A Salute to AK but mostly Dinosaur! TR 9/5-9/14/24! Update 10/8**

My silly selfie I do before each trip. I’m so old now I need a filter, lol 😂
That is a very nice selfie. :)
Andi and Kait needed dad to watch their dog Jordy, so we decided to fly from Duluth instead of Minneapolis.
I bet Jordy enjoyed his vacation, too. ;)
The girls, I feel like Gru saying the gorl from Despicable Me, 😂 they took off running and I lost them.
I love that you are calling them the gorls. It's a cute name for them. :)
Kait gets motion sickness on airplanes so she took some medicine and closed her eyes for the rest of the trip.
I always take Dramamine and it really knocks me out, especially for the morning flights.
A restroom stop was needed before heading to the baggage claim area.
We always use the restrooms on the second level, on the baggage claim floor. The restrooms are usually empty. It feels like it is our secret place. ;)
We had a preferred room and our room number was 1321 on the third floor of the Surf’s Up section building 1.
Do these buildings have elevators?
We didn’t put on our ponchos. The little bit of rain felt good and the ponchos stick to you and cause more oppressive heat and humidity.
I always bring an umbrella and a poncho. I don't like to wear ponchos unless the rain is coming in sideways.
My dessert was a warm chocolate chip cookie with vanilla ice cream.
That sounds good. Did you buy some cookies. too?

That hike in the MSP terminal 1 is LONG! I'm glad you and the gorls made it. I haven't tried Summer House yet. It's on the list but that requires Disney Springs and overall, I am not a fan of Disney Springs. I miss Downtown Disney.
I think he saves everything for the last day, 😂but he does get the list done.

Sounds like my DH.

My silly selfie I do before each trip.

You look fabulous!

Our connection was tight and had me worried.

You have me worried.

The girls, I feel like Gru saying the gorl from Despicable Me, 😂 they took off running and I lost them. I ran as fast as my little old legs could handle. Now I am an avid walker but believe me I won’t even run to dinner haha 😆

No way I could have ran either. Walk fast I can do, run I can't.

A little saying comes to mind, “you’re not going to make it, your not going to make it, you made it and look who else made it a passenger extra large” Um what is that from? Could it be from the best ride ever! 🦖 I digress! :rotfl:


Our ADR was at 8:15pm and we were early. We decided to check out the Gideon’s line and it was long. I didn’t have it in me to wait. It was probably a good 45 minute wait.

I would have passed too.


