)

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So this is how it went down.........

We had the soup at Primo Piatto earlier in the trip and for our last night we were just going to
eat food from Primo Piatto again, but my wife said some bread would go well with that soup.
So I said "let me go upstairs to Topolino's and ask if I can buy some".

So I went up there myself and I asked the hostess and she said no, and also seemed very confused.
Then she said maybe you can ask the bartender, so I asked the bartender.
And then she said ask the manager so he came over happily I explained that I just wanted to buy bread sticks.
He said hold on a minute and hustled to the kitchen and came back with a box.
I went to try to pay him for them and he refused. That was extremely nice of him, but this is definitely not
normal. My wife was thrilled that I was able to pull it off.
But earlier in the trip we brought a loaf of bread back from France and that's actually better lol.
Speaking about bread...
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One shot of this sexy baguette was not enough, so I had my wife pose with it in
different areas of France.
Also if you do buy it make sure you ask for butter, when I asked the girl can I
have some butter she said "sure how many would you like" and I said 15 to 20
and she said "what !" I said it's a large loaf one pat of butter is only good for two bites.
So she cracked into the master box of butter pats and she filled a styrofoam
coffee cup up with it. We had it back in the room with the excellent butter and bread.
It's a must get every trip and a bargain price, those French know how to bake....

Early morning snack, Looked decent, not bad. Much to small for that price.
Flavors tasty, once and not again. Come on Disney at least give 4 mini tacos
you cheap skanks....
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Daughter wanted a corn dog so we stopped to get her one.
Me and the wife split our corn dog & funnel cake snack as we do every trip.
Luckily we were able to get a table with a umbrella underneath it because holy hell is it hot as crap.
My sweat was sweating and nothing more uncomfortable then eating sugary carby foods
when you're sweating profusely like you're on trial for double murder.

But as usual everything is tasty and filling.
Odd thing was after this meal... I awoke sleepily from slumber in an actual hollow go figure...
So excited to see that your reviews have started!!

The Trattoria al Forno meal looks great. We are always looking for new places in the Crescent Lake area, I'm adding it to our list. And how fun you got to meet up with Todd and Michelle - I love their channel! They seem like great people.
So excited to see that your reviews have started!!

The Trattoria al Forno meal looks great. We are always looking for new places in the Crescent Lake area, I'm adding it to our list. And how fun you got to meet up with Todd and Michelle - I love their channel! They seem like great people.
They are wonderful, we been friends with them for years and had many meals with them. Great channel.

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Since our last trip when we missed eating a meal here but we did try some of the cookies for free and if you want to read about it you can check it out here ----> TOUCH ME about halfway down...... the page...

We did end up getting cookies from here 3 different times during the trip.
All of them are exceptionally scrumptious. Except for the PB cookie, oddness in flavor.

Now onto the foods most of the menu we weren't feeling so we tried those cheesy poofs and
they were a huge surprise in a positive way, they were stupendous. Salty,cheesy, Pooffie, buttery. MMMMM good.

We also felt like we had to try a burger, so we split it. For $21 they're out of their freaking skulls.
What a tiny piece of meat and way too much bun. The flavor was okay but they're nuts.
Nothing tops the burger at Boathouse. I said nothing....

We would come back here for those cheesy poofs but take out only and of course all the sweet treats which are a must...
The Rice Krispie treat was exceptional even better than all the cookies. Our favorite cookie would be the birthday cake and then it would be that assortment cup of pieces.
I think that's the best thing to get so you get a little of everything.
Summer house we will be back in May, see you then. Stay hungry my friends.

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Since our last trip when we missed eating a meal here but we did try some of the cookies for free and if you want to read about it you can check it out here ----> TOUCH ME about halfway down...... the page...

We did end up getting cookies from here 3 different times during the trip.
All of them are exceptionally scrumptious. Except for the PB cookie, oddness in flavor.

Now onto the foods most of the menu we weren't feeling so we tried those cheesy poofs and
they were a huge surprise in a positive way, they were stupendous. Salty,cheesy, Pooffie, buttery. MMMMM good.

We also felt like we had to try a burger, so we split it. For $21 they're out of their freaking skulls.
What a tiny piece of meat and way too much bun. The flavor was okay but they're nuts.
Nothing tops the burger at Boathouse. I said nothing....

We would come back here for those cheesy poofs but take out only and of course all the sweet treats which are a must...
The Rice Krispie treat was exceptional even better than all the cookies. Our favorite cookie would be the birthday cake and then it would be that assortment cup of pieces.
I think that's the best thing to get so you get a little of everything.
Summer house we will be back in May, see you then. Stay hungry my friends.
Can you get the cheesy poofs as takeout? That's pretty much all I want to try at Summer House...

Thanks for all your pics--leaving in a week!


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