A bachelor party, a wedding, and a birthday - That was an eventful week (Updated 9/10)

I had no idea you started a trip report! I'm so glad I happened to be on the threads and saw it!
I can't wait to read all about your trip and how the wedding went and how being at Disney on your birthday was.

Not excited to hear that you had the beginnings of a possible cold, though. Yuck.

Oh gosh, I-4 and FL drivers is no fun. Smart of you to make the pit stop before reaching Pop. That way you could appreciate your arrival and soak up the joy of being back on property. (Even if it did cost you a 2 dollar Diet Coke. :laughing: )
I had no idea you started a trip report! I'm so glad I happened to be on the threads and saw it!
I can't wait to read all about your trip and how the wedding went and how being at Disney on your birthday was.

Not excited to hear that you had the beginnings of a possible cold, though. Yuck.

Oh gosh, I-4 and FL drivers is no fun. Smart of you to make the pit stop before reaching Pop. That way you could appreciate your arrival and soak up the joy of being back on property. (Even if it did cost you a 2 dollar Diet Coke. :laughing: )
HI!! Thanks for joining in! I just saw your new report. Can't wait to hear about the races.

Yeah - I-4. It's weird how easily you can forget things. I spent 2 years living down there and drove I-4 on a regular basis. But apparently, I pushed that to the back of my brain. But all those memories resurfaced as soon as I got on. And now, I'm figuring out how to drive down again for Thanksgiving. LOL.
Day One - Part One
4 Parks in One Day Bachelor Party

That 5:45am alarm went off very early. I usually don't need an alarm to wake up unless I am exhausted but today it was a good thing I set it. I laid in bed for a few minutes to take stock - how did I feel? The good news was my left ear had opened up over night so I could hear. YAY! Bad news - I was still stuffy and my nose was running and a new symptom emerged...I was nauseous. Ok, not great but this wasn't about me. This was Scotty's bachelor party and all he asked for was a day in the parks with Lindsey and I - trying to do all 4 parks. Pull yourself together girl!

I jumped in the shower and started to get ready for the day. A bit of makeup was needed because I looked...well...not great.

first day selfie.jpg
I knew it would probably melt off my face as we went, but hey - start the day with something, right? Makeup and hair done, I put on my bachelor party shirt and packed my bag for the day. About that time, I got a text from Scotty and Lindsey - did I want a Starbucks? Usually, that would be a resounding YES PLEASE - Venti Iced Chai with sweet cream cold foam. But...I hadn't had a Starbucks since Christmas. I have been on a weightloss journey and I gave it up. And weirdly, the craving for it had completely gone away. So...no thanks. See you in a few.

I sat down to eat a granola bar, drink some Spark, and take my regular pills along with some cold and flu pills. After eating half of the granola bar, I decided that maybe, just maybe, food in my stomach was a bad idea so I wrapped up the 2nd half and just drank my Spark. Scotty and Lindsey got to my room a little before 7am. We quickly bought Genie+, made our first LL, and Scotty worked whatever magic he always works and got us a boarding group for Cosmic Rewind. All of us grabbed a bottle of water and off we went to Scotty's car and Animal Kingdom (or Magic Animals as my friend Rob calls it).

As a quick aside - I love going through the parking booths with Scotty. There is just something special (at least I feel) when he whips out that blue badge and we go right in. I know that many people get parking for free (resort guests, AP holders, etc) but the blue badge makes it special. We got parked quickly and walked to the front gate for early entry. Lindsey was on my room because she was staying with me that night and the nice folx let Scotty in with us. About that time, Stephen texted and asked if he could join us for awhile. Of course!!!