Awww look the gorls! :love:
This a great picture of them. Happy and ready for vacation!
I was holding my breath as I was reading about your connecting flight!!! So glad you made it! Your dinner looked delicious!!
We travel every year at this same time as well and my trip 9/7-9/14 felt so much more humid than usual to all of us too.
I agree, it was really noticeable this trip! Andi never sweats and she had a thin layer of sweat above her lip even at midnight! :rotfl:
The chapter title made me laugh!
I’m glad you got a chuckle at my expense :rotfl:I wish Delta didn’t make these connections so close when the gates are so far apart!
But it gets done...
Good man.
Haha 😆 Joe is a great list follower, without the list not so much 😆 I send him to the grocery store most of the time because he sticks to the list. I tend to buy unnecessary items that look good and stray from the list.
Patently untrue.
Some people. Only thinking of themselves...
Very frustrating seeing people get up and leisurely stand there while we are TRYING TO GET OFF THE PLANE!
I wonder what ride that could be?
Gosh I don’t know just the best ride ever!! Hint: trans dimensional joy ride!
Dunno... I'd think the flight attendant should have taken bags out and relocated them to the back.
Oh well... that would've taken more time and maybe you would've missed your connection.
They should have, the last time this happened to me and I vowed I wouldn’t book flights that close together, I guess I didn’t learn, a guy was sitting in my Comfort+ seat, how rude! :rotfl:
Haven't seen any of those. I haven't watched a scary movie in a long time.
I’m not a huge horror movie person. I tend to like the end of the world alien or zombie apocalypse type. Ghostbusters is really more funny than scary! Insidious is terrifying, true horror type movie!
Nice. I always try to find a room close to the lobby/bus stop.
It was really a perfect room and with the AP discount on a Thursday night the price was right!
Interesting. I don't think I've ever noticed that before. Then again, I don't spend a lot of time at ASSp.
This was just our second time checking out AS Sports and I never even noticed this section the last time we stayed the one night!
I think it's new, too. I seem to recall taking a Lyft to DS and being dropped off a mile from... everything.
I like having the choice of the two drop off areas
Nope. Not worth it for a cookie
No, I maybe burnt out a little of the Gideon’s hype! Cookies are good but not 1 hour wait good!
If only you could've convinced Kait to try it.
That was the plan, u til Andi spoiled it, haha 😂
Poop. I'd love to see that.
Same, we just missed the drone show it ended literally a day or 2 before we arrived.
mmm... that all sounds delish.
I forgot to rate my food, lol 😝 it was all very good. I would return and try some other items on the menu!
And... next time I go through Duluth, you'll have to give me a list of everything I need to try. I know you've mentioned the poutine before.
Definitely contact me if you are coming through we could get lunch!
I wish Delta didn’t make these connections so close when the gates are so far apart!
It’s like they want you to miss your connection.
Joe is a great list follower, without the list not so much 😆
send him to the grocery store most of the time because he sticks to the list. I tend to buy unnecessary items that look good and stray from the list.
I do both. Depends on my mood. :lmao:
Very frustrating seeing people get up and leisurely stand there while we are TRYING TO GET OFF THE PLANE!
These are the same people who have trouble colouring inside the lines.
They should have, the last time this happened to me and I vowed I wouldn’t book flights that close together, I guess I didn’t learn, a guy was sitting in my Comfort+ seat, how rude! :rotfl:
Really! Bet it felt good to kick him out. :snooty:
That was the plan, u til Andi spoiled it, haha 😂
Darn it, Andi! :laughing:
Same, we just missed the drone show it ended literally a day or 2 before we arrived.
Definitely contact me if you are coming through we could get lunch!
Deal. :)
That is a very nice selfie. :)
I bet Jordy enjoyed his vacation, too. ;)
He did, Joe enjoyed taking care of him, he is so mellow compared to our labs!
I love that you are calling them the gorls. It's a cute name for them.
Every time I said girls I thought of Gru and said Gorls
I always take Dramamine and it really knocks me out, especially for the morning flights.
Kait took Dramamine as well
We always use the restrooms on the second level, on the baggage claim floor. The restrooms are usually empty. It feels like it is our secret place.
We do too and usually no one in there
Do these buildings have elevators?
Yes there are elevators
I always bring an umbrella and a poncho. I don't like to wear ponchos unless the rain is coming in sideways.
I hate wearing ponchos but I am so short I feel like I can’t manage an umbrella ☂️ without running into someone lol 😝
That sounds good. Did you buy some cookies. too?
We didn’t which we regretted
That hike in the MSP terminal 1 is LONG! I'm glad you and the gorls made it. I haven't tried Summer House yet. It's on the list but that requires Disney Springs and overall, I am not a fan of Disney Springs. I miss Downtown Disney.
I had thigh burn and muscle aches for several days after my mad dash in that huge airport. I am less and less a fan of DS. I like eating at some of the great restaurants but that is about it
Sounds like my DH.
Haha 🤣 Joe always saves everything for the last day. I’m fine with it since I come home to a clean house.
You look fabulous!
🥰 Thank you so much!
No way I could have ran either. Walk fast I can do, run I can't.
Ugh! I am purposely having a long layover in December so I don’t have to do that again and if by chance I can get on the earlier flight once I am at the airport I will try for it!
I would have passed too.
Gideon’s is not worth that wait for me anymore!
This a great picture of them. Happy and ready for vacation!
The first night is always the best!
I was holding my breath as I was reading about your connecting flight!!! So glad you made it! Your dinner looked delicious!!
Thank you it was not fun thinking we weren’t going to make it! The food was very good and something different I wouldn’t normally order!
It’s like they want you to miss your connection.
Exactly! It sucks.
These are the same people who have trouble colouring inside the lines.
Haha 😆 I agree. Why? I ask and we will never know!
Really! Bet it felt good to kick him out. :snooty:
It really did, he thought he had it made, taking an aisle seat in comfort +
Long time lurker!:wave: Excited to read along!
Yay! :welcome: I’m happy to have you reading along!
“To bus or not to bus”

9/6/24. We slept so good! The room was very quiet and the beds are very comfortable. Our plan was to RD RotR. We quickly decided to nix that idea. The girls didn’t want to rush this morning. We got ready and mobile ordered breakfast from the food court. Sorry no pictures of the food, phone did not eat first this morning! The girls shared

Avocado Breakfast Bowl
Potato Barrels topped with Scrambled Eggs, Cheddar, Southwest-style Beans, Avocado, and Salsa Fresca

I went with my favorite breakfast
Mickey-shaped Waffles
Served with choice of two Sides and choice of Small Lowfat Milk or Small DASANI® Bottled Water
The sides I chose were potato barrels and sausage.

Andi and I went to pick up the order. It was nice being close to the food court. What is with no butter at the food court, it wasn’t anywhere to be found. Annoying! I brought my mug from a few trips back and did fill it with coffee in the food court.

The girls really loved the breakfast bowl. Disney knows how to do tots and breakfast bowls.

My waffles were delicious 🤤 and the tots were perfect crispy on the outside and soft potato filled inside. I had really wanted to hit DHS early and RD RotR but my delicious breakfast made up for it, haha 😂

I have to say it was nice not to rush this morning and make sure we had everything packed up for our resort transfer.

I placed an order with Instacart for some breakfast items, snacks, chips/dip, 36 pack of water and a 12 pack of Modelo beer 🍺. I asked for the delivery between 4-5pm. I have free delivery with a promotion for Instacart so we saved a little money. :thumbsup2

We made sure we were packed up and ready for Bell Service. I called and the CM came and picked up our luggage. He told us it will be delivered by 5pm at The Boardwalk and spoiler it was not available until 5pm. :sad2:

We had our park bags, finished our coffee and headed out. We had FP for cash today. 9-10 MMRR, 10-11 TSM, and 11-12 ToT. We made our way to the bus area and a bus was loading up. It was full but another HS bus was right behind this one. So we decided to bus! 🚌 it was probably close to 9am now.

We got a seat and made it to HS quite quickly yay! :flower1:

Security and tapping in went smoothly. Guess what we rope dropped? The Muppets! It was 9:27am when we entered the Muppet’s attraction.
It actually was fairly busy and a show was just starting. We love this attraction. Most of you witty readers and Disney veterans know my TR title is not only a nod to Dinosaur but also to The Muppets! You have to love Sam Eagle, it’s a glorious 3 hour show, you got 3 minutes, lol 😂 I was able to get a quick picture of the crabby old guys in the balcony before the show started.
What a wonderful silly show. I hope it doesn’t close for some of the new attractions.

We walked over to MMRR next and rode with our FP, I made another FP for MFSR. We thought with a FP we would maybe get to be pilots.
Our ride on MMRR was very enjoyable. I like it more and more each time I ride. I do still miss GMR mostly for all the memories of our mother/daughter trips. We rode GMR so many times, I bet close to a 100 times.
Daisy looked like she was having a seizure, lol 😂 she froze in the dancing room and her eyes were so creepy. We hadn’t even started our Horror portion of the trip yet.

She came back to life quickly and we conga’d on out of there. 💃

We decided to hit up launch bay, that place is pretty deserted nowadays. Andi and Kait stopped for a blue milk before we went in to visit with BB8.
I’m very happy I speak droid 🤖 :rotfl:
We said hello to Gertie :wave2:
It was time to head into TSL. We had our TSMM FP but we noticed the SB line was 15 minutes, wow that was cool. We decided to do SB first and get 2 rides today. I’m not sure if it had been down but the line was almost a complete walk through. We didn’t stop until we hit the 3D glasses.🤓

We did two fun rides and the girls beat me by quite a bit. Andi had 220,000, Kait had 160,000 and I had this, ugh I think I am getting worse instead of better.