We headed right for FOP - our normal 1st ride at Magic Animals. As we went, I noticed that I was sweating a lot. Ok, Florida humidity is hitting me, normal stuff. But Lindsey wasn't bothered at all. In fact, she had a sweatshirt on because she was cold. Hmm...whatever. We jumped in line for FOP. It wasn't as long as it normally is at early entry. It didn't even go back to the bridge into Africa. Our first sign that crowds were going to be lighter today. We spent our line time chatting like always and we were soon up to the "how many in your party? Are you all ok with stairs?" Yep - cue more jokes about the old lady - but up we went and into the first pre-show room. And, like always, it's right about then that I start to worry about fitting in the ride. I'm a Pooh sized individual (as you can probably tell from the first photo) AND I have really large calves. I say that to Scotty and Lindsey who very politely roll their eyes and we continue through the preshows and into the ride. I get on the bike and the CM activates the restraints. She comes over and gives a little push on the leg restraints on my bike and they click right into place. And, for the first time EVER - she didn't also have to push on the back!! I guess losing that 40 pounds was showing!! The ride was great as always and then we started down the stairs. Scotty and Lindsey both let me know that a) they noticed that the CM didn't have to do the back push and the legs closed pretty easily and b) they hoped I would stop obsessing about fitting on that ride from now on.

It was now time for a quick bathroom break and another bottle of water. Scotty grabbed waters while Lindsey and I used the restroom. When we came out, Stephen had joined us and we walked up to the safari for our first LL. Another sign of lower crowds, it was probably about 9am at this point and the line for the safari was not super long. We had a great Safari CM!! Entertaining and very informative. I vowed to take pictures this time (because I usually don't) but failed after the first one.

Right after this, a bird (one of the cranes I think) decided to just park himself in front of the truck. So of course, we sat there and waited. The CM kept us entertained by giving us a play by play and talking to the bird. "No, no, take your time and clean your feathers. We aren't in a rush. Oh wait, he's moving. Nope, he heard me. OK and there he goes." And we continued on. As we got to the savannah, I was sad because there weren't ANY giraffes around. Where the heck were they?? As we moved up closer to where the monkeys are...we see 1 lone giraffe just coming out of backstage. He starts heading out and then sees us in the truck. He looks around and realizes he is all alone and immediately turns around and starts heading back. Just then a 2nd giraffe comes out and the first one was like "Oh, there you are. Didn't want to be by myself. Guess I'll stay out now." and they both proceeded to start to move out to the savannah.

The rest of the safari was great. All the animals were out...including the lions. And then we got up to one of the rhino spots. There were a few adults and what looked like 1 young rhino out. The young one was literally jumping around and running all over like he had the zoomies. The adult by him was CLEARLY not amused by the antics. The young one turned and just started running toward the truck. Our guide was like "Umm, is he running AT us? He's going to stop, right?" And just then, the adult cut in front of the young one and gave him that parent look like "Knock it off right now. We have company." And the young one turned back around and went to have a snack.

Safari complete, we headed out for our next LL - Everest. Scotty is also the best at getting the next LL as soon as we tap in. I always forget. There was almost no line at Everest and I think the standby was even listed at about 15 minutes.


And with that, it was time to head out of the park and move to Epcot. As we were walking over the bridge toward Dino Land and then the front, we saw 2 of the character boats coming. Stephen actually works in characters AT Animal Kingdom so he wanted to stop and wave because he knew everyone.
Rafiki and Timon.jpgPluto and Goofy.jpg

Back at the front, we stopped for some photopass pictures at the Tree of Life. As we were waiting our turn, the CM at the front of the line congratulated Scotty on his upcoming wedding. Then turned to Lindsey and said "You must be the bride." And then looked at me and said "And you must be the mom." Scotty, Stephen, and Lindsey almost fell over they were laughing so hard. We quickly cleared up the confusion "Nope. Those are the 2 grooms and we are in the wedding party (thus the Groom squad shirts.)"
bachelor party 2.jpgbachelor party 1.jpg
(Please forgive the photopass water mark on the photos. Scotty hasn't had a chance to download and send us the pictures and he is currently on The Dream for his honeymoon...sailing to Europe with a few days in Disney Paris before they fly back.)

We bought another bottle of water and headed out to the cars to move them to Epcot.