We rode again and I didn’t take a picture of my score because it was about the same. The girls love this ride! I do too. It has always been a favorite!
See next post…
I had made another FP for $$ and it was for Aliens for around 2pm. I could have gotten a RnRc for Andi but she didn’t want to ride today.

We headed into GE to ride MFSR with our FP.
Unfortunately we did not get pilots and the two pilots were bad! Crashing into everything! I was a dumb old engineer and the girls were gunners. This ride is one of my least favorite attractions unless we get pilot.
Kait felt a little queasy with this one but recovered quickly.

We had ToT next up. I noticed Rise actually had a 40 minute wait, what the heck was happening, low crowd day for sure! It was like noon time.

We did it! Rode in SB for the first time ever! It took about 25 minutes to get in the pre show. We had a great experience.

I was talking to Andi about the single rider testing and wondering if they will ever start using the SR line. Well, the First Order Lieutenant heard me and was really funny. He said is this a secret only known to the resistance? is it code for the base? Then he said I don’t know what you are talking about and dismissed me, haha 😂
We had a great ride except one of the Kylo animatronics was not working. :sad2:

It was close to our FP ending for ToT so we booked it over there. Kait sat this one out. Andi and I enjoyed our time at the creepy hotel!
The CM in the pre show was awesome, she creeped right up behind Andi and just stood there and really was in character! Loved it!
We had used a FP for every ride except Star Tour, SDD and RnRc. We could have done ST and RnRc if we wanted, SDD was the only one sold out by afternoon. The new system does not have character meets any more as part of the picks. Shows are in the FP for $$. We just didn’t do any shows. One pet peeve I have with the FP is MMRR and TSMM kept showing up as available but you can’t do the attraction again, why not if it is available you paid for the service. :confused3

We found Kait and headed to Baseline Tap house for a little snack.
We got two pretzels with beer cheese and 3 beers. I got the Mango Cart beer. I love this one. The girls had a Pilsner.

We actually got a table with an umbrella, again low crowds.

It was very hot and humid. We drank a ton of water to stay hydrated. Baseline offers ice water self serve, it is really nice.

After our nice snack break, it was time for Andi and I to ride Aliens Swirling Saucers with our FP.
Kait waited on the side and waved to us!

I do like this quirky little ride especially the music and the Aliens voices.

It was around 2:30pm and I hadn’t received a room ready text yet. We decided to take the boat over to the BWI since our groceries would be arriving between 4-5pm.

We stopped for a photo before leaving. The CM was wonderful and very nice and took quite a few pictures.
We sweated our way out to the boat. A boat was there and no way was I running. I think it is ridiculous that you can’t exit where we could in the past which would lead you right to the boats. Everyone has to exit at the same spot and it is just inconvenient for the boat. Maybe the 150 degree temperature made me salty! 😡😖

The boat did wait for us, yay! No magician on this one. I text my two sisters and told them no magic today on the boat.

I got the room ready text on the boat, what perfect timing.

The room was 1350 on the first floor. This was nowhere near what I requested on TP. I give up with that service. I never get what I request. I am not a fan of the ground floor and prefer to be up on a higher floor. I had requested 4th floor 4298 and yes it was in the category I booked.

Oh well stay tuned for a room tour and our thoughts on the ground floor room, do we like it? We will also review our dinner at a new to us restaurant and a new to us lounge after dinner! Coming up soon.
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The girls really loved the breakfast bowl. Disney knows how to do tots and breakfast bowls.

My waffles were delicious 🤤 and the tots were perfect crispy on the outside and soft potato filled inside. I had really wanted to hit DHS early and RD RotR but my delicious breakfast made up for it, haha 😂
I do love a good Disney breakfast! My weakness is the cream cheese danish. Yum!
It actually was fairly busy and a show was just starting. We love this attraction. Most of you witty readers and Disney veterans know my TR title is not only a nod to Dinosaur but also to The Muppets! You have to love Sam Eagle, it’s a glorious 3 hour show, you got 3 minutes, lol 😂 I was able to get a quick picture of the crabby old guys in the balcony before the show started.
Love Muppets!
We did two fun rides and the girls beat me by quite a bit. Andi had 220,000, Kait had 160,000 and I had this, ugh I think I am getting worse instead of better.
You are still leaving me in the dust.
We had ToT next up. I noticed Rise actually had a 40 minute wait, what the heck was happening, low crowd day for sure! It was like noon time.

We did it! Rode in SB for the first time ever! It took about 25 minutes to get in the pre show. We had a great experience.
I was talking to Andi about the single rider testing and wondering if they will ever start using the SR line. Well, the First Order Lieutenant heard me and was really funny. He said is this a secret only known to the resistance? is it code for the base? Then he said I don’t know what you are talking about and dismissed me, haha 😂
Love that interaction!
One pet peeve I have with the FP is MMRR and TSMM kept showing up as available but you can’t do the attraction again, why not if it is available you paid for the service. :confused3
I don't get that either.
We found Kait and headed to Baseline Tap house for a little snack.
So yummy!
Unfortunately we did not get pilots and the two pilots were bad! Crashing into everything! I was a dumb old engineer and the girls were gunners. This ride is one of my least favorite attractions unless we get pilot.
That ride gives me motion sickness. But I will ride it as long as I don't get pilot. ;)
I was talking to Andi about the single rider testing and wondering if they will ever start using the SR line. Well, the First Order Lieutenant heard me and was really funny. He said is this a secret only known to the resistance? is it code for the base? Then he said I don’t know what you are talking about and dismissed me, haha 😂
I love when the CM's play along in character. :)
We sweated our way out to the boat. A boat was there and no way was I running. I think it is ridiculous that you can’t exit where we could in the past which would lead you right to the boats. Everyone has to exit at the same spot and it is just inconvenient for the boat. Maybe the 150 degree temperature made me salty! 😡😖

The boat did wait for us, yay!
I agree with you on the exit from HS. It was nice that the boat waited. :)
The room was 1350 on the first floor. This was nowhere near what I requested on TP. I give up with that service.
The only time we stayed at BWI was in a ground floor room. We hated that location because of how tricky it was to get out to the boardwalk area. We don't plan to go back to that resort, either.
Homeowners??!!! That's amazing!!! They are adulting better than I am. Congrats you two!

You had a great day at DHS. I love low crowd days when you can get it all done.

We differ on Millennium Falcon. I prefer NOT to be a pilot. It's just too much pressure for me. Let me sit in one of those back seats and just press buttons!! Plus, I've usually had a cocktail at Oga's by the time we fly in the Falcon and let's be honest - one should not drink and fly. Or at least I shouldn't. LOL.
What a wonderful silly show. I hope it doesn’t close for some of the new attractions.

Do Muppets while you can. The rumors are this area will be the new Monster's area, but still not confirmed. If it does close the Muppets may get something in Epcot, but this is just a rumor.

Our ride on MMRR was very enjoyable. I like it more and more each time I ride. I do still miss GMR mostly for all the memories of our mother/daughter trips. We rode GMR so many times, I bet close to a 100 times.

I'm the same too, MMRR is growing on me, but I still miss GMR too.

We decided to hit up launch bay, that place is pretty deserted nowadays.

I keep forgetting about this area. It's a great place to hide in when it's raining.

Kait felt a little queasy with this one but recovered quickly.

This is me after MF too.

We did it! Rode in SB for the first time ever! It took about 25 minutes to get in the pre show. We had a great experience.

So happy you got your experience.

Kait waited on the side and waved to us!

This is me too!

We stopped for a photo before leaving. The CM was wonderful and very nice and took quite a few pictures.

Such a cute photo!

The room was 1350 on the first floor. This was nowhere near what I requested on TP. I give up with that service. I never get what I request.

This never seems to work for me either.

Andi and Kait bought a home! I am so proud of Andi! Such a grown up thing to do! :love:

Congratulations to Andi & Kait!