Up next...Do I finally get my first ride on Cosmic Rewind?
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Oh boy, not sure I like the foreshadowing here! Hopefully you were able to make it through the day. For what it’s worth you don’t look sick!

Your shirts are really cute. Also congrats on your weight loss. Forty pounds is a big accomplishment!
I sat down to eat a granola bar, drink some Spark, and take my regular pills along with some cold and flu pills. After eating half of the granola bar, I decided that maybe, just maybe, food in my stomach was a bad idea so I wrapped up the 2nd half and just drank my Spark. Scotty and Lindsey got to my room a little before 7am. We quickly bought Genie+, made our first LL, and Scotty worked whatever magic he always works and got us a boarding group for Cosmic Rewind. All of us grabbed a bottle of water and off we went to Scotty's car and Animal Kingdom (or Magic Animals as my friend Rob calls it).
Magic Animals is the best name ever!
The rest of the safari was great. All the animals were out...including the lions. And then we got up to one of the rhino spots. There were a few adults and what looked like 1 young rhino out. The young one was literally jumping around and running all over like he had the zoomies. The adult by him was CLEARLY not amused by the antics. The young one turned and just started running toward the truck. Our guide was like "Umm, is he running AT us? He's going to stop, right?" And just then, the adult cut in front of the young one and gave him that parent look like "Knock it off right now. We have company." And the young one turned back around and went to have a snack.
So cute!! I had rhinos putting on quite a show on my last safari. Three boys were showing off and trying to prove who was the boss.
Your shirts are really cute. Also congrats on your weight loss. Forty pounds is a big accomplishment!
Thanks on the shirts. It's amazing what you can find when you Google "Disney Bachelor party t-shirts" and Etsy is the best! Also double thanks on the congrats. Forty pounds is just a drop in the bucket though. In 2011, I did gastric bypass and lost about 150 pounds. Covid was not kind and I gained about 75 pounds back. So, back on track and starting over. For me, it's about health and being able to move around. As a professional stage manager, I have to be able to get up and down, move scenery and props, and climb lots an lots of stairs.
Magic Animals is the best name ever!
That name is the best. It came about on a trip with my friend Rob. We were talking about what we were doing the next day and he said "Let's start the day at...umm...what's the name of that park? Magic Animals??" and I was like "WHAT??? Do you mean Animal Kingdom?" But of course, it stuck and that's what I call it all the time now. Hmm...looking back, I wonder if that conversation came about as a result of Rob consuming a foot long chili dog, a turkey leg, 3 large diet beers, and some cotton candy while we waited for Fantasmic? Or, honestly, it could just be that we are a little insane when we are together.
Your safari summary has to be one of the most entertaining I've ever read. I would have loved to have been on that truck. The giraffe being like, "Nope, won't be the only one out here." And the baby rhino. I suppose this is why KS is my daughter's favorite Disney attraction. You never know what you're going to get when you get on.

I really hope you start to feel better as the day progresses! It's the absolute worst to feel sick when you know other people are counting on you. Just makes you want to yell, "Why today of all days?!" These sorts of things never happen on a weekend when you're sitting around home. :rolleyes:
Your safari summary has to be one of the most entertaining I've ever read. I would have loved to have been on that truck. The giraffe being like, "Nope, won't be the only one out here." And the baby rhino. I suppose this is why KS is my daughter's favorite Disney attraction. You never know what you're going to get when you get on.

I really hope you start to feel better as the day progresses! It's the absolute worst to feel sick when you know other people are counting on you. Just makes you want to yell, "Why today of all days?!" These sorts of things never happen on a weekend when you're sitting around home. :rolleyes:
Thank you! I try to write the same way I see the world...with as much humor as possible. Because...let's be honest...the world could use some more laughs. I'm also the person who is always giving a voice to all things that don't have a voice. People who ride with me in cars get really sick of me becoming a dog every time I see one. "Time to go for walkies."

And as for getting sick...I didn't take a single sick day from October on. Why the heck did I have to get sick as I headed to Disney for important things???
Im catching up! I got some Disney crud as a souvenir this most recent trip! I was glad it didn’t surface until our last day!
I’m surprised how much you were able to do feeling sick 🤢
I love AK, favorite park for me!
Hi fellow Hokie! Love reading your TR! We’ll be doing that same drive in a week from nearly the same spot (we live about an hour SW from Tech).

Side note: My husband graduated from VT in 2020 with his MFAS in Arts Leadership 👍 Mad props (pun intended) to being a stage manager!
Im catching up! I got some Disney crud as a souvenir this most recent trip! I was glad it didn’t surface until our last day!
I’m surprised how much you were able to do feeling sick 🤢
I love AK, favorite park for me!
Oh no!! I'm sorry you got sick. I swear, I just want ONE trip where I'm not sick. This trip - whatever that was, a couple trips ago a Kidney stone. Oh well, it keeps giving me an excuse for a make-up trip.
Hi fellow Hokie! Love reading your TR! We’ll be doing that same drive in a week from nearly the same spot (we live about an hour SW from Tech).

Side note: My husband graduated from VT in 2020 with his MFAS in Arts Leadership 👍 Mad props (pun intended) to being a stage manager!
Oh my gosh - HI!!!! And hi to your hubby!! He must have had Amanda as his primary advisor. She's one of the main reasons I'm here. And good luck on your drive. The traffic in South Carolina is just weirdly busy all the time.
Day One - Part Two
Epcot and...?

First - I want to do a quick RL update. We just had graduation here at Virginia Tech. We do a special celebration in the Theatre/Cinema department just for our graduating students. We have them sit on the stage in their robes while the faculty sit upstage of them. There is a short speaker from our faculty (so the "graduation address" can be more personalized for them.) Then, one of our faculty reads a brief paragraph about each student that sums up their time at Virginia Tech, what they learned, etc and also a sentence about where they are going after graduation. Each paragraph concludes with "This is insert student's name." And then they get to stand up and wave at their family, friends, etc who are sitting in the house. After the celebration (can't call it a ceremony or we upset the powers that be at VT), we invite all the families, etc down on to the stage to meet faculty, take pictures with their graduates, and generally just mingle. It is lovely and means a lot to the students. I'm so proud of all of our graduates and know they are going to do amazing things in the entertainment industry.

Ok, back to our trip report. We left off leaving Magic Animals and headed to Epcot. We quickly parked, found Stephen (he drove separately), and got on the tram to the front. As we were tapping in, our boarding group for Guardians got called. So, off we went to the ride and got in line. While we were waiting, Scotty, Stephen, and Lindsey kept asking if I was ok because I was pale and sweaty (and dizzy and nauseous but they didn't know that.) But there was no way I was bailing on this ride. Not only was it Scotty's party but this was one of the main things I wanted to accomplish this trip, having never ridden it before. And so, I persisted. And then they started joking about who was going to ride with me and where the other two should sit so they didn't get hit if I threw up. It probably would have been funny if I didn't feel so awful.

Soon enough, we were in the preshow rooms (I honestly can't tell you how many there are. It's all kind of a blur.) And then boarding the ride. We got the song "One Way or Another" which I thought fit really well. And then I closed my eyes and prayed I wouldn't actually throw up or pass out. I THINK the ride was fun but I honestly don't remember much at all. So, I don't actually count this as being checked off my list of things to do so I guess I have to go back.

We got off the ride and I said "Guys, I've got to sit down for a few minutes." Scotty ran to get me another water and we sat on some benches in the shade. Oh, and I think Lindsey and Stephen ran off in search of popcorn. We also spent some time discussing what was next. I think we decided to head to Soarin' and Nemo (because Nemo is Lindsey's favorite ride.) And this is where my day crashed and burned. There was just no way I was going to make it any further right now. I was dizzy and seeing spots, nauseous, and sweating. As much as I wanted to keep going, I had to be an adult and call a time out.