I have a question on booking the Savanna Tour at AK. Do I book 60 days out for when I want to go or can I use the 60+10 with a resort reservation? I think I want to try and get this for our January trip as a Christmas present for Dennis. We've been into experiences in the last 2 years instead of gifts.
“To bus or not to bus”
That is the question.
Our plan was to RD RotR. We quickly decided to nix that idea. The girls didn’t want to rush this morning.
Didn't... want... to... rush...

Is this even legal in WDW?
It was nice being close to the food court.
I try really hard to do that when staying at the values.
What is with no butter at the food court, it wasn’t anywhere to be found. Annoying!
next time bring your own. Just carry it around in your pocket (on those super hot Florida days) until needed. Perfect solution.
I had really wanted to hit DHS early and RD RotR but my delicious breakfast made up for it, haha 😂
Did it though? Did it really??

I have to say it was nice not to rush this morning
I wouldn't know. I've never done that! :lmao:
I placed an order with Instacart for some breakfast items, snacks, chips/dip, 36 pack of water and a 12 pack of Modelo beer 🍺. I asked for the delivery between 4-5pm. I have free delivery with a promotion for Instacart so we saved a little money. :thumbsup2
Never used instacart... But sounds like a really good idea. :)
He told us it will be delivered by 5pm at The Boardwalk and spoiler it was not available until 5pm. :sad2:
Well... he didn't lie.
We had FP for cash today. 9-10 MMRR, 10-11 TSM, and 11-12 ToT.
Pretty good lineup. :thumbsup2
Guess what we rope dropped? The Muppets!
Would not have guessed that!
it’s a glorious 3 hour show, you got 3 minutes, lol 😂
What a wonderful silly show. I hope it doesn’t close for some of the new attractions.
I hope not too... but... muppets are not well known amongst the younger generations, are they?
We thought with a FP we would maybe get to be pilots.
You can always ask. They'll accommodate. I did that last time I was there.
We rode GMR so many times, I bet close to a 100 times.
Daisy looked like she was having a seizure, lol 😂 she froze in the dancing room and her eyes were so creepy. We hadn’t even started our Horror portion of the trip yet.
We decided to hit up launch bay, that place is pretty deserted nowadays.
Wow, it's been a hot minute since I've been in there.
I’m very happy I speak droid 🤖 :rotfl:
Of this, I have no doubt! :laughing:
Nice shot of the happy couple. :)
We decided to do SB first and get 2 rides today. I’m not sure if it had been down but the line was almost a complete walk through. We didn’t stop until we hit the 3D glasses.🤓
Not bad! I've never seen that except at rope drop.
Andi had 220,000, Kait had 160,000 and I had this, ugh I think I am getting worse instead of better.
Oh dear. Well... start cheating.
The girls love this ride! I do too. It has always been a favorite!
I love it too, but 2 times is pretty much max. Your arm hurts after!
I had made another FP for $$ and it was for Aliens for around 2pm.
You paid money......... for Aliens????
I was a dumb old engineer
Kait felt a little queasy with this one but recovered quickly.
Sorry to hear, but glad she recovered quickly.
We did it! Rode in SB for the first time ever! It took about 25 minutes to get in the pre show.
That's really quick!
I was talking to Andi about the single rider testing and wondering if they will ever start using the SR line. Well, the First Order Lieutenant heard me and was really funny. He said is this a secret only known to the resistance? is it code for the base? Then he said I don’t know what you are talking about and dismissed me, haha 😂
Love when that sort of thing happens.
We had a great ride except one of the Kylo animatronics was not working. :sad2:
Well, poop. :(
It was close to our FP ending for ToT so we booked it over there. Kait sat this one out.
Not a fan of drops?
The CM in the pre show was awesome, she creeped right up behind Andi and just stood there and really was in character! Loved it!
:lmao: Awesome!
Shows are in the FP for $$.
They are??? I'm surprised at that.
One pet peeve I have with the FP is MMRR and TSMM kept showing up as available but you can’t do the attraction again, why not if it is available you paid for the service. :confused3
yeah... if it's not available to me, don't show it as being available.
We found Kait and headed to Baseline Tap house for a little snack.
mmm... Baseline... yuss...
Cute shot. :)
I think it is ridiculous that you can’t exit where we could in the past which would lead you right to the boats.
Oh? Is this new?