I decided to head back to the resort and take a nap. Hopefully, that would be enough to get me back out for the late afternoon/evening. I peeled off and headed to the bus stop to go back. (Who sees what I did wrong here?) I stopped several times on the way out to rest on a bench because wow, I was barely functioning. I get out to the bus area (finally) and I can't find the bus stop for Pop. Where is it? I walked the entire area and just couldn't find it. I started back toward the front of the park and happened upon a bus driver unloading an ECV. I waited until he was finished and asked where I could find the bus for Pop. Poor guy was so confused. He said "Umm...there ISN'T a bus for Pop. There's the Skyliner." And then I said a bad, bad word. Not AT the bus driver, but at myself because I KNOW this. I just wasn't thinking clearly. I almost started crying when I thought about having to walk all the back, re-enter Epcot, and then walk all the way to the other side of the park to get on the Skyliner.

I got back to the front of the park and had to sit and rest again. While I was sitting there, a monorail came in to the station. And I had a light bulb moment. I can just take the monorail to Magic Kingdom and get on a bus from there. Would it take awhile? Sure. But most of that time could be done sitting down. So I climbed the ramp (why is it so steep????) up to the monorail, found a car with a space to sit down, and off we went to the TTC. Then came another "Well, bad word me" moment. I sincerely remember that you used to be able to get off the Epcot monorail and just walk over to the other side and get on the MK monorail. Am I crazy? But not today. Nope, had to walk down the ramp, around the corner, and back up the ramp to the other monorail line. Please, please just kill me at this point. But, I got into a car, sat down (because one very nice man took one look at me and offered me his seat.) Magic Kingdom arrives and I head out and over to the buses. I will say I had great bus luck as a Pop bus was waiting at the stop. Finally, I'm on my way back to Pop and the bliss that will be my bed.

I made it back to my room (finally). Housekeeping was just starting toward my room for the daily room check I guess (because it wasn't my day for service). She took one look at me and said "Need anything?" No thank you. And off she went down the walkway. I quickly got in my pjs, plugged in my phone and turned on my white noise, and went to sleep. And boy did I sleep. I think I was out for about 3 hours. I could have kept sleeping but I really felt I needed to get up and catch up with Scotty and Lindsey.

Up next: Do I get back out?
I can’t be,I Eve you rode GotG feeling like you did, yikes 😱 I’m glad you survived and so sorry about your trip back to PoP, ugh 😩
I would have just called up a Lyft at Epcot
Glad you got a good rest in! :faint:
I can’t be,I Eve you rode GotG feeling like you did, yikes 😱 I’m glad you survived and so sorry about your trip back to PoP, ugh 😩
I would have just called up a Lyft at Epcot
Glad you got a good rest in! :faint:
Well - I'm a stubborn girl in a lot of ways (my dad would say ALL the ways). Guardians was on my list of things to do this trip AND Scotty really wanted to be with me on my first ride. So I was going to do it no matter what. Now I need to go back and remember the ride. Hopefully Thanksgiving.

And I never think about Lyft. That is exactly what I should have done. Things to remember if there is a next time.
Your celebration for the graduation sounds wonderful. How nice to honor the graduates and make it a little more personable than the massive grad later on. I'm sure everyone (families and grads both) remember that event.

Oh no, that sounds terrible. I can't imagine riding Guardians in your condition. That's some fortitude right there.

I probably would have forgotten about the Skyliner, too. Epcot is such a massive park that it really isn't out of the realm of reason to have a bus for Future World guests.

I hope the sleep did you well and you were able to rally that evening.
Day One Part Three
The End of the Bachelor Party

We left off with me waking up from my nap. I think it was probably about 3:45 or 4pm at this time. I texted Scotty and Lindsey and said "I'm up and ready to rejoin you. Where you at?" Well, they were headed back to Pop to check on me and then head out to Hollywood Studios. Great. See you in a few!

They got to Pop and we headed out to the Skyliner. Now, full honesty - I am still not feeling well but I really, really wanted to rejoin the party. I felt so bad for bailing earlier and missing out on Magic Kingdom entirely. This was not how I envisioned this day and my feelings of guilt ran deep. Luckily, I have amazing friends and they were both very understanding.

We easily got on the Skyliner and headed off to Studios. While we were walking to the Skyliner, there was this adorable family in front of us...mom, dad, and 2 littles - a boy and a girl. I'm bad at guessing ages but I would say both of the kids were under 7. Anyway, the boy overheard us talking about it being my first time on Guardians but I guess he thought we meant the Skyliner. And he engaged us in a VERY animated conversation about the Skyliner...letting us know he's ridden it MANY times and that we would be very safe riding it. We were laughing with him (and honestly missing like half of the conversation because we didn't understand him) but he was in his element explaining things to us and we were a captive and participating audience. As they were boarding the car in front of us, the dad turned to us and said "Thank you for listening to him." Hey - no problem. I am not, in general, a kid person. Never had any of my own, never wanted them, and mostly ignore them out in the wild. But at Disney, I love kids. It's like a switch flips in my head and I talk to them, laugh with them, and try to make them smile when they are crying. All my friends think it's weird but that's part of the Disney magic.

We get to Studios and we have a lightning lane for MMRR. We all love this ride and do it every chance we get. After going over the waterfall, dancing with Daisy, and escaping the runaway train, we head to Toy Story Land for a lightning lane for Toy Story Midway Mania. I also love this ride, although I'm not great at the shooting. Scotty, of course, knows all the high point places to shoot and gets highest score in the car. I don't remember my score but I was ok with it for how I was feeling. But once again, the spinning did me in. There just wasn't much else I could do. Luckily, Scotty and Lindsey were pretty tired, having accomplished the 4 park challenge so we agreed to head back out.

As we get toward the front, Lindsey needs to shop. Lindsey is a SHOPPER. I don't think I have ever left a park without her shopping. I was ok for the first store and spotted a spirit jersey that I put on the maybe list. It was the peach one (and I didn't take a picture :( ) But, again, I was done. I told them I was going to head up to the front and find a place to sit while they shopped but take your time. If I was sitting, I was good. I got up to the front and stumbled on a Prince Naveen meet and greet. I just didn't have the energy to stand in line. I found a spot on the low rock wall in front of the camera store?? and waited.
About 20 minutes later, Lindsey and Scotty come back and we head back to the Skyliner. Scotty had moved his car back to Pop when they came back to get me so we could all head back that way. As we got back, Scotty asked if I had eaten that day. Umm...besides the half a granola bar before we left that morning, nope. We headed up to Everything Pop to see if there was something I felt I could eat. After wandering through the quick service, I didn't see anything that didn't make me want to vomit. Lindsey, however, found a brownie sundae she wanted. Cool friend. I'll go find a table and sit. She came over shortly with this brownie, soft serve, and hot fudge topping concoction. Wait, when did Pop get soft serve?? Because suddenly, some vanilla soft serve sounded delicious!! I headed back in and got a bowl of plain vanilla soft serve and 2 spoons because it was a BIG bowl. Lindsey ate her sundae and Scotty and I shared the soft serve. Now...this is an interesting thing. I can always count on Scotty to help me finish something but do NOT ask for a bite of something he is eating because JOEY DOESN'T SHARE FOOD.

After we ate, we headed back to my room. Lindsey was going to crash with me tonight and we planned to spend the day together on Tuesday. Scotty couldn't join us because he needed to spend the day with his future in-laws. Scotty said good night and headed back to his place. Lindsey and I made a plan to get up for early entry at Studios the next day and then I got ready for bed and passed out again. Lindsey planned to take a hot bath/hot shower and go to sleep herself.

Next up...Lindsey and Stacy day at Studios with a reservation for Ogas. Can I do it???


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