I got the room ready text on the boat, what perfect timing.
The room was 1350 on the first floor. This was nowhere near what I requested on TP. I give up with that service. I never get what I request.
Hmmm... I usually do get what I ask for... but it's been a long time since I've used it.
Andi and Kait bought a home! I am so proud of Andi! Such a grown up thing to do! :love:
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Wow! That's big news! Congrats to them both!
I do love a good Disney breakfast! My weakness is the cream cheese danish. Yum!
I love that Danish with the cream cheese. The kids Mickey Waffle meal is a steal for Disney $$$
You are still leaving me in the dust.
😆 Thank you. I have peaked however! :rotfl:
I don't get that either.
I could see if the FP was not available but if it keeps showing many available times throughout the day , why not? It should not keep showing on my MDE if I already used it.
So yummy!
Baseline is always a hit!
That ride gives me motion sickness. But I will ride it as long as I don't get pilot.
I will have to ask for pilot next time!
I love when the CM's play along in character.
It is fun and to get two attractions in a row with great CMs, loved it!
I agree with you on the exit from HS. It was nice that the boat waited.
It would be so simple to open up that exit again. I was really happy the boat waited!
The only time we stayed at BWI was in a ground floor room. We hated that location because of how tricky it was to get out to the boardwalk area. We don't plan to go back to that resort, either.
I am not a fan of a ground floor room. Stay tuned on our review of the room!
Homeowners??!!! That's amazing!!! They are adulting better than I am. Congrats you two!
I’m so excited for them! I’m very proud, they both have saved enough for a good down payment which is amazing at 24 and 25 years of age.
You had a great day at DHS. I love low crowd days when you can get it all done.
We really did, the crowds were not bad at all
We differ on Millennium Falcon. I prefer NOT to be a pilot. It's just too much pressure for me. Let me sit in one of those back seats and just press buttons!! Plus, I've usually had a cocktail at Oga's by the time we fly in the Falcon and let's be honest - one should not drink and fly. Or at least I shouldn't. LOL.
It is a lot of pressure being a pilot but I prefer this over the other positions. Gunner is better then engineer haha 🤣
Wow!! It’s amazing that they live somewhere where young people can afford homes. It’s over $600,000 just for a 1 bedroom condo here.
I know! Your prices are crazy, they got a nice 3 bedroom home with a deck and decent yard for under $300,000
Do Muppets while you can. The rumors are this area will be the new Monster's area, but still not confirmed. If it does close the Muppets may get something in Epcot, but this is just a rumor.
Sad! I thought maybe they would use the Pixar place for the Monsters Inc attraction. I read Disney has a contract with the Henson family and can’t remove Muppets?? Could be a rumor though.
I'm the same too, MMRR is growing on me, but I still miss GMR too.
It really is a cute ride for all ages!
I keep forgetting about this area. It's a great place to hide in when it's raining.
It really is! I would think it will be gone with the expansion as well??
This is me after MF too.
She rode it a couple years ago with us and really liked it but this time not so much, lol, probably because Andi and I were the pilots and didn’t cause as much queasiness haha 🤣
So happy you got your experience.
It wasn’t bad at all to do SB, I’m glad it worked for us!
Such a cute photo!
Thank you!
This never seems to work for me either.
I have been told by the CMs at the front desk they don’t look at the fax anymore. I think there should be a request area on MDE more specific then the one on there for requests.
Congratulations to Andi & Kait!
I am very proud and happy they found a nice home, they have the inspection on Tuesday so crossing fingers everything is in order!
I have a question on booking the Savanna Tour at AK. Do I book 60 days out for when I want to go or can I use the 60+10 with a resort reservation? I think I want to try and get this for our January trip as a Christmas present for Dennis. We've been into experiences in the last 2 years instead of gifts.
I have only tried right at the 60 day mark not even thinking about 60+10. I would try it, and the further out in your reservation is the best chance of getting a time. I had to keep checking the last time and finally one popped up. It ended being our last full day of vacation when I found a reservation.

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